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Kingdom Come 7: Abel Hunnicutt vs. Garth Black

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Richard Blonoff

Make America Rassle Again
(Description to come later)

Deadline is Tuesday, November 10th, at 11:59PM CST. Extensions available upon request.
Jonny Klamor is hosting WZCW Network News. He is finishing the 500th item about Matt Tastic and Mikey Stormrage when he turns his attention to the next story.

Klamor: Earlier today WZCW studios received a flash drive containing the video diary of the deranged and deluded WZCW superstar Garth Black. I don't think we should be giving this video air time, quite frankly, and this is an opinion shared with many of my colleagues. However, in the interest of transparency in the WZCW - where the C stands for Crystal Clear - Mr. Banks has agreed to air this footage in its entirety without comment and also to show any future installments right here on WZCW Network News.

Backstage, post-show Ascension 100. 6 days until Kingdom Come

Garth Black is on a clinician's table nursing his injuries after a defeat. A physiotherapist is attending to his back.

Garth: I suppose its another defeat and another conspiracy. Why would the powers that be put me with Flex Mussel? What is the reason?

It's simple. It is clear that I am too good to be relied upon to lose in the manner that they wish, so they give me a lumbering millstone to drag around the ring with me.

I should have come to expect it by now, really, but such is life.

Physiotherapist: Lift your shoulders please.

Black lifts his shoulders whilst the physio, clearly nonchalant about Black's revelations, replaces the ice pack and towel behind his back.

Physiotherapist: And back down.

Black winces as he feels the ice. The physio leaves him to his own devices.

Garth: Ha. Yet another WZCW employee leaving me out in the cold.

But all of this is indicative of the bigger picture, all of this. They put me with Mussel, it didn't work and we lost. I can take that, I'm sure Flex didn't want to be with me either, but we must consider why we got put together. And the answer is simple. The crowd boo me. The crowd boo him. Give the people what they want, and the people lap it up like a kitten lapping milk.

Except... well... it doesn't quite work like that does it? You see the people get what they want so long as its what the powers that be want as well. The powers aren't just Banks, Bateman and Becky, they're the cabal of wrestlers that hold clout backstage.

Every single person in the audience wants me to fight Steven Holmes. I want to fight Steven Holmes, I don't doubt that most of the roster want me to fight Steven Holmes - either to shut me up, or to teach that has been a lesson depending on whether they like me or have incorrect opinions. But therein lies the problem. Holmes has influence and his people have influence, so instead I'll fight the guy that nobody wants to see, that I have already beaten for free without any interference or hassle in the last few weeks and that I completely outclass. Mussel won't be there smashing my chances this week, and Hunnicutt won't have Eve helping him out. Today was a setback, tomorrow the preparations begin in earnest.

We cut back to the studio.

Klamor: I'm told there will be more footage to follow later.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * ** * * * ** * * * *

It's the end third feature of the WZCW Network News on Cerberus - this time focussing on the love triangle aspect that went absolutely nowhere - and we cut back to Jonny Klamor in the studio.

Klamor: It is now time for another installment of Garth Black's video diary.

Daddy Mack Wrestling Academy. 5 days until Kingdom Come

Garth Black is in a room surrounded by wrestling trophies and accolades. Obviously not his. He is joined by his trainer and mentor, Daddy Mack.

Daddy Mack: Now boy, yeah, I don't appreciate the way that you turned your back on the Mack Pack, yeah, but I know you've got noble intentions to clean this business up, yeah. I've been in this game long enough to know that there's no way you can pull it off. None, but I admire you for trying, yeah, I just don't think the way you're going about it is the right way.

Garth: You're tired, and you're old and your way just doesn't cut it any more. I tried subtlety, but that gets you absolutely nowhere in this company. Truth be told, the way you handled your exit was part of what got me thinking this way.

Daddy Mack: How d'you mean, brother?

Garth: When I started here, so many years ago, you taught me that the secret to this business was to always leave the punters wanting more. To always leave a question mark hanging in the air. You should have retired at Kingdom Come VI. That ladder match should have been the end, but you carried on, drunk on this industry and the adulation of those idiots, and proudly fought on. When you lost to Eve, you were finished.

By the time you beat that one show wonder, a friend of the production, you were a shadow and the audience knew it. For 40 years you gave them everything, and then they paid you back with indifference. This company, this audience, these wrestlers let you go with a carriage clock and a kick up the arse and you let them.

Daddy Mack: You think I don't know that, brother? This time, one year ago I sat with interviewer after interviewer to proclaim that I would quit if I didn't win at Kingdom Come. I wanted to leave. I was ready to leave, but I knew there was no way Bateman would let me on the show if I told him I was leaving. So I gave them every opportunity to prepare for my departure, and then I won, and I felt the pressure into staying. I phoned in my performances for the next two months, I admit it, but because the subtlety of my desire to go was totally missed. Boy, you have a lot to learn, brother, and boy, you know they will do anything to have their man win, but I want you to know that I will be in your corner to try and counteract Holmes.

Garth: I'd be honoured. But let us smash the subtlety with a sledge hammer.

We cut back to the studio.

Klamor: Well folks, finally an interesting development, Daddy Mack will be in the corner of Garth Black at Kingdom Come, subject to him earning a managers licence in time.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * ** * * * ** * * * *

A discussion about the next possible idea for the Elite X title is underway until the conclusion is drawn that it will be ultimately abandoned anyway, so we return to Jonny Klamor in the WZCW News studio.

Klamor: It is time for another installment from Garth Black's video diary.

Garth Black's residence. 4 days until Kingdom

Garth Black sits in a room filled with mementos from his modest career. Taking pride of place is a picture of him and Phoenix holding the WZCW Tag Titles aloft.

Garth: You know, he betrayed me after that. Everyone knows it, it happens to every tag team. This industry thrives on the lack of creativity. Everyone saw it coming, so it didn't hurt when he turned on me physically.

Nor when he turned on me in spirit either, if I'm perfectly honest. No. What hurt was what happened months later.

Our series of wrestling matches went on forever. At first, that was great - give the fans what they want, remember? But the matches never stopped when the crowd were satiated - they kept going. And why? That's the deepest betrayal of all.

See Phoenix became one of them, he became an 'insider' and started wielding influence upstairs. People talk about creative control, but what it really is controls on creativity. Did Phoenix have that in his lucrative new deal? It's hard to say, but what I do know is we kept fighting until he fluked one.

I'd be content with that if wrestling was a sport enjoyed by the purist with an encyclopaedic knowledge of the game, but it's not. Wrestling is loved and watched by morons who can barely remember who is fighting before their eyes. All they ever remember is the final victory and that is why I have no doubt that the powers that be will ensure that Abel Hunnicutt defeats me this weekend and if I win, again, without any outside influence, again, rest assured we will keep going until he does win. Expect a screwjob, because that is precisely what will unfold. That is precisely what will happen. Because Holmes and Hunnicutt have influence, and this audience have ignorance and that is a lethal concoction that will ensure beyond any reasonable doubt that I will not be victorious. All I can try and do is break the spell. All I can do is try and win the right way.

Phoenix never achieved anything, for his 30 pieces of silver. I'm here to ensure that's the case for Hunnicutt.

We cut back to the studio.

Klamor: Another powerful rant from Garth Black there. Coming up next: All the fall out from Fallout's fall out.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * ** * * * ** * * * *

Jonny Klamor is hosting WZCW Network News. A breaking news story about the potential return of Chris KO straight to the main event for only the 4th time is playing.

Klamor: Once again, it is my obligation to introduce you to the latest installment of Garth Black's video diary.

WZCW Ascension Production Office. 3 days until Kingdom

Garth Black is sat in an office chair facing Becky Serra. He is clearly very agitated and unhappy with the situation.

Ms Serra: Look, I'm sorry Mr. Black, but the board's decision is final, we simply do not have the time to submit the necessary paperwork in order to process Mr. Mack's managerial license in time in order for him to take position ringside in your match.

Mr Black: Ms Serra, with all due respect... Well, actually yes, with respect and I actually mean that I am not sitting here attempting to flirt with you and in so doing confirm that I have rarely if ever conversed with women as half of the roster do. Nor am I going to belittle and demean you as a woman like the other half do, but I am asking you as an intellectual equal and an employment subordinate to pull some strings to ensure that this can be actioned before my match at the weekend.

Ms. Serra: I'm sorry Mr. Black, I just don't know what to say. The board have told me that there is simply too much on the agenda to entertain any requests to change the Kingdom Come card no matter how trivial.

Mr. Black: You and I both know that there will be changes made to the card in the next few days, probably to protect those who have showed up unprepared or not shown up at all. There are several wrestlers to have asked for extensions in their match licence entry because they cannot be bothered to fulfill their obligations as contracted. I have never asked for such an indulgence. You know the board are dragging their heels because they don't want me to win.

Ms. Serra: The board of directors of the WZCW has always acted with the utmost integrity, Mr. Black and I remind you of your stature within this company. I'm afraid the decision is final.

Mr. Black: I respect you, Ms. Serra. I respect the way you have carved a niche for yourself in this very misogynistic industry. You have to endure poor grammar, poor eloquence and poor attitude on a near daily basis. These invisible board members are here solely to push the agenda of those who kowtow to their whims. And that's where my problem lies with you, Ms Serra. You have seen first hand as Ricky Runn, your lover...

Ms. Serra: EX-lover

Mr. Black: ..fair enough, but no matter, you saw as he was forced from this company under a cloud because he fell out with those above you. You're not the reason that this company is going to fail, Ms. Serra, but as long as you let the idiots above you continue to run amok, you're part of the problem.

The roster will continue to dwindle as long as its a closed shop around here. The roster will continue to fade away and not be replaced. We used to sell out in minutes, now its only hours. How long before we don't sell out at all? But then, I suppose you sold out a long time ago.

Ms. Serra: Is there anything else, Mr. Black?

Mr. Black: Am I still on for the 11am-1pm slot at Fan Axxess tomorrow?

Ms. Serra: In light of recent 'revelations', the board has decided to alter the schedule.

Mr. Black: To what?

Ms. Serra: You will now work the shift previously assigned to Backstage Bob from 5am to 7am. Your slot will now be taken by another superstar.

Mr. Black: Of course it will. Goodbye, Ms. Serra.

Ms. Serra: Goodbye, Mr. Black.

We cut back to the studio.

Klamor: Well it seems that Daddy Mack will not be here at Kingdom Come after all. Thanks a lot, and remember the card is always subject to change.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * ** * * * ** * * * *

Jonny Klamor is hosting WZCW Network News live from WZCW Fan Axxess in Montreal.

Klamor: We've had all manner of interaction here today, some of it starting so early, that our production crew wasn't able to get out in time to film it. Fortunately, Garth Black was on hand with his video diary.

Garth Black sits next to a WZCW Executive at a stand in a very desolate looking convention centre in Montreal. It is so early that the heating has yet to be turned on, so every exhaled breath lingers as a cloud of water vapour in the air. A solitary fan comes walking over to the table, with a programme in hand.

Fan: Please could you sign this.

Black makes absolutely no movement.

WZCW Executive: May I remind you of your contractual obligations, Mr. Black?

Black signs the programme, making no effort to engage the fan or make eye contact, before tossing the pen aside and sliding the programme back.

Fan: Thanks so much, Garth. I'm glad I got to see you - I came down especially when I saw you were going to be given the graveyard shift.

Still no movement.

Fan: Err.. yeah.. man.. I've been a fan since the Second Coming days, man. I was rooting for you all the way through your...er.... problems and I want you to know that you're my favourite wrestler.


Fan: Well, I, err. I guess this is goodbye then. I just want to say keep fighting the good fight man, we real fans appreciate your efforts.

He moves to turn away, as he walks, finally he gets a very slow, and very forceful response.

Garth: No, you don't.

The fan stops and turns back.

Fan: Don't what?

Garth: Appreciate my efforts. If you did, you would vote with your feet and wouldn't be paying through the nose to watch Kingdom Come. You see, people like you, you're almost good. You want the right thing and unlike the majority of the idiots in the audience you know that Stormrage and Tastic's 10 year storyline is boring.

You know that nobody is interested in yet another dark and dreary character thumping the bible with a cryptic sidekick. You've seen Ty Burna be the centre of everything all of the time, and you've seen come back after come back that fade away before they can even get the ball rolling. You know it's crap but you're still here every week.

You're lining the pockets of goons like this guy sat beside me and yet you have absolutely no intention of demanding better. Actually, you know what, you're worse than the ignorant because they don't know that this is not the best. You do. And you accept it because you're weak. You know it's ludicrous that the same people can come and go without ever really finishing what they were trying to say but you do nothing to fix it.

You want my respect? You won't find it in a Canadian barn at 5am, you'll find it in your living room when you choose to stay at home and watch the football rather than this tripe that is served up weekly.

You want things to change? Don't turn up at the arena till you get me vs Holmes. The match everyone wanted. Show your friends that it is barely a month since I beat Hunnicutt without any bother. Don't stand up for mediocrity. Don't stand for this suit's idea of creativity and flair.

You want to know the secrets of this company? I'll tell you...

We return to the studio.

Klamor: There you have it, Garth Black's video diary aired in full without comment.

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Jonny Klamor is hosting WZCW Network News live from WZCW Fan Axxess in Montreal.

Klamor: Well, it's finally here, today is the day that we will see the matches that we have talked about for so long and will speak about for years to come. Tonight at Kingdom Come we could see new legends arise, but last night we celebrated the hall of fame ceremony. Not everybody was present, however, as you can see from this, the final installment of Garth Black's video diary.

Room 5 Ridgemont Motel, 1 day until Kingdom Come

We see Garth Black holding a piece of paper to the camera. On closer inspection, we see that it it is a ticket to the WZCW Hall of Fame ceremony. Black holds up a match to the bottom corner and allows it to burn before tossing it away.

Garth: People will say that I am disrespectful for doing that - but that's not the case. You see, I can respect the Hall. I was there for Everest's induction two years ago, because it reminded me of a purer time when the cream could rise to the top.

But since his days things have changed a lot, and the Hall of Fame is becoming the Hall of Same Old Story. Did you know that all three of this year's inductees have held the highest backstage production job available to wrestlers? As did one of last years inductees, while the other guy has also been ob the backstage team. Is it surprising that these guys have illustrious careers when they've been allowed to control the direction of their career from the outset.

Creative control controls creativity. I realised long ago that the quality of what I have been saying is forever ignored by those at the top. I'm hoping that the sheer quantity of what I've said in these tapes will overwhelm them.

I go into my match tomorrow knowing that a win will be against all odds, despite the fact I have beaten this man before, he has never beaten me one on one. It's not what the people want to see, but maybe if I can dispatch him quickly, Holmes will finally rise to the challenge. Frankly, I don't care what the public want, as long as I get what I want. Which is a fair chance to show that I'm the best wrestler the WZCW has to offer and make no mistake I will prove that the easy way or the hard way.

A few weeks ago this tale started with me saying the greater powers and backstage influence would ensure that I did not beat Abel Hunnicutt. But I did. Was that the dying ember of integrity in this industry or the flicker of a new flame ready to purge us of the nonsense. I guess time will tell.

We cut back to the studio.

Klamor: Ladies and Gentlemen, Garth Black.
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name…

Abel Hunnicutt stands in shadows, a singular light shining onto his hands, a letter illuminated in the light. Those hands tremble and then tense, clutching at the delicate paper’s sides, before they slowly lower down, as if in defeat. We cannot see the contents.

Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, in earth as it is in heaven…

Elsewhere, a classic gothic fireplace is ignited, flames roaring, engulfing oxygen and twisting it into rapturous fire. Celeste Crimson backs away from the fire, alone in the vast halls of Holmes Manor. She looks into the flames and ponders.

Give us this day our daily bread…

Again we change local, now with Steven Holmes limping, cane and all, behind a flotilla of men carrying what appear to be his belongings as he enters a hotel. Flashbulbs illuminate, attempting to capture an image of the former heavyweight champion of the world. He raises a hand to block the leery flashes.

And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us…

Now we are with an unknown player. He sports a massive beard and sits up in his bed, wearing basic gown style pyjamas, almost like those seen in hospitals, only these are an even drabber shade of grey. Old and worn, it is a sad sight. The man wipes sleep from his eyes and casts his gaze to a new dawn, light just peeping through a curtain clad window.

And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil…

We stay with the unknown and watch him rise. He moves to a bathroom, apparently all alone in his home. He throws water to his face and we cut to him trimming his beard, brushing his teeth and combing his hair before leaving to get dressed.

For thine is the kingdom…

Stepping out of his night garb, he moves to a simple wooden wardrobe, opening it to reveal a series of black robes – preacher’s clothes. He rifles through them as if there were any real selection before settling on one particular garb and begins to throw it on.

the power…

Next he opens a drawer at his bedside, inside a black leather bound copy of the Holy Bible, the font on the cover gold. It is tired, just as the unknown preacher is. He flicks through the book, thumbing as if looking for inspiration or something to that effect.

and the glory…

Exiting his homestead, bible in hand, the Preacher nods to a local neighbour walking his dog, he reciprocates the simple formality. Neither smile. The preacher walks down a vacant street. Barren trees decorate this land, against a backdrop of a blood red sun on the cusp of day and in the grip of dawn.

He turns a corner; there is a church. His church. Long ago painted white, small in size and crumbling from its years, he enters, pushing the ancient oak doors. They creak and groan, getting toward the end of their years no doubt. And then he enters the main church, where rows of pews sit unoccupied. But the space is not empty.

forever and ever...

The leviathan of a man known as Abel Hunnicutt stands, dressed unlike we have ever seen him before: clean and smart in simple sombre black tie and white shirt. The Preacher makes his way over to the apparently catatonic Hunnicutt who stares straight at him. Upon coming together they quickly embrace as if they have long been separated and now reunited.




The church we saw before is now occupied by two bodies more. In the very front sits Abel, alone, separated, almost vulnerable. Much further back are the others. A veiled woman cloaked all in black, her gloved hand occasionally rising to dampen an apparent tear and a man dressed in the most overly militaristic garb the United States army can afford to give a man. They all sit in solemn.

Our Preacher now comes to the front stepping up to climb above his podium and lectern. Underneath that, resting is a portrait photograph of a man striking in his resemblance to the Preacher. The similarity is somewhat off-set by some very obvious differences. The portrait shows a man with a greying beard, a wicked look on his face, scarred all over and with an air of violence to him, not entirely dissimilar to Abel in fact. The Preacher is tired, but not wicked or scarred. Clearing his throat, he seeks to speak:

Preacher: My name is Jedidah Hunnicutt. My brother was Jebediah. We were twins and our parents thought that funny, not to mention Christian. They were wrong on both counts. We were kinsmen, friends, allies, brothers. Our ties were deeper than mere blood. We were spiritually linked from our birth. I loved my brother and I truly believe he loved me. Unfortunately my brother loved little else.

He was not a kind man. He was not soft or genteel, nor was he pleasant to behold, in his later years most certainly. Life is hard and while some seek to live it in peace and harmony, accepting it, Jeb always fought it. He always sunk his claws in and tried to rip it apart, hopin’ for a post-mortem. T’was and t’is a fruitless task.

Soldier, farmer, fighter, Jeb went through his whole life thinkin’ the world was against him. He use’ta be able to point and laugh, say, ‘ain’t that funny’, but it all turned on him. The older he got, the more the want to fight excelled in him. He had a decorated military career, served his country with pride and he shined in battle.

Jungle, desert, snow, wherever, whenever, he could get the job done. He was a credit to his name and to this here land. But when he had to step back, he couldn’t. Sure he vacated his job to work the farm, but it stayed, bogged down in his soul. Jeb was never the same after the wars he fought and it went and corrupted him, drivin’ him to the bottle and the belly of the beast.

The man now known as Jedidiah pauses, caught in an emotional moment, he raises a hand to stifle a cough and wipe away a touch of moisture that rests on his lips, considering his next words carefully.

Jedidiah: There was a time where that stopped, ever so briefly. He met a woman, a good woman, the daughter of a pastor. Mary-Lee was her name. She was bright as anythin’, witty too. At first it grated the stubborn son of a gun but she worked her way into his being, his very soul and replaced that addiction and lust of liquor with a lust for life. She was the best thing to happen to him.

But it weren’t meant to be. Not long after they settled, she fell pregnant. Twins, two boys, just like me an’ him. It was a long, hard nine months and she didn’t make her way out of it. Neither did one of the babes: Cain was his name an’ he rests now next to his mamma in the glory of eternity. Abel though, Abel, you lived.

Abel can testify that he endured Jeb more than anyone else on this earth. Not even those who felt Jeb’s wrath in battle were as tested by him as his own flesh and blood, the product of his own loins, young Abel. Indeed Abel, you remind me so much of your father, wanting to fight the world, wanting to rip into it and understand it, but you have a different outlet, a smarter outlet, one I hope won’t consume you like your father’s.

The younger Hunicutt sits, listening intently. Dampness rises in his eyes. A nerve has been touched within him.

Jedidiah: That consumption lead to Jeb being alone, isolated, ostracised. Hated might be too strong a phrase as none really cared enough to feel so strongly about him. I checked on him from time to time but he was gone, engulfed by grief, by bile building over the years and by an alcoholic rage and repression that boiled into mass bingin’. In truth the man we knew and the one we loved was long lost. Ya’ll are wonderin’ of course, why tell you this tale in such harrowin’ fashion?

The two others in attendance appear awkward, shifting in their seats, not expecting such harshness from the deceased’s own flesh and blood.

Jedidiah: Because it’s the truth. God teaches us that must sheppard our brothers through darkness and into the light. I had hoped to do that for Jeb, but it was too late, I failed. Collectively we all failed, just as Jeb had failed us. But we are also taught forgiveness, not just for others, but for ourselves. I hope Jeb has forgivin’ my shortcomings just as I pray our parents have.

I forgive ya’ll and I hope ya’ll forgive me, because Jeb, we forgive you. No matter what you may have done, we forgive ya’ you stubborn ol’ goat. Rest in peace brother, I hope you discover what your lookin’ for in that next life. Thank ya’ll.

There is silence before slowly the three in attendance begin to clap, the sound echoes around the room. Both the military man and the woman sit awkward still but now with an understanding. They seem dignified. Abel is a mess however. His applause becomes louder and faster as he fights hard and struggles as tears begin to pour out of his eyes. He wheezes and struggles from screaming. His uncle comes and sits next to him, embracing him again.


Steven Holmes stands in a free ring, set-up in an empty arena, ready for night’s worth of action. The houselights are off and a spotlight solely illuminates Holmes. He rests with his cane in hand, using it to centre him in the ring.

Holmes: This is where it all happened.

Holmes gestures to the ring, showcasing it like some sort of ancient artefact or prized possession on display.

Holmes: This is where I rose to the height of my powers and sank to my lowest ebb. I have been a prince and a pauper in front of audiences just like the one that will no doubt file into this facility this evening.

He shakes his head, looking back on a career he has relished and yet has ruined him in equal measure.

Holmes: I’ve done everything in WZCW. I’ve been in bloodbaths, I’ve brought destruction, I’ve had my dignity taken from me in a bid to make the populace chuckle and laugh, I’ve even found love. I’ve worn gold both earned and otherwise, I’ve stolen, I’ve cheated, I’ve won and I’ve lost. I’ve slain infidels, eliminated legends and destroyed all who dared question me and Kingdom Come has done nothing but highlight that.

Holmes begins to count with his fingers his Kingdom Come appearances, raising his cane as he does so.

Holmes: Kingdom Come III, I ended Doug Crashin. Hallelujah, praise the name of Holmes. I’m still waiting for my thank you from the WZCW masses by the way.

A sly smirk crosses Holmes’ face, pleased with his older work.

Holmes: The next year I engaged in nothing short of an apocalyptic battle when Big Dave, tearing each other apart. I lost the battle, but I won the war. Big Dave’s Hall of Fame career was made by me. If I hadn’t afforded him the opportunity to rise from his own depths of despair, coated in his own blood, his career would never have had that final victory that we all so crave.

Looking at his hands, Holmes closes his eyes and smirks, recalling those wars, particularly their No Holds Barred from Kingdom Come IV and the build where he disfigured Dave significantly.

Holmes: I marked him for life and even though it was I who suffered the three count that evening, the wear and tear and slowed his career to a total and complete halt. I won in the end. Regardless of history’s so-called ‘honest’ depiction, I won. But maybe that’s where it all started for me too. Maybe that’s when I began to collapse from the outside in. Maybe my body began to fail me then…

He strokes his chin, considering this possibility, then nodding.

Holmes: Yes, that would make sense…the 12 months that followed no doubt also contributed, slaying Constantine for his treachery, trying to purchase WZCW from its then overlords, being exposed to Hell in a Cell, and the lengthy wars with Showtime, Callahan and Chris K.O. Even the coming together of my master-plan: the union with Celeste.

It was long and carefully constructed, difficult to piece together. But when it did, the sweet satisfaction. I raised the gold above my head and embraced Celeste in a shroud of lust and belief in our union as king and queen of WZCW, Imperial Emperor of all, omnipotent and proud. That marked my downfall though. I can still remember Kingdom Come V: 'Holmes Has No Balls…'

Holmes even does the intermittent clap between chants.

Holmes: 'Holmes Has No Balls’…Bastards. They were just as responsible for ripping my title from me as much as Cougar and Callahan were. Humiliated I licked my wounds but not long after I left, injured, hurt, my pride in tatters and body aching. I got comfortable and enjoyed my rest. I had a child and entered into a permanent union with Celeste. But the desire to fight was always bubbling away in the pit of my gut. I needed to go to war, I needed the thrill of the battle, that rush you get as you dive head first into violent tussles over grand prizes.

So I returned and I knew Kingdom Come was the place to cement my legacy as an all time great, but something was wrong. In the weeks leading up to the show I wasn’t right, I was falling apart, my body wasn’t responding in the way it should have or in the way it needed to. I was desperate, hungry. My mind was willing but my body kept refusing, nightmares coursed through my mind, tearing me apart.

And then all Chris K.O. had to do, on a worldwide stage, in front of thousands if not millions of people, was deliver the finishing blow and indeed, he did that. He snapped me like I was nothing, ending my in-ring career, causing it all to come crashing down and breaking me like I were a mere trainee. I am great, I am mighty, but I am still, in-spite of what I have always said, human.

For some perverse reason, this causes Holmes to burst out laughing. He chuckles heartily and the ring begins to shake along with his body.

Holmes: Nietzsche once said that man is the cruellest animal. That would explain my existence in this world. My lust for destruction, my need to rip and tear those who question me apart is unquenchable. I thought having a child and a lover would end this, but it has only caused me to want it more. I hunger for it. And now I cannot fulfil that need myself because my mortal shell is broken. So in my absence, I have taken on an envoy, a protégé, an apprentice. Abel Hunnicutt.

As Holmes says these words, Abel slowly enters from the shadows, still dressed in that sombre suit, matching his master’s typical appearance.

Holmes: Abel embodies my ideals for a warrior. He embodies the want to obliterate, the need to slay and massacre. He is the ultimate destroyer, even more so than I. He has that raw material which makes a pure blooded monster. His appearance frightens you, his drawl unnerves you, his power intimidates you. The complete intoxication of fear. That is what he creates. He continues my work in eliminating all who have opposed us, except there is one who defies us.

With the ranting continuing, Abel continues to stride forward until just to the side of the spotlight, just about fully visible.

Holmes: Garth Black.

He holds an apple in one hand and proceeds to take a massive chunk out of it, tearing its skin and flesh from the core, the juices flowing over his lips and into his manic, untamed mess of a beard, it filters its way down and drips slowly from within the facial hair’s mass.

Holmes: Before my time and with faltering and wavering comebacks struck up ever so briefly when roaming around in my prime, Black’s path never crossed mine. He was old news, past fodder for the masses to hook on to for a nostalgic kick. But now he has decided to stick out, like a thorn. He is waltzing around, proclaiming himself to be a poet, a prophet. He is the only man to defeat Abel and he did that by finally coming to a realisation that I held long ago – one must sink to his deepest and darkest to obtain the ultimate glory.

Unfortunately for Garth, he has reached in as deep as he can and barely mustered a win. Yet Abel has yet to scratch the surface of his vile and loathing, of his menace and diabolical willingness to maim and destroy. He will dig deeper and deeper into darkness, take a plunge into a river of blood and pull from it something to will himself to victory. For his is the power and glory.

Abel’s mouth is wide in chomping the apple within his mouth. It is disgusting. He begins to chuckle, in direct contrast to his earlier state, chunks flying from within.

Holmes: Kingdom Come has highlighted my past power and yet also my failures. I have never won a match on its grand stage. It is time this changed.

Suddenly Abel lowers the apple. He steps further into the light, side by side now with his mentor, apple still dripping from his wild beard.

Abel: Warrior, soldier, destroyer. It is and always has been my destiny to go a rippin’ an’ a tearin’ into liars, men who masquerade in false truths. You are a pious one Black, and it’s gonna’ cost ya’. You want ta’ go aroun’ talkin’ about how the world has screwed you, well you know nothin’ about the world screwin’ with ya’. You can preach all the propaganda about how the man has kept you down all you want, but men have been keepin’ me down all my life.

My daddy taught me at a real young age that that’s what’s gonna’ happen to everyone their whole lives. People who think they’re better than you will try and exploit ya’, try and cut ya’ deep because they’re insecure or because they want ta’ make a point or make their way in the world. You’re one of those folks Black. You wanna’ know what I do to folks like that?

Hunnicutt holds the apple still and grips. Slowly juices leak out, being squeezed from within, surfacing at the mighty force of Abel’s paw like hands. Before the pressure grows too great and the apple bursts in Abel’s hand, crumbling away into wet hunks of juicy fruity flesh.

Abel: Ya’ll are gonna’ be just another piece of fruit plucked from the tree for ma’ consumption. An you will understan’ my pain, my sorrow an’ what it means to dig deeper than ever before, because I’m gonna’ make you go ta’ that place Black, an’ it’s still not gonna’ be enough. Ya’ll are gonna’ witness your World’s End.

Holmes: Or in turn come to the realisation that Aristocracy Reigns. Because, life’s not fair Garth, and neither are we. At Kingdom Come, this ends between us and we will do whatever it takes to not only win, but to prove that point and crush you like no other has before. You will be a living, if we should so choose to leave you that way, breathing example of the power we wield.

Holmes lifts his hand up and clicks his fingers, turning the spotlight off and ending this dramatic scene.


Man is the cruellest animal. At tragedies, bullfights, and crucifixions he has so far felt best on earth; and when he invented hell for himself, behold, that was his very heaven - Friedrich Nietzsche
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