Knife Crime


Shawn Michaels ❤
The death toll keeps rising. In London this year, 21 youngsters have died as a result of knife crime, often at the hands of other youths. Gang culture is threatening to overwhelm small communities whom, before these attacks, have had no trouble.

21. A number which, at the time of writing this, will probably have changed. When you guys read this it may be 22, or higher. This is something we cannot let happen. There are enough deaths in the world without adding knives to the long growing list of deaths. In 10 years time, will this be the thing most people die from?

It's something which is giving an unfair reflection on the youth of today. When it's cold out, I can no longer have a hood up. Because I hate the fearful glances, or the hating stares I receive, as if I have a knife and you'll be the next victim. If I help an elderly person across the road, the first thing they do is look fearful as if I'll harm them. It's a small amount of teenagers who take part in things like this, and one which shouldn't be allowed to affect everyone elses life.

The police, I'll admit, are doing what they can to stop this happening. The laws on being seen even carrying a knife are getting tougher, and you can face a jail sentence even if you weren't plannign on using it. Many say the knife is for protection. But guess what? Adding a knife into an equation makes nothing safer. Especially if your attacker wrestles it off you, which would be likely. Adding a weapon to anything does not make life safer. In an ideal world, no one would have them. But the question is, are the police doing enough or is it too late?

Now, what I say next may be greeted with controversy, which in a way is what I want. It's something which I've had heated arguments regarding, with people close to me. It's something in which the family of those involved wouldn't thank me for, and that many others disagree with.

A young boy died in a "vicious knife attack". The boy was described as an angel. Wouldn't hurt a fly, his parents said. Everyone was upset that another young child, or should I say teenager, had been killed by these hooligans, to say the least. See how we're made to feel sorry for these people?

Yet, just a week later a picture was publicised of the same boy who had died, brandishing a knife like it made him on top of the world. Reports were given on how he was a bully, and threatened to use his knife on actual innocent people if they didn't give up to his demands. He carried a knife as if he was something special, important. Guess what? It's his own fault he died. He wasn't innocent. In the slightest. He was just as bad as them, and if the situation had arose, he'd have used a knife to kill someone too.

So there. I don't feel sorry for him at all. It's one more thug off the streets if you ask me. It's like a heroin dealer being surprised when they die of a heroin overdose. Or a burgular who was killed when breaking into a house. Truth is, he was no better than the person who killed him.
As an add on to this thread. Knife crime is at levels even larger than the ones shown here. 21 is a huge number of people to have died by this cause. However they're only the deaths. Many more people are injured and permanently scarred because of knives. The police even say they don't know the offical figures as many attacks go unreported.

As of now, when a person is shot and brought into hospital, the hospital automatically phones the police. This is not done for knife crime yet. Do you think it should be? I do. I mean, if it was a simple cut from a kitchen knife you did accidentally it's going to be easily cleared up. But too many attacks go unreported due to fear of going to the police. This needs to be worked against. Also, many attackers scare there victims into not going to the police. If they knew the attack would automatically be reported, they may be less likely to attack in the first place.
this is sort of a coincidence.

We had like an hour discussion in class on crimes and knife crime is second only to hand guns. This has to deal with burglaries and theft but still Knifes are used in roughly 29% of Burglaries or theft. Its a rather high number. Its out of control and with the ever rising number of gangs and crimes its only going to increase.

People dont report to the police because they fear for their life. Someone out their knows you made the call to the cops. Knowing that someone out their wants to kill you makes you think twice about going out.
I'm not sure what it is about knives. Do you know how many clients we have had to take knives away from upon admission where I work at? Shit, one person came in with four knives. Two were cerated and one was double edged. He said that he carried them for something with his cat. But still, I find it to be disturbing the number of pocket knives that people carry around with cerated edges. I mean I used to carry a small Swiss Army knife, but it was to open packages and even had a lighter on it. These people carry dangerous little knives with edges that could really do some internal damage as they are known to severe internally as you are pulling them out.

I think that knife crimes are going up mainly because knives are easy to conceal, they don't make a sound, and it's easier to sneak up behind someone with a knife. Also, some people who "say" they carry them for protection tend to get into the most scuffles where someone gets maimed or dies from knife inflicted wounds. It's very very sad if you ask me.
in the Neighbourhood i have been living at for the last month, There is a stabbing (although non Fatal) at least twice a day, Its turned into one of the worst places in Tasmania, I cant walk to the Supermarket with out at least getting threatened that they where going to stab me, and as becca said without getting Filthy looks from elderly people thinking that im about to lunge at them with a Knife, here in Glenorchy where i Live its not a small amount of people that carry knives around, Its a small part that doesnt, even some of my friends have resorted to carrying a Knife around for safety. Personally i dont see how Knives are threatinging I have been Stapped twice. But both of them times was becouse they did it when my back was turned. I have been in a couple of fights where the other person has brought a knife out on me. When they do that you know one thing, That your stronger then them and they know they are losing. Knife crimes should be stopped but sadly there isnt really anyway it can be stopped minus getting the Police to check everybody in the streets.
In the UK, this knife business is getting really bad. Gordon Brown needs to sort this out quick time as I fear it will only esculate.

Firstly, the punishment for carrying a knife its disgusting, just a caution for carrying a life ending weapon? It should be a minimum of 5 years inside, regardless of age. People should have to have licenses or permits to carry small swiss army type blades also.

Also, the UK grime scene isn't helping. Time after time you hear UK artists rapping about their "shanks", "pieces", "gats" and "merking" people. A positive message needs to be sent out to kids from these role models so that they follow the right path.

Furthermore, there should be increased education about knives and another amnesty and parents should be more vigilent about what their children get upto. If these little shites think they're so tough and handy with weapons, they should join the army and do something constructive for the country at least.

As we head into a recession, I can only see this getting worse before it gets better. People will carry knives to mug people and to protect themselves in times of poverty and if you're prepared to carry a knife, you're prepared to use it.

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