Klunderbunker For Administrator


Excellence of Execution
KB, it's no secret most of the forum considers you the best candidate for the vacant Administrator spot. You have been on full Staff longer than any of the other candidates, you are obviously very dedicated to the forum, and you get along with most people. However, you know all about your good qualities, so I will focus on my concerns of making you an Administrator.

Just like I would have with anybody, there are several things you and I will not agree on, when it comes to small stuff; it's normal. However, there are two major concerns I have about you as Administrator.

1) Impartiality - This is a big one in my mind about you. I worry that if you become an Administrator, I will have to spend time discussing with you fair ways to treat people. I go off on people on the forums a lot, and there are people I can't stand, but the one thing I think I do very well is treat everyone in a way which my personal opinion of them does not come into play. Sure, there will always be instances where a poster will upset me, and I'll react, but it never happens that someone gets banned or imprisoned just for upsetting me. This is not something I feel confident you can do. I think sometimes you take the forum too seriously, and thus, if given the power, you would punish people just for upsetting you, and not because they truly broke a rule or truly deserved it. I do not believe you have yet developed the ability to handle criticism and insults, without resorting to a show of authority or intimidation.

Additionally, I worry about your ability to remain impartial with Staff. It's no secret your good relationships with a couple of members of Staff, and I think in a situation where objective reasoning would be needed, you would be more inclined to go with the suggestion put forth by a friend, and not what would be truly best for the forum. This includes situations about how the forum is run, who is on Staff, who remains on Staff, etc. Just as an example, you know a while ago I demoted HBK-aholic from G-Mod to regular Mod, because, to be frank, she just was not doing the job like a G-Mod should, and hadn't for over a year. I don't think you would have ever been able to handle that situation because HBK-aholic is a good friend to you, which is certainly understandable, but at the same time, makes it difficult for you to do your job. There will be many times as an Administrator where you are going to make people unhappy, even people you like and respect...I worry about your ability to handle that.

2) Working Together - The other main thing I worry about with you is the ability for you and me to work together. It's no secret either that you and I don't always see eye-to-eye about the way things should be done, and we have had some wars in the past. I don't want to bring on a new Administrator, just to argue with him incessantly about the way things should be done. It just does not appeal to me. Now, like I mentioned before, I would like for the Administrator responsibilities to be split, but there will be instances where we may not see eye to eye. IC25 and I had a great relationship in this, where we would normally support each other's suggestion as long as there wasn't anything atrociously wrong with it, but I'm not sure you and I could do that the way IC25 and I did. I am afraid the two of us would disagree so often about things, stuff just wouldn't get done. And then that does nothing but frustrate the regular Staff as well, because they wait on rulings that do not get made.

Those are the two major concerns I have, or at least the ones I can think of right now. If I think of any others, I'll post them here as well. You may respond to this if you wish, and say whatever it is you wish to say. This is like an interview, so treat it as such.

Also, Lee and D-Man, feel free to add anything you think I may have forgotten, or anything you think is important to note, whether it is in support of KB or against. I will post my comments on each of you as well, eventually.

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