Kingdom Come Discussion: Vis Imperium (c) vs. Salvific Knights (Tag Titles)

FlexAmerican Dynamite

Constantine and Keaton defend their championship against a team on their way to the top of the card. The so called Salvific Knights defeated Runn Reynolds Runn in style last week and Vis Imperium will seem like a huge step up to that. Constantine though is back in full force, that and Mark Keaton will be a force to be reckoned with. Who will walk out Kingdom Come as tag team champions?
Even with our opponents being a former world champion and RotY i still think it's pretty even. We've been on a bit of a role and have big plans for our RPs both teamwise and individually.

Whoever wins will have earned the titles.
I don't think it's pretty even at all.

Mancini is by far the best person in the group and is on a good run. The problem, it seems to me, is you're not really on the same page for a team. The debate on the name is one such example. I don't believe you would want to stay a team if you lost and therein lies your problem.

Vis Imperium here.
This would be the biggest upset of the night if Vis Imperium lose the titles.

Constantine is a legend and Keaton has beaten legends all year and has had one of the best first years in a long time. They've got an incredible storyline backing them up with the reveal of Constantine as the partner for Keaton and him joining VI. They've only got one match together but the months spent going against each other allows for each guy to know the other like they've been teaming for months.

The Knights have shown dysfunction backstage which we haven't seen from Dave/Jeff. When one team is totally united and the other has some slight cracks I lean towards the two who are united as being the stronger team and the favourite. It'll take a big effort for The Knights to score the upset but as it stands the safe bet and biggest favourite for the entire show is Vis Imperium retaining.
Salvific Knights have to want it.

I mean deep in your bones want it. Don't focus on background noise. It ain't the time to write a long spiel about something that has nothing to do with the task at hand. Believe me, Dynamite and I lost our titles the first time at Kingdom Come because of things like that. I remember painting this fabricated and crazy story about kappas and fans that hated Cerbs (it was in Japan). We lost for good reason. This is the time to bring out the best in one another, and touch on the things that make Slavific Knights worthy to take the gold. You guys have to collaborate, and in no uncertain terms work together and vividly show why Vis Imperium should lose. It's a tall order. I personally think Vis Imperium will be remembered as one of the best stables in WZCW, at least equal to or above The Elite. So write with passion. Write how some reformed mobster and a shapeshifting mma chick can overthrow two greats. You guys should have something to work with after defeating RRR. Make the most of it.

Jeff is probably the best rookie of all time not named Bagpipes. Dave is a juggernaut. Don't mean to pressure you and Shinchan, but it's a hard challenge ahead. Get hyped.

Pep talk over.
Thank you Spidey.

I can honestly say if we win it's because of you. The RPs we had planned would have cost us I'm sure but after reading that I'm rethinking mine and just sent Kap a PM about some other things.
I'm stoked for my first Kingdom Come. Just as stoked to be defending Tag Team gold with a legend and facing a very catchy team. I've liked the Tony Mancini character the whole season and chatted with Frank quite a bit in PM. But never got a match vs Tony, now we get to throw down on the big stage. I'm cheering for Salvific Knights as well as Vis Imperium. May the best team win.
It's not even at all. In this match, Xaitlyn Serpiente is nothing in front of Keaton and Constantine or even Anthony. So, the odds are against us.

All I know is that I and Frank CAN win this. And it all depends on if we can give our best to do so.

For me, It's Do or Die. And I'm going to give my best. Do or Die moments are awesome.
I'm stoked for my first Kingdom Come. Just as stoked to be defending Tag Team gold with a legend and facing a very catchy team. I've liked the Tony Mancini character the whole season and chatted with Frank quite a bit in PM. But never got a match vs Tony, now we get to throw down on the big stage. I'm cheering for Salvific Knights as well as Vis Imperium. May the best team win.
I would love to face you 1-on-1 after K.C. at some point. I don't even care if it's a single match or a fued.
One thing I forgot.

Yes, there was indeed a dysfunction and also because of me. I apologize to everyone for it.
One thing I forgot.

Yes, there was indeed a dysfunction and also because of me. I apologize to everyone for it.
It takes 2 to tango Kap don't take all the blame on yourself.

Besides the past is in the past. We need to concentrate on KC and the future.
Dave is one of the best. Jeff has shown himself to be a great RPer. Constantine & Mark Keaton are great characters by themselves. Both men/characters have shown to work with others well. Veteran and the rising star. A really great team. Hard to argue against.

However, I will have to refer to Spidey's post, and my own personal anecdote for Kapu & Milenko: back in the day, I was RPing as Ashleigh Falkon. This character, and my own personal attitude, were so bad, that only I have really talked about it. Everyone has suppressed it deep down somewhere, with occasional mentions. Out of all the worst characters in history, Ashleigh Falkon is the only character to NOT come back, make a cameo appearance, and be used as a comedic jobber. All of the worst characters in history have made another appearance, but Falkon has not, because it was a really terrible character. However, when I decided to get serious, I ditched Falkon, made Kurtesy, joined up with William Teach, and we won the Tag titles in our first match as a tag team, we defended out titles at Kingdom Come, and we were on track to becoming the longest reigning champions.

Milenko. Kapu. I'm not saying you're bad characters. You're far from bad characters. But you guys have something special: the surprise factor. Nobody expects you to win. Nobody expected me to win the titles, and create an amazing tag team back in the day, and create some amazing stuff with Kurtesy... But God damnit, you can do it. You guys have one of the best pairings, at the biggest event, in a 2v2 scenario. It's you, and it's them. Fucking dig deep, really deep, and show us the best you've got. Smack those cocky, complacent bastards with your a surprise turkey slap, and pull off the biggest underdog victory in recent memory.

I'm behind the underdog team. Screw Vis Imperium.
Bastards. Now I want them to win. I love an underdog story.
Bastards. Now I want them to win. I love an underdog story.

It's hard to not cheer for their success. I seriously wouldn't feel bad if we lost at Kingdom Come for that feel good victory for Mancini and Serpiente.

"Shut up Jeff! You know they don't stand a chance against the sexiest man who ever wrestled. They will get beaten and lay at the feet of Remarkable Mark Keaton."
- Mark Keaton.
"Shut up Jeff! You know they don't stand a chance against the sexiest man who ever wrestled. They will get beaten and lay at the feet of Remarkable Mark Keaton."
- Mark Keaton.
"I'll lay at your feet and then bite you with my venomous poison and then pin you to take the titles where they belong."
- Xaitlyn Serpiente.
One more thing.

I want this more than I want anything right now. Right or Wrong I feel I still have a lot to prove that Yaz made the right choice letting me back.
As others have said, the odds are not in the Knights' favor. A legend and one of the best tag team specialists we have, teaming up against a team that has seen some dysfunction. I give you guys a hard time every now and then but I genuinely do want you to have fun here in the fed. You need to get on the same page. Otherwise you stand no chance. I predict Vis Imperium retains. If the Knights did win, it would be one of the biggest upsets in history. However, without the RP's to read yet, I predict the champs retain.
All these comments are both depressing & lighting a fire under my ass to prove all of you wrong.
I'm feeling nice, so I'm gonna give Milenko a little credit. Milenko, you took Kapu and gave him some consistency and momentum. Not many people would be willing to take on that task.

If this were real wrestling, I think we would have seen the Knights have a longer build in coming together, and then eventually they would win the titles from the big baddies after a couple of tries, likely due to some disfunction between the brash and outlandish Keaton and the all business Constantine.

This isn't real wrestling though. This is fake fake wrestling, so I have to put my momey on VI. Constantine is a future Hall of Famer, Keaton is Rookie of the Year, That is a versatile combo. Milenko may have pulled Kapu out of the gutter, but pulling his team to the VI level will be hard.
No the World Championship needs to go on last. We've had the Tag Team Championships close a PPV before though, maybe in another cycle we could look into doing that again.
I just assume you're always serious.

It gives me a headache trying to figure out when your serious and when you're not.

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