Kings of Leon


Team Finnley Baylor
I've heard this band sing, and I'm not overwhelmed by them. Yet, other people seem to think they're the second coming if Nickelback or Hinder. Personally, I think they're an OK band. They have a good sound and their lead man has a good voice. But I'm not as overwhelmed as most of my peers are. So, what are your thoughts on the band. Good or bad?
I think they're pretty shit quite frankly. If I never hear Sex on Fire again it'll be too soon. They've produced some of the most overrated singles and album work around right now, yet the people on this board specifically worship the ground they walk on. They're decent, nothing more, nothing less. I've heard much, much better and much, much worse. I guess I'd rank them right between "Fucking Hate Them" and "Okay to Listen to if You Aren't Actually Listening". They're just...bland to me. Very, very bland.
A band that seems to be going for a similar folksy/bluesy/rocky kind of sound and doesn't suck at it is Airborne Toxic Event. Very much worth checking out.

As for Kings of Leon, not a fan at all. I do like the vocals, though. The guy has an interesting, soulful voice. He's just... in the wrong band or something. The good vocals don't save the shitty songs.

Here's an ATE song to check out if you're interested...


Not everyone is going to dig this kind of music, but I personally really like it.
Eh, they are ok, I'm not a huge fane at all and won't actively listen to them. If however they come on the radio station I am listening to, I might leave it on it, but I don't or won't own any of their stuff. No thank you, but as XFear said, there are much much worse than these guys.
Love them! Sex on Fire was my jam, and I'm a big fan of Use Somebody. The lead singers voice is really interesting and I like it(not too mention he's cute). They really hit the mainstream last year, and now their new album has sold over 1 million copies in the states, and Use Somebody is a top 5 hit.

I don't think their anywhere near as bad as Nickelback or Hinder, but I do think alot of their songs on this album sounds the same. Notion(their 3rd single)sounds very similar to both SOF & US. Alot of the posters at the pop music board I post at, say this is their worst album to date.

Personally I never even knew they had other albums out. But I guess that's how the music biz works now a days. You have to make poppy type music in order to be big, but then you risk losing alot of rock fans. But I guess them selling over a million makes up for "selling out".
I honeestly think they are absolute Shit. How in gods name (something I rarely reference) for a start, can they be considered Rock. When you look at past Rock Bands AC/DC, Whitesnake, Def Leppard, Black Sabbath, and more Modern ones like Airbourne, The Answer, Foo Fighters, Kings of Leon are far to Commercial for a Rock Band. They are even way, more commercial than KISS for christ sake, although KISS are way better. And to be honest, whenever I hear Use Somebody and Sex on Fire on the Radio, I automatically turn it off, or over. They are just as bad as Coldplay who both, I hadn't heared of before thier 2008 albums. I personally, dont see their appeal, and will never buy their albums.
I'm indifferent on KOL, some of their early stuff wasn't bad.

On ATE they've got a unique sound to them I recently DL'd there full length and found it quite good. The violinist makes the bands sound unique an the singer has a full range which is awesome to see.

For the record Lariat to assume someone is the second coming of Nickelback or Hinder would be to say they'll be the next band to make music that makes me want to punch small children in the dome piece
Kings of Leon is a band that falls into my complaint of all mainstream rock music sounding the same. They're bland and do nothing to make themselves unique. They aren't bad, just uninteresting. Nothing entices me to go out and buy a CD, for example. They just don't stand out, and thats how it is with quite a few bands today.
I never realized how much of a cult following this band has. Until recently, I knew the name, but had never heard a song from KOL. Looks like I'm in the minority here, but I love the 2 singles that have been playing non-stop on the radio. They are catchy tunes and good all around pop songs. I did check out some of their older stuff and I think it's terrible. I dunno- maybe it's just the songs I picked but it was hard to listen to. They definately have a much smoother sound with this album than with previous work.

And yes, mysterio_fan, the singer is definately sexy. :)
I think they are pretty good but they are overrated to some extent.

I bought the album "Only by the night" and I wasn't overly impressed by some of it. I like Sex on Fire and I like Revelry and Use Somebody, apart from that though, the album is pretty poor and is nothing to great. It is certainly not as good as some people are making it out to be in all honesty. Plus, I had only heard one of their songs before that and I thought that was the better song. Red Morning Light is probably on of their better songs but doesn't get the same attention as the new album.

They are good and can get better but right now, they are just like a lot of bands that are trying to get somewhere.
I don't know if it's just me, but I keep getting Use Somebody & Sex On Fire confused with each other. As for Kings of Leon in general, the feeling is meh. The lead's voice is so raspy that I think alot of their music will sound roughly the same. Sex On Fire is really overrated to the point that I can't listen to it anymore. However their music is quite different to the other artists in the charts right now and I really loves me some 70's rock and for some reason Kings of Leon have a indie/70's vibe about them. If I come across a song of theirs which sounds different to their previous tracks then they're ok in my books.

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