Knockout of the Year

What was 2009's Knockout of the Year?

  • Henderson/Bisping

  • Emelianenko/Rogers

  • Rogers/Arlovski

  • Marquardt/Maia

  • Zaromskis/Sakurai

  • Aldo/Swanson

  • Njokuani/Horodecki

  • Emelianenko/Arlovski

  • Bowles/Torres

  • Belfort/Lindland

  • Hamill/Munoz

  • Reyes/Payan

  • Silva/Griffin

  • Aurelio/Marshall

  • Hornbuckle/Gono

Results are only viewable after voting.

Turd Ferguson

So, here we are, the MMA Award for Knockout of the Year. There were a lot of exciting knockouts this year, and they all didn't just occur in the UFC. All I ask is that you check out each knockout before voting. Just because you don't know the fighters involved, it doesn't mean it wasn't a good knockout.

1.) Dan Henderson vs. Michael Bisping


2.) Fedor Emelianenko vs. Brett Rogers


3.) Brett Rogers vs. Andrei Arlovski


4.) Nate Marquardt vs. Demian Maia


5.) Marius Zaromskis vs. Hayato Sakurai


6.) Jose Aldo vs. Cub Swanson


7.) Anthony Njokuani vs. Chris Horodecki


8.) Fedor Emelianenko vs. Andrei Arlovski


9.) Brian Bowles vs. Miguel Torres


10.) Vitor Belfort vs. Smelly Matt Lindland


11.) Matt Hamill vs. Mark Munoz


12.) Yahir Reyes vs. Estevan Payan


13.) Anderson Silva vs. Forrest Griffin


14.) Marcus Aurelio vs. Keegan Marshall


15.) Dan Hornbuckle vs. Akihiro Gono

Had to go with Anderson Silva knocking out Forrest. Silva came in as what I believe an underdog, fighting the bigger more experienced guy. Forrest was bigger, more experienced, and is possibly the toughest guy in the sport, and Silva just made him look like a bitch. He destroyed Forrest, and proved his dominance. Not to mention it was a sick knockout.
Well the knockout that I would have voted for would have been Koscheck knocking out Yoshida, but I don't even remember if that was early 2009 or late 2008.

I voted for the Hendo KO of Bisping. What a great knockout with a story behind it. Hendo has to endure all the shit talk that Bisping dished out over TUF and even said before the fight that he was going to knock Bisping out. Well Mr. Henderson, you sure as hell delivered. One of the most brutal knockouts I have ever seen but what really wins this vote for him is the elbow/forearm after the knockout. Hendo said he wanted to hurt bisping and he fucking did, I am not a supporter of late hits but that one was nice to see from the perspective of him standing up for America against the cocky, annoying Brit. Sorry to all the British Bisping fans out there.
I voted for Bowles, probably over Bisping getting knocked out by Henderson. Bowles' victory was incredible, coming out of no where to defeat the man who had won something like 17 fights in a row. I loved seeing the defensive shot out of no where, then the leap to opportunity. Made people realize why the love an underdog.

Henderson's knockout was fantastic as well, but I think the thing that made the knockout so good was the story leading up to it, as Bisping was incredibly cocky, and Henderson celebrates with intensity as he wins.
I jumped out of my seat when Bisping got his mouth shut by Henderson so that is my vote, and as far as Silva ever being the underdog to anyone, I think not, and I like Forrest, and he really disappointed me in that match.
I jumped out of my seat when Bisping got his mouth shut by Henderson so that is my vote, and as far as Silva ever being the underdog to anyone, I think not, and I like Forrest, and he really disappointed me in that match.

So you'd really say that Silva was the favorite to beat Forrest? Forrest had everything going his way. Hes tough as fuck, he has more experience in the UFC than SIlva, and is bigger than Silva. I'm a huge Silva fan, and even i'll admit I thought Forrest would win that fight.
Most of these aren't even "knockouts" but TKO's, and with that in mind I have to go wth Matt Hamil. Sure, I loved Henderson killing Bisping, but Hamil KILLED him with that kick. They had to take him out on a stretcher.

And where the hells Machida killin' Evans, eh?

And Silva was not the underdog going into fighting Forrest. You realize the mans a legitimate light heavy weight who fights down, right?
Well, if it is about significance, then Bisping-Hendo, Griffen-Silva is the best choices, if it is about the brutality of the KO then Dan Hornbuckle on Gono is IMO the nastiest up there. I will go with my personal favorite up there though, and choose Matt Hamills KO, who the hell ever thought that he would have head kick in his arsenal? If Machida-Thaigo Silva KO was up there I would of chose that one, it was really my favorite. I almost voted for the Polish Hammer getting KO'ed, that headkick from Anthony N. while he was running away was barbaric.
I went with Henderson here. That was a hell of a KO and it came on the biggest stage. People were talking about it for days, even those outside of the MMA circles. I would've went with Hamill 2nd. He's one of my favorites and we absolutely crushed that guy with the kick.

Also, Anderson Silva was not the underdog against Griffin.
Not surprised Henderson/Bisping ko was voted the most because it was a hella epic ko!! Theres alot of good ones on the there like the shocking Brian Bowles koing Torres! But one knock out you shouldve added was Evans vs. Machida! Which was hella decent hearing Evans saying "Come on Bitch" or something like that and then getting knocked the fuck out !!
I never got the chance to vote but if I had, I would have likely gone for Hendo over Bisbing. I watched that match and I was so sure that Bisbing could give him a good match. We had all seen what had unfolded over the season of The Ultimate Fighter and the way that UFC built up the fight, you had to believe that they were on the same level. However, when it came to the big fight, Hendo was far too good for him. He bossed the fight from beginning to end and although Hendo looked a little bit shaky throughout some parts of the fight, he was always in control. Bisbing bottled it and got knocked out in spectacular fashion. You also have to look at what followed the knock out blow to see how much it meant to Hendo.

The other match that I would have voted for was probably Emilianenko over Rodgers. That was a brutal knock out and one of the only fights of the year that made me gasp when the punch actually connected. Rodgers was doing well in that fight but seemed really sloppy when that puch came in.

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