Kingdom Come V - "WrestleZone" Weekend Discussion

Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW

Right before the unprecedented Pay-Per-View known as Kingdom Come, WZCW will be featuring a special fan access weekend where everybody who has purchased tickets can participate in an array of activities such as autograph signings, a WZCW '13 video game tournament and most importantly, a special bonus show where WZCW Superstars will be set to compete in a number of matches. The Beard & Grizzly Bob will be facing off in a series of competitions known only as the "Three Stages of Manliness" where multiple events such will be hosted by Action Saxton to determine which man is truly the manliness... and if it ends in a tie, an extra match will be taking place to settle the score!

Another match on the card is one for a specific advantage during the War Games match scheduled at Kingdom Come: will David Whitman be able to earn the man advantage for the Sacrificial Altar or will Ricky Runn's luck turn around and give Team Strikeforce the edge? Speaking of stipulations: Isabel Stone; Triple X; & Blade will be competing in a Supershow re-match where the winner will earn immunity through the first round of the Redemption World Heavyweight Championship Tournament, allowing them to get to the second round with ease. A special bonus match has also been added to the card where Amber Warren; The Angel; Dustin Hunter; Jimmy Flynn; & Thrash will be competing in a Scramble match for a unknown prize!

And to top off the entire event, Alex Bowen & Matt Tastic will be facing off in a heated Street Fight match, battling throughout the entire WrestleZone Weekend set-up where caution is advised for the fans attending the event. Both men are highly skilled and highly dangerous when it comes to using weapons and their environment to their advantage so maintain distance - this match is going to get brutal. With all this craziness packed in one show - one must think how epic the main attraction is going to be?​
I would like to see Bob beat Beard. Not because I dislike any of them, but it would be awesome to see Bob move up the roster. No clue what's going to happen, I imagine one stage may be "Who can woo the woman the quickest?", with both taking a very long time.

After the mishaps with X/Blade/Stone, I wanna see Stone win it. I love her character.

I see David Whitman getting his team the advantage and honestly, right now, I'd say the scramble match is between myself & Warren.

Bowen vs Tastic, I want Bowen to win this. However, I think Tastic will pull out all the stops & end up walking away with this.
Hoepfully Bob can beat the Beard so that Blade and Bob will finally team up in the tag team that America has been clamouring for, whose team name will be some sort of shaving pun.

Once Blade has finished icing his testicles, he should have no problem defeating Triple X and Izzy again, finishing Izzy by ripping out her ovaries and choking her with them.

Bowen and Tastic will be an absolute classic, just like the Mayhem division a couple years ago. I envy whoever is writing that match, their imagination can run wild.

Ricky Runn vs Whitman is Ricky's to lose.

And the scramble match will be fun. If I had to guess the prize I'd say... It's an opportunity... to get a shot... at number one contendership... For the Mayhem title. Worth fighting for, right?
Or a cash prize! If Brent and Dustin had more money, they'd take the girls to a theme park, instead of a busted-up, satanic carnavil. Of chaos. Of CoC...
Theo is a great guy and can turn up the heat but statistically, he's better off in a tag team scenario than in solo competition and considering Bob has started off pretty well in WZCW, I'm going to give the competition to him. Although, again, Theo can bring the heat.

Prediction: Grizzly Bob

From what I've seen from David Whitman, he potentially has what it takes to defeat Ricky Runn. Pancake is going to need a solidly-executed RP to win this and, although he's good, I've some of his ideas go half way across the world and I mean that in the bad sense.

Prediction: David Whitman

I would say Triple X hands down for the Triple Threat but considering he has fallen off a cliff recently, this is a toss-up between Blade & Isabel. The last match was very close and that was with Izzy doing something new with a comedy RP. If Jessie brings the heat, she's got this and no amount of Blade is going to stop her.

Prediction: Isabel Stone

Main event of the evening is going to another close contest, right behind Vega/Stevens as a hard-to-call. Honestly, I don't know what could happen because both men have their faults but both men can deliver some sick RP's too. In their hayday, they could've taken down the top guys but now... it's going to be a toughy.

Prediction: Alex Bowen

As for the scramble, I don't see anyone taking down Amber Warren here. Apart from losing to Isabel (who has been doing very well), she's been tearing through the competition. If JAM loses, I'll be heavily surprised. This isn't a knock but Amber is going great.

Prediction: Amber Warren
I was shocked when they announced Bowen vs Tastic would be on the Weekend Show and not on the actual KC card... but I guess WZCW needed a strong Main Event for the show, and they got it. I'm rooting for Bowen, and I think he'll take it. Wouldn't mind a match against him for the title just so I can truly call myself the King of Mayhem... don't think he has any interest in feuding with me, though. Wouldn't matter, I've defended the title in one off matches plenty in the past.

I can't wait for Beard vs Bob. We all just know it's gonna end in a tie and lead to a singles match. Personally I hope 1 of 2 things happens... this feud grows and continues for another cycle, or they become a tag team after this.

If you would have told me 2 months ago that Triple X would be in a random triple threat match on a pre-show (or weekend show) and not on the KC card, I'd call you a fucking moron.... but my God how the mighty have fallen. At one point, the feud I wanted most in this fed was Vega vs Triple X, and I actually thought that would happen at KC5 with the way Vega eliminated X at the LL, but NVM! I really hope X pulls this one out and gets out of this ridiculous rut he's found himself in... but I see it going to Blade.

Runn vs Whitman, solid match that will help set up the War Chamber Games Match or whatever it is. I wanna see Runn win it, but storyline wise, don't the heels always have the man advantage in these type of things?

& no offense to the 5 guys in the scramble match... but I could really care less about that match. However, after Nightmare's little rant, I'd love to see him pull this one out. Haha
Zeus says:

David Whitman has caught my eye
He gets the win; congrats new guy.

The Beard's as manly as the rest
But Grizzly Bob proves he's the best

Blade got screwed at the super show
He gets the win, and now you know

The scramble is a clusterfuck
Warren wins by skill, and not luck

The main event will be a fight
Which Tastic wins, to my delight.
TSA vs Strikeforce: Whitman. I love the guy. I'd back him against anyone here.
Manliness: Bob but both guys come out looking awesome.
Triple Threat: Blade should win it but clearly Izzy has come back as strongly as BK has faded away.
Scramble? Next!
Main Event: A toss up but I love both guys and I hope they both bring their best.
I don't think ANY of the matches are hyped-up enough. I mean, all the matches have been merged into one thread AND WE CAN'T FILL TWO DAMN PAGES?

(In case anybody hasn't noticed... I'm starting the riot now...)

*The Beard & Grizzly Bob
Yeah, you can send us anyone, just don't send us anyone you want back, MKAY? If the ring, the stadium or even the state of Utah is left standing after this contest, it's a bunch of verkochte bullshit! Theo has a great RP and I won't mind going down on him because of it. Yeah, I said it right!

*David Whitman & Ricky Runn
AKA "the Decider" - I love a Numbers game (see what I did there) as much as the next guy and we can be promised wacky, unlucky fun and some no-sell offense. If the stadium still had a roof, this match definitely bring it down, caused by Ricky and not phasing Whitman. Too tough to call!

*Isabel Stone, Triple X & Blade
Since this match is on open grass and Izzy is more used to sand and X has made his first cup of hash tea in years, Blade will probably edge it. Three great RP'ers in JLDG, BK and Blade, but with Blade on better form (I believe). That and he's my boy and I'm Kevin Nash.

*Amber Warren, The Angel, Dustin Hunter, Jimmy Flynn & Thrash
Kayfabe is RUNNIN WILD, BROTHURRRR! So, Dustin, WHATCHA GONNA DO, when none of the faces ARE LOOKING OUT FOR YOU? If Team Steelwing don't get eliminated together, they'll probably end up in the final two, because of the numbers game. Angel is too good-natured and Thrash is too loyal, so there won't be any turning on each other. Amber has this locked up, because the boys will either be shit-kicking the living poop out of each other, or admiring her round bits. Don't know how to call this, either, but... Amber's on the fantabulous list.

*Alex Bowen & Matt Tastic
I mean... If this doesn't just SCREAM MONEY!!! Those monkeys running WZCW (Paul French and Dixie Cola) should've put this on the main KG card, but I guess they need a few draws here too. Might as well make this a loser-leaves-company match, because the winner will FUCKING KILL his opponent. Uncle P has been putting out some good stuff, but KJ IS on creative, so there's that. Bowen is still on the top 20, so he'll edge it, killing Matt Tastic and paralyzing his whole upper body in the process, but the bloodthirsy fans will love it.
Bob and Beard are both cool in my book I'd go with Bob to win, I suppose. I'd be fine with either though.

I got DW over Ricky Runn.

I'm fairly confident Blade is winning the triple threat and am a bit surprised he didn't make the main card, even if he did just return.

No idea with that triple threat, maybe Nightmare will come up with the RP of the century and all the haters will shut up?

Matt Tastic over Bowen fo sho.
Well, one match is up for the WZ weekend, so I'll give some thoughts about it;

I came into this thinking Bob had it in the bag, and then I saw Theo's RP. And god damn it, did I feel I was in a Looney Tunes cartoon. Bob's, though, had more of a cohesive story, and while more traditional, still got over the concept of man perfectly. I'm still gonna side with Bon, but Beard winning wouldn't shock me at all.

What also wouldn't shock me is Doctor writing this match. I know that he said match writing isn't his bag, but I see this more as a segment than an actual full match. What does that mean? Chaos and anarchy. And possibly some encounters with raccoons and snakes.

That would be pretty cool if part of the manliness challenge involve a Bear Grylls survival challenge. Without the drinking of piss.
Hard to talk about the matches where everybody doesn't have RP's in so far so i'll just put in my two cents on the Bob vs Beard match.

I liked both guys RP's and think they both write some good stuff, however I think Beard is going to pick up the W here. His RP was hilarious and I loved seeing The Local Talent have a huge part in it.

Bob winning wouldn't be a surprise though as I think both guys have a nice future in the singles title picture (whatever title that may be) after KC.

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