Knockout Tag Titles?

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What if TNA were to add a Knockout Tag Team Championship to their women's division? I think it could work. They have around 13 active female wrestlers, and they keep adding more to the division. There's already some well established teams such as the Beautiful People, Kong and Raisha, and most recently Taylor and Roxy. Since the main Knockout title is always pretty much occupied with Kong, thus leading to a lot of meaningless tag matches. Why not add a tag team title to add some meaning to those random tag team matches?

Your thoughts?
I think it could work if they wanted to bring in another Championship that wouldn't get a great deal of honor. By that, while I think they could have more actual legit teams in their Knockout's division than the W.W.E actually has in their overall Tag division.. the fact is, too many titles ruins a Company more than helps it.

I like the idea for the reason that they have at least 4 good teams right now. Those being.. (w/ explanation)

Awesome Kong & Raisha Saeed: This would be the dominate force within the division, much like Kong is in the Knockout's regular division. Saeed is a very great Knockout and deserves more of a chance to shine. It could be in Tag Team matches, that she gets that opportunity. Especially considering in single's matches, she's used as the individual that sets-up Kong's next opponent.

Sojournor Bolt & Rhaka Khan: While neither is that great of a Knockout to begin with, and Khan has more risk than reward to her.. it's a decent enough middle team that could make headlines in shocking ways. Khan's taller than any other Knockout, so this would be similar to that of a "Great Khali - Daivari" type team. One has zero talent, but massive size.. while the other has good enough talent, but is overall boring and unentertaining.

The Beautiful People: Without a doubt, the best thing going in the entire Knockout's division as a whole. While Angelina Love has what I'd consider more talent than Velvet Sky, together they've been a very great Tag Team against all the other Knockouts.

Neither of these girls is likely going to get a shot at holding the Knockout's Championship, but they'd likely be the "Miz & Morrison" of Tag Team's for females. They're the one truly solid Tag Team out of the entire division, and work great together.

Taylor Wilde & Roxxi: This is a pairing that can work well enough, but in the end it's like that of Cody Rhodes & Hardcore Holly, or John Cena & Shawn Michaels. They're two "singles" Knockouts, competing in Tag matches until one turns on the other.

Final Thoughts: So in closing, yeah they have at least 4 teams that could serve a purpose. And honestly I could see it happening, considering at each Pay per view T.N.A tries to greatly give the Knockout's a single's match as well as a tag team match.

But in the end, I don't believe it'll happen, if for no other major reason than I just don't believe the Knockout's division should be focused on THAT much.
Nah, I can see it happening, but I don't want it to occur. It doesn't have much purpose (which is why it will probably happen). TNA needs to focus more on their TNA Knockouts Championship, before that also becomes worthless. Just like the Legends Championship. As Will said, the more titles you have in a company, the less they are valued. TNA already has 5 sets of titles. They certainly don't need six, unless their roster is divided into 2, something which I doubt will happen anytime soon.

If Awesome Kong didn't hog the title and actually put others over, then maybe the Knockouts Division would actually be interesting, and maybe there wouldn't be tag teams in the Knockouts Division. In my opinion, there shouldn't be women tag teams in TNA. They never work out. Look at the WWE for example, the Bella Twins are seen as a tag team. What future do they have? What can they accomplish as a tag team? The answer is nothing. A Knockouts Tag Team could solve this problem for TNA, but instead of teaming with each other, how about they all compete against each other in hope to win the Knockouts Title? That way it gains some credibility.

Awesome Kong needs to drop that title. You know why the Beautiful People haven't won the Knockouts Title yet? Because they are a tag team. If one member has a title in possession and the other member doesn't, it makes things awkward. See the Motor City Machine Guns for example, when Alex Shelley was the X Division Champion, Chris Sabin was seen as an afterthough in a tag team match. So overall, I think TNA should focus on their Knockouts Division and their already existing Womens Title, rather than create two more belts that will probably get treated like shit.
There's a better solution to this. Instead of possibly adding a Knockout Tag Team Championship that's eventually gonna go to shit anyways, just take Kong's fat ass out of the knockouts division & put her in with the men that way all the womens who look like they don't stand a chance against her will finally be able to get a chance at the title that some of them deserve.
Knockout's Tag Titles would just be another way of having the same females face each other on iMPACT & PPV. They do that anyway without having a tag belt. It'd be pointless.

The regular Knockout division was only good for 6 months or so. Adding more would be like WWE having two women's titles.....
I think it would be completely pointless. I think in order to have an actual relevant tag team division you need at least 6 tag teams -- this is why really no tag team division is recent history has been exciting. Sure there might be a great team but it's only a while until it's burned out and we've seen it all.

As for the Knockouts. Now I know people are not going to like these comments but I bet that the majority of fans really don't care about womens wrestling. Most guys like it because the women are usually hot and if they can pull off a good match it's impressive. But ultimately it's like the WNBA, even the top Knockout comes off as weaker than the low card men. Don't get me wrong, TNA has some great women wrestlers who put on a good show, but I'd rather watch men wrestling. When I see the Knockouts I think "Oh good I get to see scantily clad Velvet Sky or Angelina Love." I NEVER say "Oh awesome I get to see a Kong vs. Sojourner Bolt match!"

Creating a womens tag title likely wouldn't increase female viewership, and I can bet that most guys simply wouldn't care. I wouldn't want to watch MORE female matches and would likely change the channel.
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