King Jake...Racist???

Crimson Bonez

Been a peep since 2004
I did a search and hope a thread like this hasn't ben created, if so, i guess all this was for nothing, but anyway, it's ben brought up alot with people saying king jake is racist (not saying im 1 of them), and it be in threads that don't have anything to do with the topic, so I created a thread for it, so people can get it all out why they think he's a racist so we can put it to rest.

No, im not a noob, a mark, somebody trying to kiss ass, suck up to the big man, none of that. Just saying that thread topics need to stay on topic and this tends to come up on some.

First off, let me say im not 1 of the people that think he's racist. But in the "I'm black, where's my title" thread, I made a post about it so instead of rewriting it ill just quote what I said.

I think the reason why people are saying your racist, it's because of the way that you word what you say. And it seems like it's the new people that take it as you being a racist, those that don't know you well, or how you post. "They're just Black, who cares" I'll admit, when I 1st read that, it had me thinking. But after reading some of your other post, I felt foolish. Im not saying I know you cause I don't, I just know more about you after reading some of the things you've said. You have a asian wife I believe. A mixed daughter. You don't believe in hitting kids, and you just say NO to yours. You had an altercation at school where some1 (a teacher I think) said your daughter was weird looking. You don't like JTG (and want him smothered). You don't think none of the black wreslters diserve titles, and Umaga I believe is one of you favorite WWE wreslters. Oh yea and I got 2 infractions from you. (Thanks by the way for that, after the suspension, I got more serious with posting and know all the rules now) But pretty much, if they don't know you or know of you and the way you post, you come off as being a racist with what you say, or disriminative toward black people.

Before I made that post Jake said....

Now come on, this is just silly. I actually don't care if people call me racist. I'm not. It's the same as being called gay as school. It's fine because I'm not. But it is really frustrating being called a racist.

Anyway I'll give people a rough guide as to how It's ok to talk about not liking a black person and not being racist. Short & in Layman's terms.

- Just because somebody is of an opposite race to you, doesn't mean you can't criticise them. In a thread about black champions, talking about champions I don't like or think deserve titles. I'm hardly going to say how great they are am I?

- Why would I talk about how much I like Booker T for example when he's currently holding no gold, nor in WWE?

- Why can't I wish JTG would choke on his vomit in his sleep? I feel the same towards Triple H. Even more so toward him even.

- If you are a black man, can you not dislike Chris Jericho? Of course you can. Your not a racist for not being a fan of his.

Any questions feel free to ask.

And after that post, it got me thinking to make this thread since him being racist isn't the topic of that thread. And agin I DON'T THINK HE'S RACIST. Just want to know why other's think that.

Now, I no you don't know me Jake, just some new guy in the forum but got to respect a guy that gets called racist constantly and don't care, just get frustrated. So, lets discuss this on why people THINK he's a racist.
Jakes not rasist, he just don't like alot of people. Black, White, Tall, Short, The Miz, it don't matter to him. He has opinions, just as anyone else, that post didn't seem rasist at all to me.
Actually, he's a nooblet that's not flaming Jake and is calling him out, that takes balls, and I like balls.
Jakes not rasist, he just don't like alot of people. Black, White, Tall, Short, The Miz, it don't matter to him. He has opinions, just as anyone else, that post didn't seem rasist at all to me.

That made me lol.

From what I've seen of Jake I dont think he is a racist, I think he could word his posts better though. :)
I'm discriminative toward everyone and everything. Black or white I'll hate you anyway.

"They're just Black, who cares" certainly wasn't a great choice of words. But I'm not going to apologize for it. Mark Henry is a black man. Nothing more. I'm not sure how else I'm supposed to describe him. ''Fat ass black man'' would make me sound even more racist. And ''black automaton'' is false.

Is it racist to dislike HBK because he's orange?

By the way Bonez88, I thought you were racist. 88 is a neo-Nazi thing. It refers to Heil Hitler.

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