KiTTiE & SOiL: Too Many Caps, Too Many Possible Jokes


Life's A Bitch, And Then You Mosh
About the title: I love these bands, just find it odd they use so many caps, and ended up on tour together. Also, the idea of Kittie Soil being a real product makes me laugh. Anyway...Onto the thread:

In case you haven't noticed, I was touring the web looking for concerts these last few days. This tour, featuring KiTTiE, and being co-headlined by SOiL, has the potential to be my favorite of them all. Why? I'll fill you in...

KiTTiE has long been a favorite of mine. They fit any mood, and are better than a lot of people give them credit for. I'm especially hyped for this show, because they have a new album coming out, and they put on a fantastic set. I've seen them at this particular venue before, and it's almost too perfect for them.

SOiL is another long time favorite, and they also put on a phenomenal set. The new singer is miles better for their style than the original, and I'm dying to hear new stuff. This is the first band that me and my best friend found at the same time, and we've always held them close to our hearts. Their music is always good, and their lyrics have gotten better exponentially since the second album.

Although I doubt anyone but Dewey is excited about this news...I'll take the chance, and see if anyone else has a comment on it...
SOiL is another long time favorite, and they also put on a phenomenal set. The new singer is miles better for their style than the original, and I'm dying to hear new stuff. This is the first band that me and my best friend found at the same time, and we've always held them close to our hearts. Their music is always good, and their lyrics have gotten better exponentially since the second album.

Although I doubt anyone but Dewey is excited about this news...I'll take the chance, and see if anyone else has a comment on it...

Damn, I had a response already, but I accidentally closed that tab. But here we go again.

I don't really know KiTTiE. I will have to look them up when I get a chance now. But I do know SOiL, being from the Chicago area and all. My friend got me into them, just gave me a cd of theirs and told me to listen. I definitely prefer AJ Cavalier over Ryan McCombs. He just seems to be a better fit for the band. I should look up when they are hitting up the Northern Illinois, try and get tickets for one of their concerts. It is also cool that one of my other friends knows Tim King personally. I don't mean to name drop though. When their new album comes out I am definitely going to get it.
Damn, I had a response already, but I accidentally closed that tab. But here we go again.

I don't really know KiTTiE. I will have to look them up when I get a chance now. But I do know SOiL, being from the Chicago area and all. My friend got me into them, just gave me a cd of theirs and told me to listen. I definitely prefer AJ Cavalier over Ryan McCombs. He just seems to be a better fit for the band. I should look up when they are hitting up the Northern Illinois, try and get tickets for one of their concerts. It is also cool that one of my other friends knows Tim King personally. I don't mean to name drop though. When their new album comes out I am definitely going to get it.

I'm with you on all the SOiL love, but not here. McCombs was freaking great on the first two albums, and even on the EPs they released in between. His voice is different than anything else that was going on at the time, and he had a look that separated him from other singers. Cavalier is a damn fine singer, and has taken the band in a different direction, and maybe higher than they ever would've gotten with McCombs (except for Halo), but I'm still a bigger fan of Ryan with the band.

In related news, I'll be seeing Ryan with Drowning Pool on the 4th at CrueFest...
I'm with you on all the SOiL love, but not here. McCombs was freaking great on the first two albums, and even on the EPs they released in between. His voice is different than anything else that was going on at the time, and he had a look that separated him from other singers. Cavalier is a damn fine singer, and has taken the band in a different direction, and maybe higher than they ever would've gotten with McCombs (except for Halo), but I'm still a bigger fan of Ryan with the band.

In related news, I'll be seeing Ryan with Drowning Pool on the 4th at CrueFest...

I'm not saying he wasn't awesome, it is just a personal preference. I think with the way that the band has gone now, that Ryan wouldn't work with the band now. But I will admit, and I totally forgot Ryan was still with the band at the time, he did sing my favorite song from SOiL in Redefine. Maybe it is just because Ryan abruptly left the band in 2004. Leaving me with a bad taste in my mouth when that happened.

Drowning Pool at CrueFest :thumbsup:
Maybe it is just because Ryan abruptly left the band in 2004. Leaving me with a bad taste in my mouth when that happened.

This was definitely all kinds of fucked up.

The story, for those of you unaware, is sort of a sad one. What happened, was way back in '02(?) Drowning Pool and SOiL were both touring as part of Ozzfest. Dave Williams, the lead singer of DP at the time, died midway through the tour. Being good friends with SOiL, they figured they'd ask Ryan to fill in on vocals, just to get them through the tour, and not let the fans down, since Dave was so close with them. Ryan's response was basically that their music was shit, and he wouldn't be caught dead on stage with those guys. This of course pissed off a lot of people, and caused a permanent rift between the bands. 2, maybe 3, hears later, Ryan is contacted by the guys in Drowning Pool, who are desperately looking for a new lead singer, after their singer at the time ditched the band to go start a christian metal group. He accepted, thinking SOiL would go nowhere, and told the band he was leaving to "spend time with family", only to be in a press release months later saying that he never said anything bad about Drowning Pool, and that he didn't leave SOiL, they kicked him out.

You can see how this would all cause tension. Well, Drowning Pool went on to do...nothing...for about 6 years. Last year, they finally got some stuff on the radio, and are beginning to make a name for themselves. SOiL recruited former Diesel Machine vocalist AJ Cavalier to join the band, and went on to write their best stuff yet, but because of the ugliness surrounding everything, and the fact they were on a smaller label, they never really hit it big again. Now, with the new album, and new label (I believe), they're hoping to get some radio play, and add to their fan base. they've toured with some big bands (think Staind, Three Days Grace, and Godsmack) during the last 5+ years, so they're definitely not forgotten.
Dude, this tour is gonna kick some serious ass!

I've seen KiTTie on all their tours, since they opened for Pantera on "Reinventing the Steel" tour. And to see them co-head with SoiL, makes it that much better! Kinda sucks about their old singer leaving, and even shittier he thought Drowning Pool sucked. But, what doesn't kill a band, will only make it stronger.

I have all the faith in the world, this tour will take "RiTS" off second place.
This concert is less than a week away, and I'm more excited than I have been in a long time for a show. I've been listening to a lot of Arkaea and Straight Line Stitch, and can't imagine how I'll make it through the whole set.

It's going to start heavy and loud, and be absolutely relentless until about 1a. I've seen Kittie and SOiL before, and both times they dominated the stage, and the crowd was nuts for them. With any luck, this won't be a let down, and it'll help relieve some of the daily stress...

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