Kingdom Come 7: Tag Team Title 4 Way Elimination (participants inside)

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Richard Blonoff

Make America Rassle Again
Phantoms of Chaos
Men of Mayhem
Children of the Damned
Bearded Gents v2​

(Description to come later)

Deadline is Tuesday, November 10th, at 11:59PM CST. Extensions available upon request.
Three days before Kingdom Come VII...

John Doe: How can this be?!

The hissing had returned. The "how" and "why" was not John's story to tell. He went through hell to find his blood brother, but not nearly the hell Fallout had faced himself. Fallout would tell the story, if he saw fit.

John slams a piece of paper down on the desk. On the federation's letterhead, was a printed e-mail from the powers-that-be in WZCW. They knew a tag title shot was in the cards, given their recent success, but it was eating at John that they had three other teams blocking their path. Fallout was sitting calmly in the leather office chair across the desk from where John stood.

In a Fatal Four Way Elimination, they would face the returning Ty Burna and El Califa Dragon, as well as the upstart Men Of Mayhem, and a team they had crossed paths with before, now with a name, The Bearded Gents v2. The tag team titles had been vacated so Matt and Mikey could settle their personal differences. That was the story Live Mas had given. That was the story the fans would believe. John and Fallout both knew it was their fear of losing the titles that was driving them apart.

The room smells of something near rancor, with the only light being a low-hanging lamp directly over the center of the desk. Dust floats through the air. The only noise, aside from the hissing of Fallout's breathing, is John's heavy boots pacing the bare concrete floor as he struggles to find his words.

We've defeated The Beard and elegANT. How can they be title contenders? They're a joke.

Fallout nods, slowly rocking back and forth in the chair, his head turning to follow John as he paces.

Ty Burna. El Califa. They've just returned, and think Ty's new Hall of Fame status warrants a title shot? He may be familiar with you, but he doesn't know the hell I will rain down upon him, merely for crossing my path.

Fallout again nods, rising to his feet. John paces in silence, clenching and unclenching his fists as his teeth clench, his body radiating fury.

And what kind of a joke is it, to think Armando and Logan deserve a title shot? Armando has always been a joke, and he's being carried by Logan, and everyone knows it. And Logan...He's as fake as can be. He plays it tough to the cameras, but you've seen him backstage. He's nothing but a barking dog, leashed to that anchor named Brittany. If he ever dropped the dead weight, he might be something.

Fallout's hissing makes an odd sound that John seems to recognize as a laugh.

We should have been handed those titles, Fallout. You know it. We are the most deserving, and they know it. This match is nothing but a technicality. We'll take these six men to the woodshed, and join the good Doctor as new champions.

John's pacing ceases as he stands across the desk from Fallout. He leans forward, his face fully illuminated by the weak light as he places his fists on the table, staring at his partner.

Fallout has no response.

Becky. Vance. Whoever. They're poking the bear. They don't know what they're messing with. They want us to prove ourselves...again? Fine. So be it. The blood will be on their hands. They can answer for the bodies we leave in the ring.

Fallout reaches out his gloved hand. John straightens up, backing away from the light. All that is seen is the two hands shaking over the desk, the shadow looming over the paper lying on the desk.

Fallout: Six. Six. Six. Six bodies will be left lying, John.

John lets out a low chuckle that would send a chill down your spine.

Our Father, which art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name;

Both men release the handshake as they laugh loudly, before a sudden silence comes over them.

Whose father? Not mine. Not yours. Hallowed. By whom? His kingdom come? His kingdom has never existed, nor will it ever. Our kingdom will reign. The Children Of The Damned will reign.


The "s" lingers like a hissing snake. Doe and Fallout give each other a small nod as Fallout turns on his heels and heads for the door. John walks away from the desk, fading into the darkness.

A few silent moments pass before John walks back towards the light, picking up the piece of paper. He looks over it, studying every inch of it, before crumpling it in his hand, and throwing it against the wall behind the desk.

???: Michael.

The name itself jolts John to attention, even more so than realizing he is not alone in the room, or even the voice that said it. He stands upright, his gaze fixated on the figure that is entering the doorway. There's not enough light to make out who it is, and the voice is not familiar.

What did you say?

I know your name, Michael. And who you are.

The flourescent tubes that line the ceiling flicker to life, nearly blinding John. What he thinks he sees, is a man seated in a wheelchair. But that can't be true. He would have heard them coming. And no one knows his name. Not even himself.

I know who you were, at least. Not of a man you have become.

As his eyes adjust to the light in the room, he realizes his eyes were not lying. There is, in fact, a wheelchair in front of him, occupied by a man maybe a few years older than himself. The face and voice are still strangers to him.

This is not what I brought you here for, Michael. I...

Stop calling me Michael! Where did you get that name? Who are you?!

A second to think points out what really caused the rage to boil over. John continues, but much more restrained.

You...brought me here? What do you mean?

The man wheels himself forward, bringing himself with a few feet of where John stands. His soft eyes fixed on John. In his lap, a bible, innumerous pages marked with miniature sticky notes.

I have always been there, Michael. When you were just six, the accident that took your legs from you. It was my fault. I influenced your desire to enter combat sports, both mixed martial arts and now professional wrestling. I watched, as you re-learned to walk. I pushed you to use the second chance God had given you, to pursue your dreams. I watched as you entered the cage for your first, and only fight. While you laid motionless, without a single breath in your lungs, I was there.

The flashbacks that have kept John awake night after night race through his mind again now, dizzying him, dropping him to his knees. He sulks to a seated position, resting his back and head against the desk with a thud. The man in the wheelchair moves himself a little closer.

Answer me.

Michael. I was not alone. You were not alone.

Who are you?

God was there, Michael. God. He was there. When that driver blindsided you, and took your legs out from under you, God was there. He saved your life. He knew you had more to do. His plan was not finished for you.

You're not answeri...

But, I am, Michael. Please, be patient.

John wants to rise to his feet, and impose his will on the interruptor, but his curiosity keeps him seated.

I sat by and watched as you were told you would never walk again. You cried to me, every night, Michael, about never being able to fulfill your dream of being a professional wrestler. The guilt ate at me. I consulted with our father many nights, sacrificing sleep, searching for guidance.


John was rising to his feet, almost against his will. The calm demeanor never disappeared from the face of the man in the wheelchair, even with John towering over him.

Michael...We are brothers. Father named us after the archangels. My name is Gabriel. Your name, as you can tell, is Michael.

The overwhelming dizziness returns, but John manages to keep his feet firm, not giving away any signs of being rocked by this revelation.

Your name wasn't always Michael. You were left at the doorstep by a woman that father only ever described to me and Mary as being of ill repute. We always assumed she was a ****e, but father never let us speak ill of anyone.


My...our sister, Michael.

All the news at once churns at John's stomach, causing him to double over, before taking a knee, using one hand to balance himself against the desk.

Shall I continue?

John doesn't move.

I'll take that as a yes.

God told me, the only right thing to do, was to take up your quest as my own. I donned a mask, to hide my guilt, and trained to become a wrestler. You convinced me to use the inside out shooting star as a finisher. That move brought me a lot of success, and I knew it was God's will that had brought us to where we were.

John focuses on the memory of watching the white-clad luchador winning the Luchas de Apuestas, claiming the red mask of his opponent. He remembers being handed that same mask, but this time, he turns his gaze upwards, and recognizes the face handing it to him. It is, in fact, the man in the wheelchair before him.

You're starting to remember, aren't you?

John moves, but only to raise his head, staring a whole through the man he now only knows as Gabriel.

I implore you to finish your story, and leave.

Please, Michael. No hostility is needed.

John lifts his head a little higher, making his expression clear. Gabriel continues.

The same day you took your first unassisted steps, since the accident, I suffered an accident of my own, performing the same move that had given me everything.

Gabriel now pauses, taking a series of deep breaths as he stares down at his own legs.

God's plan was never clearer, than it was that day. Your dream was not mine to live. You had been given a second chance, and I was no longer needed in that role. While I laid in the hospital, fighting for my life, you became stronger and stronger with every passing hour. Seeing you return to 100%, kept me fighting. I was out and in a wheelchair, the day you turned 18, and started training for your mixed martial arts career.

Visions dance through John's mind of him wrestling a weighted mat, and striking a hanging heavy bag. In the background, Gabriel smiles and cheers him on.

You weren't ready for that first fight. Father and I both told you so, but you wouldn't listen. You kept going on about not wasting God's second chance.

John pulls himself to his knees, never taking his gaze from Gabriel. The sweat is visible through the eye holes in the mask, and down his neck, before it disappears under his shirt. His eyes don't blink as Gabriel continues.

You were introduced as the "Right Hand Of God". You were never a large man, but you managed to seem larger than anyone you ever stood next to. Except this man.

John is now on his feet, again seeming larger than his 6'1 210-pound frame would allow. Gabriel maintains eye contact with John, continuing his story.

He managed to gain control, and choked you until you went limp. We shouted for you to just give up. To tap. You wouldn't do it. It broke our hearts to see you lying there lifeless, again. Father thought we had lost you.

And we did.

Don't pause. Go on.

They put you into a medically induced coma, while they tried to control the damage to your brain. They warned us you might wake up...different. Amnesia was a possibility.

It was John's turn to talk.

A possibility?! You think? You don't know the struggle I've faced since I opened my eyes in that mental hospital. I'm surrounded by white coats, no idea where I am, where I've been, and worst yet, who I am!

Michael! You put yourself in that hospital. When you woke up, you were violent, and prone to fits of rage that we couldn't control. We pleaded for you to seek help, and you did. But we never gave up trying to help you! We never meant for any of this to happen!

How exactly did you help me? Huh?

We prayed, Michael. Father and I...We prayed. Every day, hours on end. We asked God to help you, to save you. We asked him to give you another chance. He had listened before, and we knew we just needed to pray harder than ever!

Prayer?! You call that being there for me?

John shakes the entire room with a roar, before pounding his fist through the desk. Without a thought, his foot collides with Gabriel's chest, rocking the wheelchair back, spilling Gabriel out end over end onto the dirty floor.

WHERE IS YOUR GOD NOW?! If he exists, and he is right, then prove me wrong! Rise! Rise! Rise to your feet, and show me!

Gabriel barely lifts his head, searching the immediate area for his glasses. He gives up on them, and sees John's boots in front of his face. With a bend of the ankle, John lifts his face, bringing his eyes up to meet his. Gabriel's nose and mouth are dripping blood, his hair disheveled from the spill.

Gabriel...Your God...does not exist.

Gabriel sobs, pleading with John.

Michael! He can still help you! It is never too late. Please! Listen to me! Accept him into your soul!

I never asked to be left on the church steps. I never asked to be...baptised, and given the name of a holy archangel. I never asked for a second chance. Or a third. I never asked for your pity. I have no family. You are not my blood. not mine.

John moves his foot, allowing Gabriel's head to rest on the floor. He moves around the fallen man, and spies the bible resting face-down next to him, with a stack of papers underneath.

John drops to one knee, and collects the papers, and the book.

Your righteousness led you here. Does this feel like a part of his plan?

My righteousness also brought you here, Michael. I knew you wouldn't remember who I was, until the time was right. But I wanted to see you fulfill your dream of being a championship wrestler. God has not forsaken you, Michael. You are not forgotten so easily. Seek his forgiveness.

John leaves the man lying on the floor, and heads to the door. He stops, glancing at the papers that are now in his possession. He shuts the lights down, but does not leave the room without some parting words.

He should seek my forgiveness.


Hours before Kingdom Come VII...

Fallout sits quietly as John places his mask over his face, and begins to pull the laces tight. The dried blood still stains the forehead of his mask. His blackened eyes peer out from underneath, showing nothing but pure determination and focus. As the final lace is tightened, Fallout rises to his feet. With both man standing, the camera moves from behind John, to besides the two men, revealing six white pillar candles in a circle around them.

Our kingdom come.

The Children Of The Damned.

Here lies the careers of elegANT...

As John Doe says the name, Fallout strikes a match, and lights the candle nearest them.

The Beard...

Another candle flickers to life.

Logan McAllister...


Armando Paradyse...

And another...

El Califa Dragon...

A fifth...

And the...hall of fame career...

John sneers as Fallout lights the final candle.

Of one Ty Burna...

With all six candles lit, there is enough light to reveal Dr. Zeus watching from the shadows. He nods in approval as Doe and Fallout turn and leave.
Arianna: How is he doing?

The scene opens to inside Ty Burna's home, Arianna sitting with Skylar as Ty walks into the room, a frustrated look on his face as he looks towards his beautiful wife. He sighs as he brushes his hair back with his hand as he leans against the wall.

Ty: Califa's alright, but he'll need a couple days to rest. That attack did more damage than initially feared.

Arianna: Does he need anything? I hope he has enough blankets.

Ty smirks as he kneels down and kisses Arianna on the forehead. Skylar meanwhile is busy on her laptop, her eyes darting back and forth as she works on something.

Ty: He's just fine love. Though I'm afraid we're not going to make it to Mexico this week.

Arianna: It's fine. We'll go after Kingdom Come to celebrate you two winning the Tag Team Titles.

Ty grins widely, a mischievous look forming on his face as he sits down between his wife and daughter, wrapping an arm around Arianna.

Ty: So you think we'll win? Awfully confident aren't we?

Arianna rolls her eyes as she suddenly wraps her arms around Ty's neck and suddenly wrestles him to the ground in a headlock. Ty feigns surprise and struggle as Skylar laughs and giggles. She sets her laptop down and begins clapping.

Skylar: Get him mommy!

Arianna: Hunny I could have any teammate and beat the other three teams.

Ty: That so? Well I can tell you haven't lost your grappling abilities.

Arianna: I would hope not. After all the "training" we do in the bed room has been paying off.

Ty: I do believe love your figure four leg lock has been on point as well.

Arianna: Ha! I have you tapping out every time to it.

Skylar suddenly looks confused as she tilts her head a bit as she watches Ty slip smoothly out of the headlock, loosely applying a head scissors. Arianna flips up out of it, before grabbing Ty into a small package.

Arianna: 1..............................2........................

Skylar: 3!

Arianna lets go as Ty acts shocked, kneeling up and holding his head in mock disbelief as Arianna runs over to Skylar, who lifts her hand up in victory.

Skylar: Mommy wins!

All three break into laughter as Ty slowly gets to his feet when suddenly El Califa limps into the room. He leans against the wall as Skylar looks up and smiles wide.

Skylar: Dragon dude! You're awake!

El Califa: El Califa heard a heart racing match going on in here! Surely it must have been for the World Title!

Ty shakes his head and smiles as he walks over to his trophy case, slipping out the first version of the World Title he has won, tossing it over his shoulder and clutching it tightly.

Ty: No one can ever defeat me for the World Title! I have held on to this for far too long to give it up!

Arianna's face contorts into a look of anger as she walks over to Ty and slaps the back of his head lightly. He suddenly faints, falling to the floor just as Skylar crawls over and sits on his chest. Arianna quickly gets down and counts to three.

El Califa: Your winner and the new WZCW World Heavyweight Champion...

Skylar: Me!

Arianna smiles as does Ty who lifts the title up and wraps it around Skylar. She lifts her arms up in victory as she looks over to Califa.

Skylar: I must be doing really good to beat daddy. Him and mommy have been training very hard in their bedroom at night.

Arianna's eyes go wide as does Ty's as Califa tilts his head. Arianna's face goes bright red as Ty clears his throat a bit.

Ty: Um, Skylar. That's not something to say to company.

Skylar: But you said...

El Califa: Keeping your cardio up Ty?

El Califa laughs as does Skylar as Arianna and Ty look rather sheepish suddenly.

Arianna: I....I...I better go start supper.

Arianna rushes out of the room to the kitchen as Ty takes the World Title and sets it back in the trophy case. Skylar meanwhile grabs her laptop and shows Califa the screen.

Skylar: Look Dragon Dude! I did a speed paint of you!

Califa sits down gingerly and looks at the screen. He nods his head enthusiastically.

El Califa: Excellent work Skylar. Did your dad show you how to do that?

Skylar shakes her head no, beaming rather proudly.

Skylar: Nope, I learned how to do it all by myself.

El Califa: Well it seems you certainly have an artist on your hands Ty. El Califa approves.

Ty sits down in his recliner, his hands behind his head as he throws his feet up.

Ty: She certainly is a fast learner. She figured out how to watch those videos, and how to work the paint program. It's rather incredible. How are you feeling by the way?

El Califa: He is getting there. Men of Mayhem will certainly pay for that sneak attack upon him.

Ty: Agreed. It is a shame we could not finish the match with elegANT and The Beard. It was becoming a great contest.

El Califa nods his head and crosses his arms over his chest, his head lowered as he contemplates a few things.

El Califa: Though they do not concern him as much as Children of the Damned. They have made no move towards us, not even so much as an acknowledgment.

Ty: Perhaps Zeus knows better than to go down that path again?

El Califa: He wishes it were so, but Zeus has become rather bold in his actions as of late. His lust for power has exceeded the last time. Surely he would have sent Doe and Fallout to strike against us by now.

Ty: Whatever the reasoning, take it as a good thing Califa. There is nothing between us and Kingdom Come now. Everything will be in front of us, with no worries of being blindsided.

El Califa: You are right Ty. But for now El Califa shall rest and be fully healed and ready for Kingdom Come. He must go back to Mexico however before then Ty. Would you come with him?

Ty quirks an eyebrow as he sits back up, crossing his arms as he looks towards his tag team partner.

Ty: Certainly, but if I may ask, what do you need me there for?

El Califa: El Califa is a proud descendant of the Aztec tribe. There is a customary ritual he must undertake to prepare himself accordingly. As one in tune with Chaos, El Califa believes you know as well what it means to be prepared in a spiritual way.

Ty looks to the side, a very faint glint of red flashing from his eyes. The shadows seemingly cast their way towards Ty, his teeth gritting for but a moment.

Ty: Yes.....but that is a power he is keeping in check for now Califa. We have been over that.

Califa notices the change in the air. He looks to Skylar who seems to be unaffected by the chill in the air. He tilts his head to the side a bit. Was she immune to the Chaos?

El Califa: Skylar why don't you go help your mother?

Skylar: But...Dragon Dude I don't wanna.

Ty: Skylar it's alright. Dragon Dude and I need to discuss something.

Skylar: Fine.

Skylar sets her laptop down again and hops away out of the room. Ty slowly stands up, his head turned away from Califa. Conflicting emotions fill his mind. The faint red glint becomes stronger, as Ty's hands curl up into fists. Califa stands up slowly as well, limping over to Ty and placing his hand on his shoulder.

El Califa: It is Kingdom Come Demonio del Caos!

Ty: I made a promise Califa. I would not go down that path again.

El Califa: He does not want to see the wild animal that you were most recently Demonio. Harness your power. Take control of the Chaos and make it your own!

A low guttural growl escapes Ty as he slowly turns towards Califa. His eyes burn brightly now, his teeth gritting fully now, almost as if fangs reach down from his upper lip. He speaks quietly, though with a renewed force.

Ty: You wish for me to bring complete and utter annihilation to our enemies?! Their blood shall be spilled all over the scorched earth!

El Califa: Focus Demonio! El Califa can see the blood lust returning! Do not let it consume you!

Ty begins breathing heavy, the lights blinking off and on in the room. His hair becomes a wild mane as he lowers and grabs his head. He growls out again, but soon everything seems to stop. Califa crosses his arms as Ty slowly lifts his head, his hair returning to normal and his eyes holding a faint red glow. There is no emotion on his face as he stares directly at Califa.

Ty: Mexico then.

El Califa: The Pyramid of the Sun. We leave in two days.

Arianna: Hey guys! Supper is done!

The tension suddenly breaks as Arianna yells out from the kitchen. Ty's eyes return to normal, as Califa nods his head.

Ty: Coming hunny.

Ty begins walking towards the kitchen, glancing down at the back of his right hand. The Chaos Symbol has formed on it. Ty covers it with his other hand for a moment. The symbol is gone after shortly after. Califa watches, two faint red glowing orbs coming from behind his mask.

El Califa: He is almost ready........

Califa soon follows, and the camera cuts to all four of them sitting and eating. Califa and Ty acting normal, yet there is a current. A foreboding omen hangs in the air. Ty smiles at Skylar and ruffles her hair, the Chaos Symbol briefly reappearing on the back of his hand as the scene fades out.
The scene opens in Mexico as the camera pans around, showing the setting sun on the horizon and the view on top of the Aztec Ruins. Chanting can be heard as the sun dips below, dusk starting to set in. A fire rises up into the sky, the chanting becoming louder. A shaman sits in front of the fire, wearing fine robes, his face painted, and a large headdress. He sways back and forth, sand slowly falling from his outstretched hands.

Shaman: Come forth, Ruler of Dragons.

El Califa slowly walks into the picture, his body painted in the ways of his ancestors. His mask is black and red, and also wears a large headdress, one more ornate than that of the shaman. He kneels and bows before the shaman, the fire cracking in the air.

Shaman: You have come for guidance Ruler of Dragons?

El Califa: He has. He and his partner face a daunting task.

Shaman: You speak of the Black Wolf. He tries in vain to be the man he needs to be. But the call of the wild can never shake loose from him. He thirsts for blood. There is no honor in what he does, for he lost that so long ago. What say you, Black Wolf?

Ty suddenly steps forward, standing with his arms crossed. He does not bow, nor does he wear a headdress or body paint. His eyes flicker red off and on, a scowl upon his face.

Ty: I am not Black Wolf. I am the Harbinger of Chaos.

Shaman: A fool who relies on the power of destruction to build upon. A darkness that corrupts even the most moral. Is that not right, Ruler of Dragons?

El Califa: He has done no such thing.

Shaman: And yet you desire to see the corruption at its full power Ruler of Dragons. You have sacrificed your honor!

Califa's head shoots up, and quickly stands alongside Ty. His voice is loud and angry as he screams out to the heavens.

El Califa: El Califa is a most honorable warrior! He only wishes for Demonio del Caos to be at his full strength!

Ty: Corruption, is that truly what I am to everyone? And yet, I raise the purest of angels.

Shaman: You protect those that you fear you will hurt the most Black Wolf. Are you willing to sacrifice that protection for glory? There are those that wish to usurp your power. Are they more willing to use it properly than you Black Wolf, or are you the one to keep it under control?

Ty: I am the only one that can wield Chaos to its full potential! A war is ready to break out, and if I must sacrifice myself to protect my family, then so be it.

The Shaman stares straight forward at the two, as the red glow grows in intensity. Ty's hair goes wild again, his hands clenched in fists. Califa looks towards his partner, his own eyes glowing red behind his mask.

El Califa: Demonio del Caos is feeding upon the energy here Shaman! Do you not feel the great power that we have at our disposal? We can make things better with this power! We can defeat those that wish devastation upon others!

Shaman: Then you have become no better Ruler of Dragons. It is with great sadness that I strip you of your name. You are not worthy of the title Califa.

Califa's eyes stop glowing red as he takes a step back. Ty looks towards Califa, his eyes stop glowing as well.

Ty: Califa, is it truly worth losing this?

Califa lowers his head as he kneels back down, pressing his head to the ground.

El Califa: Yes......................this is the only way to save what he truly believes in. So be it Shaman.

The former Califa stands slowly, removing his headdress and tossing it aside. He follows by reaching up and slowly removing his mask. He walks towards the Shaman and hands him the mask, kneeling down in front of him. The Shaman accepts the mask and sets it aside.

Shaman: You wish to invoke the wrath of a monster for your own desires, no matter how noble you believe it to be. Ruler of Dragons no more, you shall now wear the disgrace in your wars, and it shall show in your armor!

The Shaman lifts his hand up into the sky, blowing the sand away. Lighting suddenly strikes down wear Califa kneels, and as the bright light dissipates, he stands now suddenly covered in new attire and a new mask.


Shaman: From here on, you shall be known as El Caídos Dragón, The Fallen Dragon. Your desperation and the darkness seeping into your heart shall be seen by all.

El Caidos: Yes....Shaman.

The Shaman lifts the El Califa mask into the air as lighting strikes down again. A few moments pass and as the light goes away, the Shaman no longer there. Califa remains kneeling, his head lowered as Ty walks slowly up to him.

Ty: Califa.

El Caidos: He is no longer El Califa Dragon. He has disgraced that name Demonio del Caos! You shall from here on call him El Caidos Dragon!

Caidos suddenly stands and spreads his wings out, his head looking up towards the sky as it begins to rain.

El Caidos: He has sacrificed that name in order for us to save those that stand under the threat of Zeus! Demonio del Caos!

Ty lowers his head for a moment, his eyes glowing red once again.

Ty: Kingdom Come. It has come once again. These fools do not know what they have awoken in each of us. They shall face down the gods of destruction, as the Phantoms of Chaos render them all silent!

Darkness takes hold as the fire goes out, the rain coming down in torrents. Caidos and Ty's eyes continue to glow red as they stand side by side, staring over the ledge. Suddenly everything goes black, and a large Chaos Symbol suddenly appears, erupting in flames immediately. The faint light from the fire reveals Caidos briefly in the shadows, as if a whisper only he disappears again. Ty appears on the opposite side, appearing to be an apparition.

Ty: Bring forth those that wish for Mayhem! Mayhem is but a child in the face of Chaos! Buried beneath their desire for pain, they shall suffer as those that have suffered under the Harbinger of Chaos's reign. Their bodies broken, their minds shattered....

Ty disappears as Caidos now appears in the same fashion, his wings spread out before bringing his hand forward, appearing in the shape of a claw.

El Caidos: He will ensure they pay for what they have done to him. They have lead to El Caidos's fall. Logan and Armando, these names shall be erased from history. Their horror shall haunt them for as long as El Caidos is alive!

The two Phantoms rush forward, only to disappear again. The Chaos Symbol burns brightly, as if feeding on the anger of the two. The Phantoms reappear, hovering on each side of the symbol, their arms stretched out, ghostly in appearance. Their eyes glow red as their voices grow louder.

Ty: Gaze upon the neutered beast of The Beard! The man who stole the World Title from me, now relegated to a jovial circus bear. His fangs have been ripped from him, no longer the monster he has every right to be!

El Caidos: elegANT, though we are friends, we shall soon be on opposite sides once again! El Caidos needs to defeat Zeus and his followers, and if he must destroy you to do so, then so be it. Understand it is not personal, but only what must be done.

Ty: Fear not El Caidos! For while your friends may fall, know that it is for a cause that is just and right!

El Caidos: He understand completely. The Tag Team Titles are ours for the taking. Nothing can stand in our way.

The Phantoms slowly circle around the Chaos Symbol, seemingly melting into the fire until it explodes out, the whole area now set ablaze. The Phantoms walk through the flames, the fire reacting to their movements and begin swirling around them.

Ty: Children of the Damned. The idiots that follow the false prophet Zeus. Know this that I have lead far greater men into battle then the likes of you two. Cowards that lap at the crumbs Zeus leaves you, do you not remember the last time Fallout? How your mighty leader sat limp against the brick, chained to endure the torture at our hands? That was just the beginning, and all you could do was run away. Your fear shall only grow at Kingdom Come, so what shall you do? Will you run again? Tremble at the feet of your petulant master? He cannot save you. There is no mercy for cowards that betray a false confidence!

El Caidos: Zeus shall suffer at our hands once more. It begins at Kingdom Come with you John Doe. Caidos wears his mask to show his disgrace, he wears these wings to rain down death to his enemies! You cannot even bear to see your own face. He has seen true horror. He has witness to greater power than you can even comprehend! Learn to pray to a god of your choosing Doe. El Caidos Dragon's claws shall be at your throat, and the trickle of blood will just be the beginning. He will end Zeus before he can cause anymore suffering!

Ty: The Phantoms of Chaos wander through the nightmares of those that go against them. Soon they will contort into reality, the puppet strings being pulled behind them. Dance for me fools! Dance before those that lord over you! Fear the name. Fear the reckoning that is to come.

El Caidos: At Kingdom Come, The Phantoms of Chaos shall begin their reign.

Ty: Thus it is written.

El Caidos: So it shall come to pass!

A loud screeching can be heard as the flames cover over everything, all except for two sets of glowing red eyes. Laughter echoes throughout as the scene goes to black, the laughter going away soon after.

Skylar: When is daddy coming home?

The scene appears to Skylar sitting on the bottom step, her dog Bear sitting at her feet. She has her head in her hands as she stares at the front door.

Arianna: He'll be home soon Skylar, and then we'll go to Kingdom Come ok?

Skylar: .....'Kay. Hurry up daddy!

Suddenly the door slowly opens as Skylar's eyes widen and a smile forms on her face as she runs to the door.

Skylar: Daddy!

She look up but a confused look forms on her face as Ty walks in.

Skylar: Daddy?

Ty smirks as he looks down at Skylar, his eyes still has a faint red glow.

Ty: Ready?

Skylar: Let's go!

Ty: Go get your stuff.

Skylar bounces off as Arianna walks in. She immediately notes the red glow, as her jaw drops a bit.

Arianna: Ty....what are you doing?

Ty: I am doing what is needed Arianna. We must win.

Arianna: Not like this Ty. Not like this. Please don't.

Tears begin streaming down Arianna's face as she wraps her arms tightly around Ty's neck, who remains looking forward.

Ty: I can control it Arianna. I promise you.

Arianna: Please Ty, don't do this. You don't need Chaos to win!

The red glow goes away as he wraps his arms around her, holding her close.

Ty: Just this once. Just to make sure you and Skylar are safe.

Arianna: We are Ty. As long as we have you we always will be.

Ty: Only once Zeus is put down can I be sure of it. There's no telling what he will do. When we are there, stay with me at all times.

Arianna sniffles a bit but nods her head. She pulls back a bit and looks Ty in his eyes before kissing him softly.

Arianna: Ok. But where is Califa?

Ty: He will meet us there. Go get your stuff, our flight leaves soon.

Arianna nods and smiles, wiping her tears away as she walks away. Ty lowers his head a bit as El Caidos appears in the shadows.

El Caidos: Are you truly in control Demonio?

Ty: I don't have a choice Caidos. I have to be.

El Caidos: Then let us end this quickly. For your family, and so I can reclaim my name.

Ty: Very well then. To Kingdom Come.

Caidos and Ty reach out and shake hands, the Phantoms of Chaos are prepared, though at what cost to their humanity? The struggle is more than physical, it is with the power that they both wield. Pray for the opponents of the Phantoms, for they may not make it out alive at Kingdom Come. The scene fades away, to one final shot of the Chaos Symbol.
The grand entryway of elegANT’s home is often the site of a great amount of worker ants attempting to prepare for whatever the next event hosted by elegANT may be. Parties, charity events, silent auctions, and even a dog show have taken place at this exact location, and under the guidance of Antfred, the worker ants were able to make it all happen. Today may be their biggest task yet, as a nearly countless number of ants dart throughout the foyer. Some are cleaning, while others are carrying cameras and lighting equipment. In the center are the only two creatures not moving. In fact, they are sitting in chairs, getting make-up. They are The Beard and elegANT. elegANT sits calmly while a worker ant takes care of him, while The Beard alternates between looking at elegANT with confusion and at his worker ant with discomfort. When the worker ant gets dangerously close to Beard’s namesake, he shoots out of the chair, towering over the worker.

I think that’ll be good enough. This face doesn’t need much work to be TV ready.

He winks at the worker ant, who nods and disappears into a sea of its co-workers.

So ants wear make-up?

elegANT and the worker ant both start to laugh, which only confuses The Beard more.

Of course not, partner! This is a high-quality exoskeleton polish. It’ll help to remove dirt and really help to shine me up.

That makes a lot more sense, actually.

They both watch as a group of worker ants carry a massive lighting rig right past them.

Should we be helping them?

Quite the opposite, The Beard. Worker ants have an instinct to serve their leader. They would see it as a failure on their part if you or I were to help them.

I never knew that being a wrestler would require me to learn so much about ants.

Nor I about astrophysics.

Before Beard can question that response, elegANT is out of his chair and addressing the workers.

I believe we have everything ready to go. I need one of you to please fetch Antfred, but after that, all of you should take advantage of this gorgeous day and be outside in the garden.

All of the workers head toward the door that will take them to the garden, with the exception of one ant who heads upstairs to find Antrfred. After a few moments, the worker comes down and heads outside. A few moments after that, Antfred makes his way down, carrying a stack of papers.

Alright, gents, here are your scripts. I’ve worked on these for hours, and I think they should be absolutely perfect.

The Beard starts flipping through right away, but elegANT just seems disappointed.

What’s wrong, sir?

You’ve done great work, Antfred, but I don’t know if using a script is the best way to go.

What makes you say that?

elegANT pauses before he answers, searching for the right words.

We’re doing this to get the fans to truly support us at Kingdom Come. The renewed Beard. The humble elegANT. The two genuinely virtuous wrestlers in the match. We’re here to remind the people of that and rally their backing for the biggest night of the year. Am I correct?

Antfred and The Beard both nod in agreement.

I just worry that if we go into this with a script and just recite lines, we’ll lose all the emotion and connections with the fans that we want to highlight. I don’t know about you, The Beard, but I believe that we can get the point across without needing lines. What do you guys think?

Both Antfred and The Beard smile, with Beard grabbing elegANT in a giant bear hug.

I’m in if it’s okay with you, Antfred.

Antfred doesn't immediately respond, but after a moment, jumps onto the back of The Beard, in an attempt to join in the hug.

Of course it's okay! My only goal is to do whatever I can to help the two of you become WZCW Tag Team Champions and if it means throwing out the script I wrote, so be it!

The Beard helps the two ants back to the ground, and all three take their places: The Beard and elegANT in the same chairs they were in earlier, and Antfred behind the camera. The tag team partners look at each other, take a deep breath, then turn to Antfred and nod. He signals that they can begin.

Hello WZCW fans! I, of course, am elegANT, and this is my tag team partner, The Beard.


We are just a few days away from the biggest wrestling show of the year, Kingdom Come, and we are fortunate enough to be in a four-way match to determine the new WZCW Tag Team Champions. The Beard, you were a tag team champion before, weren't you?

As a matter of fact, I was, elegANT. Teaming with Le Gentleman Masque was one of the funnest periods of my career, which is why I was excited to tag again.

Now, I certainly am not Le Gentleman Masque, but I think the partnership between you and I is quite similar to the partnership between the two of you.

I couldn't agree more, ANT.

The two of us, ignoring a few months when you lost your way of course, I believe, are truly good. Both of us take our position as WZCW superstars very seriously. I know for me, seeing how happy my wrestling makes kids and their families. That's what sets us apart from our competition at Kingdom Come.

Just look at their names, elegANT. Children of the Damned? Men of Mayhem? Phantoms of Chaos? Those aren't names that scream fun for the family.

They are terrifying! Look at those words: Darned, Phantoms, Mayhem, Chaos, Men!

The Beard looks at elegANT in confusion, but Antfred signals from behind the camera to keep going.

At Kingdom Come, one team will be left standing. We know that it's not a popularity contest, but with four teams this talented, every little bit helps. That's why ANT and I are here to ask for your help. Chant BEARD. Chant ANT. We want to hear you.

I am elegANT. He is The Beard. Help us to be known collectively as your WZCW Tag Team Champions.

The scene fades to black.
Extra, extra, read all about it!

An old timey paper sales kid stands atop a wooden crate as he waves his newspaper in the air.

The Beard and elegANT are back and bigger, better, badder, and beardier than ever! Be on the lookout. Kingdom Come is coming and they are putting the WZCW roster on notice. Only 25 cents a read. Get it here while it is hot off the presses!

Thanks for the pub, Tony. Here ya go.

A 50 cent piece!?! Thanks Mr. Beard!

Tony’s a good kid. Plus I’ve always wanted to do an old timey newspaper gimmick. Remind me to talk Felicia about that. You don’t know Felicia? You’ll meet her at some point. She’s Em’s BFF and now my publicist or some shit. Not exactly sure. I just know she makes me look good, not that I need help on that front. Cause I don’t. Most of the time.

Speaking of looking good, the time was drawing near. Kingdom Come VII. That’s crazy to think how everything has really come full circle. My first Kingdom Come saw me going for the tag team championship and here I am today a former world champion, a former tag champion, and the reigning and currently not defending “Manliest Man in Wrestling” winner. Quite the resume, but none of that is important. What is important, you ask? Bringing home the tag team championship.

Mr. The Beard. We are ready for you.

My man Antfred. Party bus is ready?

Indeed it is sir. elegANT is quite excited about your mystery trip. What is the plan if I may ask?

We are doing the empty orchestra. You guys familiar?

I’m unsure sir.

Of course not. Cause only a real doucher would call it that. What I’m referring to is the art of karaoke.

Yes. elegANT will love that I am sure. We must be going. Promptness is key.

Of course it is. But first throw these on.

Zubaz for everyone. If we are going to karaoke, we are going to karaoke in style. Antfred didn’t seem too thrilled, but once he got those bad boys on I could see the comfort consume his body. elegANT also seemed to enjoy them a bit more than a normal ant should, but can’t say I blame him.

These pants Beard are the pants of a God. Do you realize how much breathing room I have? I can fit a whole colony in here. Amazing. And colorful, truly a spectacle.

That might be the most fitting description I’ve ever heard.

What is the big mystery trip partner? You must tell me, I can not contain my excitement.

We’re gonna get stupid and we’re gonna sing some karaoke.

elegANT’s eyes light up, pure excitement. He raises his hand high in the air, clearly looking for the highest of fives. And that’s what he got. Apparently my high five hand has been kept strong as it smacked elegANT right in the face, knocking him right out of his seat and on to the floor of the party bus. Yes he spilled his drink. Tsk tsk.

Party foul! Shots all around.

Oh we got the coolest bus driver of all time. Like all time, all time. He just called a party foul. Wow. His name I think is Hector, but that’s not really important right now. Time for a shot.

Oooo tequila!!

Before we drink, lets raise our glasses for a celebration.

Alright. Tonight we’re gonna have a buttload of fun. But lets not forget where this road leads. This road leads to the show. The show of kings. An opportunity lies in front of us that many don’t get. We have a chance to mold a legacy of greatness. A chance to win the tag team championship. A chance to call ourselves champions.


Did you just drink yours?

Si senor.

You little shit. You just wanted another.

Si senor

Where was I?

The part about us becoming champions.

Ahh yes, champions. The task shall not be easy. In front of us stands six impressive opponents. A hall of famer, Ty Burna. A dragon, El Califa. Madmen. Doe and Fallout. The Wildcard. McAllister and Paradyse.

Children become Men and Men become Phantoms. Those that are Darned turn to a life of Mayhem, leading to a world filled with Chaos.

What he said. Fallout and Doe look for the destruction of the world. But we stand in their way. Men of Mayhem look to be noticed. They are looking for their chance at greatness, but we stand in their way. Phantoms of Chaos look to add on to an amazing legacy while beginning to solidify another, but we stand in their way. We stand here, the unknown in a sea of darkness and despair. We stand in front of them as Gentlemen. Two gentlemen in a world they don’t belong, but we will not let them bring us down, for chivalry will never die as long as we fight for what’s right. Our colony will rise. And we shall drink to that.


O freaking le!

We proceeded to do a bunch more toasts, but none made much sense following that one, so I’ll spare you the imagery. As for the karaoke, we killed it. Like Jack the Ripper levels of killing. elegANT did a stage dive and surfed the crowd as I rocked it out to Mr. Jones, cause who doesn’t tell each other fairy tales? At one point elegANT and I did that Fight Song that so damn popular and catchy. But hey that’s how we felt and damn it if the people didn’t love it. Standing ovation. Maybe that’s our song. Cause we stand here, united. United as fighters, but more importantly united as gentlemen. And we will fight for that. The road to Kingdom Come reaches its end. The ride was long, the ride was tough. But when life throws you a challenge, it comes with great reward. That reward: the WZCW Tag Team Championship.
Armando is seen lying on a couch in a huge office. He has his eyes closed and a woman is sitting behind the desk with a notepad, staring at him. The stress has got to him and he decided that a trip to a local psychiatrist. Her name is Missy Mathews and she is a fairly young woman. Armando was shocked when she told him a bit about herself before their session began.

A Joke! They think I am a damn joke! I am in one of the most anticipated matches at Kingdom Come and all they want to do is crack jokes.

Missy is confused but still writes away in her notepad.

Why am I still the joke of the company? I am a formal Mayhem Champion!

Armando, how do you know "they" consider you a joke?

Armando sighs and sits up. He buries his face into his hands.

I listened to this podcast a couple of days ago. They were saying about how this is my first Kingdom Come and have no chance of winning. They were laughing at me, saying that if Men of Mayhem do win the tag titles at Kingdom Come, then it will be because of Logan and not me! They won't even recognize me as a champion!

I see. Armando, you are not a joke.

Armando looks up at Missy.

You are a great wrestler and you have already proven them wrong by competing at Kingdom Come. You deserve to be there in that match as much as anyone else.

Armando nods his head as he rises and heads to the door.


He turns around and gazes back at Missy.

I believe in you.

He shoots her a quick smile and heads out the door. He messaged Logan that they have an interview with Leon and asked him to meet at a local bar nearby. Logan was already there and waiting for him so Armando hurries along.

A few minutes later, Armando goes through the entrance to the bar and sees Logan. He walks over and sits next to him, neither saying a word. A few minutes later, a Bartender comes over and Armando asks for a glass of Grey Goose on the Rocks.

Armando, I'm nervous. I don't get nervous often but I am. This is my first title match and I want to win but there is a lot of strong teams in this match and we do have a target on our heads.

-Yeah. Listen, Logan. I have been in your shoes before too and now we have a chance to do the impossible. Everyone thinks we will lose this match. Children of the Damned are the favorite heading into the match and we need to take them out first.

After what we did last week, I don't think the other two teams will allow that to happen.

We have a chance to get revenge on Phantoms of Chaos and this time we won't get distracted.

The bartender gives Armando his drink. Armando sips on it and ponders for a moment.

Instead of taking out Children of the Damned, we can use them to our advantage. Phantoms of Chaos and Children of the Damned are the polar opposites. El Calafia Dragon is the ultimate super hero and those are the villains. They are bound to attract during that match. During that time, we take out the Beard and then we can isolate elegANT and make sure the other two teams tear eachother apart.

Logan nods his head and finishes his drink off. He motions at the bartender to get him another.

This match is important. Not just for the titles on the line but that paycheck that comes with it. I need to provide for my son Armando and you have helped with that. I appreciate everything you have done.

The duo fist bump and finish off their drinks again before heading out.

A few days go by after their talk at the bar. The two men are on a stage with Leon, who is conducting a special edition for

Ladies and Gentleman, I am your host of this special interview only on and tonight, my guest are competing in a fatal four way tag team elimination match, Logan McAllister and Armando Paraydse, the Men of Mayhem!

The camera zooms out and the two men are sitting back on a sofa. Leon now takes a seat in a chair next to theirs.

Armando! You made it to Kingdom Come.

Damn straight I did. I deserve this as much as anyone and now I have a chance to become a Tag Team Champion.

I'm happy for you. Guys, this past week on Ascension 100, you attacked Bearded Gents and Phantoms of Chaos during their match. My question is why?

Revenge. Ty and El Califa Dragon humiliated us a few weeks ago and it was time for some payback. Bearded Gents were in the wrong place at the wrong time but I am glad we did now that we have a match with them.

Are you nervous about Ty being back in the match?

Not at all. I do have to admit though that our first match with him, we underestimated him. We thought he would have ring rust but he proved us wrong and we deserved to lose that match.

What if things happen the same way?

It's not. We are a better team now than we were then. We have broken up two teams. Cerberus no longer hails and Live Mas no longer lives. Live Mas was afraid of us and that is why they gave up those titles. They knew that Armando is coming for them and instead of being fighting champions, they decided that they will vacate the belts and fight eachother. What a bunch of cowards.

I don't thin---

Armando is right! Everyone is talking about how we don't deserve to be in this match but we have a pinfall victory over the former tag champion and the current Elite X champion. That should have already made us number one contenders.

That's not how the---

Yes. We deserve those titles more than Phantoms of Chaos or Bearded Gents.

What about the other team in the match?

Children of the Damned are good. I have teamed with John Doe before on my return night at the roulette shows and we could have won if not for that dumbass not being able to be a team player and tag me in. We both knew I was the fresh man and he did not care. Fallout is just as bad. Both will find out that Mayhem will reign.

Mayhem will reign. Everyone is doubting us but we have proven that we are a team and we deserve the recognition that we deserve and earned. We deserve to be treated as contenders for the tag team titles and not any of the other teams will step in our way.

The two mean storm off the stage, leaving a speechless Leon alone. He gets nervous as they are still live before finally the camera cuts out. Armando and Logan are in for the fight of their lives but at Kingdom Come, Mayhem will Reign!

Part 1:

The cacophonous sound of the 8am alarm vanquished the silence of the night, signalling the beginning of yet another day of labour. The Friday sunrise created an bleak, ominous red sky; a shepherd's warning clearly projected across the clouds. Yet this was the least of Viktor's concerns, for he was required to work far into the night at the nuclear power plant, with the objective to monitor and evaluate a series of critical system tests on the reactors.

Reaching out an arm to switch off the sounding alarm, a low, relaxed groan came from under the bed covers, behind Viktor. Another shorter, more slender arm emerged from under the sheets and draped itself casually around Viktor's waist, fastening a tender embrace. Viktor let out a groggy giggle as he placed his own hand across the outstretched arm and gently caressed it, demonstrating his affection for the other occupant within his bed. If only he could lie beneath the covers forever...yet it was not meant to be.

From beneath the duvet rose Viktor's most cherished companion in his significant other. Despite his evident fatigue, Tom couldn't help but beam proudly as Viktor turned around to face him, stroking Viktor's right cheek delicately with the back of his hand. Despite the fact that opinions were much less negative and strong towards their romantic inclinations in his native Scotland, Tom still felt safe with Viktor in Viktor's own bed, in Viktor's own country. Viktor's passion to fight against all odds, including against the unjust persecution of those who happened to be different drew Tom ever closer to him. With Viktor at his side, he felt like he was the luckiest man in the world, no matter the odds against them.

With a content sigh, Viktor returned the smile and shuffled himself closer to Tom, positioning himself in an upright position with his right arm whilst wrapping his free arm around Tom's torso.

"Hello, sweetie." Viktor whispered affectionately to his boyfriend, sighing drearily as he scanned his eyes across his bounty. Tom merely responded with a chipper growl, acknowledging Viktor's compliment.

"You OK this morning?" Viktor continued. Tom gave a slow nod, blinking slowly as he began to awaken from his comfortable slumber.

"Good." Viktor purred, drawing out the word, approaching nirvana in his own bed. He lay his head back onto the pillow once more and shuffled his body around somewhat in an effort to get more comfortable, but he was already in a place of the purest comfort with Tom. A few minutes of silence passed as both lovers stared at each other in awe, bewildered with each other's presence. Both Viktor and Tom treasured each other beyond actions, let alone words, and stunned silence was all they could amass as they evaluated their limitless value for one another.

"I love you, Tom." Viktor muttered finally, bringing Tom into him closely with his long arms and squeezing him with joy.

"I love you too, Viktor." Tom replied with his distinct accent, returning the hug gently but firmly. They shared a brief kiss, before Viktor decided it was time to discuss the day ahead of him.

"The power plant want me to work way into overtime tonight." Viktor stated reluctantly. Tom's face fell slightly at this revelation, his expectations for the day crushed.

"Don't worry, darling. Once I finish the shift tonight, I've got two weeks to myself, and you and I both know how we're going to spend them, don't we?"

Gradually, the smile on Tom's face reappeared, his hopes raised for the time that he had laid ahead for their time together.

"Of course we do." Viktor chuckled, before his mind drew to a more worrisome matter. He turned away from his boyfriend as he began to recite an inner monologue.

"But at some point during our downtime, I need to clarify to my father about our relationship. You know exactly how he feels about my orientation, and how he's exploiting my bisexuality to suit his own needs to become a grandfather. But I know that deep down, all that he cares about is my own happiness and safety. And with you, I have that Tom, I feel safe...and I feel loved. But still...I'm hesitant to let him know..."

"I'm sure your father will accept our relationship, Viktor." Tom responded softly, bringing a hand to Viktor's shoulder. The native sighed profusely and placed a hand to his forehead, concerning himself deeply with the subject.

"Will he though? Just last week I had another argument with him about the legalization of gay marriage. If he finds out that you and I are serious about making this relationship work in the long term, it could destroy him."

Tom leant in closely and rested his head against Viktor's neck to share his opinion.

"If your father truly loves you, he won't want to mold you into a second-rate version of himself. He knows you've been happier these past few months ever since you came out to him, and that the depression is settling down. And if he can't accept that, then he isn't worth associating with."

"But he's still my father, Tom." Viktor retorted sharply, a valid point to Tom, thus commencing another reign of silence across the room.

Both men looked away from one another to reflect upon their conflict regarding Viktor's father. Viktor knew that Tom meant well in trying to quell his worries, but at the same time, by denouncing his father, he could only create more strife in his already turbulent life. He didn't want to have to make a choice; he wanted to love them both, in different ways, for it was something the world he currently inhabited sorely lacked. Viktor intended to allow his positive ambitions to shine through despite the severe presence of adversary. With his impending work shift though, Viktor postponed his thought process and turned himself to Tom, giving him a nurturing hug to show his support. Tom relaxed himself in his grip, content.

"I really wish we could snuggle forever." Tom murmured. "I love feeling the warmth of your body."

"I wish I could too." Viktor acknowledged, every fibre of his being yearning for his wish to come true, yet it was not to be. "We have the opportunity to do so when I'm back from work later on, lovely. Speaking of which, I had best get ready, Kulov will be pissed if I'm late again."

With this, Viktor released Tom and began to rise from the bed, as Tom turned around slowly to see his boyfriend off.

"Alrighty schnookums, take care out there. I'll be going back to sleep." Tom uttered. He then drew Viktor closely to him and locked lips with him for the final time. They held each other in position for several seconds, before they released one another and met eyes with one another for several seconds.

"I love you so much, Tommy." Viktor whispered, his passion conspicious.

"Me too, Vikky." Tom replied, equally as loving.

With that, Viktor composed himself and rose from the bed to enter another room in their accommodation, out of sight.

It would be the last moment they ever shared together.

At least for now...


"Where is he?!"

The deafening roar startled Chastity from her activities in Zeus's headquarters. The disruption was distant, but approaching at an alarming rate. Almost instantly after first noticing the sound, the source towered above her, twitching erratically with anger.

"Where is he?!" John Doe repeated with more vehemence, clearly agitated by Chastity's silence. Yet, she remained steadfast in silence, bringing Doe to his boiling point.

"WHERE THE FUCK IS HE?!" he bellowed at the top of his lungs, swiping at a nearby ornament, breaking both the instrument and Chastity's silence.

"What...what are you talking about?" she stammered. Despite her familiarity with Zeus and even Fallout, she was still growing accustomed to Doe's position in their coterie.

"Fallout..." Doe growled, his demeanour calming from his outburst. "I know exactly what's going on. I want to see this self-proclaimed good doctor this instant."

"My...our seems he isn't here right now." Chastity spluttered with slightly more confidence, recovering from the shock of the ordeal. This response did not sit well with Doe.

"Summon him at once." he snarled.

"I can't."

" can't? Pray tell, why not? You let that man dictate you, dictate Fallout and now expect him to dictate me also? To honour his mission is one thing, to follow him like a moth to the furnace unquestioning is quite another, and I won't have any part in it if you place my tag team partner in harm's way. So I'll ask again, where is Fallout, Chastity?"

"I don't know!" Chastity yelled, attempting to persuade the masked man that stood before her. Doe's eyes darted around the room to meet a familiar image of the Pale Riders, an image he had seen before. Staring back at Chastity, he deduced her attachment to the photo and snatched it from the mantle housing it. Reaching into his pocket, he withdrew a lighter and flicked the switch swiftly, the flame burning precariously close to the memory.

"You're going to tell me..." Doe said solemnly and steadily. "Or this fragment of time will be forever lost."

"No!" Chastity yelled out, lunging for the photograph.

At this moment, Dr Zeus entered the room with a frown and furrowed brow, having heard the commotion upon his journey to his sanctuary. Upon analysing Doe's threat to burn the photograph, he acted quickly and with instinct, striking the lighter from Doe's hand, knocking it harmlessly to the floor. He quickly closed the distance between him and Doe, entering Doe's personal space.

"Forsaken child, what is the meaning behind this transgression?
The tag team championships, that should be the source of your aggression."

Zeus's bravado failed to intimidate Doe, who verbally lunged back at him.

"Well, it's pretty difficult to lay our claim to the tag team championships when my tag team partner is missing." Doe then leant himself against the wall, beginning to tire himself with worry. "I know you've done something to him...just please, tell me he's safe."

Zeus grinned and brought his hands together, rubbing them together with glee, a highly representative position of the megalomaniac he was.

"Relax yourself, for the soldier is far removed from harm.
I have enacted my master-plan, to turn man into slaughter farm.
High voltage shock therapy, enough to make the hardiest feral.
With this, I shall create a monster, designed to establish peril!"

Doe reared back in disgust from Zeus, sickened by his actions and the fact he had not sought consent from Doe for his experiment. Doe already knew that Fallout was a dangerous man, but the shock therapy would turn Fallout into an unquestioning slave.

" don't realise what you've done. That operation will kill all logic within him...he'll be nothing more than a zombie. I can't allow it...I won't allow it!"

With that, Doe hurried past Zeus and out of the office, determined to find not only his tag team partner, but his only loyal companion in the derelict world of WZCW.


"Oh sweet darling Thomas. I could never let you go."

For once, there was a substantial amount of sorrow and empathy apparent in Fallout's voice, as he looked upon a photograph of his former love. He was one of a kind, and perfect for me, Fallout thought to himself. But the mask changed everything. There was no way Tom would wish to associate with such a barbarian, such a misfit, such a freak that acted with callous, selfish and violent intentions. And the worst thing is despite having realised the error of his ways, there was nothing he could do to change what happened from that fateful Friday night onward.

At that moment, Fallout melted his own hardened nerves of steel.

For the first time since he had rediscovered himself, he shed a tear. It sept through a crevice in his mask's eye-socket and ran down the leather, before falling to the dilapidated floor of the abandoned, rustic Spetsnaz bunker that he had re-discovered, based in the depths of Montreal, a safe and secure position to enact the experiment. He lay on the ground, with various pieces of electronic apparatus and wires connected to the back of his skull, more of an abomination than he had ever been before as the charges began to steadily flow through his mind, increasing gradually in amplitude.

"I will not let you go!" Fallout cried out to the photograph, holding it as close as he possibly could to his mask whilst still being able to make it out his treasure.

"I will reclaim my soul from the depths of Stygian, and I shall no longer be a vessel for damnation!" he roared with confidence, clenching his separate fist and beginning to tremble as he began to lose consciousness from the rising intensity of the electrolysis. "When I return, I shall no longer be cursed to be Fallout." he murmured, the machines quickly consuming him into the realm of eternal damnation once more. He struggled enough to muster a final sentence before his vision faded to black.

"I will be...Viktor Petrov."

Part 2:

Stygian. A world that despite its perpetual pestilence and depressing appearance, had a stark beauty to Fallout. To see such a ruinous environment thrive gave Fallout a small element of hope. Then he remembered why he had returned and quickly snapped back to his senses.

The terrain was mostly composed of brown, saturated marshland, and grey, craggy mountains. The sky was dimmed a blood red and River Styx ran through the land, the water a putrid lime and possessing an unpleasant odour of the fallen. Standing upon a small indent in the land, Fallout wheezed, attempting to clear his lungs of the smell, but to no avail. Finding a cave, he rushed into it with reckless abandon, in an effort to escape the overpowering stench, placing a hand over his breathing apparatus to prevent any further filtration. Despite the emotional trauma that Fallout had subjected himself to just moments ago, a torrent of determination flowed through his veins, a determination to answer the unanswered and to conquer the unstoppable. Despite realising the near-futility of a thorough search of the nether, Fallout knew he had it in him to return with the missing puzzle piece to himself, and to complete himself.

Yet in the back of his mind, his unconscious mind began to have second thoughts. He had at long last found purpose in WZCW, finally found purpose serving Dr Zeus. It was something he was good at. Ever since his inception, he had sought approval for a just cause, and he had found both in the Good Doctor and his most recent ally, John Doe. All he needed was fuel, and that fuel came in the form of slaying the heretics that were unfortunate or foolish enough to stand in his path. He would brutalize them, neutralize them, go for the throat as they choke, then vaporize them.

Terrorize them, pulverise them, cut them down as they groan and then paratamize...

The electricity was already taking a toll on Fallout's already corrupted mind and he realised that, snapping back to his senses. He needed to act quickly to find Viktor in the depths of the underworld. Having entered deeper into the cave, the calignosity had reached an extreme level, but thankfully, lit torches decorated the stone walls, providing clear sight to the normally blind eyes within the black. As Fallout progressed, he found the walls to be expanding around him, like the jaws of darkness were opening around him, ready to crunch and swallow him. This would normally have been a detail Fallout would have picked up on, had he not freed his mind of all thoughts, with the exception of tasking himself to find himself.

Eventually, after what seemed like a failed eternity, the tunnel system ended and Fallout found himself in what seemed like a burial tomb. Six graves lay spread across the room in pairs, forming a triangle, the inscriptions on the memorials veiled by the dark. Grabbing a nearby torch, Fallout investigated the left-most tombstones, which read 'Logan McAllister' and 'Armando Paradyse'.

Fallout scoffed somewhat at this information. It would make sense that the running joke within WZCW more concerned with his personal appearance than his fighting prowess in Armando Paradyse would be cursed to damnation. The same rule applied to the opportunistic Logan McAllister, who despite having ample opportunity to sucker punch his adversaries, still couldn't find anything close to progress. With the assistance of his tag team partner, he had obliterated the Men of Mayhem in the Lethal Lottery. Who knew what horrors awaited them in a match where both submissions and pinfalls were offensive measures to claim victory. They were however aptly named, Fallout thought. The only thing that would befall them would be mayhem.

Turning his attention to the next gravestone, Fallout found elegANT and The Beard's tombs. Fallout reflected on his victory against them two Meltdowns ago. elegANT's pleasantries would only serve as self-destruction in a blood-thirsty world, and the Children Of The Damned proved that by crushing him under their boot like the insect he was. The mere thought of The Beard brought Fallout's blood to a boil, a man who was given every opportunity to succeed and become an unrivalled force of nature, yet threw it away due to the stress of the job. The worst thing about it is that the unperceptive masses thought that giving up on his objective is more than enough of a reason to give him a standing ovation. This was a man that had personally stabbed Fallout and his allies in the back, and no fate would be just enough to punish Beard for his heinous crimes against the Pale Riders' advancement.

Finally, Fallout walked forward to reveal the final two graves, those of El Califa Dragon and Ty Burna. The dragon had performed the greatest con on the WZCW audience and Amber Warren, and had successfully masqueraded as one. Yet, it was only Fallout, Dr Zeus and John Doe that saw him for who he was; a snake with no venom. He had already put that to good use on Amber Warren, to the point where even the conscientious crusade of the Pale Riders could not save her. But without venom, El Califa was nothing than a toothless worm, ready to be plucked from out of the soil, and torn in half. Yet he was merely a puppet for the former master of puppets, Ty Burna, a shadow of his former self, and little more than a burnt shadow on the wall, a victim of changes in WZCW. Whilst power had found a new place to rest its head, Burna hadn't moved on from his previous occupation of WZCW, and falsely believed he was capable of the same control he possessed previously. The fact that he co-ordinated various assaults on Dr Zeus showed not only cowardice, but a sense of insecurity also. It seemed as if the great hall of fame inductee was little more than a jealous, petulant child who couldn't accept that the world had moved on from his reign of terror. It was another case of a fitting name however, as both El Califa and Ty Burna were both phantoms; an illusion, a con act, pretending to be something they never weren't or trying aimlessly to relive the glory days.

But despite the comfort of knowing of the damned, Fallout still required closure on Viktor Petrov. As he turned around to investigate the surrounding area, he saw a pale, slender figure standing in the distance, facing away from Fallout and into the distance.

It was Viktor Petrov as Fallout lived and breathed.

Relieved beyond recognition, Fallout rushed towards Viktor and placed a hand on his shoulder.

There was no response.

Irritated, Fallout turned the figure before him around to face him.

"Surprised to see me?" Charon crooned with a cocky tone, having deceived Fallout into a false sense of hope.

"You bastard." The irradiated gladiator snarled, coiling his hand around Charon's throat, and commencing a vice grip. Charon merely rolled his eyes at Fallout's resistance and rubbed salt on his open wound.

"Try as you may to deny it, you are no longer Viktor Petrov. I hold all the cards in my domain, my domain of the deceased. Death is permanent; he shall not be resurrected. The final fragments of your humanity are dying as we speak; soon you will nothing more than Fallout And there is nothing wrong with that."

Fallout had lost himself once more.

"No! No!" he screeched, bringing both hands around Charon's throat and throttling him with an unrelenting fury. Charon laughed manically as Fallout roared, his savagery rising rapidly and with it, the strength and ferocity of his stranglehold. Yet, it was all in vain as Charon was unaffected. Once more, Fallout was the monster, the monster that was he was required to be.

With a quick swipe, Charon tore off Fallout's mask. A sudden burst of pain flowed through Fallout's body as he spluttered in agony, rolling onto his side and gasping for air, his lungs taking in the toxic fumes of the fallen. Producing a long mirror, Charon angled it above Fallout to show the beast for what it truly was.

"See for are already a monster!" Charon s******ed malevolently, before reaching outwards to Fallout. "Surrender and allow yourself to become the super-soldier you were destined to be, destined to follow orders and destined to search and destroy all that oppose your superiors, and the pain will end."

Screaming at the top of his lungs, Fallout wanted to do anything to make the torment end. He gradually reached out towards Charon, in desperate need of safety.



"Are you OK?"

The vicarious vision had ended. Fallout awoke, maskless and devoid of any prior emotions. All he could feel was vitriol and destruction. Yet...there was a comfort to it. The devastation he intended to bring was offset by how correct and orderly it felt.

It felt...right.

Standing himself up carefully from the tiles below him, Fallout walked past John Doe, ignoring him completely in a search for something of vital importance. Yet, it was no longer the search for Viktor Petrov.

It was the search for Fallout.

Doe, having gone through hell and high water to locate and disconnect Fallout from the procedure, couldn't help but feel snubbed by Fallout's empty attitude.

"Where are you going?" he snapped. "I just saved you from being a mindless drone. Do you realise the difficulty of what I've been through to ensure you're still in one piece?"

"Yes." Fallout stated neutrally. "I do. And I do appreciate it. But there is something I must show you."

Opening the door to an adjacent room, Fallout and Doe were met with 7 gravestones propped up against the wall. Fallout motioned to Doe to investigate them, prompting Doe to pick them up and scan through the soon to be slain spectres at Kingdom Come.

"Jonathan Doe, you and I are going to become the tag team champions." Fallout announced coldly. "For death is permanent, and little do they know it, but Ty Burna, El Califa Dragon, elegANT, The Beard, Logan McAllister and Armando Paradyse are already dead. They perished as soon as they agreed to challenge us for the tag team championships. At Kingdom Come, we ensure their vengeful spirits enter the afterlife. Yet, there is another vengeful spirit that will need to be put to rest."

At this point, Doe had reached the final gravestone, and was stunned to see that it contained the name Viktor Petrov. Doe stared at Fallout, his faith in Fallout muddled, but Fallout quickly put his fears to rest, placing his hand on the back of his own gravestone.

"Do not be alarmed." he continued "For with the death of one of us, two more shall rise, like the hydra of times old."

He then retraced to hand to reveal a piece of paper, having come from Doctor Zeus's medical records. Dated Friday the 13th of November 2015, it was a birth certificate, signalling the official birth of a brand new monster.

"Tonight, John Doe and Fallout are born into the world together, as blood brothers." Fallout purred. "As the Children Of The Damned."
Backstage Post AS100

Logan McAllister sat in the locker room deep in thought. Ascension had been a mixed bag. Logan and his partner, Armando Paradyse both lost their singles matches. They also sent a message to the rest of the tag division.

The crowd suddenly burst into a stream of hatred as a mystery man runs to the ring and pushes elegANT off of the top rope and to the outside of the ring! elegANT crashes down with some serious velocity and impact and another man joins the first mystery intruder in entering the ring. After a moment, it is clear that the two men intruding in the match are, in fact, Logan McAllister and Armando Paradyse! The crowd continue to boo as The Beard tries to put up a good fight. But the numbers game quickly overwhelms him. The two men continue landing punches and strikes until The Beard is in the corner, where they begin stomping him repeatedly. But all is not lost as El Califa lands a splash from behind on Logan McAllister! The crowd pops in a huge way as El Califa takes the fight to Logan. Nailing him with some chops and punches, Logan stumbles backwards. Califa whips Logan off of the ropes and looks to settle the score but Armando tackles him before he has the chance and begins peppering him with strikes of his own! Armando picks up El Califa and Logan nails him with THE M3! With that, Logan notices that the Beard, elegANT and Ty are all making their way back into the ring. Quickly running away from that confrontation, the Men of Mayhem roll under the bottom rope and walk up the ramp.

The plan had worked perfectly. They got in, caused some Mayhem and got out. Now Kingdom Come was on the horizon, and Men of Mayhem saw themselves in a Fatal 4-Way Elimination match for the WZCW Tag Titles. Logan knew that going in, they'd have the target on their backs after what they did to El Califa and elegANT. Logan welcomed the thought. If he had his way, Men of Mayhem would single handedly eliminate every team cementing their claim over the division. It would be no easy task however.

Armando walks into the locker room, breaking Logan's train of thought.

"Logan, you good? Everything is loaded up already. Brittany and Hayden are in the car waiting for you."

"Yeah I'm good man. Just thinking about Kingdom Come. Step one is done Armando. We made the cahd. Now we gotta finish the task and claim those championships."

Armando took a seat across from Logan and took a deep breath.

"It won't be easy. We go in with the least amount of experience, and also the biggest target after our actions earlier. Again we will walk into a match as the underdogs, but you know what? I still like our chances at Kingdom Come."

Logan listens as Armando finishes, nodding his head in agreement.

"Damn right Armando. What we lack in experience, we more than make up for in hungah and desire. None of those othah teams want this or need this as much as us."

"Agreed. Plus, we'll get our chance to correct the mistakes we made versus Phantoms of Chaos the first time. For whatever reason, we just couldn't get going against them. That was then though. It's time WZCW knows who owns the tag division. At Kingdom Come, we'll provide that answer Logan. Mayhem will Reign."

Logan and Armando stand up, exchanging a solid handshake as they exit the room, heading towards the parking lot.

"I'm glad Brittany convinced us to team up. I'll admit I was hesitant at first, but you've become like a brothah to me, and I look forwahd to going into war with you in Montreal."

Logan pats Armando on the back as the two men approach their respective cars.

"I feel the same Logan. I'd been burned by "friends" in the past, but none had the amount of desire and motivation that you possess. And we aren't going to war...we're going to our coronation as the Tag Team Champs."

Armando enters his car as Logan walks over to a waiting Brittany and Hayden, entering the passenger side and heading off to the hotel for a night of rest. Logan was beyond stressed, but was doing a good job of not showing it. He didn't want to let down Armando, who was finally making his Kingdom Come debut. He didn't want his son to see him fail, again coming up just short. And he didn't want Brittany to have dropped what she was doing in her life to join a "loser" Logan planned to spend every possible moment studying his opponents before the big match.

Nobody would be able to say Logan wasn't focused.

"You okay Logan? You're awfully quiet tonight."

Brittany questioned Logan as they continued towards the hotel.

"Yea I'm fine Britt. Just thinking about everything. So much at stake."

Brittany takes her left hand and places it on Logan's leg, trying to comfort him a little.

"Try to relax Logan. You can't think about it 24/7. Everything will work out as it's supposed to."

After a pause, Brittany looks over and sees Logan asleep, head against the window. Looking in the rear view, she sees Hayden in almost an identical position. She smiles as her boys sleep, and continues on to their destination.

***Montreal, 5 Days Prior to Kingdom Come***

"Touchdown Dolphins!! I win dad! Tannehill is MUCH better than Tom Brady."

Hayden throws the remote down and starts celebrating. He always beat his dad at Madden.

"Maybe in Madden buddy....but in the real world Brady has those championships."

Hayden stops celebrating and sits back down on the couch, turning towards his dad.

"So are you and Armando gonna have championships at Kingdom Come? That'd be so awesome to see you guys hold up the belts at the end!"

Logan looked over at his son, and he saw how excited he was talking about Men of Mayhem as tag team champions. Logan knew he couldn't let his son down. He knows the match will be grueling, but all Logan has to do is persevere and Hayden can get what he wants, his dad as a champion.

"That's the plan buddy. It won't be easy though. We get Phantoms of Chaos again, the newly formed team of The Beard and elegANT, and then also, Dr. Zeus's loyal lapdogs, Children of the Damned. Six men stand in our way Hayden, but in the end we will still prevail."

Hayden pops up, and half tackles his dad, giving him a huge hug before getting off the couch.

"I believe in you dad. And Brittany does too! I'm kinda sleepy though. After my shower can Brittany read to me?"

"Don't ask me dork. Gotta ask her if she wants to read to you."

Hayden runs off to shower as Logan stands up, stretching his arms high towards the ceiling before continuing to his room. Brittany was there, wearing some Patriots sweatpants and a plain grey shirt. She saw Logan and embraced him, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey Britt. Hayden's gonna ask you to read him his bedtime story."

"You're late Logan, he already asked. And of course I said yes!"

Brittany left the room and Logan shut the door, continuing to set up the TV to watch more matches of his opponents. Logan had been constantly studying the competition, trying to know what to expect from each individual in as many circumstances as possible.

Logan went to his bag, and pulled out a bottle. He sat down at the desk in the room, and opened the bottle, pouring out its contents. A handful of pills, and a small pouch of cocaine tumbled out. Logan sat there staring at them. He knew he had no business messing with the stuff. But he needed to stay focused, and maybe the cocaine will help. Just this once. Then for when he needed rest, he could take one of the pills. Just this once.

Logan couldn't stand the thought of letting Armando, Brittany and Hayden down at the biggest show of the year.

As Logan began to prepare to do a line of the coke, Brittany walked in. Her eyes immediately went to the drugs on the table, and a face Logan had never seen before appeared on Brittany's face. It was a face of anger, mixed with disgust, concern and sadness.

Brittany walked straight over, brushing the coke off of the table, snatching up the pills and proceeding to flush them. Then she walked to Logan and slapped him so hard, he knew her hand must be stinging immensely, though she didn't show it.

"What the FUCK Logan?!? Why the hell do you have drugs? You of all people. Didn't you see what those same exact drugs did to me Logan? They almost destroyed me!"

Tears begin streaming down her reddening face, as she takes a deep breath, Logan attempts to wipe away her tears, but she smacks his hand away.

"Don't touch me right now Logan. I can't believe this. I need to know why. Why would you resort to using this crap?"

Logan again tried to comfort her, and again he was denied. He sat down, tears beginning to form in his eyes as he watched Brittany begin sobbing.

"I don't know Brittany. I've been so stressed, and I know that's not a valid excuse, but that's what I got. I can't let Armando down. Guy is finally making his Kingdom Come debut. I can't be the reason why he doesn't succeed. Hayden smiles so much when talking about me as a champion, I can't break his spirit and lose...again."

Logan now has tears streaming down his cheeks as well, grabbing Brittany's hands. She doesn't pull away this time.

"And I don't want to disappoint you either Britt. You stopped what you were doing to travel with me. I can't have you have done that just to watch a losah."

Brittany looks into Logan's eyes, squeezing his hands tightly.

"You really think I'd stop travelling with you because you lost a match? Logan, I wouldn't care if you never won a match. That's not why I'm here. I'm here with you because I love you. And Hayden? He undahstands you can't win every match. He just loves watching his dad wrestle. Armando is a veteran, he knows things don't always work out the way you plan."

Logan looks at Brittany, who smiles softly at him.

"Don't you remembah what that stuff did to me? My whole life revolved around that fucking powdah. It stole five years of my life."

Logan thought about how Brittany had been when she was addicted to drugs. She had been a shell of her current self. It was frustrating, and painful dealing with her on a daily basis. Painful seeing what a zombie his girlfriend had become.

"Yeah I remembah. It was horrible. All you wanted to do was either cocaine, or go score more cocaine."

"So why would you then decide to bring that same stuff back into our environment Logan? Are you willing to risk losing me?"

Logan let go of her hands and shook his head.

"Hell no. Without you and Hayden, there's no point. I'm sorry Brittany. I'm glad you caught me before I did anything."

"It's okay to be stressed Logan. It's a big match, with serious opponents. But you don't need a drug to get an edge. You have your family. Hayden. Me. Even Armando. We are all here togethah. If you need to talk to somebody, I'm here, and Armando is just a call away."

Brittany stands up and walks towards the bed. She pulls back the blankets, and after wiping her eyes, she sits down, motioning Logan to join her. Logan obeys and lays in bed next to her.

"Let's get some rest. Tomorrow we can watch more matches. Tonight, just hold me Logan.....please?"

She turns on her side, as Logan cuddles with her. He lays there still thinking about the match, and his opponents, before noticing Brittany was already fast asleep. Logan closed his eyes and tried to get some rest as well.

***Backstage at Kingdom Come 7***

Cameras zoom out to show Stacey Madison standing in front of Men of Mayhem's locker room, waiting for her guests to exit so the interview could begin.

After a few moments, the door opens and Brittany, wearing a trenchcoat concealing what lies beneath, leads her team out as Stacey begins to start the interview.

"Welcome WZCW fans, I'm here with Men of Mayh-"

Stacey is shocked as her microphone is snatched from her grasp by Brittany.

"Hey Stacey? We talked it ovah, and you've been replaced as the interviewah. So like....buh bye sweethaht."

Stacey is unsure of what to do, looking for support from the cameraman, but he stays rolling as Stacey dejectedly walks away from the trio.

"Ugh, finally. Anyways, I'm Brittany O'Shea, managah of the next WZCW tag champions. I'll staht with you Armando. Thoughts on The Beard?"

Brittany turns her head towards Armando, winking at Logan as she does so.

"The Beard? Well Brittany, I'm sure you've seen, the guy is rather large. So he needs to be contained. Isolate him and keep him from assisting that insect and we should do okay. I can't be the only one that finds those pants beyond hideous right?"

Armando makes a disgusted face while referring to The Beard's choice of Zubaz pants. Brittany also sneers before continuing with the interview.

"Beyond hideous Armando. Yuck. And Logan? Thoughts on the ANT?"

"If elegANT makes it out there, well, I've got some Raid with his name on it."

Logan shows the camera the actual bottle of Raid before tucking it away for later.

"He's a great athlete, but at the end of the night, he'll be exterminated. It will be messy, and most unpleasANT Brittany."

Logan smirks as Brittany tries to continues on.

"I see what you did there Logan! So what about Children of the Damned? You know, the guys that have to conceal their faces from the rest of the WZCW universe?"

Logan and Armando exchange looks before Armando begins.

"Well Britt, can't lie. They are a threat. According to some, they are the supposed favorites heading into Kingdom Come. I just don't see how two mindless Zeus drones can hold the gold. They can't compete with our hunger."

"Of course they're the favorites Armando, "Anyone but Mayhem" right? Those two are warriors that's for sure. Normally, I could respect that. But tonight those warriors are in between me and some gold. Hayden is expecting Mayhem to Reign tonight...can't disappoint the boy right?"

Brittany readjusts the trenchcoat as the focus switches to the final team in the match.

"Anothah opportunity at Phantoms of Chaos also looms. Can you guys redeem the poor showing from just a few weeks ago?"

Logan and Armando feign anger at Brittany's "hard question" before laughing it off.

"We lost that match. They did not beat us. I'm still very much unimpressed with this so called legend, Ty Burna. I'd heard tales and stories about the feared Harbingah of Chaos. All I see is a man on one last run. Well Ty buddy, I'm sure I don't even registah on your radah, but that's fine. You'll find out what Logan McAllister and Armando Paradyse are all about. You don't belong here anymore. Go home and let those that aren't ancient perform. You may be getting that Hall of Fame induction, but Kingdom Come ends without gold around your waist. If you don't like my stance? Do something about it in the ring. Mattah of fact, I'd love to staht this match against you. Don't want no excuses aftahwards."

Logan has an extremely focused look on his face, as Armando and even Brittany are slightly intimidated.

"What Logan says for Ty extends to his pet dragon as well. How did it feel to Meet Mr. Mayhem dragon man? I'm sure we can arrange a second visit if you'd like. This time though, you may not return from said meeting."

"Basically Brittany, Men of Mayhem are tired of continually being ovahlooked. Aftah Kingdom Come it'll be plenty hahd to not notice us aftah we take out so many established supahstahs. Ty Burna. El Califa Dragon. The Beard. elegANT. Fallout. John Doe. All of them will be unable to stop us from reaching our goal. Winning those belts and letting Mayhem Reign."

Brittany smiles an evil smile, Logan's confidence starting to turn her on a tad. As Logan and Armando turn to leave down the hall, Brittany ends the interview.

"This has been Brittany O'Shea, WZCW I hope you can handle the Mayhem coming latah! Mayhem out!"

Brittany drops the mic and quickly catches up with the men. Tonight they'd go to war, and at the end of the night, finally, after countless weeks of proclaiming it, Mayhem will in fact Reign.
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