Kingdom Come III - Chris Beckford vs. Blade - EurAsian Championship

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
On the subject of the EurAsian Championship, quite the rivalry has been built up of late as Blade will challenge for the championship after spending some time stalking and mocking the current champion, Chris Beckford. Now that these two will finally meet in the ring, will Blade finally take the thing he wants the most or will Chris Beckford show Blade a thing or two about what it means to be the champion?

Chris Beckford (c) vs. Blade

Deadline is Monday 28th March 23:59 EST
It’s a beautiful day in New York City, sun splitting the sky as only the faintest wisps of cloud floating overhead. The perfect sky is being looked at longingly through a window by Blade. He is not able to enjoy the weather, stuck inside a psychiatrist office, as he was ordered to go to by Chuck Myles. The grey walls are a stark contrast to the brilliant blue of the sky outside. The psychiatrist, Dr. Kurt Stone sits behind his desk, looking over Blade’s case file, reading it quietly, looking focused. Blade looks over the doctor to the wall full of diplomas and certificates, seemingly there to just serve the ego of the good doctor. Bored of the silence, Blade clears his throat and begins talking.

Blade: So do I get to look at ink blots and tell you what I see?

Stone: You watch too many movies.

Blade shrugs as the psychiatrist takes reads the file and writes some notes. After a few moments of silence with Blade looking at the bizarre artwork upon the walls, the psychiatrist speaks.

Stone: Do you know why you’re here?

Blade: Because WZCW management’s latest solution for dealing with anyone unruly is to send them straight to a shrink. Big Dave got it last month, Showtime got it and I’m getting it this week. It’s like being in high school, and we’re the cool kids who do stuff that all the rest are curious about, like sex or drugs.

Stone: You say it’s like high school, was high school hard for you?

Blade sighs.

Blade: If you try to overanalyse everything, I’m walking right out of here.

The psychiatrist nods, looks down at his desk and writes a few more notes. Blade shifts in his chair impatiently

Stone: I want to find out about you. I want you to separate Blade the wrestler from Blade the person.

Blade shakes his head and takes a sip of water. He frowns for a moment before answering.

Blade: I... I don’t even know if I can do that anymore.

Stone: Do you think there’s something wrong with you?

Blade: I always have.

Blade lets out a forced laugh, but Stone keeps a completely straight face, looking directly into Blade’s eyes. Blade quickly silences himself.

Stone: Chuck told me you’ve been a bit of a loose cannon over the last two months. What can you tell me about that?

Blade: What do you want to do know?

Stone: I suppose you could tell me where it all started.

Blade: Well... I suppose it started in Dublin, during my autograph signing. I had decided after Lethal Lottery that I wanted... Needed a title. I wanted the EurAsian title because that’s the one I’d come closest to getting. I knew Beckford was the champion and I knew I could break him down, mentally. Make him weak, ripe for the picking. But I needed to do an experiment first.

Stone: An experiment involving Beckford?

Blade: An experiment involving myself. I had to find out how far I would go, how low I would stoop to get the mental edge over an opponent..

The scene is 6 weeks ago, on the sunny Dublin. Blade is furious after his autograph signing was brought to a sober ending by the outspoken Baez fan. He’s pacing back and forth behind the scenes, with the organiser of the event apologising profusely.

Manager: I’m so sorry, Blade... He wasn’t wearing the mask when we let him in, we had no idea he’d try to stir up trouble...

Blade nods, accepting another apology before going for the back door.

Blade: I’m going out for a smoke. I’ll be back in five.

He opens the door into the back alley and takes out a cigarette. Just as he lights up, a familiar voice catches his ear. The voice of his heckler from ten minutes ago, around the corner talking to his friend.

Baez fan
: So I stood up and basically told him he sucks! It was awesome!

Friend: That is awesome! Anyway, I gotta head home. I’ll see you at our lecture tomorrow.

Baez fan: Alright dude, take it easy.

Blade walks through the alley to the front of the shop, but stays around the corner, out of sight. The Baez fan and his friend go in opposite directions, with the Baez fan walking towards Blade, still wearing his mask. He goes past Blade and Blade grabs him by the neck and pulls him into the alley at the side of the bookshop, pinning him to the cold brick wall.

Blade: How dare you mock me? I could beat your ass right here and now.

Blade’s voice is quiet and calm, but the fan is literally shaking, the sweat trickling down and dripping out of the mask. Blade leans forward so that they’re nose to nose.

Blade: Now, I’m going to destroy your hero Baez on Meltdown. And once I do, I want you to tell all your nerdy pubescent friends that I am for real.

Blade loosens his grip from around the throat of the fan, but then violently rips the mask of the fan’s head. Blade looks at the mask with hate before looking back at the fan. But the fans’ expression makes Blade drop the mask out of surprise. There are tears in the fear filled, bright blue eyes of the fan. Blade lets go of him and takes a step back.

Blade: Just go...

The fan doesn’t move for a moment, until Blade shouts.

Blade: I said GO!

The fan hesitates for a moment before darting out of the alley. Blade crouches down and picks up the mask, smirking to himself.

Stone: So did you feel bad for the fan?

Blade: Not really, why would I? But I’ve been playing that scene in my head since it happened, and it’s still as vivid as a movie. That was the turning point, I knew I couldn’t go back after that. I had walked through the doors of insanity, and they had shut behind me...

Stone: So you walked further?

Blade: The tip of the ice berg.

Stone: So what happened next?

Blade: I presented the mask to Bateman as a statement and he rewarded me, as if I was a dog bringing him a newspaper. Irritated as I was to have to do something like that to make him take notice that I could be money for him, I held my tongue. For then at least...

Stone: Then what?

Blade: I got the title shot that I desired. I was satisfied. Then it hit me that Chris Beckford was the champion and a fire was lit within me. Beckford was plain but plucky. Yet he didn’t deserve the title. It belonged to me, and I was going to destroy him to get it.

Stone: Did you have a personal vendetta against Beckford? Did he wrong you in some way?

Blade: Yes. He wronged me by having my title. I have nothing personal against him, but the man holding that EurAsian title is my greatest enemy. Beckford was just in the wrong place at the wrong time so to speak.

Blade takes out his cigarettes and looks at Stone.

Blade: May I?

Stone: You’re not supposed to, strictly speaking. But I doubt I’ll get much more out of you if I stop you smoking.

Blade: Well, at least you understand smokers.

Stone: Used to be one myself. But enough idle chatter, what did you do once you knew you were facing Beckford.

Blade stands up and walks toward the window and opens it up before lighting the cigarette and leaning out the window, the closest he’s been to enjoying the sun. He takes a long, deep drag and exhales out the window. He continues to speak, his back turned to Stone.

Blade: Well the story continues two weeks later. A week before, I had officially accepted Beckford’s open challenge and the match was set. So I decided to tell him this during his match. Obviously there were no sinister intentions, I was just there to let him know. Beckford losing the match was a shock and I’m offended he believes I cost him the match on purpose....

Stone: You know sarcasm is the lowest form of wit.

Blade: That’s not true! ‘I know you are, but what am I?’ is the lowest form of wit!

Stone: Could we keep on track please?!

Blade laughs to himself and looks below him at the park, where there are people talking, laughing and having picnics.

Blade: I said Beckford was in the wrong place at the wrong time... Well, my next 'statement' came because I was in the right place at the right time...

Blade is walking down the halls backstage, stretching his biceps before his match. Suddenly, he overhears a conversation involving a voice that lights a fire inside him, a fire of determination mingled with hatred: the voice of Chris Beckford being interviewed by Stacey Madison.

: You could argue that a decent competitor should always keep a focus on the match regardless of the distractions around him...It's your own fault you lost.

Beckford: You're right it was, I shouldn't have let Blades distraction affect my performance and I won't let it happen again. If Blade wants to accept my open challenge for the EurAsian Championship then that's fine but I won't let his mind games work. That's why I showed up on Ascension last week, to show Blade that I am ready for him. We've had matches with each other before, and we're tied at 1-1 so I'm looking forward to facing him at Kingdom Come for the EurAsian Championship should I get there as Champion.

Blade snarls angrily upon hearing this.

Blade (to himself): He thinks the mind games won’t work? He lost to Brad Bomb in the first place because of my mind games. But if he wants to be in denial, I suppose I’ll have to force him to accept it.

He storms down the hallway with a sense of purpose, nothing around him distracting him. He bursts into the locker room and looks around swiftly. He spots a steel chair, sweeps the porcelain bowl and glass that he’d used for lunch off the chair causing them to smash on the ground. He picks up the chair, folds it angrily then leaves, a small trail of destruction left in his wake. He walks back down the halls, heading for the Gorilla position. He walks past Rebecca Serra, who looks startled by his expression.

Rebecca: Blade, where are you going? I wanted an interview!

Blade stops and turns his head slightly without looking at her.

Blade: I’m going to make Chris Beckford wish he had never accepted my challenge...

He continues walking, leaving Rebecca in a stunned silence.


Stone: But from what I’ve heard, you proceeded to attack Brad Bomb?

Blade turns back around and slowly walks back to his chair, nodding to Stone’s question.

Stone: But why? After the match, Beckford was equally sore. He was there to take out and you went for Bomb.

Blade rubs the back of his neck and leans forward, staring into Stone’s eyes with intensity, speaking each word with emphasis, as if weighed out carefully.

Blade: When I heard Beckford talk me down, in all of his denial, it frustrated me. People respect my talent, but I haven’t won a title in a year and a half in this company, and I’m a joke because of it. So when Beckford starting saying I wouldn’t win, I decided to stop treading with care to the dark side and instead I let go. I walked to the ring ,the chair in my hand, and I blasted Brad Bomb in the skull. While freaking Beckford out was the main reason behind the attack, I also had to take out my frustration somehow. If I hurt Beckford, then I wouldn’t get my shot. So by attacking Bomb, I got into Beckford’s head and took out my frustration. Two birds with one stone.

Stone: I see.... That makes enough sense. So what came next?

Blade: Well the next week, I was up against Sam Smith, a hungry young rookie, who’s determined to prove himself. But while he saw this match as his opportunity to be put on the map, I saw it as an opportunity to do more damage. Not to the WZCW roster, to Beckford’s psyche. It was also an opportunity to give Smith a reality check. His ego was running away with him, he was so convinced he could be me, that I would be his stepping stone to great things. But I am NO ONE’S stepping stone. So I had to send both him and Beckford a message...

Blade is in his locker room. He has a two television set up, one replaying Beckford’s speech to the WZCW crowd after Ascension 27, the other showing what is happening live at the house show in the arena. He watches on angrily, cigarette in hand.

Beckford: So why did he do it? I had my back turned and if we know anything about Blade it's that he makes the most of the oppertunitys he's presented with so why didn't he attack me? What message did he send...That he can attack people with a steel chair when they've already been beaten? It doesn't matter what message he was sending it doesn't change anything. Blade you're a coward, you've been a coward you're whole career and look where it's gotten you...absolutely nowhere. You've been around forever and never won the big match, never held the main championships and never been appreciated by anybody who is anybody in this business. At Kingdom Come you have the chance to change that when you get in the ring with me but if you think for a second that you will...then your more deluded than I thought.

Blade begins muttering to himself quietly.

Blade: You disgust me Beckford...You bad mouth me, thinking you’re such a big man because you can hide behind your title belt. The title you don’t deserve, the title that you are disgracing with your lacklustre talent and mediocre performances. You make all these excuses for why you’re losing, blaming me for your first loss to Bomb when, in reality, I didn’t force you to get distracted. You just lost focus, a mistake that no true champion should make. You dare tell me I have never been appreciated by anybody in this business? I command respect! I bloodied the monster known as Karnage, I ended Zander Young’s career, I am the one who sent the invincible Titus on his crippling tail spin, which he still hasn’t recovered from, even since his return. Beckford, I’m going to make you wish you never became a wrestler... Tonight, I’m going after you.

Suddenly, the other screen catches Blade’s attention. Sam Smith, Blade’s opponent later in the week comes out to deliver a promo. Blade’s forgets Beckford for a moment and stares at the screen where Smith is speaking.

Smith: My determination is what separates me from Blade. Blade has lost sight of what is important. Hell, Blade used to be one of the guys I watched to get better. A guy I respected, and while I respect his ability, I certainly don't respect the man. His despicable actions have caused not only me, but all the guys in the back to look at him differently. He's a changed man... and sadly, he changed for the worse. You see, Blade has one major problem. He's power hungry.

Blade talks about his destiny to become the WZCW Heavyweight Champion and how people will fall at his feet. He will be the person that everyone is talking about and he will be the man to nestle his name amongst the very best that this business has to offer. He would join the likes of Joseph Rios, Everest, Titus and Ty Burna as one of the greatest Champions that this company has ever seen.

Blade sees himself lifting the championship belt and his name getting announced for the Hall of Fame. Blade sees all the fame and glory that lies on the other side of the winning three-count against Ty Burna. He sees his name in lights, ranked amongst the very best that the sport has to offer. He will be on top and nobody can take that away from him. He feels... entitled.

Again, so focused was he that he lost sight of what is important.

You see, I go out every week and put everything on the line for the match I am in. My eyes are not fixed on some distant future that might never happen. I go out to please the fans and make sure that when the bell at the end of the match is ringing, I am the one who stands victorious over my opponent with my hand raised high into the air. Too often has Blade had opportunities and blew them. He was put into the RWO and couldn't stick with it. He feuded with Phoenix and the more motivated man was shown to be Phoenix. Blade has had too many opportunities and has choked on them all. His sights are too firmly set on being Champion that I am going to take everything from him at Meltdown.

Blade is shocked at what he’s hearing. He stands up, fury across his face.

Blade: This rookie, this nobody dares question me!? I will never win the title I’m destined to win? Phoenix was the better man? I HAVE HAD ENOUGH!

He picks up the wooden coffee table placed in the centre of the room and hurls at the television. The television screen implodes in a flurry of glass shards as large electrical sparks burst from the set, almost threatening to set something on fire. He stands for a moment, amazed at his own actions before dropping to his knees, cold sweat dripping down his face, his hands shaking. He looks up and sees a steel chair in the corner of the room, the same dented steel chair he used on Brad Bomb two weeks ago. He slowly gets up and walks towards it. He strokes the top for a moment before picking it up and leaving the locker room.

Blade: I will MAKE you respect me...

Blade has his head in his hands as he remembers those few minutes, one of the darkest moments in his life.

Blade: I snapped... Broken and angry and lost, I snapped, lost in some kind of complete, perfect nothingness of emotion. If I hadn’t have seen Smith out there in the ring, I likely would’ve attacked Beckford. But fate was on my side and I happened to see the promo, and I went after Smith. And I hit him with the chair. I hit him and I kept hitting him. His pain brought such peace to my mind that I felt terrible things would happen if I didn’t. Smith made me snap... But he also saved me. I was right on the edge, and his words pushed me over. I fell and I fell until I was able to unleash what had been bubbling inside me. The years of doubt from myself and my peers, I didn’t want to try anymore. I wanted to destroy, to punish...

The words ring out in the room, so dark they feel like someone’s final words on their death bed. The psychiatrist does not know what to say and they sit in silence for a few moments, Stone staring at the top of Blade’s head as Blade stays leaned forward, his face in his hands. Suddenly Stone realises something and quietly speaks.

Stone: You have a reputation for not caring what people think. Why did Smith’s words get to you like they did?

Blade finally sits up, his face pale.

Blade: When I was growing up, I had it hammered into me by my family that I was going to be a champion. Hammered so hard, it got to the point where I can’t accept any other outcome. I did begin to wonder if this was truly my destiny, against everything I believe, and it is a conflict that has raged in me my whole career... But if it was only me questioning it, it didn’t bother me so much. And I’ve had other people question it, but I’ve silenced them... Something about what Smith said combined with what Beckford said... A reality I couldn’t face.

Blade looks up, his eyes blood shot and angry.

Blade: I cannot lose at Kingdom Come. I have put everything into this, I’ve gone too far to go back. This is it... Everything or nothing for me, for my life. It might seem I have nothing to lose, but you have no idea... I’ve said it to you already, Beckford was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. He is the blank face holding the title that should be around my waist.

Stone: It's strange... I happened to see the interview you had after you attacked Smith. You seemed... Normal. Calm, even.

Blade: Because I was... With the emotions turned up to 11, you either collapse or you learn to control it. There is a moment during my attack on Smith that I smirked. I controlled all the emtions and damaged him like I've never damaged anyone. It'll undoubtedly shorten the career. I've turned that emotion into power, and I feel invincible.

Stone: I... I see. But surely you’re simplifying it? What about the fact that Beckford has beaten you in the past?

Blade: You answered your own question, that’s in the past. It means nothing now..

Stone: What about the fact that Beckford’s mother has died?

Blade shrugs.

Blade: A non-factor, simply an excuse for him to use when he loses.

Stone: What about the...

Blade stands up, interrupting Stone.

Blade: You don’t get it, do you?

He walks forward slowly, staring at Doctor Stone, who begins to look a little scared. Blade stops before his desk and slams his hands down onto it.

Blade: When we are in the ring, nothing outside it matters. It’s just me, and the person who has my title, not Christopher Beckford. Even with all my self doubt, my conflict, I know that there is no way I or anyone else could do what I have done, go as far as I have without it having some greater meaning. I’ve gone on to a different psychological plain, where I can’t be followed. While all people see is me pushing Beckford to the edge, I have been pushing the mental and emotional boundaries with every disturbing act I have dished out over the last two months. I pushed myself further and further and I came out on the other side alive, in one piece. Beckford hit me with his finishing manoeuvre, I realised that I was going to beat him. My body hurt, but my mind was sharp. Inside, I was smiling. So when I reach Kingdom Come, my mind will be clear, clearer than Beckford’s has ever been, and I will destroy him. I will take the title that I rightly deserve. If he dares ask for a rematch, I will destroy him again. Because it is my destiny and it has finally arrived.

His voice drops to a barely audible yet intense whisper

Blade: I’ve been through a very strange time in my life. I’ve done things that Beckford can’t even fathom, and because of it I can handle whatever is thrown at me. Beckford is tired, he’s week. This match doesn’t start at Kingdom Come. It started weeks ago. Mentally, this wrestling match has been going on for this whole saga and I’ve been winning. The physical part of this match is the ending. And I just have to finish him off.

The psychiatrist is stunned and speechless. Blade straightens up and breaks the gaze with Stone. He looks out at the beaming sun one last time and turns to leave.

Blade: I’m sorry, our time is up.

He walks out the door without Stone protesting and walks down the hall. As he leaves the building, one more memory shoots through his mind, a memory he didn’t mention within the confines of the office...

Blade is standing in dark clothes, including his usual black trenchcoat and shades outside a church. The sky is grey and there is a cold wind passing through the area. Blade is on the phone, speaking quietly.

Blade: So my appointment with the therapist is tomorrow. Ok. Thank you.

He hangs up the phone and picks up the bouquet of violets that are on the ground beside his feet. He walks towards the church, where there are various people standing around. He walks up to the priest and shakes his hand.

Blade: Hello Father. Unfortunately I’m not going to be able to attend the service, but I would be most appreciative if you could give these to Chris.

Priest: Yes, of course.

Blade: Thank you.

He turns and walks away. The priest brings the flowers into the church and places them down. A small white card is placed within the flowers with Blade’s handwriting scrolled across it:

Enjoy this day, Chris. After Kingdom Come, you will wish you feel only as bad as you do now.

- Blade
The scene opens on a dour day in the city of Leeds. Rain is falling hard from the dark and dank clouds, a clap of thunder is heard and a flash of lightening shoots through the sky. A regular looking house is seen through the falling rain. Outside the house a barrage of cars and people can be seen. Through an upstairs window we can see Chris Beckford stood looking out at the rain. He is wearing a black suit with a white shirt and black tie with a sombre look upon his face. The camera cuts to the room that he is in and we see he is stood in a bedroom. Photos on the wall indicate that it is not his bedroom as most of the photos are of a middle aged couple. In some photos there are pictures of a rather young looking Chris Beckford with another male and a female. After a few moments Beckford moves from the window and picks up one of the photos of the middle aged couple. A short while afterwards there is a knock at the door and Ryan Beckford enters. Ryan is also wearing a black suit, white shit and black tie.

Ryan Beckford: It’s time.

With that Ryan Beckford leaves the room, Chris Beckford puts down the picture and goes to leave. He opens the door, looks back into the room one last time before heading down the stairs. In the lobby it’s fairly quiet as Chris follows Ryan out the door. Outside all the people and cars have gone and only one solitary car remains. The rain is still pouring down as the driver holds the backseat door open and Ryan climbs into the car. Chris is offered an umbrella but he declines as he walks round to the opposite door. In the car the mood is still sombre. Chris is looking out of the window and Ryan is sat messing around on his phone. The only real sound is that of the vehicle’s engine accelerating and decelerating at the drivers’ choice. After a few moments the silence is broken as Chris turns to Ryan.

Chris Beckford: What time did you say Sarah will be here?

Ryan Beckford: She should be here for the start. But you know Sarah she’s not exactly great with her time keeping, especially as she’s driving up from London.

Chris Beckford: That sounds like little sis alright. Remember Mum used to be terrified of getting in the car with her. She used to always tell us how Sarah ‘’drove like a maniac.’’

Ryan Beckford: That was just Mum though, I think she just hated the fact that all our careers took us away from her. She hated the fact that you wrestled, that Sarah spends most of her time in different countries and that my office is based in Ireland. She made sure we didn’t forget how she felt.

Chris Beckford: (Pauses) Yeah…

The atmosphere returns to sombre and it remains that way until the vehicle comes to a halt. The driver opens the door and both Chris and Ryan get out in front of a large church. The rain has stopped but the sky is grey and there is a cold wind passing through the area. There are various people stood around many offering condolences to both Ryan and Chris. After a short while people begin to head inside and Chris is one of the first into the church. He stands out of the way so the people can pass by him to look at the coffin from a distance. It’s at this time he notices the flowers placed on a table near the entrance. A priest notices Chris looking at them.

Priest: Chris Beckford? These arrived not so long ago and I was asked to pass them along to you. This card was with them.

Chris Beckford: Thanks Father. I appreciate it.

Chris looks at the flowers

Chris Beckford: Nice flowers

???: Who sent those?

Chris turns round to see the familiar figure of his sister Sarah. They embrace with a hug.

Chris: You made it. I was beginning to think you weren’t coming. Man I haven’t seen you for an age.

Sarah: I missed you too big brother. How’s the wrestling thing going? Last I heard from you, you were fighting somebody called Austin and a guy called Karnage.

Chris: Yeah that didn’t really turn out too well for me, but I got passed it and now it’s going very well. I’ve got like, the Mecca of shows coming up at the weekend so I’ve got to fly back to the States later tonight.

Aww it’s a pity, Me and Ryan are going out to reminisce about Mum I was hoping you’d join us, anyway I’ll see you afterwards.

As she goes to leave she turns to Chris.

Sarah: Even though she hated what you do she was proud of you.

As Sarah walks away Chris smiles to himself before going back to the flowers. He then looks at the card and subsequently places the flowers and card in the nearest dustbin and walks towards the front of the church. The card didn’t land in the bin properly and is still visible. The priest notices this and his curiosity gets the better of him as he looks at the card. It reads:

Enjoy this day, Chris. After Kingdom Come, you will wish you feel only as bad as you do now.

- Blade

The priest looks at Beckford, who looks extremely pissed off as he is walking down the aisle. Beckford looks to be the last one to his seat.

Minutes pass by

Organ music begins to play as three priests begin to walk down the aisle. They approach the coffin and begin to speak:

1st Priest: We are gathered here to say farewell to Jane Beckford and to commit her into the hands of God. In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Lord our God, you are the source of life. In you we live and move and have our being. keep us in life and death in your love, and, by you grace, lead us to your kingdom, Through your Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Everybody: Amen

1st Priest: In the Name of God, the merciful Father, we commit the body of Jane Beckford to the peace of the grave.
The priest lets three hand fulls of earth fall onto the coffin.
From dust you came, to dust you shall return. Jesus Christ, our Saviour, shall raise you up on the last day. Lord God, our Father in heaven, Lord God, the Son, and Saviour of the world, Lord God, the Holy Spirit, have mercy on us. At the moment of death, and on the last day, save us, merciful and gracious Lord God.

2nd Priest: Let us now listen to the words of Holy Scripture that assures us of God's safe-keeping in life and death.

The priest reads a few texts from the Bible.

1st Priest:Let us pray. Our Father in heaven, we thank you that, through Jesus Christ, you have given us the gift of eternal life. Keep us firm in the faith, that nothing can separate us from your love. When we loose someone who is dear to us, help us to receive your comfort and to share it with one another. We thank you for what you have given us through Jane Beckford. We now entrust ourselves to you, just as we are, with our sense of loss and of guilt, When the time has come, let us depart in peace, and see you face to face, for you are the God of our salvation. Amen.

Everybody: Amen.

1st Priest: Let us say the Lord's Prayer together:

Our Father, who is in heaven. Let your name be kept holy. Let your kingdom come. Let your will be done on earth as in heaven. Give us today our bread for the day to come. And forgive us our sins as we have forgiven those who sin against us. Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For the kingdom. the power and the glory are yours now and for ever. Amen. Our Father, who art in heaven. Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen.

1st Priest:
Receive the Lord's blessing. The Lord blesses you and watches over you. The Lord makes his face shine upon you, and be gracious to you. The Lord looks kindly on you and gives you peace; In the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Everybody: Amen.

The coffin is carried out by Ryan, Chris and two other men. At the graveside, the service continues as follows. The coffin is lowered into the grave. The priest goes to the graveside and reads another prayer.

1st Priest: Give her, o Lord, your peace and let your eternal and light shine upon her.

Everybody: Amen.

1st Priest: Let us go in the peace of the Lord. Amen.

With that the priest takes his leave and various people look over the grave saying their final goodbyes. Chris is staring into the grave, as he does this a tear falls over his cheek. Ryan puts his hand on Chris’ shoulder while comforting an inconsolable Sarah in his arms. After a few moments Chris walks away, he sees a bench near the church but away from the group and sits down putting his head in his hands. Beckford looks up with tears streaming down his face to see a figure approaching. As the figure gets closer and closer to Beckford we can that it’s Sam Remmington. He sits down next to Beckford.

Remmington: Hey, how are you holding up man?

Beckford: Not great. I’m glad you came Sam.

Remmington: I wasn’t going to miss it. It was a nice service.

Yeah it was, but you know I realised that that was the closest I’d been to my Mum for over a year. Now she’s gone I keep thinking to myself that I should have been there for her. What kind of son doesn’t visit his mother?

Don’t think like that man. She died of natural causes there was nothing you could have done. She knew you had your career. She watched you every time she could…She was proud of you.

Beckford: I’ve just been so busy. Since becoming EurAsian champion my life has been so hectic. From matches to shows to signings, it’s been crazy. Now I’ve had Blade tormenting me for the past month. I don’t know how much more I can take.

Remmington: You knew what you signed up for. Blade’s just another guy Chris, a guy that can be beaten. He talks the talk but when he’s in the ring with you, he’s just like every other guy you’ve beaten in your career. I’ve been watching Meltdown. I know he likes to play his games but come Kingdom Come, none of that matters, all of the mind games he’s played or likes to play will be irrelevant. You’ve had it rough these past few weeks but I know you. You’ll rise above it like you always do. You’re hurt, you’re angry and you should be, but use it. Go to Kingdom Come and use it on Blade. Retain your championship and move on with your career, just like your Mum would want, just like your Dad would want, just like your family and friends would want.

Beckford: You’re right Sam. Like usual. You know Blade actually had the audacity to send me a message here today. What type of person does that? Does he have no humility? With Kingdom Come this weekend I have to get focused. After everything that’s happened recently I need to clear my head. Thank you Sam. You always know the right things to say to keep me on track. I’ll be ready for Kingdom Come. Blade won’t know what hit him. All this pain I’ve received over the last few weeks will be nothing compared to what I’ll do to him. The EurAsian Championship is too important to my path, my career right now to let him take it away. All his mind games are over. This past few weeks I’ve lost a hell of a lot and I’ll be damned if I’m going to let the EurAsian Championship be next. I hope he is ready for a fight, because at Kingdom Come, I’ll give him the fight of his life.

That’s what I want to hear man and don’t mention it. You’ll more than make up for it after Kingdom Come when you’re still EurAsian Champion. Listen I will be back in the States in a few weeks. I’ll come see a show and catch up with you. For now though, I’m going to leave you to your thoughts and speak to Ryan. I’ll see you soon Chris.

Beckford and Sam stands up. He embraces Sam with a hug. Sam walks away from Beckford. Chris stands silently for a few moments before walking over to the gravesite. Most people have left the gravesite and have either left the area or are speaking to people close by. Chris gets to the grave and looks down at it.

Time passes.

Chris Beckford:(Beckford begins to break up, tears are again visible) Mum, ever since I found out about this I’ve been blaming myself. I’ve looked at myself and saw failure. Failure to stop whatever was happening to you. I should have come and seen you more often. With everything that was going on in my life I should have made more effort. But you were still proud of me, and Ryan and Sarah. Even though you hated my career choice, you always asked me how it was going. During my battles with Austin Reynolds you always supported me even after he burned me. Even before WZCW you supported me. Back when I was wrestling here in Leeds you always had something to say, something to keep me on track.
I’ve been blaming myself so much for your death when I should have been celebrating your life. When Dad died you raised me alone. Granted you had Sam to help you out but to raise three kids on your own is some achievement. You really were a strong woman. I just never realised how strong. I promise you I’ll take care of Ryan and Sarah.

(Beckford is full on crying now)
Mum I’m going to miss you so much. I love you… more than I ever thought possible.

The scene fades
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