Kingdom Come - WHC -Everest vs. Titus (Pure rules)

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion

For our Main Event, the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship is on the line as Everest will take on the Lethal Lottery Winner Titus in what is to be a clash of the titans. Given their history in the early days of WZCW, how will these two World Class atheletes fare when they finally get in the ring to headline Kingdom Come? This match will be contested under Pure wrestling rules.

Only one RP is allowed for this match

Deadline for this contest is Tuesday 16th February 23:59 EST
A loud roar can be heard as we then see a sea of people wearing black and white stripes leave the famous “St James’” park in Newcastle upon Tyne. The camera zooms in on Titus who is with a rather uncomfortable looking Johnny Klamor. Titus is stopped by a few people in crowd, and signs a few autographs as Klamor begins to look more and more lost in the crowd.

The camera catches up with the two men

Titus Well?

Klamor You guys are weird, soccer is boring!

Titus We won, 5-1 and you call that boring? Anyway Johnny boy, how did your Colts do?

Klamor gives Titus a look that would kill a thousand souls.

Klamor Why are we here any how?

Titus I was born in this city, there are three things that they love: Booze, boobs and football! So I thought I’d give you a culture shock.

Klamor You’re right there; I actually miss it when you decide to take us to your adopted home town…


We see a man with a black cloak, top hat and rather large moustache. The camera pans out to see a woman tied on a chair who is screaming. The interior is clearly an old abandoned warehouse.


Man MWAHAHAAA finally you are mine, you will rue the day that you ever messed with me!

Woman I am sure Red Mask will save me, and I don’t even know who you are!!!

Man Ha I laugh at your ignorance. It is I the famed foe of the world renowned Red Mask…. The Great Gonzo

The woman bursts out laughing

Man Why do you mock me?

Woman Haven’t you ever watched TV?

Man Television is a medium that is used to destroy the souls of mankind, making them into soulless devils.

Woman oooooook, but your name…the Great Gonzo, it’s a Muppet. That's why it’s funny!

Gonzo Quiet you foul wench, at last I shall end you!

Woman HELP

The camera pans around to see a shadow standing on the upper ledge of the warehouse.

Woman MY HERO!

Red Mask Alas good citizen it’s time to put this tyrant out of his misery.

Red Mask swoops down on a rope delivering a swift kick to the chest of the Great Gonzo. He goes over to the woman and unties her from the chair. She gives Red Mask a hug and goes for a kiss on the cheek. Red Mask pulls himself back.

Red Mask This is business not pleasure.

Red Mask jumps up onto a pile of boxes and goes to leave via the window.

Gonzo Ha you think you’ve defeated me, there’s more than myself you must overcome!


The camera cuts to the strategy room we saw a few weeks ago where Titus had his strategic plan against the rWo. The room is dark with moonlight shining through the window. We can see the table that was knocked over with notes and everything thrown on the floor. There is a shadow looking at the Everest board, the body language is clearly that of frustration. You see the shadow kick something making a crash noise. It walks over to the window and closes the blinds. Darkness. You see nothing. You hear a whirring noise. A wall lights up and we see a wrestling match, the competitors of the match are none other than Titus and Everest.

Titus covers his mouth with both his hands and Everest then picks up the chair. Titus turns around and WHACK WHACK WHACK WHACK WHACK WHACK WHACK WHACK WHACK WHACK WHACK WHACK WHACK!!! Each WHACK is a hit by Everest to Titus’s skull!!! Titus is busted open and is lying unconsciously on the ground!!! [/COLOR]

Copeland: Oh my!!! Everest has just hit Titus maybe about 10 times with that chair, letting out his frustrations!!

Cohen: Everest should be disqualified damn it!!!!

Copeland: Yea well that isn’t gonna happen!! Oh my!!! LOOK!! A 2nd REFEREE!!!!!

Everest sees a 2nd referee coming out so he disposes of the steel chair and goes to cover Titus. The referee counts: 1…2…3!!!!!!! The fans are going wild!!!

Harrys: Here is your winner, Everest!!!!!

We see Johnny Klamor and Titus stood on a hill

Titus Keystone has my favourite spot in the world, this is a close number two. Look around.

Johnny turns his head from side to side.

Titus You have to love your birthplace, it's one thing you can't change.

Klamor Lets get to the chase. Titus v Everest, Kingdom Come. World title match, your first one on one world title shot. It goes deeper than that, you and Everest have a history spanning back to the very first Meltdown, you're the only two around since our debut show. Now you're locked in a bitter feud with Everest, however that is something that goes way back, way back to Meltdown 6. I want to get into your mind about what you were thinking at the time.

Titus I have said it several times, I don't know what the fudge I was thinking. Watching that match on MD 6 and the start of MD 7 makes me feel sick to my stomach. Here was me clouded by temptation I guess you can call it. A man in Joseph Rios who used manipulation to get me to be his henchman. I even called the crowd a piece of shits. I mean come on, what's up with that. Needless to say I lost my match that night with Everest but once I got my memory back there was one thing I vowed.

Klamor That was?

Titus I would never turn on another man again, I would always fight for justice, truth and...

Klamor The good old American way?

Titus gives a displeasing look to Klamor.

Titus No Johnny. I will always fight for the innocent.



Red Mask I suggest you flee fair maiden, things could get messy!

The woman runs out of the warehouse, making it out just before the shutter closes.

Gonzo Did you really think you'd get away that easy? Everyone knows that a true evil genius like myself makes his foe think before said genius destroys him. There's one way out. Three doors. To pass through door three you must pass door two, to pass door two you must pass door one.

Red Mask You're a nut job!


Red Mask opens the first door to reveal there are four people they are all dressed like rWo members Karnage, Ace David, Big Dave as well as Titus' attacker Blade.

Red Mask Good grief!


A sigh is heard from the room as the projector cuts to another match. This time it is the announcement at Ascension 9 where Karnage is unveiled as the newest member of the rWo. The shadow stands up and walks towards the light switch. Then we see a very tired looking Titus. He has a fully grown beard and his hair is down and unkempt. He looks exactly like his character Chris Lions in the movie BeltaForce. He walks over to the rWo board and begins ripping things off the wall, he starts by tearing up the picture of Ace David, followed by Big Dave and lastly Karnage. All that is left on the wall is one single picture.


Klamor Well aside from Everest you've also had rivals in Vengeance/Lars Reidar, your now good friend of Carmen Bratchny but there has been a group of foes who have been at your every step. The Ricky World order!

Titus hangs his head almost in shame then looks at Klamor

Titus What goes around comes around. Has always been something I have stood by, and so alas it has happened.

Klamor You are of course talking about your brief one week spell in the Dynasty, is that correct?

Titus That it is.

Klamor There have been links between the rWo and Dynasty, would you agree?

Titus The Dynasty were the future in myself, Big Will and the current in Joseph Rios. The rWo claim they're the future in Big Dave, Karnage and the present in Ricky. Ricky I won't speak of just yet, but look at the rWo. Look at Ace, yeah things haven't gone too well for him. He got cocky, a very sad tale.

Klamor So what about Blade?

Titus Blade is of no concern to me

Klamor OK back onto the topic of the rWo, where do you see the future of the group?

Titus Exactly how Dynasty ended

Klamor Which was?

Titus Well it was Red Mask kicking their behinds!



Red Mask turns to the camera and laughs.

Red Mask Well more like two...remember Ace has broken his neck.

Fake Ace Ah shit yeah

Ace walks off

Fake Ace See you guys, enjoy yourselves!

Red Mask Also Titus says Blade is no concern of his.

Fake Blade Wait up Ace, I'll join you.

The guy dressed as Blade runs to catch up with the one dressed like Ace. We're now down to a fake Karnage and a Big Dave who isn't so Big at the moment, there mustn't be any look-alikes his size!

Red Mask That's a bit better.

Red Mask looks up above him as the camera shows a piece of rope hanging not too high above his head. Fake Karnage and not so Big Dave come running at him as he jumps up and grabs the rope.


The camera shows both fake men lay out on the floor as Red Mask casually walks towards the next door which has II in Roman numerals on it.

Red Mask steps in as we hear the theme from pirates of the Caribbean, he looks up and a man dressed like a pirate throws a sword at him.

Pirate Think fast

Red Mask catches the sword and swings it round as it makes a 'chink' sound clashing blades with the sword of the Pirate.


Back in the strategy room the Chris Lions character of Titus is looking at the board. A single tear rolls down his face as it finally hits him. He's lost his friend. He takes the picture off the wall and pulls a Zippo lighter out of his pocket, the picture goes up in flames as Titus drops it on the floor and stomps out the fire caused by the photograph.

He then walks over towards to Everest board and looks at it, he takes two steps back.

Lions Got it!


Klamor One major thing about the rWo is its leader, the 'Real' world champion Steamboat Ricky. Just like you and Everest you two were quite good friends, what's your stance on him now?

Titus HAHAHA you tell a good joke Johnny. What's my stance on him? I care not of our past, that's done with now. He's not coming back as the Ricky we all know and loved. He's tried to stop me at every freaking corner since his rag tag rapscallions decided to form. He can't beat me clean in a match, he needs his cronies. He has delusions of grandeur, he gave himself a belt and called it the Real World title, despite getting pinned in that match. So what if Everest had his feet on the ropes, it was missed, Everest was declared the winner. Sour grapes from Ricky there!

Klamor So you need to get rid of him?

Titus Not that extreme Johnny! Murder is wrong. No, my focus needs to be on my match at Kingdom Come. The one against Everest and there's nothing the rWo can do to stop me.



The camera shows Red Mask and the Pirate still sword fighting as Red Mask manages to knock the sword out of the pirates hand. The pirate goes to grab it but Red Mask kicks him on the back knocking him tumbling over.
Red Mask rolls on the floor through the door with the number III written on it, pretty much how Link does in the Legend of Zelda video games. He stands up and dusts himself off. Next to him is a table with something covered by a cloth. He looks up at his final foe. It is his rival the Great Gonzo.

Red Mask So we meet again

Gonzo Prepare to meet your doom in my final challenge

The Great Gonzo removes his hat and cape to reveal he is wearing a t-shirt with a mountain on it.

Red Mask So what is the challenge?

Gonzo Chess

Gonzo removes a covering from the table in the room to reveal an almost completed game of chess.

Gonzo You have one move. If you win you live. If you lose you die.

Red Mask Things just got interesting.


We see Lions looking at the board but we can hear Klamor and Titus' voices talking over the images.

Klamor Back onto Everest now, you think you have it worked out?

Titus Oh yeah, it took long enough but I believe I have a match where I have his number. As we saw on Meltdown we will face each other in a Pure Rules match.

Lions looks at an image of Everest using his feet on the ropes to pin Ricky.

Titus There will be a limit on rope breaks.

Lions takes that picture down, crumples it up and throws it over his head. He walks to the other end of the board where he sees the picture of Everest punching Carmen Bratchny in the face.

Titus Closed fist punches will result in a warning, another will result in a loss of a rope break. No rope breaks = DQ.

Lions again crumples this picture up as he looks at an image of Everest being counted out of a match with the referee holding his hands up for ten.

Titus Count outs will be on twenty, not ten.

Lions rips this image up again as all that is left on the board is an image of Titus being hit be a steel chair by Everest.

We cut to Red Mask who laughs as he moves the chess piece.

Titus The title can change hand via Count out or Disqualification.

Red Mask Check....Mate.
The camera pans a shot of a huge gated mansion. As the camera moves around the house we see an in ground pool and fountain. A huge outdoor barbeque station. The camera whirls past an enormous manicured lawn before finally settling for a few seconds on the back door.

After a second or so the scene shifts inside where we arrive at an open door. The camera slowly moves down the aisle toward a huge motion picture screen. Just a few seconds later the audience can openly tell that there are two people sitting about 3 rows away from the screen. As the camera rolls in closer it becomes obvious that the two people sitting in the seats are none other than WZCW Champion Everest and some unknown guy, maybe mid 20’s and looking a bit nervous. The champ is casually dressed and looks a little exhausted. He sees the camera and motions for it to move into position beside the two men.

EVEREST: Damn it’s about time you showed up, did you not notice the huge house in the gated fence? I mean seriously, what took you so long?

The cameraman mumbles something that sounds like nothing more than babble before the champion keeps talking.

EVEREST: Well Jimbo, you ready to get this started?

JIM: Yes sir. Alright WZCW fans, my name is Jimmy Rodgers and I’m here from *advertisingbant* to interview WZCW’s own World Champion and *advertisingbant* number 1 ranked wrestler: EVEREST.

So it’s finally here! The pay per view to end all pay per views: Kingdom Come! It’s going to be Titus vs. Everest for the Biggest prize in Wrestling.

EVEREST: Ok Jim, I know you’re new at this and all but let me give you a bit of advice. When you are in the home of the greatest wrestling specimen the world has ever known you don’t go off on a tangent. No son, you ask the question and you give the mic to the pro, and you son are NOT the pro, so fork it over.

Everest grabs the mic and tosses it three rows down and away from the announcer.

EVEREST: Not to mention the fact that the camera is right beside us, we don’t need a microphone. Now I know what you are wondering. You’re going to ask me what I think of Titus, or you’re hoping for a juicy little cyber quote or a scoop on some strategy.

Fact is the only reason you got this interview is because you’re my cousin.

Now look, I’m not messing around anymore. I thought about having one of those workout photo shoots like Terrell Owens had, you know the one where he did sit ups in the driveway. Hell I thought about having a sparring match in my new multi million dollar gym while spouting off about Titus and I even thought about running cross country while a cameraman drove beside me.

You know what happened though? I realized this match is above all that. It’s above the glitz and glamour of other fights. It trumps any Meltdown match, maybe even any Pay per view I’ve ever been involved in. No amount of articulate statements or clever one liners will do justice to what is going to transpire come Kingdom Come.

You know though Titus, I seen your little production and I have to say I was very entertained. The Red Mask segments and all the foreshadowing and such, it was very Hollywood and honestly very well done. I’m not surprised though, not from Mr. Hollywood himself. Bravo.

Everest claps for several seconds before grabbing the remote that is sitting beside him

EVEREST: You see Titus, while you were off producing your Emmy hopeful I was here. Researching, watching, learning.

With that Everest flips on the huge screen and flickering black and white images of Lou Thesz pop up. Simple shots, just Thesz doing the things that made him great. Wrestling the way wrestlers used to back in the day.

EVEREST: You see that Titus, that right there is the man. The single greatest “Pure” wrestler of a long begotten era.

Everest hit’s a button and suddenly the pictures change to a video of Ricky Steamboat and Ric Flair locked in battle of their epic 60 minute war that some consider the greatest match NWA/WCW has ever seen.

EVEREST: Once again Titus, pure wrestling at the highest level known to man. This is what you hope will happen at Kingdom Come, is it not Titus.

My friend, I’m going to let you in on a little secret. That night you drop your “bombshell” of an announcement about your “Pure Rules” stipulation for our match up, well if you go back to that tape you’ll notice I’m not backing away from anything. I wasn’t in fear of your announcement, actually after that show went off the air I stood there smiling to myself. You know one of those sinister “He doesn’t know what he’s gotten himself into” smiles. On that night I was probably as excited as you were old friend, because it’s common knowledge I’m the best pure wrestler the WZCW’s got. Now, then and ever!

I’m no idiot Titus, I know the reasons you wanted these rules. You’ve seen me use the countout to my advantage. You’ve seen me blasted poor unsuspecting foes with a steel chair so hard the indentation looks like Manzo was sitting in it. You wanted to make sure that wouldn’t happen to you. And for that I commend you Titus, smart move. Actually the rope breaks and all of it, were smart moves, Titus.

There was only one problem in your logic. You see you just challenged the best pure wrestler in the business to a match that suits his style more than you know. I’ve made it known multiple times that I don’t care for hardcore antics. I’ve got no real need for high flying or for some no holds barred bar fight. I’m a wrestler Titus, plain and simple. That’s how I started, that’s how I climbed the mountain to where I am at now. I studied and I learned from the best the World has to offer and I’m going to show the wrestling world just what I know.

Titus, I’m not going to degrade you, I know what you can do. I know that no matter what you tell the people or what you tell yourself, there’s a part of you, a deep dark part of you that will turn on your own friends if it benefits you. I’ll be watching for that at Kingdom Come.

I also know you’re good! Damn Good! If you weren’t you wouldn’t be here. You wouldn’t be waiting and looking at your biggest opportunity ever. Thing is Titus, you are good, I’m just better. They said I couldn’t beat Rios, I did! They said there was no way I would ever get past Lars Reidar, I did! The list goes on and on.

At Kingdom Come, I’ll disappoint the World one more time. By taking their “champion” and planting your ass onto the mat via a Rock Slide. And after the ref’s hand hits that mat for the third time you won’t be anything more than just another victim, one with his own superhero identity, but just another victim nonetheless.

I’ll see you at Kingdom Come Titus. You’ll know me, I’ll be the one entering with the World Title hanging on my shoulder.

Everest slowly gets up from his seat and walks across in front of the camera. He turns up the aisle and heads toward the door with the camera still following. The champ stops short of the door and suddenly turns back toward the camera.

EVEREST: Oh and Titus, I’ll be leaving the same way.

Everest stares coldly into the camera for a moment before turning back toward the door and disappearing into the hallway.
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