Welcome to the mind of Garth Black,
Through the medium of words on a screen
Don't think of this as a cloaked attack
More a reflection on the obscene.
A regurgitation of every event
That's happened over the years
Would be long and laboured lament
That would bore you all to tears.
The soul of wit is brevity
And father time's a thief
So with trademark honesty and levity,
The gospel of Garth stays brief.
I'm not a poet any more.
Expressing oneself creatively is only worthwhile if people understand you. There is nobody in this company with the intelligence to do so, so I gave up.
They will have you think that this was a regular occurrence, that I walk away all the time. The commentators say it on air all of the time. The fans talk about it backstage. How many chances is Garth Black going to squander?
To squander a chance you have to have a chance. I've left this company twice. Once because of events beyond my control when I'd barely been back for a few weeks. Once because I was completely disillusioned by being attacked by a man in a chicken costume. When I completely and utterly destroyed Phoenix, but he made friends with the top brass and so he got opportunities, whilst I got chicken skin and offal.
Everything done in this company is done to undermine me. Why was I put in the Lethal Lottery without any announcement or forewarning. Of course I wasn't going to succeed. It's just a ploy to make me into a loser and to try and stunt my growth.
I have battled my way from the bottom to the top. I have never had an unsolicited conversation with a member of the production crew. I have never made a backstage complaint. I have been a member of this community that is active and positive for years and I have had absolutely no praise for it. I don't expect it, but I certainly don't expect to be criticised publicly by members of the production team for things that I've never done.
In the last year and a half, through all of my very public, very sustained and very pronounced criticism of the company, I've still only had two conversations with those in favour of this company. One was about a plan for how my matches would be handled in the wake of Tastic using his pull for a win at Gold Rush. All of which was completely changed, by the way, without any discussion with me.
The second time was when I took the time to give a heart felt and honest interview with Leon Kensworth after my title victory. You never saw it because... well I don't know but I have it still, in it's complete form, unedited.
Why was it suppressed? It could be due to conspiracy, certainly, it's the sort of thing I'd expect. But what if it isn't? What if it's just ineptitude all along? We see the company all the time not knowing if its coming or going and frankly it's getting a bit ludicrous.
The commentators can change their mind about whether or not to back me every thirty seconds and the crowd aren't much better. It's a total lack of coherence and it is precisely why this company is losing competitors and losing viewers at an alarming rate. This company used to mean something. It used to be a powerful entity.
Well power corrupts.
And absolute power corrupts absolutely.
I guess it's been pretty clear to me for now that the people at the top of this company fall into a third category. Those that think they have power but are weak. And that's the most corrupt category of all - an entity so corrupt that it is lying to itself.
Tyrone Blades is not an idiot. Tyrone Blades is smart. The curtain may have been pulled back and the magician exposed, but the mind games are still there and the wastes of space at the top of the company are oblivious to the obvious. But I see it.
Tyrone has won one match at a PPV show since Kingdom Come VII, back when he was still Ty Burna. A handicap match against someone who isn't even in the company anymore to win the tag titles. Which he then lost and threw his toys out of the pram and stormed out. And they say
I'm the one who is a flake.
Yet here he is, facing the true winner of the Gold Rush tournament, and the man who beat the current champion and this year's Hall of Famer on the same night to win the title, and whom was never given a rematch. Which one of those two wrestlers has had the year to justify being a number one contender and which one of those is dining out on former glories?
Tyrone, I embarrassed Tastic, I'm more than happy to do the same to you.
You see, I can see right through you.
When I first fought Abel Hunnicutt over a year ago, I said that this company was literally riddled with 'dark' 'mysterious' characters and that this was utterly ridiculous. It took the company mere months to cotton on to this fact, so they decided to turn on these characters. Even the great Ty Burna couldn't prevent the realism revolution.
So Ty[rone] and his buddy Phoenix are doing what Phoenix always knew best - they are riding on my coat tails. Don't think that wasn't deliberate. Tyrone saw I was gaining traction, saw I was getting a following and he's copied me whilst giving the impression of trying to support me and follow in my footsteps but it's completely cynical.
He has learned the shortcut to the opportunity I earned.
You see Ty[rone] has turned the delusion of grandeur into an illusion of candour. There's nothing honest about his endeavours, but he will whinge until he wins, and the likes of Becky Serra are too weak and too pathetic to say 'listen bud, your days are over, we've moved on.'
The days of going on and on and on are over. Well they should be. The bar's shut, time to go home, Tyrone, and if you need a helping hand out the door, I'm more than happy to provide it.
They always used to say that Garth Black was great at expressing himself but that his character wasn't very good. I never really understood what having a good character meant. Does it mean being honest. Does it mean being truthful or is there something beyond that. I don't mean to sound resentful but there's a difference between the truth and 'the truth'. One is inconvenient, the other is incomprehensible, both have their benefits and their flaws.
My truth is inconvenient, but at least it is honest. There's nothing I have said here that isn't true, and in the world of wrestling that's a big statement. Tyrone's 'truth' is incomprehensible, a man who is given every possible opportunity and yet still finds a way to say that he is oppressed.
To win my WZCW title, I had to beat multiple champions in the same match having already beaten them in a handicap match, having already won a tournament where I beat multiple former Champions having fought and battled for over a year to get noticed.
To win his, Tyrone turned up and was inserted into a title match for absolutely no reason, and lasted about 5 minutes as champion.
Seeing that unfold almost prevented me bothering to come back because it was exactly the same circus that has been going on for years.
Guys like Tastic and Mikey are the establishment choices, and I'll criticise them where it is due, but Tyrone is the very worst of them all. He is the establishment's rounded corner version of me. The only thing that's true about the whole Hollow One's schtick is that it's named accurately. Hollow of any meaning and genuine anguish, instead an empty shell, a facade designed to undermine those who have rocked the boat. But unfortunately, I can see right through you.
This match came from absolutely nowhere, but the more I thought about entering it, I realised this isn't all business, this is personal. I am who I am and who you are not, Tyrone Blades, and I do not appreciate having my name linked with your pathetic and cynical organisation. I hate you, I hate that the company doesn't rumble you and I hope I win for every single wrestler in the back who has been held down while you run roughshod and hold this company to ransom.
The truth will out, and remember that when it comes to the truth, quality far outweighs quantity.