Kinda long, but pretty detailed.



this following is not a spoiler, it is just an idea on how i think Monday's tag title's match will end.

I think HBK & Cena will lose the titles this monday on Raw. There is no reason for them to be tag title holders going into WM23. at first i didnt think there was a reason for them to have the titles at all, but then i realized it was good publicity and it built up the match more. i believe at the end of the match vs. Edge and Orton, one person will turn on the other. now i dont mean they will turn heel, i just mean one will get the upper hand. Now, since they won the tag titles, HBK has always teased hitting Cena with the Sweet Chin Music. but he never has, if you heard last week HBK said, "nothing's gonna happen to you as long as we're together. I'm gonna make sure ur 100% at WM." so i think the WWE is feeding off of this and HBK will stay true to that BUT i think a lot of people are actually waiting for HBK to nail Cena with the SCM(me being one of those people.) i think this Monday fans will be expecting it to finally happen, but i think it will be Cena who FU's HBK. [End Raw]
Now....friends have said that whoever turns on the other will become Heel. I...disagree. the reason is, no matter where you go, there are Cena fans all over the place, if Cena FU's HBK there will be some cheers and there will be some boo's. but i think there will be more boos than cheers if that happens because i think there is still people waiting for Cena to turn heel. if it happens the other way where HBK SCM's Cena, there will be cheer's and boo's but i think HBK will get more cheer's and here's why. HBK is at the point in his career where he can do almost ANYTHING and he will get an ovation(others being Ric Flair & the Undertaker). take the Hogan incident for instance. HBK SCMed Hogan and despite Hogan was a huge face, HBK got an ovation. the next week IN CANADA HBK was still cheered, until he teased the fans with Bret Hart and they booed him. Despite that, at the end of that show i think HBK had Hogan in the Sharp Shooter and there were still cheers at that point. I think most people are just cheering for Cena just cuz he's a face. If you recall last WM (HHH vs. Cena) HHH was heavily cheered throughout the night and Cena was heavily booed. I think if last WM was any indication Cena will get booed once again. I think the WWE will have one of them turn on the other and they're gonna feed off the audience from now until WM to decide the outcome of the match. If HBK still gets cheered and Cena gets even the slightest of booing, i think we will see a title change at WM23.
Thoughts and comments are welcome, thank you.
Sounds likely, just depends if WWE are going to acknowledge the fans, something they havn't done in a long, long time.
If WWE has any brains left, they'll do this. Cena has needed to be turned heel for a long time. I think they should've done it last year at Wrestlemania, but obviously Vince cares too much about teenage girls and little kids hating Cena. If Cena were to turn heel, he could use more of a moveset and be a better wrestler because of it. I just hope they end up turning him heel before Mania.
Its pretty inevitable that theyll turn Cena heel,as ultimately, vince recognizes theres more money to be made having the champ enter mania as the heel, an with the face chasing the title. Thats why theyve seemingly turned batista heel.
I like your idea, its quite plausible that it can happen. But here is my take of what may happen. HBK is using the line that he will do what it takes to have Cena at 100% for WM. At the same time, HBK has said on a number of occassions that he is gone back to his old ways, to be the 'showstopper, the icon, the main event!' and if this is the case, than that also means that HBK has gone back to his treacherous days as well. I don't see this as an attempt to turn HBK heel, but rather have him face like the situation as someone like an Austin would be in, were he will do what he wants, when he wants to, and will do whatever it takes to obtain victory. The fans won't boo him because he's Micheals, but the fans won't boo him more because the target is Cena. I see at the end of the match Micheals aiming SCM at either or Orton or Edge, missing, and hitting Cena by mistake. I then see Edge/Orton taking advantage of it, winning the match and taking the titles. Then Micheals comes back into the ring, feeling really remorseful that he kicked Cena. Micheals attempts to help Cena to his feet who is attempting to recover, but Cena soundly bounds up, and starts screaming at Shawn for kicking him, saying he knew all along that Micheals could not be trusted. As Shawn attempts to explain himself, Cena gets into Micheals' face, than pushes him back. Shawn then quickly retaliates with another SCM to Cena. Afterwards, Micheals looks down at Cena, shrugs his shoulders and giving the old HBK smile, before heading out of the ring.
I think it will be fruitless to have HBK turn heel,cause as you guys have said,he'll still get one of the loudest pops that night.Cena cant turn heel because they still have milk him for merchandising reasons.He's the biggest star(face) on RAW,and contrary to popular belief,he has greater drawing power than HBK,so they cant have switc.He probably would have turned if its was HHH instead of Shawn,because HHH is the only guy who can outpop Cena. I think they'll leave it the way it is.Now that the WWE now aknowledges when Cena gets face heat,it will probably make the match more entertaining if there is no clear heel or face.The atmosphere last year was elctric in the mainevent,even though that's not what they intended
I don't know what the point of giving Orton and Edge the tag titles again. They both are going into the money in the bank match most likey. I think it would be better to have HBK and Cena drop the titles to people who can actually defend it at Wrestlemania. Plus we have 4-5 weeks left until WM isn't it still a little to early to have HBK and Cena turn on each other.
I think WWE are aiming more for Batista and Undertaker to be the Heel vs Face match at Wrestlemania.

It's obvious there wont be two Face vs Face matches Main Eventing WM23 but I definitely think with Batista's recent actions he will make the heel turn setting him up as the bad guy in his match, meanwhile Cena and Michaels stay faces as they punt more merchandise than anybody else, I just don't see Vince going against that.
The WWE is known for the face to win the big main event championship match at Wrestlemania. If it stays the way it is and they are both question 3 are...Who do you think will win? Who do you want to win? and Why?

Before HHH got injured, Edge was supposed start a feud with Cena. With Edge being in the MITB, it looks as if that feud will still go on. But on the other hand, with HHH injured the WWE may want to go a different way and have HBK win the title. It will be a great match...but from now until Wrestlemania i am not reading ANY WM spoilers posted on the WZ website or WZ forums, i already saw a headline for Undertaker's Streak, and i am restraining myself from reading that. i believe the outcome of the Undertaker vs. Batista match will have an effect in the Cena vs. HBK match.

Who I Think Will Win: Cena
Who I Want To Win: HBK
Who I Think Will Win: Cena
Who I Want To Win: HBK

I want to see HBK get the title from Cena. He has had the belt for almost 2 years minus a month with Edge and RVD as champ its boring already. I hope Orton wins the Money in the Bank and fights HBK for the title at Backlash. Maybe they can do an injury angle and give Shawn some well deserved time off.

Then they can have Orton vs. Cena vs Edge leading up for Triple H and HBK to return around summerslam time. I don't care how they do it but it is time for Cena to lose the title already and not get it back for a while. The reason the WWE is lacking star power is because the same guys have held the title for the last few year (Batista and Cena). I mean not even Triple H has had the title in the last ywo years that has to be some sort of record.

HBK has held the title before but him winning would help push Orton because say what you want about him HBK makes who ever he is in the ring with look better. We all know Hogan can't wrestle for :shit: but even Shawn made him look half decent or better then expected. It is just time for something new.
rko needs to win the titles on raw, but lose them to a team that can defend them at wrestlemania, maybe in a 3 way or fatal 4 way

hbk i think will win, it may turn into sumthin like michaels and taker in the ring together at mania with there titles (sumthin like benoit/guerrero)

cena needs to drop the title and TURN HEEL, i feel he is way more productive that way, same with others like carlito, batista,hhh
With the title match being first tonight, I can see RKO wining the titles but losing them later on on raw to someone (cryme tyme maybes?). Just a thought
I felt strongly that they should have hade a fatal-4 way with HBK,Orton,Edge & Cena.I remeber reading on wrestlezone that Cena would carry the title through WM23,that was partly the reason why booking HHH vs. Cena was a problem,because it would have seen HHH going 0-2,for the second year in a row.Batista wont turn,I think it will be more of a tweener vs. tweener match,where both guys will catch heat for diffent things like interfering in each others matches.

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