Kingdom Come V - Elite X Title Match Discussion

Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW

Constantine hasn't had much luck in the last few weeks as his Empire went crumbling into the ground and his "ace up the sleeve" in Hunter Kravinoff fell through. The only saving grace for the political mastermind was capturing the Elite X championship in a hard-fought contest but even that is in jeopardy of slipping through his fingers with S.H.I.T specifically targeting him, the man behind the robot's rivalry that lasted months prior to the Lethal Lottery. The re-emergence of a very lean Wasabi Toyota hasn't helped Constantine's efforts much either as he has made damn sure that his intentions were clear in wanting his championship. So, by decision of Vance Bateman himself, these three men will compete in a Triple Threat match for the illustrious title with one fall to the finish to end this contest. Now the question is - which competitor will leave as the champion?​
I want S.H.I.T to win. I want Constantine to retain. So what do I think will happen? Toyota will win. In an extremely surprising move, the man who only returned two rounds ago manages to beat two other men in this match, giving him the Elite X title. I think Coco has something big up his sleeve for this. Like I said, he's only returned recently, do he's got ammo that he could've built up over the part weeks that he wouldn't have used before. It's be awesome to see any person win this, but eventually I think Toyota will take it.

Prediction - Wasabi Toyota wins, becomes the Elite X Champion.
As much as I love Wasabi Toyota and Constantine, I feel this one is going to go to SHIT. He's been on a roll for a while and although he lost to Constantine recently, I think the added factor of Toyota is going to throw Constantine off to allow SHIT to swoop in for the victory. However, to be quite honest, given the right RP, any one of these individuals could win it and I don't think any option is a bad option.

Prediction: SHIT
Don't know much about Wasabi Toyota, but it's obvious he's a pretty revered character in this fed... so this triple threat is actually pretty cool. I'll be rooting for S.H.I.T. He's one of, if not, my fav RPer in the fed.
It's been a while since I've read GD's work; times have changed, and so have the players involved since the AOC storyline. Miko has the most momentum going into this having pinned Constantine at least twice in non title matches. On the other hand Dave is no slouch either and can certainly bring it when he needs to. I'm guessing this will be the one match that he needs to deliver on more than anything.

My prediction? Constantine retains.
Constantine knocked off Sam Smith, arguably the greatest Elite X champion ever. That took skill. Since then though he has been pretty average, where as SHIT has been on the winning end more often than not. I think Constantine will end up taking it though as SHIT usually performs better with a team and Barbosa is onto bigger things right now. Toyota is still trying to get back into the swing of things and I think it will take him a round or two more to get his feet back.
SHIT wins so I can feud with him over the Elite X Chanpionship, and his mortality.

Now that I'm done fantasy booking, I still have to go with SHIT. I really like Constantine and Wasabi is a really nice change of pace to the story, but I can't help but feel as though he got shoehorned. Shame, because he seems pretty darn good.

I would really like to see SHIT win, but I wouldn't be shocked to see any of these men win this match. Just out of personal preference, I'll go with SHIT
We all worked out this match was going to happen as soon as Toyota laid the smackdown and Constantine and SHIT two rounds ago, not that thats a problem, its a case of the obvious route being the best and changing it for the sake of surprise would've been silly, although I suppose it may not have happened that way had SHIT not managed to avenge its loss in its earlier attempt to win the title. Constantine making this his last match adds a little bit more intrigue and even if he stayed then I would've said that had he won this should wrap up the Technosa/Constantine angle, or if SHIT won they should have had a final match with no possibility of a rematch for the title, wrapping up the Constantine/Technosa angle.

Toyota's just a formerly fat fuck, but GD's RP's are always interesting and funny. Either way whoever wins will have to work for it.

I think I am going to have fun RP'ing for this, much like Barbosa SHIT'll have plenty to do whatever the result in this one, and much like him I'll be continuing the story of Barbosa/SHIT how I think was meant to go, but then this match is a huge step in that long storyline.
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Toyota was definitely shoehorned into this a bit out of nowhere, not that'd I'm complaining. I honestly don't know if I'll be able to come up with something good enough to win a title yet as I still have to figure out what exactly is going on with Toyota, but I'll see what I can pull out.

Dave is a solid RPer and Miko has struck gold with SHIT ever since he joined IMO. I expect the cardboard man to come through in this one.
I've read back through all my previous RPs over the last few days and a great number have included dancing.
Exactly, and not once does he rest his ample junk on anybody elses head, although I've written an RP that involved him cock-slapping Chris K.O.

With the wonderful Kermit's blessing of course.
I think SHIT will win but I'd be fine with Wasabi taking the win as well. I've been trying to go back and read more of his classic stuff. I look forward to what they put out.

Oh yeah, Constantine's here too. It's his final match so I assume he'll bring his best, just don't see him leaving with the belt.
If you're looking for tasteful nudity I think the RP in the hot air balloon is the best of the bunch.

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