King of Hell in a cell: HHH or Undertaker

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Pre-Show Stalwart
Who performed better in a hell in a cell HHH or Undertaker. I wish these 2 could square of in HIAC match. Both men have been in one together with 4 other men involved.

Undertaker is 5-3, He had matches with HBK, Mick Foley, Bossman, the 6 pack challenge, Orton, Batista, Edge & CM Punk. Remeber he brutalize HBK in the first one. He threw Mick Foley & Rikishi off the cage and chokeslam Mick Foley threw the cell. Also remember he hung Bossman at the end of the match. But to me Orton, Batista, Edge & CM Punk was all the same.

HHH is 6-1, he had matches with Mick Foley, the 6 pack challenge, Jericho, Nash, HBK, Batista, the McMahans, & Legacy. Most of HHH HIAC matches was all the samething just different ending. My favorites was the sledgehammer attack to the back of Vinces head & the pedigree to Y2J. But who can ever forget that back body drop Foley received threw the cell.

I will have to go with Taker. Taker performs better and is different everytime. HHH is all the same.
If anything, the legacy of Hell in a Cell belongs to the Undertaker, but Triple H caught on because he wants association with a big match. However Undertaker's matches in the Cell stand out a lot better than the matches involving Triple H.

Out of the seven of Hunter's, three of them have been branded as weak and overdragging (HBK/HHH in particular) and they seem to be more that it's so Triple H has a Cell win to his credit as opposed to making it even more special. Naturally his best one was his first and I do feel he's never been able to match it.

Naturally, much like Hunter's, Undertaker's best Cell Matches was his first and his second, while the second is the most iconic for giving the Cell it's true name, the first one set the standard. While I'll exclude the 6-Man Cell, Bossman and the Punk one due to them being squashes, his Cell matches have been quite memorable and put his opponents, there's always something that stands out that makes you want to watch a Taker HIAC match as opposed to Triple H.

I will agree that Taker is the undisputed king of the Cell, it's just Triple H thinks he has a shot in with the title but he just doesn't give the match the speciality factor.
Who performed better in a hell in a cell HHH or Undertaker. I wish these 2 could square of in HIAC match. Both men have been in one together with 4 other men involved.

Undertaker is 5-3, He had matches with HBK, Mick Foley, Bossman, the 6 pack challenge, Orton, Batista, Edge & CM Punk. Remeber he brutalize HBK in the first one. He threw Mick Foley & Rikishi off the cage and chokeslam Mick Foley threw the cell. Also remember he hung Bossman at the end of the match. But to me Orton, Batista, Edge & CM Punk was all the same.

HHH is 6-1, he had matches with Mick Foley, the 6 pack challenge, Jericho, Nash, HBK, Batista, the McMahans, & Legacy. Most of HHH HIAC matches was all the samething just different ending. My favorites was the sledgehammer attack to the back of Vinces head & the pedigree to Y2J. But who can ever forget that back body drop Foley received threw the cell.

I will have to go with Taker. Taker performs better and is different everytime. HHH is all the same.

You forgot Taker's HIAC match with Lesnar at No Mercy for the WWE Championship.

Personally, I believe that was one of the better HIACs of all time, but I have to say that IMO, HHH is better with HIAC. Sure, they may be the same, but they also do a great job of ending storylines, and I believe that should be key.
You forgot Taker's HIAC match with Lesnar at No Mercy for the WWE Championship.

Personally, I believe that was one of the better HIACs of all time, but I have to say that IMO, HHH is better with HIAC. Sure, they may be the same, but they also do a great job of ending storylines, and I believe that should be key.

Yes. Thank you I knew I was missing one. I should of remember that one. I always over looked Brock Lesnar vs Taker HIAC. It was a good match with Taker and the cast. I was disappointed when Lesnar won it.
It has to be Taker, he's the man that created the dread of going into Hell in a Cell. Triple H is obviously experienced and has had some great bouts but Taker's have another edge to them, well most of them anyways (Taker/Punk was shit).

Taker's match's with HBK, Foley, Lesnar etc are amazing matches with a great feel behind them and they're all better than any of Triple H's. Trips has indeed had good ones but not at Taker's level I don't think.

Gotta go with the Dead Man.
Taker has dished out more destruction by far than Trips has in any of his HIAC matches. Sure, Trips put Foley through the Cell, but so did Taker. And Taker has also thrown 3 guys off of the Cell. Taker also was able to turn HIAC into a hybrid TLC match and in the same match, send someone to Hell. Trips, on the other hand, beat Kevin Nash.

Taker in a landslide.
Undertaker? Are you kidding?

This is more of the IWC looking at 'Taker through rose colored glasses, and more HHH hate from people who still believe he's only where he is because of his marriage. Triple H had SIGNIFICANTLY more impressive and important HIAC matches - AND WINS - than Taker did. And if you need more proof, HHH's matches with Jericho, Nash, and Michaels, as well as the 6-pack challenge - more than make the decision easy in the favor of the Cerebral Assassin.

Taker may be one of the worst gimmick match wrestlers ever. Not because h doesn't wrestle good matches, but because he loses. He has an average record in casket matches - his supposed specialty. He lost HIAC to Michaels and lost HIAC to Lesnar. Both matches were good - not great.

Triple H and Cactus Jack had one of the most legendary HIAC matches of all time. It was brutal and told the story of the tough bad guy who couldn't seem to put down the protagonist. It was dramatic, the outcome was always in queston.
IC...with the exception of his classic with Foley...what has Triple H done of particular note in a HIAC match? Like I said...he beat Kevin Nash.

He lost to HBK because of Kane's debut. You can hardly hold that against Taker, as Taker owned Shawn through the entire match up to that point. And Lesnar...well, Lesnar was beating everyone at that point. He beat Hogan on TV, for crying out loud.

Whether or not Taker is poor in general at gimmick matches...this is about HIAC...not Casket Matches...not Buried Alive Matches. Taker has dished out more punishment than Trips has by far.

Edit: If we are counting...Trips lost to Batista in HIAC. In fact...I believe Batista is undefeated in HIAC.
Well, Triple H has won more of these matches but, in my view, hardly any of them have been as memorable as Taker's. With the exception of the HHH/Foley HIAC match, most of Taker's HIAC appearances far outshines Triple H's in my view. I think Taker's shittiest HIAC match was against the Bossman at WM. It wasn't that it was all that bad of a match, but Taker was against a subpar opponent, of whom the outcome was never even remotely in doubt. Still, it was memorable for the Bossman being "hung" from the cell if nothing else.

As far as Taker wrestling gimmick matches, his overall record is somewhat spotty but he's hardly ever emerged from those types of matches looking weaker than he went in. With the exception of Brock Lesnar, who Vince did have a true hard on for at the time, I can't think of a single time in which Taker lost a gimmick match cleanly. Losing is losing true, but losing due to the interference of others when you've got your opponent clearly beaten doesn't have nearly the same sort of sting to it as being beaten in the center of the ring by the better man that night.

As to which of these two I'd think of as "king" of the HIAC match, I have to go with the Undertaker. Generally speaking, Taker's HIAC matches have been better and more memorable.
Ricky said:
with the exception of his classic with Foley

Jack Hammer said:
With the exception of the HHH/Foley HIAC match

Seems to be a lot of exceptions for what is probably the greatest HIAC match of all time.

Taker vs Foley wasn't a great HIAC match. Not at all. There was a massive holy shit moment, and Foley's insanity to come back for more. Taker just happened to be the guy doing it. Foley did all the real work in the match with Taker, whereas Foley and HHH did equal work in a better match.
Undertaker was involved in probably the best HIAC match which was the original one vs HBK. He was also involved in the most memorable one against Mick Foley at the KOTR. Those two alone are enough for me to say that the Undertaker is the so called "King" of the HIAC.

Triple H vs Foley was great. Probably the best HIAC after Taker vs HBK. He also had a couple good ones with HBK and Jericho, but nothing that compares to what Taker has done. Taker's HIAC matches against Lesnar and Edge were very good and easily compete with anything Triple H has done outside of his match with Foley.
I'm always on the fence with this, but I have to give the very slight edge to Taker. This is a very good topic, and is full of debate. When you think of HIAC, the first thing that comes to your mind is, The Undertaker. He is this match. Satan's Structure, The Devil's Playground, these are all nick names suited to fit Taker. Besides he has put on some damn good matches in the Cell. Of course there was the "holy shit!" moment from where he threw Foley off the cage, but the match it self wasn't all that great. But, his HIAC matches with Lesnar, Batista, and HBK were all classics. His match with HBK in '97 is always enough for me to give him the edge in this category.

Triple H on the other hand, has also had his fair share of great/good performances in the cell. There was the one with Batista, which was a great brawl, and a brutal match. His one with Jericho was also a superb match, and so was the retirement one he had with Cactus Jack. I would add the one he had with HBK, but that one went too long.
I'm going to go with HHH here. Undertaker's best Hell in a Cell match was his first one and the rest were either mediocre (Edge, Batista, Orton), or awful (Foley, Bossman). HHH has been more consistent in putting on a good-to-great HIAC match with the likes of Foley, Nash, Jericho, HBK, and Batista. I consider some of the best HIAC to be HHH's and not Taker's and that is why I pick HHH.
Taker. This match was created for him. Trips just kinda got himself into a bunch of HIAC matches as a way to increase his legacy in the business i believe. Now, im not one of these people who bash HHH. Ive always found him to be quite entertaining and he used to be one of the top workers around. Same thing could be said for Taker. Taker still pulls out good matches.

Back on topic, Taker is the king of the HIAC. It just screams taker, from the way its described as demonic, to the name, Hell in a Cell. As far as whos had the better matches, it's kind of a toss up really. Both had much better performances in their earlier bouts in the cell, which is to be expected. Takers cell matches have had more holy shit moments for sure. HHH, not as much and some have been just not good. Also, before anyone goes on about taker vs. foley and how great of a match it was, watch it first. The match was terrible. It was saved and everyone remembers it because of the insane bumps that foley took in the match. Otherwise, it was just a horrific match.

The fact that Taker was in the first HIAC match. That he destroyed HBK and then Foley makes him the king of the HIAC match. HHH may have the better record in these matches, but i'd be willing to bet the majority of fans think of Taker when they think of HIAC matches. I know i do. Moreso than HHH.
I will have to go with Taker. Taker performs better and is different everytime. HHH is all the same.

Correct, Taker is the king of hell in a cell and Trips kinda does the same thing. Although both have had memorable matches in Hell in a Cell their matches with Foley was the tie breaker. Undertakers match just had more of a real feel to it and everything Taker did that night from his entrance, to his facial expressions, to the way he walked, and of course the moves he executed were excellent, Taker was just amazing that night. Triple H's match with Foley seemed centered around the Foley falling off/through the cage, and they both looked stuiped and overly planned.
Correct, Taker is the king of hell in a cell and Trips kinda does the same thing. Although both have had memorable matches in Hell in a Cell their matches with Foley was the tie breaker. Undertakers match just had more of a real feel to it and everything Taker did that night from his entrance, to his facial expressions, to the way he walked, and of course the moves he executed were excellent, Taker was just amazing that night. Triple H's match with Foley seemed centered around the Foley falling off/through the cage, and they both looked stuiped and overly planned.

HHH/Foley being centered around Foley through the cage is ridiculous especially considering Taker/Foley. Let's go through the Taker/Foley match. Foley climbs cage, gets thrown off, climbs back off, goes through it. That's it and you want to say HHH/Foley was centered around that. HHH/Foley was ten times better and told a story about HHH trying to retire a veteran who just wouldn't give up. Taker/Foley was a crap HIAC and HHH/Foley is one of the two best ever.
The match was terrible. It was saved and everyone remembers it because of the insane bumps that foley took in the match. Otherwise, it was just a horrific match.

Sorry for posting twice on the same thread but I was reading what other people thought about HIAC and I came across this gem. WHAT! Horrific match???? It may not have been a technical match but neither are technical wrestlers anyway. For somenoe who was thrown 16 feet off a cell twice, Foley put on a damn good match afterward.
Seems to be a lot of exceptions for what is probably the greatest HIAC match of all time.

Taker vs Foley wasn't a great HIAC match. Not at all. There was a massive holy shit moment, and Foley's insanity to come back for more. Taker just happened to be the guy doing it. Foley did all the real work in the match with Taker, whereas Foley and HHH did equal work in a better match.

Exactly. Meaning that Taker is the only guy sick enough to unleash that kind of fury on another person (kayfabe obviously). How was that NOT a great HIAC match? Never in my life had I seen a match that literally had me in awe the entire time. Taker threw Foley off the cell, through the cell, and then chokeslammed him into thumbtacks. That is the most insane thing that the United States has ever seen and likely will see in many, many years. No other match is as hailed in the gimmick, and when people think of great moments in wrestling history, that match is nearly always involved. How is that not great, IC? Think of all the money that match has made WWE. Great.

The only success that Trips/Foley had in their HIAC was as a result of the Taker/Foley HIAC. Trips/Foley was all pre-staged, whereas Taker was forced to improvise and continue to fight a man who he thought had been killed.

Furthermore, Taker, along with Edge, saved a dying gimmick. The HIAC match that they put on gave life to a match that hadn't been of particular value since likely Foley/Trips, maybe Lesnar-Taker. When you think of Hell in a think Taker. It's Taker's match. Taker is King of Hell in a Cell.
I give this to the Undertaker. He's had better matches than HHH has. Remember HHH and Nash? I mean really? Not to mention that Undertaker made the match famous with HBK and Mankind. Undertaker's had a few good matches in HIAC.

His match with HBK alone would get him the nod here. That was such a brutal match. You could tell those two were really punishing themselves in the match. And the Taker/Mankind match was terrific, too. Even without the spot from the top of the cage from Foley.
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