Kofi as a heel?


I'm better than you!
I got to thinking last night about Kofi and how he just sorta floats in the same spot and doesn't seem to go anywhere as hard as the WWE tries to push him...

I thought about him as a heel. He could keep the Jamaican gimmick and turn into a sort of brooding type in corridoors and the corners of rooms. I dunno I got to thinking about it and he really could have the look for it if he lost the smile and went to just staring at people... I dunno if this is making sense or not but I have it in my head how good it could be.

Anyways I just wanted to start a discussion about how Kofi could be repackaged as a heel and how you may see him as one....

Anyways, post away :)
It's kind of hard to answer this question. Kofi hasn't really developed a personality as a face unless you consider "fake accent and smiles a lot" to be a personality. Normally that might be enough to warrant a turn but the fans seems to really like him. They repeat the "boop boop boop" thing with him and do the hand clap. So to me it makes more sense to slowly give him some mic time and let him develop into his own character before attempting a turn. I fear that if they try a turn and it's met with a lukewarm reaction then it'll be very hard to turn him back.
Well Kofi Kingston is kind of like Rocky Maivia, firstly because he's black but also because he comes out to the ring always smiling and jumping around just happy to be out there. He is always enthusiastic without fail and Rocky Maivia was the same way. So if you were to turn him heel he would have to go against everything he is currently doing, he would drop the goofy Jamaican gimmick and talk about how he doesn't need to speak with an accent anymore. He would have to get angry with the fans for going along with his "Boom boom boom" or he would stop the "boom boom boom" altogether. Instead of being enthusiatic and jumping out to the ring, he would have to arrogantly strut to the ring. It could prove to be interesting but i'm not sure if RAW needs another heel in the midcard. Plus the big difference between Rocky Maivia and Kofi is that people actually cheer for Kofi.
A brooding Jamaican? Eh? If you have a Jamaican in the Pro-Wrestling world, he's staying happy. No two ways to go about it.

If you want Kofi to go Heel, which I don't think would be a good move, he'd have to go generic "I'm a pissed off wrestler" heel. There's really no way to keep his current gimmick. Maybe his accent. Maybe. Maybe he wants to show people the side of Jamaica you don't walk all over. I dunno.

But one thing that comes with a Kofi heel turn is a completely new moveset. It's a must. His entire arsenal is "Will this move get a pop from the crowd? Yes? Throw it in!" Which is great when you're a face, but when you're a heel, you want the boos. Which means a new moveset for Kofi! Not that he couldn't do it. Any wrestler worth his shit could. But still.
It's going to be hard for Kofi to go heel. He needs to get a manager or something to handle the mic and to change his moveset drastically. I don't know if he can pull it off so he will stay face probably for his whole career.
I LOVE Kofi Kingston and feel that if WWE turned him heel, especially now... it could really hurt his career. He's great as a face and shouldn't change. Although, I did read on his myspace bout a year ago, that he would love to turn heel. So, it seems that if WWE were to try a turn, then Kofi would definitely be up for it. As for how it would happen... I'm not sure. Maybe have him lose the U.S. Championship to another face (hopefully several months from now). Then during a rematch, Kofi gets himself DQ'd or something and brutally attacks him. I don't know... I guess it's just that I wouldn't want WWE to make that sacrifice, that's probably why I can't think of a really good way for him to be turned into a heel.
As of right now if kofi was to go heel I think it would be a terrible idea..for one kofi is the top mid card face on raw right now and he is just getting over...there is not another mid card type guy who could replace him right now..but if kofi did end up turning heel I think the wwe needs to push him more and get him way over and then do the turn it would hav more of an impact and while they were building him up for the heel turn they would need to get another guy ready to take his place like mvp or evan bourne...
Kofi can easily play a heel he has some heel promos up on youtube as we speak that were pretty well done. And it is a completely different character. Now should he turn heel yet? Absolutely NOT! He's probably the most over midcard face right now (I still count Mysterio as semi main event) But it could very well be done with care if they wanted to go that route
i like him as a face and i like his abilities but he's nto really going anywhere. meaningless title reins and no good long feuds. hell turn him heel and give him a partner. maybe ezikiel jackson or shelton benjamin. come on now benjamin and kingston together on a team!!! they could doninate the tag team
Here's how I see it, along the line Kofi loses the U.S. title to MVP or another face and gets a grudge going. Eventually he teams up with Bourne and they become a high flying tag team that just want to make a new for themselves, they think they got the talent but not the respect they deserve, pretty much become what Priceless was suppose to be. They wouldn't need to change they're moves a whole lot but just had more dirty tactics like eye pokes and nut shots when the ref isn't looking. Bourne could even be the mouth of the team so Kofi wouldn't have to speak. Or get a manager. Either way a Kingston/Bourne tag team would be better the Kingston/Punk.
i want to see this...i want to see him develop fully as a face first...but the turn i think can come at one time, the perfect time :King of the Ring.

ive said it for about a year now, let Kofi witn king of the ring and become King Kofi, its already in his name anyways...i think it'd work, at least for a short period of time..
I think this conversation has been had without about a dozen different guys, i know its fun to theorize and turns keep people characters fresh, but some people are naturally face and some people are naturally heel. I think kofi going heel now, would be like Shawn Micheals going heel, it wouldnt work and it would be totally dumb. Creative has to come up with a credible reason for a heel turn like they are with CM Punk.
As much as I like Kofi and look forward to his matches, there is little room for him to go heel, or even develop his character at all.

The "happy Jamaican" gimmick doesn't have much room for change, and it doesn't look like creative has any plans for character development. (Big Show vs Kofi, not one word about it? What the fuck?)

A heel change would do no good for him. It may give him a promo or two, which he needs to develop character, but the whole run would dig a hole for good ol' Kofi.
At this point, no one really gives a shit about the mid card so you can experiment with them in whatever way you want. Turn them heel, change their gimmicks, change their themes, and finishing moves. At the end of the day no one will truly care as we are all looking to see who the "next big thing" will be in the WWE. Is it the Miz, Kofi, MVP, Swagger, who? It can be any of them, and you really won't know unless you experiment. If turning him heel can help him establish a personality and a connection with the crowd then go for it. Turning him heel won't hurt him or the business as he can turn face shortly thereafter and we will all forget about it.

The mid card is in a developmental and experimental stage right now, so saying that someone "Shouldn't" do something in the mid card isn't fair because there aren't any new and young mid carders with an established character.
I totally see what you mean suneeboy, but I will slightly disagree. Out of the people you named, is Kofi not over the most? I mean sure he doesn't get a resounding pop yet, but does anyone besides Cena and Triple H anymore? Kofi is the kind of performer that has to earn the crowds respect every night, and his pops have been growing. I think it's a bad move to turn him heel at this point. He already gained somewhat of a fanbase as it is. Hate to see him blow it all away so fast. He still has a ways to go, maybe he could turn in a few years. Not right now.
What is it with just turning someone heel because they are a face for more than a year? I don't get some of you on here, it seems like we just want to mix things up for the hell of it. Kofi is a face, and there really is no point arguing otherwise. As stated previously, he has the happy Jamiacan gimmick going. How do you make that "heel"?
I dont think Kofi needs to be a heel either. For one I dont think kofi is stale as a face yet. Plus hes really over with the crowd. The crowd always loves the boom boom boom thing he does, I know I do. Anyway there are more possible fueds for a face kofi than a heel kofi, as a face he can fued with big show, jack swagger, chavo, TBK, and the miz. As a heel he could fued with MVP, Mark Henry, and Evan Bourne. Maybe Santino but if a heel kofi lost clean to santino he would most likely lose most if not all of his momentum.

The only way I see it is as physcopathic(ish) pot head stereotype jamacian but thats very likely with thee pg rating.
Well Kofi isn't really feuding with anyone right now. And you just can't become a heel just like that. You gotta be in a feud, for example: you can backstab, get tantrums, and screw. You can't just have Kofi come out and say he's a heel. That would make no sense what so ever. So anyways I'd put him in a feud with MVP. Let's M.V.P. wins the US title, at umm for example Cyber Sunday. And the whole crowd is cheering him on, and Kofi gets up and shakes his hands and out of no where TROUBLE IN PARADISE! M.V.P. is knocked out, Kofi has the angry look and the scorched eyebrows and walks away. And than the next night on RAW he starts complaining about how MVPdoesn't deserve the title and acts jelous and what not. Thats how I'd turn Kofi heel, by jealousy :D!
I cant see him as a heel unless he forms a stable with Punk against Legacy and everyone else. Even then, they wont turn him heel just yet. I think that this would throw everything out of whack.
Kofi Kingston could definatly not be turned into a heel. He just doesn't have what it take to bee a bad guy. Kofi is the kind of guy who will tag up with someone to take on the heel's like legacy. Plus can you name any high flyers whoh have been heels?
Kofi would not be able no speak like a heel like shelton benjamin does. Kofi barely ever goes on the mike so he would not be able to be a heel. unless he started using dirty tactics to win his matches but i dont see that happening.
I would have him lose the U.S. title to Carlito. He would then form a tag team with Bourne to go up against Legacy but ultimately they come up short at an upcoming PPV not winning the titles. After the match he turns on Bourne giving him Trouble in Paradise. The following night on Raw he comes out in militant gear talking down to the fans(ala Jericho) Their support never got him anywhere and instead of focusing on his career he was too worried about getting cheered. He could then go on about how stupid americans are and that the jamaican he was portraying isn't even how it really is. Jamaica is a dangerous place and so is he. Evan Bourne comes out to confront him setting up a good fast paced feud
i love the idea, but down the line when he's established. this would be the way to make him look like a main eventer, making him look like raven a lil bit. i would like him way better then

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