Kingdom Come 7: Johnny Scumm (c) vs. Titus - EurAsian Title

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Richard Blonoff

Make America Rassle Again
(Description to come later)

Deadline is Tuesday, November 10th, at 11:59PM CST. Extensions available upon request.
The theme music of George Stroumboulopoulos Tonight kicks in. The Canadian talk show, regarded as the best in his home country, has always had the top celebrities on. Tonight is no exception as the guest is none other than Titus Avison. His face shows up on the titles, a black and white image he's wearing a suit as George's voice can be heard.

George: Tonight I have one of the most unique individuals I've ever met. You may know him as the five time Oscar winner who to this day is still a hot commodity in Hollywood. You may be a citizen of Keystone City in Kansas and remember his days as the vigilante Red Mask.

As George Stroumboulopoulos is talking video clips are shown. Videos of his movies mixed in with red carpet appearances. Keystone City parades as Red Mask and footage of his illustrious WZCW career.

George: However we're Canadian so you're more likely to recognise him from WZCW. Making his debut on the first edition of Meltdown he's been a key component since then. Winning two world titles, the Elite X, the Lethal Lottery and last year was inducted into the Hall of Fame. He's almost done it all, the EurAsian championship is his next goal. He gets the chance at Kingdom Come VII at the Olympic Stadium in Montreal.

The title sequence finishes as the familiar red seats are shown on stage. George is sat to the left and Titus is sat to the right. Titus looks quite relaxed and has a smile on his face. The audience clap and there are a few audible cheers from them.

George: Mr. Titus Avison.

Titus: Wow, quite the introduction.

The applause of the audience dies down as they laugh at his comments. Titus shakes the hand of George. He smiles even more.

Titus: You know, I'm so blessed in life. I always forget just how much I've done, the whole thing has been a blur yet here I am.

George: Yet you continue to evolve. I was quite surprised when your agent asked me to refer to you as Titus Avison. For years you've just been known as Titus, a bit like Madonna.

Titus: Or Sting.

George: I don't think we're allowed to talk about him.

Titus: The singer?

George: Oh right. Yup like Sting and Madonna you've been known as just one name, why the change?

Titus: Good question George, good question.

Titus straightens himself out on the red seat as George leans forward nodding to himself in agreement that it is, in fact, a good question.

Titus: There's a point in life where you have to be proud of your family history. I'm sure the Stroumboulopoulos' are proud of you. I want the Avison name to be known, is that a bad thing?

George shakes his head as if to say no and Titus leans forward to him lowering his voice as if what he's about to say next is a secret.

Titus: That and I'm influencing a lot of wrestlers. There's young Titus O'Beale and Brett Titus who wrestle on the indies. I don't really want them riding my coattails so I thought it was time to use my surname.

George: That would explain that. I bet you've had your fair share of fans who have idolised you through the years. Is there anyone that stands out?

Titus: Christopher Hill.

Titus gave the answer before George had even finished the question. It throws George off slightly and with his body language he asks Titus to continue.

Titus: I remember Chris because he was the sort of kid who just wanted to be me. He was 11 when he first wrote to me and started to get acting lessons. He was from London and would write two or three times a week, I always wrote back then and suddenly it stopped.

Titus pauses, he looks visibly upset. A shot of the audience show that they are entranced by Titus Avison.

Titus: I received a letter from the kids mother eventually. He had died in a car collision in the snow. She wanted to write to me as she said I was the kids hero. I'll never forget him.

The audience shot is repeated, a few teary eyes are shown. Titus looks very serene and calm as George chimes in.

George: I guess that would go against people saying you've not been acting yourself recently. A bit of a...actually I shouldn't say that.

Titus: Have you been speaking to Showtime? I know you talk show hosts like to spend time together. Yes he, and others, have said I've been a bit of a dick since Lethal Lottery but really it's just me being me. I'm at the stage in life where I'm sick of pretences and maybe Cougar is right. Maybe.

The audience laugh a bit in an awkward way. They don't know if Titus is joking or not and aren't quite sure how to react.

Titus: What do you think?

George: Well if you were I wouldn't have you on the show.

Titus: Didn't you once have Rob Ford on?

The audience bursts out laughing as both Titus and George fist bump each other. Titus sits back.

George: A little known thing about you is how much charity you work you do. You recently did an event in Toronto for the victims of road crashes. Lets have a look.

The screen in between shows footage of a charity gala, lots of famous faces are dotted round as they're sat on tables through the event. Titus is stood on stage with Carly Rae Jepsen. Carly has clearly just finished performing and Titus is drawing things to a close.

Titus: Thank you so much for attending the gala tonight. It's with great pleasure I can announce that the Car Wreck Awareness Support has raised $400,000. Be proud of yourself.

The audience at the gala clap but you can also hear the audience of George Stroumboulopoulos Tonight cheering. Titus pulls a letter out of his pocket and the audience hushes, Carly walks off the stage and the lights dim to just Titus Avison stood there.

Titus: Dear Titus,

Thank you so much for your support of Christopher over the last few years. You may wonder why he's not written to you for a while but sadly he passed. He was hit by a car in the snow, he was trying to find his older brother but couldn't. You know the strains he had with him yet he still wished for the good.

Know this, you were his hero and he worshipped you. If only he knew just how big a wrestler you'd be he'd be proud. Please do anything you can to help awareness of collisions. Thank you Titus

Mrs. Megan Hill (Chris' mother).

Silence fills the room, an occasional tear is heard and then the screen cuts back to the show. The audience of the talk show are now applauding Titus, with some standing up.

Titus: I'm nothing special, it's what anyone else would do. Whether I'm a dick or not, I'm not as bad as his brother. Thanks for the awareness though, and please give.

George: Any time. We don't have much time left but I want to ask about Kingdom Come. Now in its seventh incarnation you're in a match for the EurAsian championship. Why go for that when there's a lot more for you to do?

Titus gives a smug laugh, stretches his arms, straightens himself up and looks at Stroumboulopoulos with an almost pity look. Titus has been asked this a lot over the last few weeks, but our host was not to know that. Having been interviewed almost daily for the last seven years, Titus decided to give him the benefit of the doubt.

Titus: Ah George, such a misguided question. I couldn't exactly go for the world title as I didn't win the Lethal Lottery this year. That night I saw someone overcome the odds and beat Garth Black, I was astounded as he is the sort who thinks he can just turn up. In fact, some would even argue that he hasn't bothered turning in for the last month. He's been in the ring but his heart and head haven't been in it.

George nods in agreement as Titus continues.

Titus: For me it's a tale of redemption. The EurAsian belt is the only singles title I haven't had. Who can forget my matches with Chris K.O? Yet I fell short of my goal, it's always been there. Can you think of my biggest upset? You're a wrestling fan George, what was the weirdest loss for me?

George: You lost to him didn't you? Was some time ago, but I remember it.

Titus: Ascension 36. The loss humiliated me because I thought I could just walk in and win it, it was that match that gave me a kick up the backside. Within six weeks I was the world champion again. It shows what I can do when I'm focussed. So this Kingdom Come match is a story of redemption. If I've defeated both Zeus and Daggershield in the last month and I hold a belt does that mean that's the number one belt?

George: That gives us something to think about. It's been a pleasure to have you on Mr. Avison, you're welcome again if you're ever in Canada.

Titus: My pleasure George.

George: Join is tomorrow night as we're joined by former Prime Minister Stephen Harper.

Titus shakes George's hand again as the title credits come on. The audience applauses and there's a fade to black.

A new scene opens, it's the outside of Le Westin in Montreal. The grand hotel has been host to many a celebrity and Titus Avison is no exception. The shot cuts inside and Titus is sat down on a chair, drink of rum in hand looking at the camera.

Titus: Christopher Hill, killed due to his brother. His brother had camped on the side of a road and Christopher wanted to make sure he was fine. It was the last thing he would ever do. His brother Johnathan showed no remorse. He blamed the snow, but it was him. Johnny, as he was known, killed his little brother. Scum is what he is and Scumm is his name.

That's one reason why I wanted to face him at Kingdom Come.

Titus takes a drink and picks up a copy of the WZCW magazine, he opens it to page 4 to show Johnny Scumm holding the EurAsian title above his head.

Titus: Just look at you, not a care in the world. You thinks your brother would be proud of you? Would he heck! I was Christopher's hero and I have achieved so much more than you could ever hope. You're a disgrace to him and the fact you're even in this company makes me sick. You've used WZCW as your play thing for years, you come, vanish, come, vanish. They always say to give you a chance and you always muck it up.

At Kingdom Come, Johnny, I will beat you so bad that you will never be seen in this company again.

Titus puts the magazine down. He takes a drink again and stands up.

Titus: Or maybe I am just being selfish. I love fame, fortune and everything that goes with it so I may as well take the last singles title that has eluded me. Titus Avison, EurAsian champion. Why? It's because I can.

You've heard legends of this man. See it at Kingdom Come.

He slumps back into his seat, laughs and the screen fades to black.
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