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Kingdom Come 7: Matt Tastic vs. Mikey Stormrage

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Richard Blonoff

Make America Rassle Again
(Description to come later)

Deadline is Tuesday, November 10th, at 11:59PM CST. Extensions available upon request.
I zippered my jacket up a little higher as I stood in line. I made sure to wear my hood up so as to not be noticed. It was late, too late for me to be out in the chill of the November air. I had to have my fix though. Kingdom Come be damned, Fallout 4 was coming out and I had been waiting on this since I was a teenager.

Luckily the line was moving quickly, I didn't want to be outside long. The longer I was outside, the increased likely hood I would be noticed. I wasn't against fan interaction, but I had done so many media appearances leading up to our big event, that I was starting to feel drained.

One would think that after so many years with the company that I would finally get used to the endless cycle of media and personal appearances that came with territory, but every year around Kingdom Come season, it would begin to wear on me.

Finally the line moved enough that I was standing inside the store, just a few feet from the counter. I lowered my hood, but made sure to keep my headphones in, so to give off the appearance that I didn't want to be bothered. It didn't work completely to plan, as I could still hear whispers and see the occasional finger pointed in my direction.

The line moved to the point where it was time for me to pick up my copy. I thanked the man behind the counter and left, but I was stopped in the parking lot by a couple of fans who wanted autographs. It was cold, and I was tired, as it was well after midnight at this point. I didn't want to be a dick however, so I signed their copies of the game.

"I better not see these on eBay."

I joked and laughed at the group.

"Seriously though, have a good night and enjoy your game guys. Make sure to order the show, we appreciate the support."

"Mikey, before you go, do you hate Matt Tastic?"

I stopped and turned around, a little unsure how to respond.

"I hope he gets a paper cut on his tongue from a paper cup. I hope every soda he ever drinks is already shaken up. I want his dream to dry up like raisins in the baking sun. I hope he wins the lottery and loses his ticket. I hope the zipper on his jacket gets stuck, and his headphones short. I hope his charger don't work and he spills shit on his shirt. I don't hate him, I just hope he ruined this team for a reason."

I shrugged my shoulders as I walked off to my car. Did Matt really ruin the team? I was jealous, there was no denying that. How could someone not be jealous of a two time World Champion?

The drive home was uneventful. My mind was so focused on exploring the vast Wasteland and killing some feral ghouls that I don't even remember the songs that came on the radio. I got home and placed my game in the console and waited for it to install. While I waited I grabbed a soda from the fridge and poured some chips into a bowl. Soon the game was ready, and so was I.

"Let's see here, character creator. Awesome beard, check. Stylish hair to impress the ladies, check. Huge dong to further impress said ladies, you know it."

I finished creating the virtual Mikey that would explore the Boston Wasteland, but I kept finding myself getting killed.

"Fucking Deathclaw."

"Fucking super mutant."

"Fucking raiders."

"Fucking rad roaches."

I was clearly distracted. I was dying to rad roaches for Christ sake, the easiest enemy in the game. Maybe I was just tired. After all I had stood in the cold to pick up the game on a midnight release, had been doing numerous appearances, as well as training my ass off. Maybe I would feel better in the morning. I went to my bedroom and undressed and crawled into bed and soon drifted off to sleep.

"He doesn't respect you."

A voice called out in the darkness.

"He thinks you are weak."

The voice continued to come from an unknown source. I stood and stumbled through the darkness, trying to find the voice.

"Who are you? Where are you?"

"You are nothing compared to him."

"I'm a three time tag team champion. No one but me can say that. I'm a former EurAsian champion."

"He is more than you could ever dream to be."

I stumbled forward until I hit a wall. I felt around and found a torch and it magically lit. Suddenly a large figure appeared before me. I started to back peddle, waving the torch in front of me. The figure spoke.

"You will never reach his level."

The figure lunged toward me, coming into focus. It was a ghastly monstrosity. His face constantly changed from that of Matt Tastic, to Ty Burna, to Grand Mystique, to all the other wrestlers who I had failed to best over the years. The figure charged me, forcing me to retreat. I ran, and dodged at every opportunity.

"What are you?"

My question fell on deaf ears, as the monster continued to charge me.

"You are going to choke again. Matt has carried you for the better part of two years."

I eventually ran into a dead end, but managed to leap out of the way at the last moment, causing the monster to run face first into the wall, temporarily stunning him.

"Matt was nothing before I came along. He was doing his best to rid the fed of S.H.I.T. and other goofy characters. He was nothing more than a Mayhem star until he and I became friends."

Suddenly I saw a glimmer of light coming from where the monster crashed into the wall. I quickly ran to it, seeing it was a sword I picked it up. I quickly plunged it into the beast. It let out a blood curdling scream and recoiled. I pulled my sword back and allowed the beast to come at me again.

"You are nothing but a footnote on the career of better wrestlers."

The monster took a swipe at me and managed to catch me in the side, knocking me to the ground. I did my best to get to my feet, but the monster put its foot on me and tried to crush me.

"You will perish."

I struggled and did barely managed to squirm free enough to swing at the beast's foot. It was a glancing blow, but enough to cause it to let me free.

"I will fight!"

I did a wicked flip onto the back of the beast and plunged my sword deep into its neck, causing the beast to fall. As I vaulted off my foe, it morphed into an image of myself, except this me was thin and in shape. Clean shaven and neatly trimmed, with no glasses and when this one spoke it came out blue.

"Who are you?"

"I'm you. I'm just the idealized version of you."

"You look way better. I bet you could beat Matt Tastic and Ty Burna and The Sacrificial Altar. I bet you aren't a loser."

"Never forget what you are. The rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor, and it can never be used to hurt you."

"Are you saying I should embrace my reputation as a choker?"

"No, but you can't allow the opinions of others weigh you down. You know what you are. From day one in this company, you have never let anyone sway you. You have it within yourself to win this match. You just have to be yourself."

"But Matt is a Grand Slam Champion. Not Titus, not Ty Burna, not even Everest can say that. I am fighting my best friend, on the biggest stage there is. He knows my every weakness, my every flaw. Hell he has seen me naked more than I care to remember. He literally knows every inch of me. How am I supposed to beat him?"

"Just Live Mas."

Suddenly the other Mikey disappeared and I awoke. I knew it would be a tough battle. No one expected me to win. My record wasn't in my favor. The odds were against me. Matt Tastic had the accolades, I had the reputation of a loser. I had to embrace that reputation though. Use it to pull out something that no one would expect. Something to defy the odds.

I sat and thought back to my very first Kingdom Come. When I overcame my fear of heights to win my first set of tag team titles.

Stormrage swallows, summons his courage, takes the last few steps to the very top...he wobbles at the top!...but hangs on, he's clutching the titles, and he's pulled them down! The match is over!

I've been to the top of the mountain at Kingdom Come before, I could do it once more. It may kill me, but I refuse to lose again. I'm sorry Matt, but its Game Over for you.
Life is perceived as a very simple thing. You're born. You grow up. You learn. You mature. You become an adult. You become independent. You socialize. You age. You procreative. You raise and nurture. Then it comes to its conclusion. But there are so many bits and pieces in between all those steps. So many small details that aid in that process. But to those that don't know, not everyone grows up the same. Not everyone has the same privileges. Not everyone gets to grow up with the same mindset. There's always that minority who is steered away from the path of the average. The normal. The typical. It can be anything. A lost parent. A divorce. A childhood trauma. Or it can be of such miniscule detail on the road of life that no one see's it. Shyness. Frustrations. Defeat. An inability to socialize. Anger. People on the outside can give you such simple advice. “Be normal”. It's what it basically equates to. It sounds as easy to follow as that. But no one ever gets it. No one understands that for all the desires of normality, that doesn't mean we can do it. We'd love to go out and meet people. But we don't have the notion of how to do it. We lack the social dexterity to say hi. That's the life of us less sociable people. Always being looked down upon by the rest of society for things we really can't fight. Because we can't follow social norms. For most of us it's not even a choice. But yet, we're still frowned upon. And it can push us down dark paths.

Meltdown 93 said:
Copeland is cut-off mid-sentence as Tastic has turned Krypto over and delivered the Headache Driver! Tastic gets back up and pulls on his hair as he looks down at Krypto. The crowd has no idea how to react as they watch Tastic go to a nearby corner turnbuckle and begin punching it.

Cohen: Woah... didn't see that coming!

Matt gets out of the ring and heads for the announce table. Kicking it and slamming the cover and monitors on it with Cohen throwing his arms up in the air in the background. He pushes the nearby timekeeper and slams his chair down before grabbing a mic.

Tastic: I AM SO SICK OF THIS!! 4 years! 4 years! I've busted my back for 4 years here! Literally busted it! And this is the bullsh*t I need to put up with?! I've done nothing but pour my blood and bruise my body in this ring just to have a damned little midget with green skin beat me and take away my chance at the World Heavyweight Championship?! What the f*ck is this?! I signed up for WZCW and last I checked it didn't stand for William Zanchez' Circus Weirdos. It was WrestleZone Championship Wrestling!! Wrestling! That's what the marquee says, right? Why the f*ck do we have a man with clear psychological issues and in dire need of a shrink competing for the World title?! Why the f*ck do we have an alien running around? Why do we have a doctor who clearly escaped a sanitarium? Why do we have another doctor who drenches his fingernails in odd.... whatever the hell it is and talks like freakin' Snakes from the Powerpuff Girls? Why is there a cardboard “robot” running around with the Elite X title?! Nobody bats an eye to any of this non-sense?!

The crowd is shocked to hear these words coming out of Matt Tastic's mouth, a guy that the crowd has loved for so long. They don't react with boos or cheers, just discussion and gasps.

Copeland: He is out of line here.

Cohen: What do you mean? We do have a bunch of weirdo's here.

Tastic: For 4 years I've done nothing but be a good boy and do whatever is asked of me. But that's not enough. I'm not “gimmicky” enough to get a push around here. I'm too “bland”. Too simple. I don't fit the corporate picture. I'm not what's best for business am I?

Tastic turns to Sebastian Copeland.


He then turns towards the stage, looking at the titantron.


There's always been biased for these damn clowns because you people keep cheering them on! Mikey Stormrage had to vacate his Tag Team titles because he didn't have a partner. Why isn't Saboteur vacating the titles? It's the same bullsh*t backstage. It took me 4 years to be made into a road agent. Then I find out that I never had a single mention for a spot. Even though I've never left this damn place. Loyalty! Hard work! All thrown aside for goofs in masks and a damn cardboard robot. But fine. It's clear you people want freaks.

Matt covers his face, dishearted by the loss, but that quickly turns into a sick wide smile.

And if its a freak you want... then its a freak you're going to get!

Matt heads into the ring again and once again attacks Krypto as the crowd begins to boo. Before any major damage can occur, he's interrupted by security who come in to take him and his mic away. He tries to fight them off but they're too many.


We have to adapt as we can and we're able to. We either come together or push ourselves away. Live magnets. Sometimes positive and negative meet. Sometimes the same polarities meet and push off. Live Mas came by when a positive and a negative met. Like so many oddball pairs Live Mas grew into a phenomenon. Like Abbott and Costello. Like Harry and Lloyd. Like Beavis and Butthead. Like James Franco and Seth Rogen. Two asocial individuals meet. They push their unique ideal onto the world. And people finally accept them for who they are. They find enjoyment in their different view on life. Matt and Mikey may not be idiots like Harry and Lloyd or Beavis and Butthead. They may not be stoners like Seth and Franco. But they are still one of the most entertaining pairs in pro wrestling. Their growth was showcased for the world to see and connect to. But unlike most duos, these two were established alone before they came together. Matt Tastic was always the easy to anger, fight-happy fiend of WZCW. Always one to burst at the thought of him being inferior to anyone. Ready to prove he was as good as he said. And Mikey Stormrage. The happy-go-lucky guy who could make friends with anyone. No word could wound him. Aside from his best friend leaving. But Mikey got over that. And he and Matt found each other. The two came together and became a contrast. The red became redder next to the blue that became bluer. If those were real words. They shined brighter than the ever did.

All Or Nothing 2014 said:
They both get to their feet again and Stormrage throws a blow that connects with Tastic. Stormrage hits the ropes and rebounds, but Tastic counters with a snap powerslam! Stormrage is down and Tastic goes to the corner to yell something at the fans, but Stormrage is soon up and he NAILS A SABIN SPECIAL! He goes for the cover and gets one, two, but only two as Tastic kicks out. Stormrage pulls Tastic to his feet, he pulls him up, he sets up for the Game Over! Stormrage elevates Tastic, Tastic slips out over Stormrage's head! He rolls up the champion - he gets one, two, and three!!!


Connor: Unbelievable! That came out of nowhere!

Cohen: Lightning fast reversal!

Copeland: Tastic needed just one second's opening to pull one over Mikey Stormrage!

Stormrage kicks out furiously but Aubrey insists it was three. Mikey pounds the mat as Tastic is handed the title, the new champion grinning ear to ear but an altogether shocked and humbled look on his face. He holds the belt to his chest and falls to one knee. Stormrage is behind him and with his hands on his hips, looking unbelievably frustrated. Tastic stands up and sees Mikey. They stare at one another for a long moment, Stormrage shaking his head. Tastic shrugs and say something back, to which Stormrage appears to smile despite himself. They stare again before Stormrage extends a hand to Matt Tastic. Tastic looks at it with his jaw slightly dropped, but he takes it with a smile, and the two men embrace to an ovation from the crowd. Stormrage rolls out of the ring and Tastic raises the belt to a continued ovation.

Copeland: Hard to believe it, but Mikey has apparently shown his respect to Matt Tastic tonight.

Cohen: Why shouldn't he? He was bested in the middle of the ring, fair and square!

Connor: And that respect from Mikey seems to have convinced the crowd that Tastic isn't so bad after all. A new leaf appears to have been turned for a new champion.

Matt prepares for his big battle at Kingdom Come 7. Not far from his farm home, the woods that circle various towns and mountains are where he's preparing. Standing on a wooden balance beam, he throws punches from a crouching stance. His legs stretched. His knees bent. His punches at the peak of martial arts perfection. Each attack launched carries the heavy burden of a wrist weight. 10 pounds on each arm. And Matt hits every blow precisely.

You know, around this time last year, I was in the biggest moments of my career. Winning the World title. Defending on the main event of the biggest show for the first time. It was awesome. But I can't forget that awesome high, I also can't forget the terrible low the year before. When I was left off the Kingdom Come card all together. I can't forget it. Not only being left off that card. Being denied a spot in that year's Lethal Lottery. Jimmy Flynn and Brent Blaze got in that year, but they couldn't find a spot for me? What the fuck?! After all that I vowed to never fall down so low in my wrestling career. To the point that I snapped at the thought of losing to Krypto. I slipped into such a rage. Nothing could get through to me. Nothing could snap me out of my anger. I was constantly taunted by others for my shortcomings. Except for one person. Mikey didn't mock me even though I did it to him. He knew. He knew I felt. And knew how to help. And he did. I can never repay him for it.

As Matt continues his high intensity training, a voice from the distance emerges. It's familiar. But Matt has yet to identify the source of that voice. Full of wisdom. Knowledgeable. Understanding.

???: You monologuing to yourself?

Matt: No. I'm talking to you, Granpa.

The man is revealed as the great Granpa Tastic. He sorta waddles towards Matt as Matt keeps going with his punches. Granpa looks up toward Matt waiting for Matt to continue his monologue. Matt just keeps going so Granpa summons none other than one of his many fighting roosters. He points towards Matt and the creature takes flight. It nails Matt, knocking him down onto the beam.



Matt: Ouch! Granpa, what the hell!?

Granpa: Claudio Used Fly. It was Very Effective.

That hurt!

Granpa: Then don't ignore me. And besides. You need your rest. You and that training AND that monologuing are gonna exhaust you before your big match. That's of course, assuming you actually want to win the match.

Matt: Of course I do, Granpa. That's a pretty silly notion.

: You know, I do recall how as a teenager you'd be doing just that after working and watching TV. On a high pedestal, training.

I really had nowhere else to go. No friends. Plus I had to be at hand for any work at the house.

I know you'd never raise an arm toward Mikey unnecessarily. You know how much the loneliness hurts. But I think the time for talk is coming to an end. What action will you take in that ring? Before and after you match.

My mind is set on what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna do my best to win. And no matter the outcome walk out with my friend. Win or lose.

Easy as that?

It's not easy at all. I don't expect it to be easy. But that's why I'm here training. To do my best. If I don't win, I know I need to train more. That is the easy part. Don't you think?

Maybe on your end. Just bare in mind to be prepared for anything.

Life's taught me to do so.

And so it has.

The days pass as Matt prepares himself as much as possible for the big night. Once again he's in a big match at the big event. And he does not want to fail as he's done in the past. World Champion as he may be, he also spent many years getting nothing done and the fear of falling into that always lingers in the back of his mind. As he said. Life's taught him.


Matt has been called for a special interview heading into Kingdom Come 7. He is in the arena for a personal chat with Sebastian Copeland inside the ring. Matt sits on a chair backwards on it, leaning his arms on what is normally the back rest. Sebastian Copeland walks in as well and the two shake hands. He sits down in a stern manner. Putting his hands firmly on his knees while his back rests flat on the rest piece. A total contrast to how Matt just slouches on it. Sebastian adjusts himself and a sheet of paper and begins his interview.

Hello everybody and welcome to this special interview on the road to Kingdom Come 7. Today I have the former one half of the World Tag Team Champions, Matt Tastic. Matt, how are you doing?

I'm doing fine, Seabass. Not much to talk about.

I beg to differ. You've….. We did something similar last year and wow, how times change. You're now a 2 time World Champion and it would seem Live Mas is on the verge of collapse.

I did not realize Live Mas was some sort of organization. I thought it was just a name for two friends.

Well, Matt. You've headlined shows for an entire year. Sold tons of merch and done many other projects. I'd say you're a little more than 2 friends, Matt. And this all seems to be ending at Kingdom Come 7. I gotta ask. How do you feel going into this match? Is there any conflict of interest here? Do you feel any overlap between the personal and the professional?

Sebastian, let me tell you a story. As everyone knows, I grew up on a farm. Doing nothing but work. No play. The time I had for myself, I'd watch fighting shows. Dragonball Z. Power Rangers. Wrestling. It was good fighting evil in some way. That was my free time growing up. No friends. No meet ups. Just me and the TV. It doesn't help that I was so engrained with cockfighting as well. Martial Arts, you name it. Simply put, fighting was embedded into my mind. And life did seem like a fight to me for the longest time.

Sebastian tilts his head to the side. Showing interest and curiosity in Matt's story. He's never really talked about his time growing up. Matt slouches more on the chair and looks up toward the single, solitary spotlight. Sighing in a sense of seeming emptiness. Remembering how much he regrets the childhood he grew up in. Never really getting that chance to interact and socialize. Always having to fight in some way or another. It's clearly not a normal life. Not even for someone from his place of origin. It's clearly had it's after effects. But how exactly are these past occurrences relevant to today? To the Live Mas Explosion going into Kingdom Come?

I never really had a chance to develop socially growing up, Seabass. All I knew was family. They raised me their own way. Back then I didn't know any better. All I really knew was the glamor of what I saw on the TV. And I wanted it. But unfortunately, normal life does not work that way. I know this seems irrelevant, Seabass. But I came here to the U.S. to live with my father. I wanted to learn what the “Greatest Nation In The World” was all about. I wanted to thrive in the greatness. But as I tried to work my way in life, I had my father pushing. I needed to get a car. I needed to get a job. I needed to go to college. I needed to do all these things, with no help at all. I was just thrust into the world. I called for help and what I got was “We are helping. We're teaching you.” For the longest time I asked myself what kind of help is this when you know what you have to do but can't because of a facade created by ignorance? I asked myself daily if I just wasn't cut out for life as I sank more into debt. More into loneliness. More into hatred. Seabass, I did learn a lesson from my father. Some fights are just not worth it.

Sebastian fixes his papers and stretches his neck. Putting thought into Matt's words. He reflex on what he said before offering his retort. He leans a bit forward. More intrigued by Matt's tall tale. He starts to see Matt's point of view, but does not get how that makes his situation with Mikey any different than what Matt went through with his dad. Matt was thrust into doing too many things at once and then left on his own regardless of him asking for help. A selfish method of pushing someone to do their best, disregarding their own opinions. In a sense, the same can be seen for what Matt is doing to Mikey. Calling his partnership into question, challenging him to a match and then dropping the Tag Team titles. A blow that can be steered as a personal one given Mikey's past with those titles. It seems just as selfish in a sense.

That is an interesting story, Matt. But don't you feel you're committing these same mistakes as your father by pushing and pushing and ignoring the consequences? Don't you feel you are helping more to break up Live Mas than Mikey did by dropping you at Lethal Lottery?

: No. And I'll tell you why. But first, let me keep going with my story, Seabass. I keep falling. And falling. Deep into despair. I want to go home. I want to go hide under a rock. It feels like the world rejected me but I know it wasn't my fault. I never was given a chance. But then….. WZCW happened. It was a miracle. I lucked my way into a line of work doing what I like doing. Put the struggle of every day life wasn't over. I still had to fight my way. I was still alone in that locker room in a hostile environment. I failed. I failed, over and over again. Time after time to get anywhere that mattered. It was disheartening to see contemporaries like Steven Holmes, Barbosa and even Ricky Runn pass me by and leave me in the dust. I was always angry. I lashed out. I attacked people. Screaming in anger at how the world seems to basically push me away and crush my dream. I reached out my hand day in and day out trying to grab the brass ring only to constantly have it pulled away. But one day. One day, someone reached out. Someone grabbed my hand and pulled me up and told me I didn't have to fight alone. Mikey reached out to me. I have a tag team partner, Sebastian.

I still don't get it, Matt. You say all these things about yo father, who if I recall, you've never talked about. How he seemed to do wrong by you and yet, I still don't see how what you're doing now isn't doing wrong by Mikey.

Let me finish, Seabass. To you it may seem like I'm abrasive. But I've been down this road before. I know both sides of it. See, it's not about what I do now. It's what I do afterwards, Seabass. I was left hanging by the person I trusted. He told me to deal with my own devices. That he couldn't bail me out all the time. However. This is what makes me different, Seabass. This is where Live Mas is just two close friends. Because whether it's in victory or whether its at a loss, I will be there and extend my hand to Mikey like he did to me. I see him falling. Now I reach out to him. And even though I may seem cold. Even though it may seem like I'm pushing us away, I am doing my absolute best to bring out the best in him. I know he has it in him. And we'll see it at Kingdom Come. The big question is…. Is it good enough to beat me at my best? Because I may be extending my hand in support. But that sure as hell doesn't mean I'm gonna lay down for him. I still want that World Heavyweight Championship back.

Sebastian moves a bit in his chair to straighten himself out. Going from what seemed like a defensive posture to a more relaxed one, now understanding Matt Tastic's point of view better. He still has not asked all the questions he wants to ask, so he fixes himself on the chair and pulls it forward a bit. A sign of confidence as he's more sure in Matt's words and cause. Matt in turn stops leaning his chin on his shoulders and raises his head. Showing a willingness to be more straight forward.

It's safe to say you see this match as friendly competition. But do you believe Mikey see's it the same way? Do you not think he may feel betrayed?

I've given him every chance in the world to get back at me for it at Kingdom Come. And after it, I'll smile and congratulate him. Win or loss. We've gone through a lot together. And he's pretty much not just my best friend, but pretty much the only one. It's the sad truth. I may get along fine with people, but he's the one that gets me.


Seabass, I'm very damn confident in my heterosexuality. Enough to say comfortably any sexual innuendo that would say otherwise. And besides, why is that an issue?

I was just curious.

Well, I saw this bar-

Seabass bounces to his feet quickly and awkwardly at the comment and extends his hand to Matt.

OK. Interview's over. Matt, its a pleasure to have you here and good luck at Kingdom Come 7 at your big match.

Matt gets up and offers a very uncharacteristically gleeful smile. He reaches out and extents his hand to Sebastian and shakes it. He gives a very “odd” look at Seabass.

Oh, Seabass. The pleasure is all mine.

And Seabass pulls the hand away quickly.

It's a joke, you idiot.

Matt heads out with his eyes set on the big match. He's expressed himself. He's said his piece. Why he believes what he is doing is right. And how he see's Live Mas living on past the big night. He's had very little. And he wants to value the one friendship he has. He doesn't want to throw it away as he may have done in the past. But at the same time, he feels this is the best way to give back to Mikey after all this time.


The stage is set and the night is finally here. Matt Tastic goes one on one with his best friend, Mikey Stormrage. A match over a year in the making on the grandest stage of them all. All Matt has to do is go through the curtain. But first, his final words…….

Stacey Madison:
Ladies and gentlemen, the biggest night of the year is finally here. And here to talk about his own big match is none other than Matt Tastic!

Matt walks on to the interview set and gives a nice look to Stacey.

Matt, tonight you fight your best friend, Mikey Stormrage. Is it the end of Live-

Matt puts his finger on Stacey's lip gently, shutting her up. She reacts startled at the awkward touch, but Matt just looks around as if he was smelling the atmosphere. He lowers his finger as Stacey looks on, waiting for a response.

Stacey, I've heard it. People say Live Mas is dead. No more talk about the burritos. No more jokes about tacos! Stacey! Please. There is plenty of room to talk about burritos. There is plenty of space to talk about tacos. Whether it's my burritos or it's your taco, there's room for talk. But that's for later, dear. Tonight I have business to attend. This isn't complex. One man feels he's under appreciated and wants to prove the world wrong. I can dig that. But the other man wants to keep pushing his burrito to the top. Stacey are you feeling me? There's a nice, beautiful taco at the top and I want to munch on it, yeah!

Matt turns to Stacey and makes a biting motion towards her.

I've tasted it. I licked the lettuce of that taco Stacey and it was delicious! I got a drop of that dripping meat sauce and it lit my tastebuds on fire. Stacey, do you smell what I'm cooking?

Yes, and it is quite concerning.

I'm so glad you agr- Wait, why is it so concerning?

Matt, may I remind you that there is no inter-worker relationships allowed in WZCW?

Well first off, that didn't stop Mikey who got that hot mamacita, Eve Taylor. Secondly, Stacey I'd love to show you my Latino Heeeaaat but the taco I referred to was the World Heavyweight Championship. The Coup De Grace of professional wrestling, my dear. And I never got my rematch for it. Now, I want to give Mikey his fair shake. But my eyes are not steering away. I have my eyes on the prize. 2015 is coming to an end, but mark my words, 2016 will be just as Kickass for me as 2015 if not more. So Mikey Stormrage, you can bring your A-Game. You can bring your A+Game. But I guarantee you, you will need that and more to beat your buddy, Matt Tastic. I'm coming. And I'm Delivering the Kickassery. And grabbing that Taco!!

Matt raises his arms high in the air, “reaching for that taco”. After a while, he lowers them as if the fun stopped. Stacey looks on sensing there's still more to come from Matt. He turns to her. His eyes go from electric to melancholic as her reaches for the mic.

Good luck, my friend. Live Mas.

He pats Stacey on the shoulder and walks out. The time for talk is over. Matt heads out for the big match. The test of friendship. Can it endure?
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