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Kingdom Come 8: Titus Avison (c) vs. Blackjack Theron [Eurasian Championship - TLC]

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Da Prophet

Mid-Card Championship Winner
At Kingdom Come VII the EurAvison era began. Few would predict that a year later he would still hold the belt. You've heard legends of that man but another is beginning to write his own legend. The Legend of Theron could be about to get its sequel. All this happens in a Tables, Ladders and Chairs match. It's also Theron's Last Chance at EurAsian whilst the EurAvison era is going.

Deadline is Monday 23rd January 11:59pm (CT)
Tuesday January 18th 2017, Keystone City Kansas. The air is crisp with an unusual autumnal feel in the air. The camera shows Titus Avisons home and all its grandeur. Whilst the four time Oscar winner hasn't been seen in Keystone for a while it's still his home.

Inside the Hall of Famer is sat on the couch. In a rare moment he's able to relax and gather his thoughts. Soon enough he will take on Blackjack Theron and defending the EurAsian championship at Kingdom Come.

Just then an aide walks in to the room.

Titus: Is it 3pm already?

Aide: Yes Mr. Avison. You've got a flight to New Orleans at 6pm.

Titus: Thanks. What day are we on now?

Aide: Day 420, sir.

Titus: So that means that tomorrow...

Aide: Correct. Tomorrow you equal Ty Burna's reign as champion. On Friday you will officially become the longest running WZCW champion in history.

Titus: Is there anything big happening on Friday?

The aide knows better than to give the genuine answer to the question.

Aide: No, sir.

Titus Avison stands up and shakes the hands of the aide. The aide is quite clearly shaking with nerves but Titus delivers one of his trademark smiles.

Titus: Perfect.

Titus pauses and looks at the aide.

Aide: You must really leave for your flight. Your baggage is already in the car.

Titus: Thank you Douglas.

Titus leaves his house and the camera cuts as he enters his limo.


Friday January 20th 2017, New Orleans, Louisiana. Day 422 of the EurAvison era.

Down town New Orleans is full of people in crowds, they're all protesting you know who as he is sworn into the presidency. Titus decides the best thing he can do is to head back to his hotel. As he makes his way through the crowd he stopped by a group of four black women. All of whom are in their mid forties at least.

Woman: Oh it's Titus! I'm a huge fan of your movies. I especially like that one you won the Oscar for!

Titus: I've one five of them dear, but glad you liked it. It pays my bills.

Woman: I didn't think I would see you here. The media says Trump is a fan of yours, so I'm glad. After all he's not my president.

Titus: Well I hadn't realised a protest was going on, I was just walking through town.

Woman: Oh.

The disappointment in her “Oh” was silenced by the other three who pose for photos with the star. It was almost as if it finally hit home that this millionaire white male actor is not like her at all. Alas Titus Avison leaves the mostly star struck group and now heads to his hotel.

As he approaches the Royal Sonesta hotel he sees a father and son combination. The father is wearing an old school Big Dave t-shirt and the son is wearing Daggershield merchandise. Titus decides to cross the road but is spotted by the small child.

Child: Daddy, it's that bad man from wrestling!

Titus stops, and turns towards the two. He walks over and lowers himself to the childs level. The dad doesn't move an inch.

Titus: What is your name son?

Child: Daddy says I shouldn't talk to strangers.

Titus: Yet you shout in the street and call me a bad man?

Child: Well you are.

Titus: Would a bad man do this?

Titus pulls out two front row tickets to WZCW Kingdom Come from his pocket.

Titus: These are two front row tickets. Even certain wrestlers can't get them yet I'm allowed to give them as a prize. Would you like them?

Child: Yes! Please! Thank you!

Titus: I'm not so sure. You realise I am facing Blackjack Theron don't you? How upset will you be when he loses?

Child: He won't lose. He'll win and...

His Dad looks at him with a stern face as if to say “watch it kid”.

Titus: That's right, I'll still be the champion.

Child: It doesn't matter. My Dad says you're not his champion.

Titus: Your Daddy really said that?

Child: Yes!

Titus: Your Daddy is silly isn't he?

Titus stands up and looks the father in the eye. Titus then rips the tickets in bits as the child starts to cry. Titus walks off with a swagger in his step, in the background you can the father comforting the child. You can hear the father shout “You're not my champion. Asshole!”.


Saturday January 21st 2017. Day 423 of the EurAvison era.
Royal Sonesta hotel, New Orleans. Titus Avison is looking at his laptop, he's on the WZCW forums.

Titus: A post by someone called “Get in the bag, Spidey” says that Titus has now taken over Ty as the longest reigning champion in fed history. He's not had a challenge.

Titus laughs at this and looks up from his laptop.

Titus: Who does this guy thing he is? I've not had a challenge. I won the belt from Johnny Scumm who defeated Garth Black who went on to win the world title.

I defeated the mandroid SHIT who has made a name for himself throughout the years in the fed.

I defeated the man who was one half of the longest reigning tag team champions in Flex Mussel. Twice.

Vee A.D.Z. Brought his family and A-game to a Pure Rules match yet he fell short.

Tony Mancini brought all he could, the whole of the mob behind him yet he failed.

Xander LeBelle is someone who will be huge, yet he failed.

Then there's Theron. Ha.

Oh and Bruce Irwin, my toughest opponent yet.

So Spidey. No challenge? Don't be so silly. Oh he's hashtagged it with not my champion. Cute.

Titus: Ah this hilariously witty post by “Lee”. Titus v Theron in a TLC match? Titus loses championship. Oh and he's hashtagged not my champion. What is wrong with people?

Titus slams the laptop down and picks up his gym bag. The scene cuts with Titus presumably going to work out.


Monday January 23rd 2017. Day 425 of the EurAvison era. Titus is scheduled to take part in a TV interview on a local show later that afternoon. He's spent 4 hours in the hotel gym and has come back to his hotel room to check his phone. There are hundreds of calls missed on it. Titus slumps on his couch and switches on TMZ to see what has happened. You don't see the screen but just Titus' reaction.

Titus: Balls.

He switches the TV off. The scene cuts to The Around Town TV show. Host of the evening is Roger Scott, a man in his mid 50s with grey hair and glasses. Titus is suited up with his EurAsian championship over his shoulder.

Roger You name it, he's done it. I'm sat here with WZCW star Titus Avison ahead of their big event in New Orleans. Lets give him a warm round of applause.

The crowd boo with a couple of claps dotted around, this doesn't phase Titus but Roger is pretty embarrassed.

Titus: So shall we just get the elephant in the room out the way with then?

Roger Ah yes. This.

The TV screen displays a tweet.


The crowd is a mixture of boos and cheers, although mainly boos.

Titus: What can I say? The man's a fan.

Roger It would seem so.

Titus: Look. He got a 58% victory margin in this state. So what if he's congratulating me?

Roger I would imagine you would lose some fans.

Titus: Since when have I cared about that? It's been a long time. Fans come and go but legends are written forever. I don't want to pander at everyone’s whim and end up being like him.

The 'him' is said with such vitriol it gives Roger Scott a mild repulsion.

Roger Who? The president?

Titus: No, I'm not talking about the president. I'm talking about Theron Daggershield. Blackjack. Shawny boy. Tiffany’s lapdog. My next victory in the EurAvison era.

Roger So I'm going to ask you a question, that from my research you've not been asked before. I've heard the legend of your career, I've seen what you have done to people week in week out. You even defeated a hall of famer in Matt Tastic last week. So my question to you is this “How does Blackjack Theron defeat you”?

There's a pause as the crowd and Scott aren't too sure how Titus will react to the question. He smiles.

Titus: Oooh I like that.

He chuckles.

Titus: I like that a lot. You know what, I'll tell you. Do you know why? He'll not be watching this show. He'll be in Gaia or Hyrule or somewhere not on this planet. So let's start.

Titus gets out his phone and does a google search and shows the screen to the crowd. He stands up and faces them, belt still over his shoulder. He shows them the symbol.


Titus: This, ladies and gentlemen, is the Triforce. It is a symbol used on temples in Kyoto, Japan. In addition to that it is used in the video game series, The Legend of Zelda. That's why Shawn Daggers has it tattooed on his right hand.

You may think he's strange to do that when Link himself has his on the left in all aside from the Wii games but alas that is diverting my point here. The Triforce is a symbol that is made up of three parts. Wisdom. Power. Courage. All three as important as each other.

The pan to the crowd shows all aside from a fat guy with a beard and long hair looking really confused. He's on the edge of his seat.

Titus: So let us start with Power. In the Zelda games Power is held by Ganon who is the bad guy of the story. Power is something your hero desires yet he doesn't have.

Think of it really, he has Tiffany Wyatt hang around him all the time. Whys that? So he can assert control, to be the powerful one. At the Lethal Lottery SHE came down to the ring to save him, I helped her by eliminating her quickly. For that brief moment Daggershield had power over someone else in the ring. I know full well he would have eliminated her if she got in the way.

The power of Theron has been quite lacking. Yes he's a former EurAsian champion, yes he's a former World Heavyweight Champion but his power didn't last. Make a list of the top 5 champions of either belt and he wouldn't be there. That kills him. He wants to be remembered, he wants that power to say I did that. It's selfish gain for himself to make that “Legend of Dagger”. It kills him that they say legends about me and not about him. Which is why at Kingdom Come he's going to try and tap into his power side. The side I know is under there the side I've seen in people before.

Titus laughs. The crowd are all intently listening, hanging on to his every word. Behind him Roger Scott is also taken in.

Titus: Let me tell you a story about someone who put on the face of a hero yet allowed this to bubble down. He called himself the white knight, but most called him Chris K.O. He fought in a match at Kingdom Come on the side of the Apocalypse of Chaos and at the end decided he wanted to be on WZCW. The crowd, management and himself saw him as a hero. I didn't. I knew for months he made out life hell and I knew it takes more than that to be a hero.

So the secret came out, the fans turned. Chris K.O. was in it for himself. As everyone is. There's a difference though, people have to admit it. Theron will never admit it, and therein lies his weakness. He's just another Chris K.O.

Titus walks over to where he was sat, he takes a sip of water and makes his way back to where he was stood. You could almost hear a pin drop and a pin drop you hear. Followed by someone in the crowd saying “Sorry I dropped a pin”. The crowd chuckle but the five time Oscar winner is stone faced. They all simmer down, like a teacher getting his class to be silent.

Titus: There is the Power portion. He needs to embrace it. Now for the aspect he believes he has, but doesn't. Wisdom. Wisdom is a hard one to instil in ones life but when you are wise you know you have it. It comes from experience and trying things out. I've been in WZCW 10 years in June, before that I was 10 years in Hollywood. I know my stuff.

Let me tell you a story. After a year long break from WZCW to win another Oscar I returned back to quite some fanfare. The night in Glasgow was great and within a few matches I was facing the then World Heavyweight Champion. This was a moment in my life when I thought it was time to prove myself again. I had a great run in WZCW but had done nothing for years. Kind of how Matt Tastic finds himself at the minute. Anyhow I did the wise thing and did my research. How do I defeat Theron Daggershield? So I went through every single match he had ever had. I saw what his opponents said and they pretty much all mocked him for liking Dungeons and Dragons and living in this not real world.

The crowd laugh at this.

Titus: Stop. The thing is we all have our things. Did you know Leon Kensworth has the largest collection of Barbie dolls in the US? Did you know that Xaitlyn Serpentine has never heard of Star Wars? Doesn't take away from who they are as people. As an actor I learned how to escape into that environment and it allowed me to perform. The wisdom aspect allowed me to know how to snap him out of that world. I'll call him Shawn, his actual name. He couldn't cope with it and eventually had to bring Tiffany Wyatt in to find that happy medium.

To the match though, I prepared and he didn't. He underestimated me. I defeated him. Pinned him. He lost. That's not wisdom.

Wisdom is Tiffany Wyatt approaching Vance Bateman and asking for a TLC match. Knowing that Blackjack can't pin me. That's wisdom. Wisdom is knowing I'd accept the match. Wisdom is giving yourself the best opportunity to win. Tiffany has wisdom, you Theron do not.

Roger Well I'm sorry to interrupt Titus but we're running out of time and our next guest is...

Titus gives him a scornful look and then looks past the camera. There's a shout from the producer “Keep him on.”

Roger OK, carry on.

Titus: So we move onto courage. That is the thing Shawn thinks he has the most of. It takes courage to play Blackjack but alas it also takes stupidity. You see courage and stupidity, there's a fine line. Last week at the supershow Theron ran out to help Matt Tastic. He would claim that is courageous. It's not. You see I had just defeated a Hall of Famer and was quite out of it. Courage would have been to do what Matt Tastic did and to take on me and Flex by himself. Courage isn't when you even the odds, it's when you beat the odds at all costs. That's what I've done for 425 days.

So Shawn, lets see your courage as you use that chair to hit me over the head. It'll just be like the Mastersword in your hands I'm sure. Let's see you use those tables to punish me. It'll just be like Link using a Bombchu to smash a door down. Then you'll climb that ladder. Oh that so high ladder and then you will go to grab that EurAsian championship. It will be like climbing death mountain. Then the realisation sets in. I've already got the belt. I've taken it down. That truly was Theron's Last Chance.

So Roger how does Theron defeat me? He doesn't.

Roger Thank you Titus Avison. Don't forget to tune into him at Kingdom Come. Next up the woman who has the largest amount of cats in New Orleans. We'll be back after break.


Tuesday January 24th 2017. Day 426 of the EurAvison era.

The Legend Of Theron
Ocarina Of Champions


February 2010....

The scene opens up to a view of a crowded hallway in an arena. It is the night of Kingdom Come 2. Nearly seven full years ago from present day. The night that current WZCW star "Blackjack" Theron Daggershield attended a major wrestling event for the first time. Theron was in his second year of college at this time though still classified as a freshman in terms of college credit while his girlfriend Tiffany Wyatt was a sophomore at the same school. Theron, noticeably younger than his present self, can be seen looking off into the other end of the hall. His eyes make contact with a younger Tiffany who emerges from the crowd with a purple purse and she has her hair in a ponytail.

Young Tiffany: Did you find our seats?

Young Theron: Yeah. I'm so excited. I've always wanted to attend a show before and what better occassion than to see Titus defeat Everest for the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship!

Suddenly the screen freeze frames and we hear the thoughts of Tiffany.

Tiffany: ((((Confused? Yes that was Shawn calling Titus and Everest by their real names. Shawn had not fully dived into his.... "world".... yet at this time. If he were to recall this day's events, we would be in a castle paying a silver rupee watching gladiators named Tidarthian and Summit. One might say his mind was still fully pure at the time, the night we went to go watch Titus at Kingdom Come 2 competing in, ironically enough, a Pure Rules match.))))

Scene fades out to black for a moment, and then fades back in. Theron and Tiffany of the past are now in their seats. They have an excellent view of the ring, having spent a fortune on a section close to the action. Theron is sitting at the aisle as various WZCW officials walk by as do many fans also looking for their own seats.

Young Tiffany: So, tell me again. Which guy is the one we are supporting again?

Young Theron: Titus! He's the best! One day, I'm going to become a wrestler too and compete at all the huge shows such as this one.

With a laugh, Tiffany plays along, not knowing how serious he is about this.

Young Tiffany: Alright then. What kind of character would you portray?

Young Theron: I wanna be a hero to the fans. Just like Titus.

Young Tiffany: What if he ever turned bad? Would you become a villainous wrestler too?

Young Theron: Titus? A villain!? Tiffany, this is Titus Avison we're talking about. He would NEVER betray his fans.

Young Tiffany: So you would want to be a, what was it called again, a "face"?

Young Theron: Yep! Maybe I'd go with some kind of video game gimmick or something. I could come out into the ring with a cosplay sword and roll some of my D&D dice! Why not? It's what I've always wanted to do. Just wait. Maybe one day I'll main event this very show, just like Titus and Everest!

Both of them laugh as the scene fades out to black. We can hear Tiffany's thoughts though nothing can be seen at the moment.

Tiffany: ((((He did get to live his dream. I never would have predicted that 7 years later we would both be working for WZCW. Now.... Everything is different. The Shawn Daggers that attended Kingdom Come 2 no longer exists. Buried within layers of fantasy from multiple "worlds" he is now Blackjack Theron. A professional wrestler who thinks he is a Dungeons & Dragons character that plays a Legend Of Zelda character. The Titus Avison from that night 7 years ago is also gone. In his place is an evil man who has brought out a fire of aggression in Shawn the likes of which I have never seen before. To the point where it is beginning to frighten me. Which bring us to today....))))


The night before Kingdom Come 8....

Scene fades back in to Theron's hotel room where he is staying at during the events of Kingdom Come 8. It is late at night though the lights of the room are on. We can see a bed with its sheets still slightly made, but adjusted to where the sheets are not tucked in at the foot of the bed. Across from the bed is a dresser and next to that is a table, on top of this table is the metallic box containing the artifact that Mr Platinum had given Theron. Next to this table is a window. Blackjack Theron can be seen by the window. He looks out into the night. Many lights are seen from cars driving along the road and in the distance he can see the arena, the one where he will compete against Titus Avison for the Eurasian Championship.

Theron: I have no choice....

He walks over to the metallic box. He goes to open it but he stops himself just as his hand touches the metal frame of the box. Then he hears cackling heard from the other side of the room. He turns to his right and sees Mr Platinum sitting in a recliner by the bed.

Platinum: No choice, dearie? I thought you already made your decision.

Theron: I've been waiting for the right moment.

Platinum: I sense reluctance in your tone, hero.

Theron: No it isn't reluctance.... It's....

Platinum: Well, go on then. Do it!

The Natural 21 watches as the mysterious wizard gets up out of the chair approaching him.

Platinum: He is within you. Wanting to escape. Waiting for that chance to inflict pain on those deserving of it.... The part of you that you always kept locked away, trying to hide from your precious Kirilah and your fans... It is time to embrace that part of you.... The Fierce One!

The wizard keeps walking until he passes Theron, he is now at the window, standing with his back to Theron who is still standing by the metal box.

Platinum: Just open up that box and let's allow The Fierce One to come out and play, only for just a moment.

Theron looks at the metallic box, then at Platinum who is still facing away. He turns back to the box and goes to once more attempt to open it as a massive shiver is felt down his spine. He can hear his own heartbeat getting louder and louder.... Until he is interrupted by the door of the room opening. Theron's girlfriend Tiffany Wyatt enters the room. Platinum turns around with a big grin on his face.

Tiffany: I need to talk to you about something.

Platinum: Oh, just in time. Hee hee! She certainly will enjoy seeing this!

Theron: No, she doesn't need to see this at all.

Tiffany raises an eyebrow and looks around the room.

Tiffany: Who are you talking to?

Theron opens his mouth to speak but cannot think of what to say.

Platinum: She cannot see or hear me, dearie. Only those capable of becoming The Fierce One can.

The wizard walks over to the bed and lays down on it, cackling to himself.

Theron: Kirilah.... You need to go home.

Tiffany: What? Why?

Theron: You know why. My TLC match with Tidarthian. It isn't safe. I don't want you even in the same arena or in this city, for your own safety.

Tiffany: No. My place is by your side. I started working at the umm, World Gladiatotial Combat Federation, to help you! Just like Rosa in Final Fantasy 4 who became a White Mage to be able to help Cecil the hero she loved, as he went into battle. I am not going anywhere.

Theron: Yes you are. I can't guarantee anyone's safety after what happens next. In order to defeat Tidarthian.... I have to do something I never thought I would....

Tiffany turns away, saddened.

Tiffany: So it is true then.... I spoke to Diamond, I wanted to believe you would not resort to something so dangerous. Diamond warned me of what might happen.

Theron: I heard your conversation with Diamond at your mom's house. This is a decision I made. I was unwilling to go this far in the war against Davkas Diamonddeath last year and look how that turned out.

She faces Theron again, tears in her eyes.

Tiffany: You do not need to do this, Theron! You are scaring me. Please! I am begging you!

Platinum gets up off the bed, grinning.

Tiffany: There has to be another way. We will think of another way for you to win the match.

Theron: Another way?

Platinum walks over beside Theron.

Platinum: Give in.... to The Fierce One!

Theron: You're NOT helping! Shut up!

Tiffany: What!?

Theron: I wasn't talking to you, that was directed at HIM!

He points at Platinum. Tiffany looks in each direction then back at Theron, with a puzzled look.

Platinum: Tsk tsk. She cannot see OR hear me, remember?

Tiffany: What's going on?

Theron: Never mind. What I do know is this.... I need you to go back home tonight. There is another ability left, one I have held back on using. It could help me defeat Tidarthian and I don't want anyone to get hurt. Well, except Tidarthian of course.

A lengthy moment of silence passes then Tiffany speaks.

Tiffany: It does not have to be like this. Think of what you wanted from the beginning. Do you remember the night we went to.... Empire Rally 2? The event where Tidarthian defeated Summit?

The Natural 21 closes his eyes. We hear echoes of the conversation he and Tiffany had at Kingdom Come 2 all those years ago.

Young Tiffany: ((((Alright then. What kind of character would you portray?))))

Young Theron: ((((I wanna be a hero to the fans. Just like Titus.))))

Young Tiffany: ((((What if he ever turned bad? Would you become a villainous wrestler too?))))

Young Theron: ((((Titus? A villain!? Tiffany, this is Titus Avison we're talking about. He would NEVER betray his fans.))))

The spiky haired hero opens his eyes again and looks at Tiffany.

Theron: I remember it like it was just yesterday. We were there at Lemmy's Castle. February 2010. Tidarthian faced Summit in a Hylian Knight's Honor Match for the World Gladiatorial Heavyweight Championship. That was the night I swore I would become a gladiator.

Tiffany: You told me you wanted to be a hero, like Tidarthian was.

Theron: Like he WAS, Kirilah! He's NOT a hero anymore! I thought he would never betray his fans, but he did.

Mr Platinum taps Theron on the shoulder.

Platinum: He sure did betray the fans, dearie. Oh, and remember what he did to Kirilah at the Risky Raffle? Hee hee!

Upon Platinum reminding Theron of the moment he went berserk on Titus, he slams his fist down on the table in anger.

Theron: And then the way he treated you at the Risky Raffle.... No one hurts you and gets away with it! NO ONE!!!!

Tiffany: I do not like this side of you. Stop.

Theron: No. I won't stop. I made up my mind. I have to become The Fierce One. This is the last time I will ask you, Kirilah. Go home and do not come back until after Empire Rally.

She hugs him. The two hold each other in an embrace for a while and Tiffany kisses Theron.

Tiffany: I love you. Whether you become the Fierce One or not, I will always love you. I know the risk involved and I do not care. Let me be there for your big moment.

Theron: Ok. Stay at a safe distance then until I revert.

Tiffany: If you revert. The odds state 1 in every 10 reversion attempts will fail, meaning you might get stuck in Fierce Mode and nobody knows for how long that would last.

Platinum: Everything comes at a price!

Theron: Hence why I asked you to go home, there is a dangerous risk involved. It's a risk I have to be willing to take. It's the only way I can defeat Tidarthian. You can still accompany me to the ring to the match, but you must return to the back once the match starts.

She nods in understanding. They hug again for a long time and then she lets go of him. She blinks as a tear falls down her left eye.

Tiffany: I will leave your character sheet here with you. Try not to roll a 1.

Tiffany takes out two sheets of paper, placing them by the metal box. She slowly walks over to the door, opens it, exits the room, and smiles at Theron, as the door closes behind her. Theron, fighting back his own tears, takes a deep breath. A few seconds pass before Platinum goes and puts his arm around Theron's shoulder.

Platinum: Well! That was fun. Come. I know just the place to do what needs to be done. Bring the box, we will leave right now.

Platinum heads to the door, Theron walks over to the box and sees the character sheet pages. He picks them up and looks at them. The first page is seen, unchanged from the week of Unscripted 2016.

Blackjack's Zelda Character Sheet - Page 1 said:

The second page is also seen, including a highlighted note. The same note that Ian and Tiffany had been speaking about at the Christmas party.

Blackjack's Zelda Character Sheet - Page 2 said:

Platinum: Are you coming or not? Don't forget the artifact.

Theron: Yeah. Let's go.

He puts the character sheets into his pocket and takes the box. Theron and Platinum both exit the room as the scene fades out to black.


2 hours later....

Scene opens back up to a dock in a warehouse. On a table by the entryway is a note. Angle zooms in on the note long enough for it to be read.

Dear Mr Blackjack,

On behalf of all of us, we wanted to extend our thanks. The donation we received in your name at the fundraiser benefit dinner back on November 14th 2016 was larger than all of the others from that night, combined. Thank you for not only attending the event but also your generosity with your financial gift to us. In return, we hope that the use of one of our warehouses as a training ground before your Eurasian Championship match will suffice as a token of our appreciation.


~ Sable Badders-Fairs

Angle zooms out from the note, the entirety of the large open space in the warehouse can be seen. It is filled with tables, ladders, and chairs. Even a random set of metal stairs can be seen out on the floor amongst the items. Theron has been practicing in preparation for Kingdom Come, due to this many of the tables are destroyed, a number of ladders are broken, and several chairs are dented or bent from Theron's preparation for the TLC match. Theron goes over to the metal box, which is set up on one of the tables. Platinum stands by the same table. Theron looks over at the wizard.

Theron: I want to create a moment that the fans will never forget, Platinum. When Tidarthian defeated Summit at the first World Championship match I ever attended, it was an amazing moment. One that truly inspired me to become the gladiator I am today. The fans deserve someone who will NOT betray them like Tidarthian did.

Platinum: The Hylian Knight's Honor match at Empire Rally 2?

Theron: Yeah. The same type of match everyone thought they would get to see in person at Uncalled For 2016 when Tidarthian faced Zee Alpha Zeta, but then Tidarthian pulled his little stipulation stunt. What honor he had at Empire Rally 2 has completely faded away.

Platinum: This match type favors The Fierce One. That dark part of you kept back in the deepest part of your mind. The part of you that thrives on fighting and going to the very limit. Just think, dearie. Tidarthian looks to make history by walking out of Empire Rally with the same title belt he won at last year's Empire Rally. An accomplishment never achieved during any title reign of any kind in gladiatorial history. Even Tiberius Scorch finally lost after making it from Uncalled For 2010 to Uncalled For 2011 in his legendary reign. Tidarthian sets out to do what Tiberius failed to do, only for it to end during an encounter with The Fierce One!!!! Hee hee! A marvelously timed ending, and not the ending that Tidarthian expects!

Theron cracks his knuckles and walks over to one of the ladders that's still set up.

Theron: Tidarthian sat at the top of a ladder in the ring talking of how no one could ever climb up to his level. We'll see about that. His reign of terror will end. I'll push him off that metaphorical ladder by pushing him off a real one if he tries to get up to the belt.

He picks up one of the steel chairs from the floor.

Theron: Then I'll hit him with a chair. Again, and AGAIN! For all the fans in attendance who want to see Tidarthian get what he deserves after his dishonorable actions in 2016.

He goes back over to the table where the metallic box is.

Theron: Then I'll drag him over onto a table, another hit from a chair to make sure he stays down, long enough for me to hit a Dragoon Jump from the top rope to send him through that table!

He turns to face Platinum.

Theron: That is when I ascend the ladder, both the metaphorical one and the real one, to claim MY place as the greatest Hero that the World Gladiatorial Combat Federation has ever seen as I become the Global Champion for the second time. In doing so I also overcome the very same monster who caused my downward spiral one year ago, Tidarthian. I have waited an entire year for this moment.

Platinum: Theron Daggershield could not defeat Tidarthian a year ago.... But today The Fierce One has the opportunity to prevent the villain from making history. So what are you going to do about it, Mister Hero?

Theron: It's time for a new Global Champion. One more heroic than Tidarthian at his most honorable moments ever was, and one who fights at a higher intensity than even what we saw from the Crimson Visor! Tidarthian's not one to underestimate, but he has never faced The Fierce One!

Blackjack goes to the box and opens it.... inside is a red Ocarina. A note beside it reads "Ocarina Of Champions".

Platinum: Any last words before you play the "Forbidden Forest's Song" on the Ocarina Of Champions?

A look of intensity and anger is seen on Theron's face as the angle zooms in on him.

Theron: TLC.... Tables, Ladders, and Chairs.... To Tidarthian TLC also stands for "Theron's Last Chance". That stipulation will not be what this match will be remembered for. No, there is but a third phrase that TLC can stand for, one dealing with the results of this match. That is what this match will be looked back on for in history. Not it being my last chance, but the fact that Tidarthian is going to lose. Empire Rally 8's results will read.... TLC.... Only this time, TLC will stand for.... Tidarthian Loses Clean!

He takes the Ocarina Of Champions out of the metallic box and everything fades to black. The tune of "The Forbidden Forest's Song" is heard.


Theron's younger self is heard once again an echo again in the background, followed immediately afterwards by an echo of his present self.

Young Theron: ((((I wanna be a hero to the fans.))))

Theron: ((((Tidarthian Loses Clean!))))

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