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Kingdom Come III - Michael Winters vs. Brad Bomb vs. Phoenix - Elite X Championship

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
Over on Ascension, the Elite X Championship has finally found a home around the waist of Michael Winters after a somewhat controversial victory in the Best of Series match against Brad Bomb. However Vance Bateman, has automatically set up Winters' first defence by facing his foe of the past two weeks and added Phoenix to the match to guarantee a clean victory for the championship. Will Winters end up becoming the shortest reigning Elite X Champion or will he continue to rise to the occasion?

Michael Winters (c) vs. Brad Bomb vs. Phoenix

Deadline is Monday 28th March 23:59 EST
Michael slams his phone shut and stuffs it into his pocket, tears streaming down his face. His closest friend in the world, the one person who truly understands him could be dying at any moment.

What's happened?

Father Fournier has had a heart attack, I have to get to Northwestern Memorial as soon as possible.

Jennifer grabs Michael's arm and pulls him into the cab as he stares blankly out the window.

Northwestern Memorial, drive fast.

The cab screeches out of the parking lot as the screen fades to black.

The scene opens inside the Northwestern Memorial Hospital. Michael and Jennifer are seen sitting inside the waiting room of the 3rd floor. Michael is sitting uncomfortably in a small chair, his back rigid and arms crossed, blankly staring at the wall. Jennifer has her arm draped over his back. She massages him calmly, trying to alleviate some of the stress of the past few hours. There had been no word on Father Fournier's condition since they arrived, only that he was still in emergency surgery. Michael continued to sit there blankly, he had never been more frightened in his life. Sitting on trial, spending five years in prison, that was nothing compared to the fear he had inside him right now. Father Fournier had been his saving grace, his light at the end of the tunnel, his salvation, his friend. But now, the thought of losing him brought him to the brink of destruction. How could he follow this righteous path without the guidance of Fournier? There was no time to think of that anymore though as a Doctor steps through the doorway and approaches the two...

Mr. Winters?


Michael still has a blank look on his face as he stands up with Jennifer clutching him at his side.

Hi, I'm Dr. Lloyd. I called you earlier about Robert Fournier.

Oh, yes, of course. How is he? Did everything go okay?

I have some good news and some bad news. The good news is that he survived the surgery and is now in stable condition.

Michael's face lights up and he gives Jennifer a squeeze.

Oh, thank God.

He had a severe heart attack and we had to go ahead with an emergency triple bypass on his heart. That's the bad news, he'll be off of his feet for at least a month, maybe more depending on how quickly he recovers.

Michael shakes Dr. Lloyd's hand vigorously.

Thank you so much Doctor, may I see him?

The doctor smiles, releasing the handshake with Winters.

No, not tonight at least. He's still heavily sedated and he needs rest to regain his strength. You look like you could use some rest as well, why don't you go home and come back tomorrow, he's not going anywhere.

Yeah, it's been a long night honey. You could use some rest.

Michael Winters yawns, fatigue suddenly overtaking him.

Maybe you guys are right, thanks again Doctor, I'll see you tomorrow.


The scene switches to the inside of St. Mary of the Angels. Michael Winters is seen packing a duffel bag inside of his room, the Elite X Championship laid out across his bed. He steals glances of it every so often to make sure it's still there, it still hasn't sunk in that he won it the past week on Ascension. He finishes up packing his bag, his bible the last item to sit on top of all of his gear, a superstition he's had since joining the WZCW. He gets down on both knees and folds his hands in prayer, thanking the Lord for all his blessings...

Hello Father, we haven't spoken in a while, my apologies for that, I've been fairly busy as I'm sure you know.

Winters glances over at the Elite X Championship.

Thank you for that Father, I know you were in my corner when I defeated Brad Bomb last week but now I need you in our friend's corner. Richard has served your cause for many years now and is a strong believer. I ask you to help him through this trying time and guide me on my path in his absence, please look over us both in the coming weeks and I will continue down my path of salvation.

Michael touches his hand to his forehead and crosses his chest as he rises back to his feet.


He grabs his duffel bag and puts it down beside the door and goes back and grabs his Elite X Championship. He throws it over his shoulder, puts on a smile and heads to the main hall of the Church. It's 10:50 and the place is packed for the Sunday Sermon as Michael walks through the pews and exchanges pleasantries with some of the members of the Church. A few minutes pass and Michael makes his way back up to the front of the room and up behind the podium. He places the Elite X Championship on the podium, facing the crowd and motions with his hands for them to quiet down.

Good morning everyone. I wish I could be standing up here in front of you all under better circumstances but we've all heard by now what's happened to Father Fournier. He's in our prayers and I'm confident he'll make a quick and full recovery.

Michael smiles at the crowd as a few "amens" are heard quietly through out the church.

Now, as you can see I'm not Father Fournier. For those of you who don't know me my name is Michael Winters. I've been a member of this Church for a few years now and Father Fournier has asked me to lead the congregation in his absence, so I'll be doing things a little differently than you're all used to.

Michael throws the Elite X Championship over his shoulder and steps off the stage and begins walking through the crowd, taking an unusual approach to the sermon. He receives a few weird and confused looks from the crowd but presses on.

God. One word that means so many things to so many different people, to us though, it's pretty simple. He's someone we look to for guidance, someone we go to our problems with, someone who listens to us, and understand this people, he does listen. I've prayed for years to be given an opportunity inside of the ring, one chance to prove my worth to Him and finally he's answered my prayers. Last week I was given the opportunity to achieve a goal I've dreamed of since I was just a boy, become a Champion.

Michael slaps the belt on his shoulder.

God has graced me with this belt and I mean to keep it for a long time. Brad Bomb was an obstacle on my path to salvation but I smashed through that obstacle. Some say I used methods that were unethical and down right illegal but I think differently. God placed my feet on those ropes, God wanted me to step on Brad Bomb's hand, God wanted me to be Champion and here I stand, a Champion. You all have it inside of you to be a Champion in whatever you want, all it takes is a little faith in his plan. If you want to be the best accountant in the world, have faith and He will bless you with the ability to do so. If you want to be the fastest man on the planet, have faith and He will bless you with the ability. I am walking proof! Look at me, I was a nobody. Some bum inside the prison system who was going nowhere, but then I met Father Fournier and he introduced me to the most important person in my life today, God. Embrace him and your prayers will be answered in due time!

Michael makes his way back up to the podium, the crowd salivating over his every word, waiting for what he has to say next. He puts the belt back down and quiets the crowd.

On the other hand though, do not embrace him and you will go unnoticed, just look at what happened to Brad Bomb and Phoenix. Mr. Bomb is not a man of devout faith and that was proven when I defeated him two times in a row to capture this belt. Nothing will change at Kingdom Come, Brad Bomb will lose to me, not because I am a superior wrestler and not because I am smarter than him but because He wants it to be that way. I am meant to be Champion, Brad Bomb or Phoenix can't change that. Phoenix was attacked backstage this past week, why? Because he is faithless. This man does not concern himself with higher powers, but you must if you are to earn salvation and live eternally in the afterlife. WZCW management have thrown him into this match on a whim and I ask this, why? Does he deserve to be in this match? Maybe. Does it matter that he's in the match? No. Phoenix can't re-write what has already been written, it is my destiny to be the Elite X Champion and he can't change that. I will cut him and Brad Bomb down in honor of Richard Fournier and in honor of our Holy Father, for it is what I was put on this earth to do! Just like all of you, we were put on this earth to Champion our Holy Father whether it be inside of a ring or on the streets, it doesn't matter! We will not fail, with faith we can not fail!

Michael Winters has the crowd in the palm of his hand, all of them standing now in unison praising him.

All I ask of you good people is to keep me in your prayers this week and help guide me further down my path of salvation, I will not fail you if you do.

Michael smiles at the crowd, never feeling this powerful before.

Will you do this for me?

Several cries of "yes!" and "praise the Lord!" spring up from the crowd as Michael basks in their affection.

Are you with me?

The crowd quietly cheers, "we're with you!" Michael steps down off the podium once again and throws his hands into the air.

I said are you with me!?

The crowd goes into a frenzy as they all begin to chant his name. Michael stands there with his arms raised in the air as they continue to chant his name as the screen fades to black.
The scene opens with the camera following Leon Kensworth and Phoenix as they walk across the parking lot on the roof of a parking garage. The lot is empty, as everyone has gone home for the day. There isn’t a cloud in the sky, and the sun is casting a bright orange glow across the sky as it begins to set. They arrive at the edge of the structure and look off toward the setting sun. A few college students with backpacks in tow filter in and out of the brick university buildings that stand between Phoenix and Leon and the glowing horizon.

So this is where you became Phoenix?

You could say that. I spent 4 and a half years of my life here in DeKalb, and that’s where I really became the man you’ve come to know in WZCW. I’ve walked you through my life the past few weeks, Leon, but here is where I knew I needed to go to find out the truth about myself. It was days after I left here that had my accident and finally was reborn into Phoenix. It’s been fun reliving my past with you, Leon, but it’s been tough as well.

That reminds me, I wanted to ask you, if I may; where were you last week? I couldn’t find you or get a hold of you at all.

Yeah, I’m sorry about that. Between the run up to Kingdom Come and going back through my past… it’s been draining emotionally and physically. To be totally honest, I lost track of time and before I knew it, I was getting attacked backstage before my match with Titus.

That was actually something I wanted to ask you about. WZCW security is looking over the tapes from backstage, but did you see anything before, during or after you were attacked?

I did not, but to be totally honest with you, Leon, I’m glad I didn’t. This match for the Elite X belt at Kingdom Come is the most important match of my life. If I had seen who tried to injure me backstage, my focus would be on trying to repay the favor. Instead, my focus, at least for now, is completely on my match against Brad Bomb and our new Elite X Champion Michael Winters.

You say this match is the biggest of your life. You’ve been in a Lethal Lottery match, you’ve been in a ladder match that was a match of the year, you’ve been in a Last Man Standing match, you were on the debut episode of Ascension; what makes this match the biggest?

Ever since I finished my business with Garth Black all those months ago, I’ve felt directionless. People still consider me one of the best in this company, but I know that I’ve done nothing recently to deserve that distinction and that need to change. So I went to Vance Bateman and mentioned to him that I didn’t have a match at Kingdom Come. I also mentioned that if Michael Winters won the second of the three matches as well, he would be without a challenger for the Elite X title at the pay-per-view. He quickly saw what I wanted, and agreed to give me the match.

Now, you’ve never crossed paths with either of these men, what are some things you have picked up from scouting them?

They are both big and strong young guys. Bomb is a bit more ruthless, but both guys know how to win a match and make sure you are still feeling it the next day. I know my game plan, however, and that is to hurt them without them getting a hold of me. It won’t be easy, and I expect to be hurting the next day, but I also expect to have a new title belt to help ease my pain.

Phoenix smiles at Leon before they both stare off at the setting sun. Phoenix breaks the silence after a few moments.

C’mon, let’s get back to the car. I want to take you to one last place before it gets too dark.

The begin walking toward the car as the scene fades to black.


The scene opens at dusk on a rural road, surrounded by a cornfield on one side and a forest on the other. The only light besides the mostly hidden sun is a flickering street light a few hundred feet away. After a few moments, two figures come out of the woods. The camera goes closer, and we see that it is Phoenix and Leon.

I know I’ve seen this place before…

Civil Revolution 2009. I was preparing for the tag title match against the Daves.

Phoenix pauses to look at the tree. It looks healthier than it did two years ago, but the scars from Phoenix’s fatal accident are still easily visible a few feet off the ground. He feels the indentation of the tree, the same indentation he felt two years ago, and the same indentation that once was the home of the front of a car that belonged to a man named Jake.

I make sure I come back here every once in a while. I needed some time to myself last week, so I decided to come here and just ponder everything. I knew I was in line for an Elite X Title shot at Kingdom Come, but I still wasn’t feeling like I was at my best for that match. So I came here to mentally prepare. And it finally hit me, Leon. I don’t enjoy hurting myself or others. I’m not here to save the world. I’m here because I thrive on competition. I love the feeling of getting hit because I make my reputation based on how I respond. I love the feeling of hitting the other guy because I help them make their reputation based on how they respond to me. Sitting here under this tree brought back memories of how much I loved playing volleyball in high school and the rush I got from the competition. I missed that in college, and that’s what led me to begin my path of self-destruction. I knew I needed WZCW, but I never knew why exactly. Now I see that competition in the fire in which I thrive.

Phoenix walks back over toward the tree and runs his hand across the carvings he left during his visit two years ago.

Now, I have been giving a great opportunity to fuel that fire at Kingdom Come against two of the best young wrestlers in WZCW. I do want to congratulate Michael Winters on his Elite X title win and I know Brad Bomb has a promising future in this company, but only one man can have his moment at Kingdom Come and walk out with the Elite X Championship. And Leon, that man will be me.

Phoenix stares at the tree as the scene fades to black.
The establishing shot is a pretty run-down neighbourhood where people can be seen sleeping on front porches and lines of beer bottles next to them. We next see Brad Bomb sat in his car, checking his texts, as he looks over to one of the houses that is in good condition when compared to the others around it. Brad gets out of the car and walks toward the house; he knocks on the door where he’s greeted by a scruffy man. The man is noticeably skinny, has a shaggy beard and his hair is long. He’s wearing a stained blue shirt and jeans that have holes in them. The two exchanges pleasantries and go inside the house.

Inside the house it’s equally scruffy like the man. There are patches of damp everywhere and there are only patches of carpet on the floor below. Brad and the man move into what looks like the kitchen.

“So what is it you want Martin? More money so you can shoot up and get high again? If so you’re wasting your time.”

“That’s not what I’m here for Brad. You should know that I’m trying to get off the drugs.”

“I’m expected to believe that am I? What proof do you have? The scars from where you inject are still there on your arm for the world to see!”

“You’d know if you’d actually spoken to me the past 3 years! The last time I saw you, you refused to help me out. Refused to help me recover from my addiction. Refused to help me set myself back on my feet again. I’m your brother for God‘s sake!”

“I don’t have a brother!” shouts Bomb. He takes a short breath. “All I have is a 6ft lump of flesh, heroin addict who likes to masquerade as if we were ever related. The brother I had died a long time ago.” Martin is visibly upset by these comments.

“You can’t say that. What if Mum was here? What would she say if she saw us like us? As kids we always together. Sticking up for each other. Helping each other out. Whether it was covering up that we broke something or getting into fights, we were always there for each other Brad. Don’t pretend that never happened.”

“What would Mum say? Well we’d be able to see that if you hadn’t got involved in your disgraceful little habit! You know what happened don’t you? Or did you shoot up enough that you managed to forget? If you do then don’t say such stupid things.”

“Of course I know what happened! I think about it every day. I’ll never be able to forget what happened ok. I was in a dark place. I’m sorry. I never meant for it to spiral out of control like that. I’m so sorry. If I could go back and change it, I would. You know I would. Anyone would!” Martin begins to well up while, Bomb is just looking more and more angry.

“Sorry will never be good enough Martin! You got Mum killed. She took a bullet for you. She sacrificed herself for you. Her life gone in that hopes that her son would be able to turn around his… and what did you carry on doing? You kept taking the damned drugs! You were so high you missed her funeral. How could you do that? How could you miss her funeral? How Martin?” Bomb is shouting right in Martin’s face. As he does so Martin is just turning his head away from Brad Bomb.

“Words can’t even begin to describe how ashamed of you I am. I’ll never admit you were my brother. You’re a disgrace. A shit stain on society. The lowest of the low. Unlike you, I’ve actually gone somewhere in my life and this weekend is the biggest of my life so far. I’ve got a chance to be somebody.

The chance to be able to dedicate something worthwhile in the name of my Mum and where will you be? On some corner getting more drugs. You know what. Never contact me again. Never approach me. Never tell anyone about me. I never, ever want to see you again. You got that?”


“Weren’t you listening?”


“I have to be somewhere. Goodbye Martin.” Brad Bomb then storms out of the house leaving a dejected Martin standing there. Just as Bomb leaves, Martin begins to cry but Brad carries on walking out. He gets into his car and puts the key in the ignition. He puts his head in his hands, looks over towards the house and nods to himself. He turns the key and pulls away from the scene.


The next scene opens up with Brad Bomb’s silver car pulling up alongside a curb. Brad Bomb emerges from the car wearing a pair of dark blue jeans, a baggy white t-shirt and a light green hoody. He pulls the hood over his head and then removes a gym bag from the boot of his car. He then walks towards a run-down local gym.

Bomb is next seen taping his hands and wrists as he stares on at his reflection in the dirty, stained mirror of the locker room. He smiles contently and then walks out into the main part of the gym where a boxing ring, weights, places for skipping ropes and sit-ups are designated and finally punching bags. He gives the bag a few light jabs before getting into it properly, beginning to properly work the bag over.

Nobody ever told me that the road to Kingdom Come would be this difficult… then again nobody said it would be easy either. Seemingly every week I was facing a new challenge. Nothing was ever fully set in stone. For weeks I thought I wasn’t going to make it and then I get a gift given to me by Vance Bateman. A shot at the Elite X Championship. A chance to become the next big name in the company. A chance to go to Kingdom Come…

Bomb works a quick left-right combo on the bag.

A best of three series against Michael Winters is the challenge. All I had to do was make sure I pulled out a win. One win and I’m at Kingdom Come at my very first try, fighting for a title that puts you on the path to greatness. However, my opponent stood in my way. Michael Winters, a religious man, whose connections with God are constantly reflected in his life outside of WZCW. Yes, he presents himself as this holier-than-thou sort who couldn’t put a step wrong. A guy appealing to the Lord for help in winning his matches…

Bomb pauses in thought to start punching the bag some more, this time more consistently.

I don’t know how much God is supposed to help you win matches but there comes a point when you realise some things just don’t happen randomly. I’m supposed to believe that he fell onto the ropes for leverage, enabling him to get the pin fall. I’m supposed to believe that he didn’t mean to step on my hand and go on to win the title by count out. No, no, no. Winters is an excuse for a champion. He never managed to beat me cleanly because he knows that I’m better than him. He knows that if the scenario called for it – he wouldn’t be able to defeat me. Bateman knows it too, that’s why I have my re-match.

The thing is, it can’t just be me that Winters knows he’s not better than…

Bomb takes a short break from the punching bag.

Phoenix. A seasoned pro in WZCW finds himself attacked before his match with Titus and then Bateman comes out and says that one of us would’ve been involved in the attack. Well it sure as hell wasn’t me and it wouldn’t surprise me if that snake Winters was responsible for the attack.

As a result of that, Phoenix is now involved in the match. How fitting for him since after mine and Winters match, neither of us were looking like we were getting on the card for Kingdom Come but now we must face off against each other. It certainly adds a different dynamic to the match. Me and Winters, we have a feel for how each other wrestle. Phoenix comes into this match with no proper prior knowledge of how I wrestle and vice versa. The only thing he has as a slight advantage is in-ring experience but I’ve faced lots of different people in this company and I’m suited for any arsenal of attack, whether he tries to come at me like Constantine, Beckford or Wasabi Toyota. I’ll be ready.

At Kingdom Come, I’ll go in all guns blazing; I will take the fight to Michael Winters and Phoenix. I will walk into that arena looking at the tens of thousands of people chanting my name, waiting for me to showcase to the world what wrestling is all about. I will go out there and put in the performance of my life and nothing past, present or future will stop me from walking out of there with the Elite X Championship, strapped around my chest and leading the next generation of Elite X and WZCW superstars.

Brad Bomb returns to the bag once again, this time hitting it with power shots over and over until finally the bag snaps off the chain that was supporting it.

The bag drops to the floor and Bomb looks on in bemusement.
Bomb turns to walk away from the punching bag with a smirk on his face.

The scene fades to black.
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