Khali As A Top Heel...Again?

Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member
Over the past few weeks on Smackdown, The Great Khali and Ranjin Singh have received some harsh words from Jinder Mahal. It seems as if Mahal's words finally got through to Khali, because tonight, the giant put the Vise Grip on his own brother, and Khali left the ring with Mahal. Khali seems to be headed down the path of being a monster heel again, and he'll have different mouthpiece this time around, but how far will WWE go with Khali as a heel?

Sheamus will challenge Randy Orton for the World Heavyweight Championship next week, but let's be honest, an Orton lost next week isn't going to happen. Sure, there's a slim chance Sheamus could win, but it doesn't seem likely at all. Smackdown really hasn't established a true top heel yet, so could Khali fill that void?

Like most people, I couldn't stand Khali's run with the World Heavyweight Championship a couple of years ago. There was one shit match after another, and I wouldn't want to see WWE go down that road again. Still, I wouldn't be surprised if Khali found his way into the title picture. Khali will probably go on a rampage, as he tears through the Smackdown roster, and he could go after the gold soon enough.

The Christian heel turn doesn't seem realistic as of right now, and if Khali is going to go down the path of the giant monster heel again, then there's a chance he could climb the ladder on Smackdown. I wouldn't want to see this, but I do think it's possible.
I like this khali as a face is stupid what's the point but khali as a heel is understandable bullying his little brother
The important thing is that they're finally giving Khali something to do besides kissing girls. With his size, he doesn't need to move around the ring like Evan Bourne or talk like John Vince McMahon's kingdom, there will always be a place for someone like Khali.

The drawback of his not speaking English has been overcome by this new program, made more mysterious by the fact that we don't know what Jinder Mahal is saying to incite Khali......but it's obviously working. Khali looks more dangerous by virtue of his anger, and this itself is enough to get fans interested in him again.

Khali even seems to be moving around the ring a little better lately (cortisone shots in his knees?) True, he still doesn't know how to wrestle, but he doesn't have to.

If a significant program develops here, we can credit it to good work by Creative. They took two little guys; one jolly and one ominous...... and placed a giant in between them who's going to follow one or the other. Eventually, they'll most likely get rid of Singh and leave The Great Khali to the evil devices of the other guy.

I like it.
See Khali, as already mentioned, is exceedingly limited in every possible department. But that is never important when you are discussing the 'monster heel'. All Khali has to successfully do is be big and he's got that down to a tee.

For me it's the associated things that play how well this goes. To be more succinct it's about Jinder Mahal. Khali is terrible in every aspect and not getting any better, there is little reason for most people to care about him without people beside him to make him seem more imposing.

The appearance of Jinder Mahal and subsequent involvement in this big push will be what draws people in and what defines it as either good/bad, not what the man himself does. Big guys are endless commodities, you only need to look as far as Mark Henry to see the truth in this. They can stagnate and slowly go nowhere but as soon as they chase a title it's believable and they don't need talent to do it. It's not going to be extrordinary but the real thing to watch here is Jinder, if he does a good job it'll be at least distinguishable from Khali's last big run.
Being honest, I'm going to find it difficult to see Khali as a credible contender again after jobbing for so long on RAW, however it is interesting to see that WWE is pursuing this idea of having managers and mouthpieces for non-talkative wrestlers (oh I mean "Superstars").
It's also quite interesting to see that there hasn't actually been any English spoken between the two during this metamorphosis that Khali is undergoing, which induces our imaginations.
I didn't mind Khali at first before his World title reign in WWE but, it was just such a bad title reign, and how far he's dropped too, it won't be easy to restore credibility to this man despite his size I think.
I think that it's Mahal who is headed towards being a top heel in the company, not Khali. Khali will most probably act as Jinder's enforcer on his road to the top. I do not think that WWE has the confidence in Khali to give him another run at the top. Also there is no such requirement for a babyface vs heel monster story to be done on Smackdown. The Orton vs Christian feud is going well and Cody Rhodes is waiting in the wings. You also have performers like Sheamus and Sin Cara on Smackdown who are waiting for their pushes to materialize. That does leave Khali out in the cold storage.

Khali hanging around with Jinder can only be a good thing. Heel Khali works much better than face Khali who is a comedy figure at best. Khali hanging around with Mahal will help people take Mahal seriously. Also Khali would not have to do much of the ring work while he is with Mahal.
If anything, this whole thing with Mahal will turn Khali into an even bigger babyface.

Khali is acting this way like he's being forced to.

I personally do not want to see Khali as a heel, I have no interest in him anymore. Just let him be the happy lunkhead he is.
I don't think Khali is going to be a top heel. I don't think it's going to be a "Daivari special" when the focus is all on the big guy. I think this time, the focus will be on the mastermind, Jinder Mahal. Look at it this way, Daivari was an already existing talent who was used to get new talent over. In this case, Mahal is the new guy. And Khali is just there to bring him in to WWE smoothly. Another indicator that Khali will be secondary to Mahal is the way he's been subservient to him these past weeks, taking those slaps and what not.

If the Great Khali does become a top heel on SmackDown I will be most annoyed. He would appear to be awful in every way. This is a guy who tried to pin someone in a dance-off. There's no hope for him. He's bad in the ring, has no personality and is (according to Curt Hawkins) lazy and not passionate.
thank fucking goodness. From legit ME scene monster to utterly useless comedy character. Could have a great run in either heel tag team, muscle back up for Mahal, or a Monster heel himself. About time they started getting something out of this guy.
Seeing as Khali has become even worse in the ring over the years, I don't buy him as a legit main eventer. For that reason, what I would like to see and what I think the case will be is this is a tool to get Jinder Mahal over. He certainly has the look and some mic skills, so we'll have to see how good he is in the ring. If Khali can kind of be his bodyguard of sorts, I could see it being kind of a Michaels/Diesel team which would limit the time that Khali has to do actual in-ring work aside from your standard beatdowns and could prove a useful vehicle for Mahal to use. I think Khali's time is nearly done and many don't like him anyway so WWE might as well get what use out of him they can and use him to put over a new young star in Mahal.
I don't mind big, monster guys rolling over people. Kane, The Big Show, etc. But what does Khali have outside of size?

He can't talk, and he hasn't had a manager who has done him any favors. He can't wrestle. A lot of big guys "can't wrestle," but Khali is even worse than most. Jorge Gonzalez comes to mind, but I think even he was able to move better than Khali. He's big, and that's it.

He has never been involved in a program that made me give a shit. Period. I'm not picking on ALL big guys, just Khali. Because of that, I hope this isn't turning into another monster run for Khali.
The Great Khali is a big money maker for the WWE in India. As long as they have a viewing audience in that country Khali can be a star. With the introduction of Jinder Mahal on Smackdown Khali will continue to be in the lime light, and eventually we will see the torch passed from Khali to Mahal.

The WWE has been bringing talent from other countries heavily for the past few years to gain a larger global audience. Currently you have Sheamus, Yoshi, Drew, Wade, Kingston, Gabriel and Mayson Ryan all from other parts of the world, all helping the WWE gain a star in other countries. Its a grain idea to grow the WWE Universe
When was khali ever a top heel ? Yes he was a heel facing undertaker but never a top heel. His move set is crap seriously when will this guy leave ?
I don't want Kahli to get any sort of push what so ever, didn't mind it so much when he was just there to enhance talent every few weeks on raw/superstars... but no, as soon as I saw they went the Kane Vs Khali route again I remember immediately why I really dislike Khali when he's anywhere near the main event spot.
I think you guys are only seeing it in the "wrestling" perspective!!
The Great Khali is a monster and he can be very entertainer, just remember the time he was using the Vise Grip against Batista, Undertaker, Henry . . . He was really dominant and I strongly believe that a guy that eats a punch from Khali dies right after!!
Look at him!!

I want to see Jinder Mahal and The Great Khali vs Big Show and Kane!!
It is easy to do it, and it will bring back prestige to the Tag Team Titles...
And as far as i see, Jinder Mahal is very good, so if that thing is the start of a push like they did it back in the days, i'm looking forward to it...

The Great Khali deserves some more recognition in my opinion...
I'm a fan of the Khali Kiss Cam, he is a lucky son a bitch, he kissed Lilian Garcia :eek:
If i was him, i would request a kiss from Kelly Kelly, once you have it, you don't want to let it go, i'm pretty sure!! XD
What makes you think Khali is going to be the top heel? The way I see this going is Jinder Mahal being pushed as a top heel with Khali as his bodyguard/enforcer. After all, WWE is going through a youth movement at the moment?
As many have already said, Khali has very little beyond his size. He can't speak English, and he can't wrestle. This is what separates him from Big Show and Kane. He doesn't belong in the main event. However, admittedly, while his matches are usually very boring- he does come off as a legitament monster and has NO place as a comedy act. I would rather see his as something that can be used to help build faces to the main event. Back when he was heel, only guys like The Undertaker, Batista, and John Cena could beat him. Now, anyone that isn't a jobber can. There's a lot of pros and cons to Khali being elevated again. You get shit matches, but a believable force to be reckoned with. I think Khali, as long as he's given a back role, CAN get young faces over. But on the other hand, he doesn't need to be directly in the main event scene. However he may have to in order to become a believable monster again. In order to that, someone's going to have to be sacrificed, and no mid or uppermid-card guy is going to be able to it. He's going to have to decemate guys like Orton and Christian to get back to that "monster" phase. Only then is he going to be able to put over young talent.
Funny you bring this up but I think I speak for everybody when I say he lost all credibiliy after the "Khali kiss cam" >:l
Everytime I hear the same old Khali can't wrestle crap, I yawn because it's sad. Khali doesn't have an athletic build like Big Show and Kane. You all complain about Khali but none of you have said what exactly do you want him to do in the ring. I want someone to step up and tell me because no one else apparently can.

I would love to see Khali as a heel again and feud with Jackson. Sheamus and Henry are top heels. Khali can be a great midcard heel.
i can pretty much suspect that khali will become the moster heel and get bk in the title hunt again and you think kanes already had his 2nd title run but at least he can wrestle but with khali he can become instructible again like when he first turned up and take apart the smackdown roster cause vince likes the big giants as we all know he has allways had a number of them in the wwe

thing is kane has been getting beat up alot by people of late so he has lost his credibility as a monster abit plus i think he will go to raw and feud with del rio after the big show saga so smackdown will need the giant so khali will fit in perfect there and also mahal and khali will probs have a run with the tag titles aswell
On the 'rumours- plans for Mahal and Khali' article WZ posted a while ago, they said they were looking to make Khali and Mahal a tag team with Mahal doing most of the work
Seems like everyone nowadays is doing a heel turn in order to get their careers back on track. Honestly, Khali's time as Smackdown's top heel years ago didn't interest me then and it sure as hell wouldn't interest me now. Personally, I think Khali's heel turn is merely a stepping stone for Mahal's rise to the top. Instead of Khali, I actually see Mahal being Smackdown's top heel with Khali playing the role of Mahal's enforcer. Which is really all I can see Kahli as worth doing. He's limited in almost every way. He can't speak English, he's a horrendous wrestler, and he just doesn't entertain me. I wouldn't be surprised to see him compete for the world title every now and then but I hope he doesn't win the belt.

I guess this means Christian also won't turn heel. If he does too, along with the Khali heel turn, Smackdown will have a HUGE influx of heel which was a big problem for the brand prior to the draft.
I really hope not. Khali's top heel run a few years ago was awful. He was one of the worst world champions in history. Even though that was far better than his useless face comedy character. That was a waste of a roster spot. Smackdown does need a top heel but can't Sheamus fill that spot? He would be far better. Even Mark Henry would be a better top heel than Khali. If they turn him heel to side with Mahal then I hope that doesn't last long, leading both to be future endeavoured to free up space on the roster for guys that can actually do something.
I'm goin to be honest I loved the heel khali when that music hit you know no matter who was in the ring they were going to get destroyed. I was getting sick and tired of the kiss cam, tooth fairy costume wearing and dancing khali. So I'm hopeing this is a major heel push so he can go back to dominating everybody in his path.

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