Kingdom Come III - Titus vs. Everest

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
Last month, WZCW got the biggest surprise in a while with the return of Titus to the main roster, and he spent no time getting himself into the thick of things by challenging his friend and respected roster member Everest to a rematch of last year's Main Event. Both men see this as an opportunity to get their careers full swinging and plan to steal the show. How will the two friends fare in what is to be a match for the ages?!

Titus vs. Everest

Deadline is Monday 28th March 23:59 EST
We're in a lounge, it has a fireplace, couches, it's pristine and elegant. Almost like it's the home of an Oscar winner. The camera pans to reveal a glass cabinet, inside it is four Oscars, a replica of the WZCW Elite X title and a replica of the WZCW World Heavyweight championship. We are, of course, in the home of Titus. You can hear two voices off screen.

Titus: So that Michael is all the advice I can give you, you're off to a good start so it wouldn't surprise me to see big things from you. Yeah Phoenix has improved, and Brad Bomb knows you inside out but it's nothing you can't handle.

An awkward silence fills the room.

Titus: So do you have any advice for me?

Michael Winters: Advice? No. A question? Yes.

Titus: Go on then, fire away.

Michael Winters What's the deal with you and Everest? I mean you guys are putting on a match where you have nothing against each other at all, you're going in as two friends. You're going to try and steal the show aren't you?

Titus: We go back a long way, it's woven in and out, every so often we have a collision yet all in all we learn to bury the hatchet. You want to know the history of Titus v Everest?

Michael Winters: Sure that would be pretty good.

Titus: Then take a seat.

Titus points to the couch as Winters sits down, Titus sits by him and pulls a remote out and pushes a button. A big screen comes down from the ceiling as a DVD menu kick starts. It's a DVD called ““Everest: The Climb to the Top” which is now available in all good stores and of course Titus clicks to one of the chapters called “A friendly rivalry: when legends collide” Titus hits play as the camera now focuses just on the screen. The DVD plays and you hear a recording of Titus' voice.

Titus: I've heard legends of that person.

Meltdown3 said:
Everest then rushes over to the limp form of Titus he locks in the Mountain Climber (Dragon Sleeper) to an already out Titus. The ref checks Titus raises his hand it drops once, raises his hand, it drops twice, raise Titus’s hand for a third time, but it drops again and the ref calls for the bell.

Titus: How he plunged into enemy territory

Meltdown 4 said:
"Supernova Goes Pop" hits the speakers, as Everest and Titus slowly make their way out to the entranceway. They raise their arms together as the crowd gives them a good cheer. They high-five before running down to the ring, slapping hands with the fans, before rolling into the ring and climbing opposite turnbuckles, looking energetic as the camera swerves around them.

Harrys: Introducing first, weighing in at a combined weight of 405 pounds: Everest and Titus!

Titus: How he saved his homeland

Meltdown 4 said:
Thee crowd are as stunned as Angel is, who finally drops his hand, out of it. Rios shakes his head as he moves up the ramp, with Everest now dragging Angel back into the ring while still in the Dragon Sleeper! Angel's head has fallen, all energy sapped, as the referee raises his hand once, and it falls.
He raises it once more, and it falls again. He slowly reaches down to lift Angel's arm again for the final time, and he does so, as it falls to the mat once more with a thud!

Harrys: Here are your winners, by Knockout: Titus and Everest!

Copeland: What have we just seen!? Rios leaves Angel to certain defeat, and Titus picks up his first win in WZCW, along with Everest, who gets his second in a row! As much as I hate that pompous Arch Angel, Joseph Rios's actions were disgusting and unsportsman-like!
Cohen: Well, maybe he'd just had enough. I wouldn't like to get in the ring with Everest and Titus when they were on a roll like they were.
Copeland: But you don't just leave your own tag partner like that for God's sake!

Everest and Titus high-five in the ring, celebrating with the roaring crowd as they look out at Rios, who is standing motionless at the top of the ramp. Angel is not moving in the middle of the ring, and Titus and Everest turn their attention back to him as the referee attends to him. Supernova Goes Pop continues to blare across the arena, as Titus and Everest exit the ring and move up towards Rios, shaking their heads at him as he continues to stare up at Angel.

Titus: I've heard legends of that person.

Rios make it to his feet he runs at Everest with a Stinger splash but Everest move but the Ref gets in the way. Rios looks down at the ref then he slides out and goes for the belt. Rios slides back in and wait for Everest to get up he charges at Everest but Everest duck and Connect with his Finisher the Rockslide.

Copeland: Rockslide!!!!

The Crowd count 1.2.…3 but the ref is out. Everest crawls over to the ref and tries to wake him up. Then Suddenly Will runs down the ramp.

Copeland: What the hell is Will doing here???

Cohen: it looks like he here to help the champ.

While that is going on Titus comes from out the crowd and slide into the ring. As the crowd cheer

Copeland: it’s Titus here he'll help Everest out!

Titus picks up Rios and signals for the Tit drop but instead turns and kicks Everest in the stomach delivering a Tit drop to him

Cohen: Oh my word Titus has just turned on his partner!

Will climbs in the ring and delivers the Willennium to Everest. Rios covers Everest and Will wakes the ref

Copeland: no not like this!!!!

The Ref Counts 1…2…3 the Bell Rings

Harrys: Here is your Winner Joseph “The Main Event Rios”

Titus: How he travelled he breadth of the land, touching everything he touched to rubble

Unscripted said:
Harrys: Here is your winner: “the Pinnacle of Perfection”, Everest!

Meltdown 7 said:
Copeland: Oh my!!! Everest has just hit Titus maybe about 10 times with that chair, letting out his frustrations!!

Cohen: Everest should be disqualified damn it!!!!

Copeland: Yea well that isn’t gonna happen!! Oh my!!! LOOK!! A 2nd REFEREE!!!!!

Everest sees a 2nd referee coming out so he disposes of the steel chair and goes to cover Titus. The referee counts: 1…2…3!!!!!!! The fans are going wild!!!

Harrys: Here is your winner, Everest!!!!!

Copeland: He did it!! Everest has defied the odds and picked up a win over Titus, even with his own opponent for Civil Revolution, Joseph Rios, as the referee!!!

Cohen: I am not happy about that but this match was crazy!! I certainly cannot wait for Civil Revolution!!!

Various other clips are shown including Everest winning the Mayhem championship, and a lot of Harrys announcing Everest as the winner of a match.

Titus: I've heard legends of that person.

Meltdown 19 RP said:
Any champion will tell you getting to the top is easy part. It’s staying on top that takes the effort, so come Meltdown Everest is going to walk down that ramp side by side with Red Mask. I’m going to get into the ring and show the world that this championship isn’t a fluke. The WZCW World Champion is coming to Meltdown to prove himself all over again.

Titus: I've heard legends of that person...Revered by many I too revere him.

Carmen and Titus look at each other and then both turn to Ricky. The crowd pops as this as Bratchny and Titus begin a double team assault on the real world champion. Ricky is putting up a fight lashing out against both men but the team of Bratchny and Titus is overpowering him. Bratchny then gives a bounce off the ropes and goes for a double From Russia with love. He connects with Ricky but Titus ducks it. Ricky is out from the FRL and Bratchny looks a bit dazed. Titus seems shocked that Bratchny went for his finisher on him and grabs Bratchny by the shoulder. He spins Bratchny round and gives him a kick to the mid section. Titus then gives Bratchny the Tit drop as Bratchny is out cold. The crowd are cheering huge amounts as Titus stumbles over to pick up Ricky. He goes to throw Ricky over the top rope but somehow Ricky manages to throw Titus over the top. Titus though grabs the rope and bounces back up as only one foot has touched the floor. He gets back in the ring and throws Ricky over the top. Ricky is eliminated as Bratchny has made his way to his feet without Titus realising. Titus is looking at Ricky on the floor as Bratchny runs to give him a clothesline. Titus notices this and manages to duck the clothesline as Bratchny knocks himself into the ropes as out of nowhere Titus gives a spinning heel kick. Bratchny is knocked over the top of the rope and is eliminated. There's a brief pause as Titus turns round and notices he's the last man in the ring.

He collapses to his knee almost in tears. Titus' theme hits as streamers and confetti fall to the ring. The crowd is immensely loud as Titus is still on his knees.

Harrys: The winner of this match and as a result will face Everest for the WZCW World Heavyweight title at Kingdom Come. Titus!

Titus stands to his feet and begins to applaud the fans, he climbs out the ring and goes along to give the fans hugs and hand shakes.

Titus: Feared by many I too fear him

Ascension 10 said:
The crowd cheer as he lands a few chops to Ricky and then launches himself off of the ropes and lands a flying clothesline to Ricky. Titus looks to be building some momentum as a sickening thud comes from outside of the ring. Titus stops in his tracks as he inspects what has happened. He looks out and sees Carmen Bratchny strewn out on the floor with Blade standing over him with the chair in his hand.

Titus looks shocked and dismayed. Trevor Steel runs at Blade and he too get strewn out by Blade as another sickening crash fills the arena. Blade looks Titus in the eye as Blade makes his way up the ramp. He turns around to look at Titus once more before mouthing “IT WAS ME”. Titus looks absolutely shocked and does not notice Everest coming from behind him. Everest takes Titus by surprise and as Titus turns around, Everest plants him with The Rock Slide. Everest quickly rolls out of the ring and Ricky gets up as the rWo look on with surprise. Ricky picks up Titus and lands the Blunderbuss. Ricky climbs on top of Titus and the referee counts the fall. 1…2…3.

Connor: I do not believe what just unfolded before my eyes.

Cohen: Get used to it, CC. The strong are running the show and Titus needs to realise this.

Connor: Everest cost Titus this match when he was in control.

Everest makes his way up the ramp, smiling very widely as Titus begins to regain consciousness.

Titus: Now, that person stands at my side

Ascension 28 said:
The crowd erupts like no other as the sounds of the familiar theme song play as out through the curtains bursts out Titus and the crowd continue to roar on in support as he gets them fired up from one side of the stage to the other. He heads down the ramp and high fives Everest before they continue on down the ramp.

Anderson: His partner, from Keystone City, Kansas, weighing in at 215 pounds, TITUS!

Titus acknowledges and high fives some of the kids in the crowd as does Everest before rolling into the ring and posing on the turnbuckles to the fired up crowd.

Titus: Some of them were once heroes

Meltdown 34 said:
Ricky comes out to a large outburst of boos as he raises his championship belt high in the air and makes his way down to the ring. He slides under the bottom rope and does his usual run around the ring. He looks around with a smile on his face as he looks set for action against Everest.

Harrys: Introducing first, representing the rWo from Tortuga, weighing in at 260 pounds, he is the True World Heavyweight Champion, Steamboat Ricky!

Copeland: Well Ricky looks fired up for his first match since the Lethal Lottery. He was handpicked by Everest as his opponent here.

Cohen: Something tells me that this isn’t the only thing Everest handpicked for tonight!

Orange laser lights shoot back and forth across the blank big screen that then flashes the words “Are you Ready to Go”. The arena goes dark for a few seconds until the lights return with the World Heavyweight Champion standing in middle of the stage. He makes his way to the ring rather hastily but has his eyes set on Ricky.

Harrys: His opponent, from Los Angeles, California, weighing in at 205 pounds, he is the WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, Everest!

Titus: Some my mortal enemies

Kingdom Come II said:
Copeland: You cut the tension with a knife between these two. They have not taken their eyes off one another since entering the ring.

Connor: This story has been in the making since the beginning of WZCW. It comes down to this match for the WZCW World Heavyweight Title.

Cohen: And what do you two expect? The great hero to vanquish evil and bring peace to the land? Please, Everest has been one of our most dominating champions ever, and he will continue his reign after he puts Titus down.

Kingdom Come II said:
At 19 both men are able to get up and slide in the ring just in time. They begin trading forearm shots in the middle of the ring, the crowd booing Everest and cheering Titus. Titus gets the advantage and knocks Everest back towards the corner. The ref is standing behind Everest as Titus goes for a flying clothesline. Everest moves and Titus sandwiches the ref accidentally into the corner. The ref goes down as Titus turns around. Everest hits a closed fist on Titus and sets him up for the Rock Slide. Titus counters with a knee to the mid section and out of nowhere hits the Tit Drop! Titus covers Everest but notices the ref is out. He tries to revive him but has no luck. He turns back towards Everest and the crowd goes wild as Titus then locks on the Ankle lock! Everest struggles in the hold and lunges for the ropes, catching the bottom rope.

Kingdom Come II said:
Everest climbs up and sets Titus up for a superplex! Everest hits a few shots to the midsection but Titus counters with shots of his own before standing up on the turnbuckle with Everest and trading blows. Titus finally kicks Everest off the turnbuckle. He steadies himself and comes off the top rope and connects with the Red Comet! The ref crawls over as Titus covers Everest and gets the three count!

Harrys: Here is your winner and the new WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, Titus!

Cohen: No! This can't be happening!

Copeland: Titus is your new WZCW World Heavyweight Champion! His dream has been realized!

Connor: What a match! Titus hits the Red Comet even after all the damage Everest caused him on the outside.

Titus rolls over onto his back breathing heavily as the referee gets to his feet. Titus gets to one knee as the ref comes over with the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship and hands it to Titus and raises his hand. Everest rolls out of the ring and quickly makes his way to the back as Titus holds up the title and a huge amount of confetti comes streaming down. Titus walks over to the corner and climbs up to the second turnbuckle and holds up the title once more as the crowd goes wild. He brings the title down and cradles it to his chest as his head lowers, clearly getting emotional.

Titus: And as we face each other in battle, locked in combat we shine ever brighter

Michael Winters: So this match means a lot to you?

Titus: More than words can say.
The camera stands just outside of two huge French doors, glass from top to bottom. The room behind those doors is lavishly adorned with some pretty heavy hardware. On the wall are two framed CHAMPIONSHIP Belts! One is the WZCW World Championship and the other is the WZCW Mayhem Title. Several other things can also be seen. A lavish couch and a glass curio cabinet filled with trinkets and photos from the WZCW. After a few seconds though the camera focuses in on the 16x20 framed photo in the center of the far wall between the two belts. It’s a huge photo of Everest standing on a turnbuckle, Championship held high as hundreds of flash bulbs have gone off.

A few seconds pass before EVEREST himself emerges into the side of the frame and the camera moves away from the picture and focuses in on the former Champ.

EVEREST: It’s nice isn’t it? You know I thought about doing our interview in there, amongst the trinkets and the knick knacks. Problem is it had one big drawback to it…..the things in that room are great, each an every one of them. They are memories that will never be forgotten, and they are moments that have shaped me and my career. The problem is though, they are PAST performances, or PAST accomplishments. The titles, while winning them was amazing, were lost at one point or another. For every picture in there of me defeating Rios, Ricky, Titus or Disasterpiece, there are numerous defeats and humiliations at the hands of those men and more.

Basically that room provides a recap of where I’ve been, not a foreshadowing to where I’m going. So I’ve come up with a better environment for our interview. Follow me.

The cameraman follows Everest through the extravagant hallways and out two more French doors out into the backyard of Everest’s massive sprawling mansion. Everest finally comes to a stop in front a huge hole in the ground, mounds of dirt encircle the hole and it’s just a wreck sitting in the middle of a beautifully landscaped yard. Everest stops at the corner of the hole and picks up an artist’s rendering. He flips it around to the camera and we see a massive super sized swimming pool with fountains, hot tubs, a water fall and a huge fake rock formation that resembles Mount Everest and will house a really cool looking water slide. The finished project could qualify as one of the most beautiful outdoor swimming areas in the world.

EVEREST: You see unlike the trophy room that looks BACK on past accomplishments, this little project here shows what will happen or what will be in the future, a lot like what I’m trying to do in the ring. This mound of dirt, this hole in the ground will go from beautiful landscape to hideous hole back to gorgeous in time.

At Kingdom Come, I’m bringing Everest’s, I’m bringing back MY career! It’s got to start somewhere and although I have nothing against Titus, I can’t think of anyone better to re-establish myself against. The biggest superstar at the biggest event against quite possibly his greatest counterpart putting on the greatest display that this business has ever seen. That’s what the audience is going to get at Kingdom Come. Everest vs. Titus! I know there are some out there who plan to get in their potty break, or grab some sodas when they hear my music hit at Kingdom Come, but I’m hear standing before you right now to tell you, I strongly suggest you make it a quick soda break and a fast tinkle because you aren’t going to want to miss this one!

You know Titus, I thought about coming into this interview and throw a little improv your way and drop some jokes about your movie career. I was even going to end every comment with some great movie quote but I figured this time it was all about the substance in the ring. The humor, the fun, it will come at a later more appropriate time.

Kingdom Come symbolizes the pinnacle of our company. The apex of what we do each and every year and what we strive to get to with every victory and what keeps us going after every defeat. I’ve won at Kingdom Come, I’ve brought titles home from Kingdom Come and I’ve taken titles to Kingdom Come and left empty handed but this year none of that matters. This year it’s all about personal achievement; for me it’s about climbing the mountain one more time.

Fact is Titus, I’m glad you’re back, when your music hit, hell I was almost as shocked as those fans. I mean I’d heard the rumors, I’d even seen your name on the talent list that night but until you actually parted those curtains I wasn’t sure any of it was true. I’d even admit the excitement is probably what got my blood flowing and the thoughts racing about a Kingdom Come rematch with you this year.

Once the bell rings though, all that ends. You know that and I know that. Once inside the squared circle there are no friends, no allies and until that final bell rings I’ll rage a war the likes of which few have seen out of me. I’ve got great respect for you Titus, again you know that, everyone knows that. That respect though, won’t keep you from landing on your back courtesy of the Rock Slide. There may even be multiple Rock Slides, a Mountain climber and Lord knows what else, but after that referee counts to 3, after he raises my hand to the sky and the announcer tells the world that Everest is back, then I’ll reach down with that hand and I’ll help you to your feet and I’ll hold you up until the cobwebs clear and then I’ll walk out of that ring side by side with you.

People may not believe it, hell they may not even want to hear it anymore but after Kingdom Come it will be impossible to ignore, after Kingdom Come the world will come to realize


And at Kingdom Come, Titus,


With that Everest simply walks out of frame as the camera stays focused on the huge hole in the ground as the picture of the finished product lays on the ground, symbolizing the rise Everest is hoping to make with his career from a crater to another masterpiece.
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