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Kingdom Come 7: Constantine vs. Showtime

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Richard Blonoff

Make America Rassle Again
(Description to come later)

Deadline is Tuesday, November 10th, at 11:59PM CST. Extensions available upon request.
The night of Gold Rush 2015

He should have been home by now and she knew it. After the phone call yesterday, her mind hadn't stopped thinking about the ramifications of Constantine's words. “I'm struggling” he has said in a pathetic tone. Truth be told, Mia had never felt sorry for Constantine in the entire time that she had known him. But in that moment, all she could muster up was pity.

But since then. Anger had dissipated and had been replaced by all manner of emotions and feelings. Remorse, disappointment, sadness... It was a boiling pot and now it had begun to boil over. But now, all she felt was unending pity for the man who had fathered her one and only child. Pity for the tone of his voice. Pity for the decision that he, seemingly, had to make, and pity for everything he had left behind.

And now she sits in the dark by dim candlelight; Casey beside her sleeping. Mia looks down at the sleeping babe in the cradle in an attempt to soothe her chaotic mind but it is to no relief. A pang of guilt runs down the spine of the former Politician's partner as she looks at the peaceful features of her new born daughter and considers her future. Her father, a madman who left her at the very first opportunity for the thought of a wrestling Championship. Her mother; a husk of a woman who wasn't strong enough to convince him to stay.

In the future, things would get better; she was sure of that. From time to time, Mia would think of Constantine and all of the good times. Perhaps she would even consider how different things would have been would he have stayed. Perhaps Casey would even ask her about her father and what he was like. But those were problems for another day. Tonight was the first night of the rest of her life and she was confused. She was lonely and she was scared.

What now?

The Night Before Meltdown 123

Mia woke with a sudden start, her heart beating out of her chest. She was sure that she had heard something from downstairs. Quickly, but silently, she turned over in her duvet and reached out into the darkness. Fiddling around with the switches, finally, she finds the correct one and the room bursts into light. Opening her mind to her senses, Mia waits for her fears to be confirmed. She couldn't be sure but the familiar sound of a key in the kitchen door keyhole seemed to be the source of what had woken her so suddenly. But now, nothing. Perhaps her senses were getting the better of her.

Truth be told, she had no idea what to do if someone had broken into her house; that was John's field of expertise. But she was on her own now. And with a family to look after now, she was provider and protector.

Resting her head back down on her pillow, Mia runs her hands through her hair and lets out a deep sigh of relief. Glancing across the room without lifting her head, Mia spies Casey alone in her crib. So peaceful and so beautiful, she stuns Mia every time. Letting out a slight laugh at herself and the craziness of thinking someone was breaking into her home, Mia feels foolish. Pulling the duvet from over herself, Mia finally gets to her shaky legs. Slowly moving over towards the crib, Mia continues to peer down at her beautiful daughter and losing herself in the amazing feeling of being a mother.

But suddenly, a clanking sounds resonates from under her. Something in the kitchen, something metal. It must have fallen. Or was it moved? Mia feels a terrifying shudder rise from her toes, all the way up her spine and into her brain. Her legs are almost jelly at this point but she finds the strength to move over towards the crib. Holding onto the wooden frame of the crib, Mia looks towards the door of her room as the air falls silent once more.

Wishing more than anything for a coincidence, Mia's worst fears come true as the faint sound of footsteps can be heard walking underneath her position. Judging by the sound of it, it might just be one person. After a moment, the footsteps come to a halt, most probably at the bottom of the stairs that lead to the bedrooms; and to her position. Mia stays silent as tears begins to form in the corner of her eyes. So many thoughts run through her mind as she considers her next move. What would she do if the intruder moved up the stairs? What could she do?

Suddenly, the scraping of heels seems to indicate that the intruder is moving away from her position. Taking the opportunity whilst it is there, Mia snatches Casey up from her crib and holds her to her chest with security. Finally, Mia hears the click of the door one more time as she lets out a massive sigh of relief. Moving across the floor towards her bed one more time, Mia sits down as Casey fusses a little and then settles again. The intruder was gone but Mia still didn't feel safe.

Her Story

It had been almost 48 hours since Mia had last caught sight of Constantine, and had levelled some pretty stark criticism towards the hero of Keystone City; Titus. She knew she shouldn't have done that. Every time she thought about it, she shuddered to think about her actions. The truth of the matter is though, that seeing John for the first time in months had brought all of her emotions and feelings to the forefront of her mind. Did Titus even deserve everything that she had said to him? Probably not. But seeing his face reminded her of the hard times living on the streets of Keystone and the polarizing stories people have of the Oscar winner.

Mia: What did he ever do for me?

Reassuring herself with her rhetorical question, Mia puffs on the last of her cigarette and then extinguishes it in the nearby ashtray. Sitting in the dark, Mia watched through the open window as the bustling city passed her by from afar. It was a striking view of the city; something that John and Mia had always enjoyed. She thought back on the times that the two had shared a cigarette at that window in the past and laughed slightly. Those days were gone now; she knew it better than anyone. Seeing John's face in Edmonton a fortnight ago was enough to confirm that. That look of sheer dread in his weather-beaten face was enough to support that thought.

But could she really give up on him she had consistently thought. After everything they had been through; everything they had beaten together...

Mia: What if he needs me?

Mia lets outs another laugh as she takes another cigarette from the pack and puts it between her lips and lights it. Sucking down on the stick, Mia's mind wonders once more. All the way back to when she lived on the streets of Keystone City. Titus didn't do anything to help her; that much was a given. The authorities looked down at her as if she was a piece of scum. In fact, the only person who really showed her anything other than disdain was John Constantine. The same man who had taken her under his wing, clothed her and fed her when he didn't need to. Perhaps it was a PR stunt after all. But the fact of the matter was that he came through for her when she needed it most.

Mia: Pfft!

Admittedly lost in her own thoughts, Mia brings herself back to reality with a bump. Since her dalliance into her mind, the rain had become heavier. The skyline of the far of city was almost a blur behind the chilling winds and gallons of rain that had fallen. The cigarette in her mouth had burned halfway down and was on the edge of toppling now. Sniffing in through her nose and stifling the tears that would come, Mia stiffens herself.

Mia: Face it, stupid. He's gone! If he wanted to see you and Casey then he would have taken his chance when he had it...

Mia's soft words in hushed tones echo around the small study she sits in. Glancing over to the plush leather chair off to her right, Mia thinks back to when Constantine would sit in it and consider his next move. Countless times she had watched him sit in it for hours; grappling with the thought of a political move... Or a wrestling one. But she could never get used to his absence from it. Perhaps symbolically, she couldn't bring herself to throwing it out. She always promised she would. But when push came to shove, it never happened.

Mia looks at the empty chair with a sad look in her eyes. A longing look for something that once was that will never be again. Wiping a tear away from her right eye, Mia extinguishes the cigarette in the ashtray and gets to her feet. Bending over towards the window, she blows out the two candles and plunges the room into darkness.


Mia stiffens up, stunned by the sound of the doorbell. Composing herself for a moment, Mia moves towards the window. Once there, she reluctantly peers out of the corner of the glass towards the downstairs door. From her terrible vantage point, Mia spies the bottom of a person; dressed in a pair of jeans and dark shoes. Laughing to herself, Mia shakes her head and moves away from the window. Fixing herself for a moment, Mia heads out of the study and down the stairs to the left; peering in on Casey for only a second. Her sleeping babe the picture of peace and serenity. Mia continues down the stairs and turns on herself to open the door. Unlocking the heavy bolt, Mia opens the door to her visitor.

But to her surprise, no one sands before her. Mia feels the same pang of fear travel up her spine as she did the same night that someone broke into her home. Frozen in fear, Mia waits for something to appear in front of her. But resigned to the fact that no one will present themselves, Mia takes a deep breath and moves towards the door; poking her head out into the cold night air and rain. Looking left to right and back again, Mia frantically searches the night for the person who rang her door bell only seconds ago. But nothing...


Closing the door, Mia hurriedly bolts the lock and leans against the heavy door in relief. Letting another deep sigh exit her body, she gives herself a moment to compose herself. Running her hand through her beautiful auburn locks, Mia shakes her head in disbelief before moving forward and up the stairs one more time, Looking down at her feet, Mia considers, just for a second, what it would have been like if John had been at the door.

Mia: You're losing it! You're losing your damn mind!

Mia continues up the steps until she reaches the study once more. But something caught her eye. Something dark. Something in Casey's room.


Mia's heart begins to beat out of her chest as she scans the figure for discernable features. Squinting her eyes, she feels the darkness closing in around her.

Mia: John!?

Constantine moves towards her as everything goes dark...

* * * *

Mia wakes to a room void of any signs of life. On a small bed that she can barely fit upon, Mia scans the room for anything that she might recognise. But in the dark of night, it is very difficult for her to make it out. Squinting her eyes in the darkness, Mia struggles to see anything. Choosing instead to peer out of the window, Mia picks out the pale moonlight in the sky; obscured by many trees that the leaves have already fallen from. Putting her right hand to her head, Mia wipes away a few beads of sweat as the makings of a migraine seems to be becoming more prevalent.

Suddenly, from another room comes the unmistakable cries of her daughter. Jumping to her feet and forgetting all about the migraine that bugged for a few seconds, Mia stumbles through the small room towards the door that is slightly ajar. As she reaches out for the handle, the crying seems to come to a halt. Stopping herself for a second, Mia listens intently for anything that can give her a clue as to her whereabouts. Nothing.

Opening the door slowly, Mia begins to pick out some features of the house that she finds herself in. A wooden floor lined with smatterings of blood and sweat, rotting wooden walls and a small stone fireplace which seems to be lit. Pulling the door open a little further, Mia makes out the back of her captor and former boss' John Constantine. Around his outline, the head of their child can be made out as he holds her in his arms. Shaking, Mia heads through the door to where they both sit; her fear growing with every small step.

Constantine: I'm sorry I had to bring you here, Mia.

Mia halts her walk suddenly as Constantine picks up on her presence.

Constantine: I thought that bringing you here... Maybe you would understand...

Constantine stands from his chair and moves around it to stand across the room from his former aide and the mother of his child. In his arms, the sleeping Casey rests perfectly; almost as if she belongs there. Mia scans both of them, her eyes flicking from one to the other and taking everything in. Behind her eyes, a soup of emotions cloud her judgement as more tears begin to fall down her rosy cheeks and down onto the wooden flooring.

Constantine: You would never have agreed to come here on your own, we both know that. I wanted to... I needed to see you...

Mia stands silently, solemnly lamenting being so stupid as to leave her child in the hands of the man who, so recently, abandoned them to their own devices. But even she knows how dangerous Constantine had been since his release from the mundane suburban life. She had followed WZCW, more in hope to see that Constantine was looking after himself. She had seen his destruction of the likes of Alhazred, Showtime and Theron Daggershield. She knew that he was dangerous but just how dangerous would he be to the woman he had loved and his own daughter? The question remained.

Constantine: You have to believe me, Mia. I never wanted any of this. I nev...

The Power Trip stops himself mid sentence as he looks down at the beautiful baby in his arms and swallows a massive lump in his throat.

Constantine: So many times I've wanted to reach out to you. So many times I've forced myself to go to our house. I just couldn't...

Constantine's usual tone and methodical speech seems a thing of the past as he blusters from thought to thought; keeping his gaze on his daughter in his eyes and away from the tearful face of the woman he shunned.

Mia: Just tell me why.

Constantine lets out a slight laugh to himself as he shakes his head slightly. After a more monets of silently staring at his child, Constantine finally raises head to look at the woman he shunned, Struck by her beauty but beating himself up for the tears that she is crying Constantine takes a deep breath in.

Constantine: I wish I could answer that. I really wish I could. My mind is so far gone, Mia. I'm torn between what I know is right and what I think is wrong. I'm too far down the rabbit hole, there is no hope for me...

Mia wipes a tear from under her eye and moves towards Constantine in the middle of the floor.

Mia: You're wrong.

Slowly but surely, Mia moves across the dingy wooden floor until she stands before The Power Trip and her daughter. Continuing to scan between Constantine and Casey, Mia raises her right hand and brings it to the cheek of the former WZCW Heavyweight Champion. Constantine closes his eyes for a second as Mia's hand touches his face the first time in months. Suddenly, however, he pulls away.

Constantine: No! I can't! I've failed you already... You don't deserve this. I'm lost!

Mia: John, I-

Constantine: NO!

Constantine pulls away from Mia once more in a jerking fashion, waking his daughter in the process. His eyes suddenly open wide as the childish screams of the baby fill the tiny cabin in the woods. Mia lunges for the baby but Constantine pulls away again; tears forming in his eyes.

Mia: Give her to me!

The former Heavyweight Champion stops suddenly, perhaps realising the repercussions of his actions and begins breathing heavily in a state of shock. Slowly and reluctantly, Constantine offers Casey to her mother and gives Mia a pathetic look.

Constantine: I'm so sorry...

Constantine gives Casey to Mia and immediately withdraws from his position in the middle of the floor. Moving across the room. Constantine sits back down on his chair in front of the fire with his head resting in his hands. Mia backs away from him slowly before turning her back on him completely. She looks down at Casey, who is beginning to settle once more.

Constantine: Maybe I am lost after all, Mia. My own daughter wants nothing to do with me and who could blame her? I've been a terrible role-model and an even worse father to her. She doesn't even know who I am!

Mia turns back to Constantine slowly; identifying his tears hitting the floor now.

Mia: You're wrong, John. She knows exactly who you are. You think she would have been so quiet in your arms if she didn't know her own father? She will always be your daughter, John. But you have to snap out of this. You have to come back to the house with Me and Casey and you have to find some help. Wrestling, politics; it's not important any more. What's important was in your arms only seconds ago.

Constantine raises his head hopefully, the tears still running down his aged cheeks and onto his ripped suit.

Bill: What a load of horse shit!

Constantine looks over to his right where Bill leans against the stone fireplace. Shaking his head from side to side, Bill laughs slightly as he looks down at the broken former politician. Turning his head towards Mia, Bill lets an angry expression cross his features.

Bill: You really think that she wants you back, you idiot? After everything that you've put her and that child through? You think that she would welcome you back into that house after everything you've done and how far you've come? She just wants out of this cabin, you idiot. She doesn't give a shit about you!

Constantine continues to stare at the wall beside the fireplace where Bill rests.

Mia: John! Are you listening to me?! We need to get out of here. I don't care about anything else but you. We need to get you better.

Bill: Get you better? Hell, I've never seen you better, Champ. You remember Dorian Slaughter and Ty Burna putting you on the shelf, huh? You remember losing the Heavyweight Championship because you couldn't do what was necessary? You've put everything right in WZCW, Champ. Beat Showtime Cougar at Kingdom Come and you'll have your legacy.

Constantine shakes his head slightly, trying hard not to be sucked in by Bill's entirely enticing words and sentiments.

Constantine: You're wrong!

Mia: Excuse me?

Bill: I'm not wrong, John. And you know it! This little bird doesn't want a husk of a man following her home to her place of peace. You think she would really let someone as unhinged as you enter her house with nothing to show from your little vacation? She wants you to be successful, Champ. She wants you to go to Kingdom Come and beat Showtime Cougar. She wants the Hall of Fame!

Constantine continues to shake his head but more vigorously now as a maniacal grin begins to form on his face. Standing up suddenly, Constantine continues to stare away from Mia as she backs away slightly.

Mia: What are you looking at, John?

Constantine spins his head to the left to look at Mia. Raising his right hand to point at Bill, Constantine motions towards his position for Mia to see.

Mia: There's... There's no one there, John.

Constantine looks back to where Bill was resting but now, nothing is there. Stunned, Constantine staggers backwards and into the chair that he sat in only seconds ago. Not daring to move his gaze from where Bill once stood, Constantine seems utterly perplexed and paralysed. Cautiously, Mia moves towards Constantine; her baby still in her arms and a look of dread on her face. As she reaches the Power Trip, she reaches out a hand for his. The skin contact is enough to send a jolt of lightning through Constantine's body and sets him bolt upright.

Mia: I can't begin to even think about what you must have went through here, John. Your mind is gone...

Mia offers Constantine one final look of pity but a strong look of passion crosses her features.

Mia: But somewhere deep inside of you there is the man that I fell in love with. The same man who came into my house that night but was too scared to walk up the steps. The same man who rescued me from the streets of Keystone City when no one else would.

She grabs at his hand one more time; tighter than ever.

Mia: I won't give up on you, John. Casey and I are here for you... No matter what.

Constantine bursts out of his chair and stumbles towards the door; a look of sheer dread upon his features.

Constantine: I have to... For you... For Her...

Opening the door, Constantine gives Mia one final look before charging off into the night. Mia watches him for as long as she can before he disappears.

* * * *

Constantine opens the kitchen door one more time, almost silently as if someone were still occupying it. Slowly, he makes his way around the kitchen to where he and Bill had once stood at the bottom of the steps. At the top of the steps, the light from earlier remains lit and Casey's room door remains ajar. Constantine stays put for a moment, remembering silently the night that he and Bill had come here.

How could he be so twisted and moronic? Bill wasn't real, he had never been real. Everything Constantine had fought for, everything he had believed in; all of it was for nothing. Perhaps Bill had been a figment of his own imagination but Constantine was all too aware of the fracture in his mind. Bill was darkness encapsulated and Constantine had been suckered in. Perhaps, even, it was Constantine's darkness that had summoned him to the forefront of his mind.

But as Constantine stood at the bottom of his own steps, he couldn't help but feel even more ashamed than ever. He had did this for Mia and Casey. He had wanted, more than anything, to show them that he could be successful. And now, his chances of that were slim to none. He could never explain this...

Moving up the steps, Constantine thinks of the memories he had shared in this house before reaching his bedroom. Scanning the photos on the wall, Constantine feels a well of emotion as he enters the room. Rummaging through some drawers, he finally finds a sharp suit and tie, a watch and some shoes.

As he is about to leave, Constantine notices some paper and a pen. He sits on the chair in front of the desk and begins scribbling.

To my dearest, Mia.

It has been three hours since I last seen you and felt the warm embrace of your skin. Truth be told, I have missed you with all of my heart since the first moment that I left you to fend for yourself and our daughter. But I feel as though an explanation may be the most successful use of my time and this paper.

Gold Rush marked the start and end of something, you see. It marked the start of the most successful periods of my entire WZCW career. Everything I had ever worked for was around my waist. The WZCW Heavyweight Championship belonged to me at long last and I would die before I seen it torn away from me. Foolishly, perhaps, I believed I would defend it as I did the Elite X Championship. I had beaten the very best in the business to attain such a valuable Championship and, although the road would be long and fraught with difficulties, I thought I was the man for the task.

But it also marked the end of out relationship. The events before Gold Rush have sent me down a path that I don't think I will ever be able to retrace my steps upon. Having been so sure of myself throughout this time, I now realise that I am, indeed, a broken man. I realise now that everything I fought for was purely for my own benefit. Please understand that my mind is so twisted that I even believe my own lies.

Looking you in the eye showed me that you still believe in me. And having gone this far, I must ask you to allow me to go a little further.

Kingdom Come 7 lies on the horizon and a duel with Showtime Cougar waits for me there. How fitting it is to be facing off against the man who started my career at the end of his own and at the end of all of this. Flawed or not, I have to beat him, Mia. I have to prove to myself that all of this was at least worth something. The logic behind it doesn't make sense but something good has to come of all of this.

Showtime Cougar will be ready for me like he has never been ready before. And, if nothing else, a win over him will prove to Casey just ow much her father is willing to fight for her. My Father and Mother were never there for me and I regret, with all of my being, that I may never be there for her. But I can give her something to remember me be, at the very least. The Hall of Fame is the destination of the greatest men to ever walk into a WZCW ring and I will make sure that the legacy of John Constantine includes that honour. In the future, Casey will be able to look at those great men and consider her father amongst them.

My greatest friend and my greatest foe waits for me in the ring at Kingdom Come 7 and I have to finish him once and for all.

After I beat him and cement my legacy, I will return to you. Expect me...

Yours eternally,


In a small hospital room, a young women sits by herself on a bed. She doesn't appear to be ill at all, just tired. She turns as the door opens and a nurse hands her a small baby.

Nurse: He is adorable. What is his name?

Mother: His name is David.

That's a wonderful name. He's going to be such a little showstopper.

Thank you.

The women smiles as she holds her little bundle of joy tightly.


In a first class hospital a women and her well dressed husband are sitting together, waiting patiently. The door opens and a nurse walks in with a small baby.

Father: There he is.

Rather than letting the mother hold the baby, the man takes the baby and looks him over. He cradles the baby in his arms and a photographer snaps a few photos. Afterwards he hands the baby off to the mother.

Alright I have to head back to the office. I'll see you both when you return home.

The man then quickly leaves the room without so much as a kiss goodbye. The nurse approaches the mother.

Nurse: So what is the big boys name?

Mother: His name is John.

That's a good, proper name.


Come on David, you can do it.

David's mother cheers proudly from the cold bleachers. Her son David is 5 and playing hockey. He goes in on a breakaway, and ends up slipping and falling to the ice. The puck still manages to slide by the goalie. David gets up excited and not the least bit embarrassed. His mother claps proudly. Later after the game she helps him take off his hockey gear.

David: Where's daddy?

Oh you know your father. Sigh, he must be working somewhere. Don't be upset, he loves you dearly.

David smiles, his mother coughs horsely to the side and then continues taking off his gear.


John: But mom, I don't want to take violin lessons. I really want to play football.

5 year old John is standing with his mother in a fancy ballroom. He isn't dressed like a normal 5 year old, his clothes look more like he's going to church. His mother puts her hands on his shoulders.

Now John, you may not believe this, but music lessons are good for you. They help develop your intellect. Your father paid good money for these lessons and we want to see you try your best at it. Don't you want us to be happy?

Yea... but where is Dad?

You know your father, always working. Now come on, your teacher is waiting. Tardiness looks poorly on yourself and us.

John nods his head, picks up his violin and heads across the room to his teacher.


David's mother lies still inside a coffin. David looks down at her, tears forming in his eyes. David's father approaches behind him and puts a hand on his shoulder.

Father: Be strong. We'll get by this. The best way we can do that is by moving far away from here. Sunny California is a place where dreams come true. You're going to love it there, I promise.

David breaks down crying and covers his face into his fathers chest.


John walks into his father study with a small football in hand.

Father, I was wondering if he could go out into the yard and...

Not right now John, can't you see I'm busy with work. Go out into the yard and see if one of the gardeners will toss that silly ball of yours with you.

John appears hurt but nods his head. He walks out into the yard and sits by himself in an open area of the yard. The screen suddenly splits into 2 and we see David sitting by himself on a field also. The pair look up as if they are looking at each other.

Hi, I'm David.

I'm John.

I really like hockey.

That's silly.

You're funny.

I like watching wrestling, when my parents aren't around.

I like that too.

John smiles, David smiles. The views change to what's in front of them and we see that both are talking to no one.


Meltdown 19
Harrys: Making his WZCW debut, from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. “Showtime” David Cougar.

Cohen: I’ve said it a lot of times Seabass, this kids got a lot arrogance, but he also has a ton of talent.

Meltdown 26
Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen…here is your winner, and the new Mayhem Champion…”Showtime” David Cougar![

Meltdown 31
Harrys: Here is your winner and new EurAsian Champion, “Showtime” David Cougar!/B]

Copeland: Like him or not the titles just keep on coming for Showtime.


Cohen: I’ve heard a lot about this man named John Constantine, and he seems like the perfect man to be WZCW Champion.

Meltdown 46

Constantine grabs Austin and lifts him up into the air. Axis of Evil. Constantine crawls on Austin for the cover. 1... 2... 3.

Copeland: Constantine just pinned the Elite-X champion.

All or Nothing

Constantine comes out with a chair looking very frustrated, Reynolds stands poised waiting as Showtime climbs out of the ring, Reynolds challenges Constantine to come in who is now at ringside. Showtime walks near Constantine and tries to motivate him to attack the Elite X Champion as thirty seconds now remain. Neither Reynolds or Constantine will budge as the clock is continuing to run down but Showtime gets frustrated and starts shouting at him going “my career is on the line”. The clock is now on fifteen seconds as Constantine shoves Showtime back and then goes at him with the chair, only to stop and tap him on the head as the referee signals for a disqualification. Showtime and Constantine start laughing as Reynolds looks on in frustration as the clock countdown from 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

The crowd start booing as Reynolds can’t believe what just happened, the referee goes over to Anderson to discuss what just happen as he looks on with understanding.

Anderson: Ladies and Gentleman, as a result of a disqualification, the winner of the fall, Showtime Cougar. Therefore the winner of the match and NEW Elite X Champion, Showtime Cougar!

Ascension 26

Showtime nods and gives it some thought, Constantine smiles knowing what the outcome is going to be. Showtime nods to himself with a smirk as the crowd boos heavily, he walks over to Constantine with the Elite X belt in one hand, the mic in the other, he presents the belt which the crowd boo heavily. Constantine goes to grab it but Showtime indicates that his friend to stop.

Cougar: I wish to make this formal. Constantine, it is with great honour and privilege that I present you with…NO!

As Constantine is shocked at the decision, Showtime bashes him off his feet with the belt and kicks him out of the ring. The crowd is unsure what to make of this as Constantine is on the floor and paces back as Cougar picks up the belt and the mic again.

Kingdom Come IV

Constantine manages to use the momentum of Rush bouncing off to throw him back into the ring. John slowly follows Rush back into the ring who is tries to get to his feet. Constantine, with final bit of strength, manages to hit the Axis of Evil on Rush in the centre of the ring and drapes an arm across the body of Rush... 1... 2... 3!

The crowd goes absolutely wild as the bell finally rings and the referee raises the hand of Constantine, who is completely drained of energy. The ref checks on both men as the two of them lay in the centre of the ring.

Harrys: Here is your winner and the 2012 King For a Day winner; CONSTANTINE!

Ascension 50

Kurtesy realises his predicament and tries to find a way out with strikes but Cougar is determined and fights his way to the top rope. Both men stand precariously on the top strap which wobbles beneath their collective weight. Cougar tries to hit the Final Act but Kurtesy tries to stop it but he can’t, Cougar is unyielding in his efforts until both men go flying through the air and land with a crash as the Final Act brings them crashing to the floor with authority! Slowly, Showtime gets his arm across Kurtesy and he uses his leg to hook the limb of the champion! !...........2.................3!!!

Your winner and NEW Heavyweight Champion of the WORLD, SHOWTIME DAVID COUGAR!!!!

Meltdown 82

As things look to implode, Holmes smirks for the first time and rolls out of the ring, going to ringside and bringing the same battered chair that Holmes used in the Cell. Constantine lifts up Show and Holmes looks to do some damage but before he can, a huge cheer from the audience is heard as Triple X comes barrelling down the ramp. Constantine sees this and pushes Show to the ground, escaping the ring with his case. Holmes turns around and goes to whack X as he enters the ring but he ducks and hits the X-Rated on Holmes with the chair hitting Holmes in the face. Holmes falls to the outside as the crowd cheers with X helping Show to his feet. Constantine has managed to get up the ramp safely with his briefcase clutched to his chest and a microphone in hand. The two celebrate in the ring but get interrupted by the KFAD holder.

Constantine: You know what... I'm sick and tired of people coming to your assistance Show, preventing me from cashing in the briefcase that I rightfully earned. It stipulates that I can cash it in whenever I want but people of the likes of Chris K.O and Triple X keep that from happening who don't seem to understand the concept. So to prevent people trying to "make the save," I am officially choosing a date in the future.

Everyone is on the edge of their seats to listen to the date.

Constantine: In three weeks, you better prepare yourself Show because I am officially cashing in at a little PPV known as All or Nothing!

All or Nothing 2013

Showtime locks in the commercial break and holds it for over a minute. Constantine clinches his fist tightly as he grits his teeth in immense pain! With a crimson mask and an approving crowd behind him, Showtime hears the most glorious sound:


The bell rings in signal of the submission being successful!

Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, Showtime has scored a submission. The count for the match is currently at 7-6 in Showtime’s favor.

Meltdown 102

In the ring, Titus is readying Runn for the Tit Drop, but he’s distracted by the commotion that Winters is causing on the outside. On the other side of the ringside area, Showtime comes through the crowd, chair in hand, and slides into the ring. He places the chair down, turns Titus around and hits the Ratings Crash right onto the chair! Showtime turns towards Ricky, who gets a Showstopper! Showtime gets out of the ring with the chair pushes Constantine into the ring, who crawls over and pins Titus.

Winters backs off, and the referee turns his attention towards the ring, counting Constantine’s pin; 1…. 2….. 3!

Harrys: Here is your winner, Constantine!

Constantine is clearly sore, but he still smirks and raises his arms before rolling out of the ring. Constantine stands at the top of the ramp smirking broadly with Showtime and Winters by his side.

All or Nothing 2014

Constantine hits the spinebuster, and drapes over Fallout, as Keith Morse takes note and counts the cover.


Referee Keith Morse calls for the bell, as Constantine rolls out of the ring, and holds his arms up in glee. Winters goes to hug him, as a ringside attendant offers Constantine the title.

Harrys: The winner of this match, and new Elite X Champion, Constantine!

Constantine and Winters celebrate, as The Elites have their very first title; The Elite X Title! Showtime comes out, to complete the triad, as they all hold the Elite X Title together.

Ascension 83

Showtime pins Mikey 1........ 2....... 3!! It's academic.

Anderson: Here are your winners, The Elite!!

Constantine enters the ring. He and Holmes confront Ty Burna over whats going on as Showtime is slow to get up. The referee comes over but he shoves off the officials again and turns to his stable to see all three men standing together. Tension fills the air as Ty Burna, Steven Holmes and Constantine look back at him unison. Ty holds his hand out and helps Showtime to his feet and the four men stand tall over Mikey as the crowd rains down boos all around them.

Ty motions for Constantine and Holmes to lift up Mikey, and Ty hits one more Consecrated Banishment, sending Mikey to the outside. Ty shakes hands with Holmes and Constantine while Showtime still grimaces in pain behind them. Ty looks back in the corner of his eyes, and an evil smirk forms on his face. He turns and blasts Showtime with Consecrated Banishment as well! He lifts him up and sends him towards Constantine who connects with The Axis of Evil.


Constantine: For a while now, I have been adrift. I have lacked direction and proper motivation. But seeing what the Hall of Fame has to offer last week made me realise my ideal goal. I need to reach higher than mere Championships in this business, I've been there and did that. But now, I have a new target...

Constantine looks around the arena and then stares back at Showtime.

Constantine: You!

The crowd pops loudly at the announcement. Showtime looks around the arena and then back at Constantine. Without so much as a word, he places his mic down on the stool and removes his suit jacket. Constantine licks his lips and heads over to the steel stairs. Showtime rolls up his sleeves and heads over to the ropes, lowering the middle one to invite him in. Constantine is standing at the top of the stairs, the two foes are mere feet apart now.

As Showtime enters the ring, Constantine breaks away from his team and begins beating up on Showtime. No matter how much Showtime tries to struggle, Constantine is focused and beats the crap out of Showtime. Constantine manages to hit the Cabin in the Woods on Showtime, laying him out on the canvas.

Constantine raises the TV high in the air, but then lowers it as a returning Showtime runs down the ramp. Constantine drops the TV as Showtime slides into the ring and the two trade punches back and forth. The crowd is on their feet as Showtime manages to land 2 and then 3 punches in a row, before Constantine kicks out the leg of Showtime, dropping him to the mat. Constantine starts to stomp him down and then picks up the TV. He waits for Showtime to get up to his feet and then swings the TV at him. Showtime narrowly avoids it and as Constantine turns around he is met by a hard right. Constantine drops the TV and Showtime continues the punches till they back up into the ropes. Showtime grabs Constantine and goes for The Final Act, but John elbows out of it and rolls out of the ring to safety. Constantine backs slowly up the ramp and wipes a small amount of blood off his lips

The ref rings the bell as the Power Trip is already in firm control. He Irish whips Showtime off the ropes and goes for a clothesline but Showtime ducks, bounces off the ropes again and nails a crossbody for before delivering straight right hands to Constantine. The former world champion powers him off and pops right up looking to exact revenge but is met with a knife edge chop stopping him dead in his tracks. As Constantine is stunned Showtime hits him with a snap suplex.

Showtime attempts another knife edge chop but Constantine blocks it and counters into a drop toe hold and begins mounted punches

Constantine picks Showtime up but the Hall of Famer reverses whatever move Constantine was going for straight into the Side Effect. Titus immediately comes in and Showtime hits him with the ShowStopper! Showtime grabs Constantine’s legs and locks in the Commercial Break!

The two men stare eye to eye as the video ends.

Scene opens in a studio sound room. The camera focuses on Johnny Klamor sitting comfortable behind a round table. Microphones are placed in front of him on the table and he looks at the camera as he starts to speak.

Klamor: Hello WZCW listeners. You are tuned into the Johnny Klamor Show. Tough talk, hard questions, revealing answers. I am your host, the incomparable one, Johnny Klamor. The undeniable thorn in the sides of every single WZCW wrestler looking for some easy interview questions from the likes of Leon Kensworth or, when she ever shows up for work, Stacey Madison. Tonight my victim for the next hour needs very little introduction. His list of accomplishments stretches longer than the careers of most wrestlers who have ever laced up a pair of boots in WZCW. He's been a tremendous success both inside and outside the ring, and this week he faces quite possibly his biggest challenge ever at Kingdom Come VII. Ladies and gentleman my guest, Showtime David Cougar.

The camera shows a close up of Showtime sitting opposite of Klamor. Showtime smiles in the direction of the camera and then looks towards Klamor.

Showtime welcome to my program. I bet your jealous of my set up, eh? Ha ha, in all serious though I'm happy to have you with us tonight.

Showtime: Thank you for having me Johnny. I must say I'm impressed that you have embraced technology and started your own podcast.

The weirdo hipsters out there call this thing a podcast. To me it's a goddamn radio show and that's what I tell people.

Well, the important thing is you still haven't lost your charm and appeal.

Don't be cute with me pretty boy. I personally have a feeling you won't be as funny after your match this week. Now as our WZCW Network viewers just saw on our promotional video, you will be competing at Kingdom Come against your long time rival and former friend, John Constantine. A lot of people, including yours truly, think that you are out matched in this contest. You've been in a lot of feuds in your career in WZCW, where does this one rank?

Well, as you alluded to, I have been in a lot of feuds in my time in WZCW. I've had many legendary battles with Ty Burna over the years over titles, and power, and women. Big Dave and I had a year long feud for the tag titles and the EurAsian title, and it ended with me being victorious at Lethal Lottery. I think with me and Ty, it was to see who was the best in WZCW. With Big Dave it was to see who was the future of WZCW. Between me and Constantine, it's personal. We've feuded against each other, but we've also worked together on a few occasions, and each of us has stabbed the other in the back. Because of that, our feud is on a whole other level compared to any other feud we've had. We don't just want to see who the better person is, we also have each taken some satisfaction in seeing the other person fall. That makes our upcoming match at Kingdom Come a deadly battle. Things can and almost will likely get ugly.

You surprised a lot of people with your return at this past Lethal Lottery. I think it's fair for me and other people to say that you haven't gotten off on the right foot. Do you feel that your just not able to keep up with the talent here anymore, or that your just not able to deliver like you used to?

You could probably say I just haven't found my footing yet, and you might be right. There is, and it was to be expected, a little rust in my ring work right now. To say I can't compete or I'm just not able to bring it anymore, I feel that's bogus. People, like John, have said that I'm washed up, over the hill, and old. I'm still a very young man, people assume because I've been in WZCW longer than most people on the roster that I'm somehow this old man who's done. You ever see a picture of Constantine, the man looks 10 years older than me. Nobody's saying that he should be hanging up his boots. Titus is wrestling the best he has since the last time he was WZCW Champion. Garth Black has a prominent match on the Kingdom Come card. Matt Tastic has been in WZCW for what feels like forever and he's pound for pound one of the best. I don't feel any bit behind those guys, and I don't worry that I haven't won a match yet because I know, and I have proven it, that on any given night I can turn it around and be the best. Years ago I was on one of the worst runs of my career and Callahan was on his best, and with my career on the line I beat him in the ring and won the WZCW title. The people who say I'm washed up, they just hope I am because they know what I can do in the ring.

After you returned to WZCW, you didn't go out and try to start a feud with anyone, but it didn't take long for Constantine to call you out. Why is that do you suppose? Were you afraid to call Constantine out after what he did to you?

Well here's the thing, I don't forget what's happened to me, but when I returned I wanted to let the past be in the past. Constantine wasn't the only one who attacked me that night over a year ago. Ty Burna and Steven Holmes have as much blood on their hands for what they did as he had. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, I came back for the fans. I came back to give them somebody to root for. To give the kids a role model to look up to. To defend the ring against those who have no respect for the business. I think it's very telling that Constantine called me out, and I touched base on this briefly when I said that it's personal between him and me. He's jealous of the things that I have accomplished and the success I've had in the ring, and he's upset that things haven't gone as well for him. He feels that he has something to prove, that he has to beat me to justify his loses and his failure, and it seems even his failing relationship. He's trying to pin his hopes that by squashing me somehow that will change all that and he will be relieved. Defeating me won't take away those loses. They will always hang over him. That's why Constantine called me out. In his mind he need's to beat me and he's scared stiff-less if he's unable to do that.

I don't mind having a score to settle. Constantine is, right now, the person I would want to be in the ring with, not because of what he has done to me, although that does light a fire in my belly to face him. It's because he represents the evil bad guy that I don't want to see have any success in WZCW. The way he takes out people in the ring. I didn't have respect for a guy like Dorian Slaughter, but nobody, even somebody like him, should be taken out the way he was by Constantine. He's a bully, he's unable to control himself when he doesn't get his way. He has no respect for others, and therefore he has no respect for himself. He's the kind of person I don't want our fans to have to see. His bloodlust is growing, and if it wasn't me in the ring opposite of him he would be targeting someone else, justifying his actions in the hopes they will lead to his salvation.

Aren't you the slightest bit worried then about what he might do to you in the ring? He's already taken out top stars like Slaughter and Ty Burna. You're a cancer survivor and you have a young family. Your health could and most likely is on the line here, are you at all scared of him?

Am I worried about my well being. Sure a little bit, aren't we all. I wouldn't be in this business though if I was that worried I was going to break my neck and not be able to walk again. I understand the dangers we face every night, but this is what I love to do. I love the entertainment and athleticism of it as much as I love the battle scars. I get your concern, Constantine wants to hurt me. What I've done to him in the past he wants to bully me and make me feel pain. I'm not wishing any physical pain upon him. I'm not going to hold back and let him assault because I don't want to hurt him. Push comes to shove I will punch him straight in the face and break his nose, but I'm not out there to end his career. I'm not afraid of him as much as he's afraid of me, as much as he's afraid of the idea of losing. I want him actually to feel a sense of calmness before the match. For once in his tormented life, I want him to feel calm and at peace with himself. Because after this is done, after I win, or he wins, he's going to fall back into his old ways. This match is entirely for him. He wins he thinks he'll feel better, he loses he will blame himself. Me, I'm wrestling for my little boy at home. I'm wrestling for all the kids in the audience. I'm wrestling for every fan at home. I have them to support me. I know they won't hate me if I lose and I won't hate myself if I do, but knowing they support me and they are the reason I am out there, they will drive me towards victory. Knowing my victory will make all of them feel good about themselves is the motivation I need to be victorious at Kingdom Come. I will defy the odds you say are stacked against me. I will rise to occasion again like I have done so many times before. On the biggest stage at WZCW, with my home country behind my back, I will stare back at my rival, and I will hold my ground and I will defeat him. I will make him regret feeling that he needed to prove himself against me. I will make him accept defeat.

Ladies and gentleman that concludes this portion of the show. David, I want to thank you for being on here tonight. Good luck on your match at Kingdom Come. I wish you the best.

Thank you Johnny. I'll see you after the bloodbath is over.
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