Killings To WWE

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
- Sources are reporting WWE Superstars Jeff Hardy and Umaga are pushing for management to bring back recently released TNA Superstar Ron "The Truth" Killings. Killings had a short stint as the WWE Hardcore Champion back in 2001. The AAA promotion in Mexico has a spot for Killings. Once all the paper work is completed, he is likely to go down there to work.

I've never been a huge fan. But he has a cool look and a bit of personality about him so why not. So long as he stops that stupid dancing he could be a decent addition to the roster. Although I couldn't ever see him recieveing a really good push. But as amember of the ECW roster he could do quite well.
- Sources are reporting WWE Superstars Jeff Hardy and Umaga are pushing for management to bring back recently released TNA Superstar Ron "The Truth" Killings. Killings had a short stint as the WWE Hardcore Champion back in 2001. The AAA promotion in Mexico has a spot for Killings. Once all the paper work is completed, he is likely to go down there to work.

I've never been a huge fan. But he has a cool look and a bit of personality about him so why not. So long as he stops that stupid dancing he could be a decent addition to the roster. Although I couldn't ever see him recieveing a really good push. But as amember of the ECW roster he could do quite well.

I think that they should do with killings what they did with corvon give him a slow steady push on the ecw brand, he would be a perfect fit and a legit threat to punk, i would love to see him work in a stable with benjamin and burke it would be something huge that could make tuesdays a must see
I definelty think WWE should hire Killings. He would be a great fit for ECW and be a good contender to Punk. He is pretty decent in the ring and also has some charisma which is always good. Also if they can build him up on ECW they may be able to send him to RAW to feud with Cena since they had real life friction with each other but if that happens Cena would probably just burry him so maybe not? He could start a great stable with burke & benjamin seeing how they are all great athletes or maybe just tag with Eljah. But yeah i think wwe should hire Killings and put him on ECW.
I agree that he should come to WWE, and I think the idea of a Burke/Benjamin/Killings stable would be cool, if that happened, someone would end up buried. I say send him to smackdown via weekly promos. Have him there for a bit before doing anything huge. I don't know, he could do somthing. I can see a good future in WWE. Not great, just good. But not with B&B.
I like Killings. What was his first gimmick in WWE? K-Quikk or something right? He did some stuff with Road Dogg. I think he is a pretty good worker and would fit perfectly in ECW. But doesn't he have some type of beef with Cena? I think those two could work a nice angle since there is some real life heat between them.
He was known as K-Kwik during his short stint in the WWE. I only remember him being buried night after night. It was difficult to see, especially because his finisher was my favourite at the time. I personally would NOT want to see Killings going back to the WWE, because they'd just waste his potential and talent all over again.
Personally i don't think WWE is the place for him, i can't really see him making much of an impact due to that in my opinion he lacks any real personality and just doesn't have the "IT" factor needed to get any major or even mid-card titles. If he does sign with WWE i can't see him getting any higher than lower mid-card status and also can't see his run lasting too long.

Ron Killings should have stuck with TNA as i feel he has more chance making it big there (again) than WWE due to his extensive history with the company.
Even if Killings signs with WWE he will most likely be sent to a developmental territory and probably be repackaged with a new look, new name and new gimmick.
Ron 'The Truth' Killings is an amazing athlete. He should get hired by WWE because hes a nice wrestler who would be a contender for the ECW title, or the 2nd tier belts on the other two shows. He would be a valuable commodiy in the WWE.
I could see them signing Ron Killings and bringing him to Smackdown to attract a certain demographics group like they have done with other wrestlers. He is also a pretty good worker who has improved a lot since being K-Kwik in the WWE the last time and has fairly good mic skills. What about a Ron Killings/Elijah Burke tag team that would be interesting? But the cons I see is that they wouldn't let him wrestle his style of match, his style wouldn't fit with the WWE and that they would totally change him over and screw it up.
Ron Killings/Elijah Burke team could work i know that wwe have become to stubborn in thier ideas that guys must be a certain type and the reason the mid card guys get to stay is coz they are such good wrestlers ability wise but his style would fit in he could do his gimmick entrance do his own rap for his titantron and then have him run around taking out people backstage for dissin him

have a small cena feud with him small not to over do it killings getting the clean win over cena and then they kinda have mutual respect for each other

then have him work in the mid card and challenge guys like mvp have him win a mid card title realy soon after a few feuds and then lose it after a medium run as to again not over do it but have it long enuf for it to be credible

then have him go to main event do a few good feuds then a title shot feud but have him just lose out or gets screwd

put him in a good tag with someone popular so that he is still main event but tagging and after the screwing feud he gets a partner so he will never be screwed again after about a year in a tag he could get screwed by his partner so it is like everything he said opposite happened kinda ironic
-- Ron Killings has been in talks with WWE for a while now, and the latest is that the company has officially offered him a contract.

Killings wont have a good time in WWE. I'd actually be surprised if he ever ends up on TV. I've heard there is heat between him and Cena, so that wont be in his favour. He's on the same diet as Scott Steiner. And he only does high spots. And WWE doesn't promote high spots anymore.
How about teaming him up with Kofi Kingston. Just as a way to get them both some television time without taking up too many segments on the short ECW programme.

It wouldn't necessarily be a long term thing, but two new guys with a similar look (not just because they're both black, but they do have a similar look) it seems like a common ssnse thing to do. Even if they feuded with John Morrison & The Miz, only for that to eventually split into two different feuds.
okay take it back they will do a cm punk type thing with ron killings maybe give him a few feuds then the ecw title i guess they might stick him with a partner to get him over for a while but i hope they make him face rather than heel i personally think he plays a face that would get over in the wwe
Ron Killings back to WWE is a plus for them in a lot of ways.

1. Killings can go in the ring.
2. He has nice speaking/promoting mic skills.
3. He has true rapping skills. Not great but better than Cena.
4. He has decent size for a WWE superstar.
5. He has had cross brand heat with top star John Cena. (real or fake)

Everyone can see the positives on this with little to no negatives to be seen.

My question that spins off of this is ... "Why does Ron Killings always leave a company right before Booker T arrives?"

Happened in WWE and TNA. What's up with that?

This is a great signing by the WWE. It's basically a countershot by WWE after TNA has been taking all of their superstars. I know Killings has been in WWE before, but now they could either make him a great Tag-Team player or Mid-Card Star. If the E gets Chris Harris they may beat TNA at their own game.
Im truly afraid this will end up being a waste for not one, but TWO guys....Personally, I feel like Killings coming in, will destroy Kofi Kingstons debut. They look amost carbon copy, both black guys with dreads, and very simular builds. and Kingston wasnt gonna get over real well with that super weak islander gimmick anyhow, and REALLY wont know....

The other way this will be a possible waste, is if they waste Ron killings the way they did the first time they had him, and the way they wasted Marcus Cor Von....Im not sure if he can be a main eventer, but I hope he is a high mid carder, he is good in ring, and sells very well....Hope he makes a suprise RR return...I think he could be another canidate to take the US belt off MVP, with sort of the same gimmick he has, except with a face orientation. (rapper type, from poor beginnings, except intense and hard working, instead of cokcy, and cheating...)
Ron probably should have stayed with TNA. He has a much less chance of being buried there.

I don't know if you noticed or not, but Ron Killings wasn't exactly being given any type of a push when he was with T.N.A. during his final stay anyways. He was put into an angle with Adam "Pacman" Jones.. thats probably about as low as you can get, next to faking injuries every week.

If used properly in the WWE, it could pay off. Will it pay off as much? No.

Well, you need to recall Killings original stint in W.W.F.. as K-Kwik (get rowdy!) & obviously that gimmick had loads of potential. :rolleyes: So I think the question that needs to be asked. Upon his return, will he return as K-Kwik, or Ron Killings?

I honestly think he'll go to E.C.W., or Smackdown as Ron Killings & could come up with a decent feud with Matt Hardy, or anyone on E.C.W.. beyond that, I really doubt he'll be used properly, at all.
I don't think Killings in WWE will make any waves...the first time they had him he was not used properly, despite his talent....why would it be any different?

The best he may achieve is a mid-card spot jobbing to MVP, or Big Daddy V...I for one do not want to see an Edge-Killings match putting Edge over. Killings will be forced to wrestle "WWE" style, and he will have trouble adapting. Not to mention he has heat (?) with Cena, so there goes the main event or a spot on Raw.

Then again, he may have a career is interesting WWE offered him a contract to begin with, after his promos when he first arrived in TNA. But Vince has been known to forgive and forget (except in the case of Randy Savage)...maybe he will be pushed as the great talent he is...
I'm all for color in the WWE, so Ron coming back is good as I was a fan of K-Kwick/K- Krush.

I hope he goes to smackdown as they need a face and he might work good with M.V.P., but if he goes to ECW, they need to change it BET, as it would be the home of all the African American Wrestler except for three, even though I would love to see my people rise, I think the WWE should evenly disperse their black population.

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