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kevin thorn's new look

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Dark Match Winner
i know hes not the best or most popular wrestler on the roster, but i absolutely hate when they just randomly change a gimmick. especially when they changed from a somewhat unique/different gimmick (vampire) to just random guy with spike hair in generic wrestling gear.

i could understand doing this after ariel left, but he's stuck with his 'vampire' look for several months now and then all of a sudden, hes not a vampire anymore. now hes just another jobber with a generic look, and we're supposed to care more about him now?

it looks like he's in line for a push too as hes been winning recently, but why change his gimmick? he doesnt really have one now, in fact, he reminds me sort of mike knox now , some big doofy jobber with nothing special about him
yea what a waste of fucking time.I didn't like him as a vampire but I hate him as a jobber...he was like ECW's only connection to being on the sci fi network...
Why are you guys classifying him as a jobber when he's only had one match since his gimmick was changed - and he won it? Lol. Granted it was against Nunzio but still.

Personally, I like the gimmick change. Thorn has talent but that vampire stuff was just annoying. At least when Gangrel did it, he had fake fangs, drank blood all the time, etc. This guy was just walking around going "hey, I'm wearing black...I like vampires....love me?" He looks more like a destructive badass now instead of a goth kid with issues haha.
a destructive badass, maybe, but i mean how many big guys do we already have/have had reccently in that same style?

snitsky, lashley, masters, heidenreich (lol), nathan jones, matt morgan, .... i know im leaving out a ton of guys, but the whole 'big muscular angry guy' gimmick is so stale and played out.

yea the vampire thing may be a bit lame, but at least its something different, and they never developed his character at all or gave it a chance. they could have let him do things like gangrel but they never had him do anything other than maybe creepy 1 promo here or there
I have to say I am suprised. Especiallly with SCI-fi wanting the WWE to validate their existence on teh network Thorn was one of teh few links to a sci-fi nature. Now they have what Boogeyman and the lame attempt to market teh big man as Monsters. I guess tehy decided hey we got the renewal so screw Sci-fi an dthat is teh only reaosn Thorn stayed a vamp as long as he was. With the new talent coming in I expect Thorn to hit the brocks soon ayway along with Knox
His current look is the way he looked when he would work in the indy and OVW, except he has spiked hair instead of a pony tail. It looks better on him, it goes with his body size and his personality.



Well i like his new style i guess its something different and they probably only did it to get im noticed since no one really cared about him..im hoping they actually do something with him though..maybe put him in a fued with the boogeyman, taht would be pretty interesting!
This change is a big mistake on there part. Have you ever noticed how people with no gimmick don't get a fan reaction. Look at Cody Rhodes. He was liked for a while because he was Dusty's son. But now, he doesn't get much of a reaction. I think that they need to give Kevin Thorn a new gimmick fast.
I'll be honest, I was really disappointed when I saw Thorn had dropped the Vampire gimmick. I personally like it, but then again I was prolly like 1 of 6 people that actually liked the Vampire gimmick back with Gangrel and the Brood.

I personally think if they want to use this "new" Kevin Thorn properly they are going to have to form a small stable within ECW, using Thorn as some sort of Enforcer of the group. He has the look and the size to pull it off well. Granted I don't want to see another "New Breed" group, but if they continue to move unutilized talent to ECW a small group of guys would be a great idea.
I'm not sure if it's a good or bad thing. His vampire gimmickk was at leastly something different for ECW but ever since Ariel was released nobody really cared about him so maybe this is what he needed? But right now he's just another big mean guy, but for right now its too early to tell if its a good thing or bad thing.
well i like the idea of having Kevin Thorn making his own faction and being the leader of it..that is something that can help get him over as a top superstart on ECW..he can have Mike Knox and other developmental guys working under him..and have him start by feuding with the Boogeyman and work his way up to THE ECW CHAMP!
maybe it's just me, but Thorn's new look makes him sort of look like Rhino

only notable difference to me is that Thorn's hair isn't nearly as greasy
I like his new look. He was pretty much just floundering around and hopefully this will spark some new interest in him. It sucks his opponenent was nunzio but hopefully he'll get thrown in with better wrestlers. It seems like ECW may be shaping up.
Ironically Thorn’s first opponent as the Vampire was also Nunzio on July 25, 2006
I liked the Vampire look, should have created a stable for him like Gangrel, Edge and Christian but they never did and after a while the entire thing got stupid

but in the ring I think Thorn is very good already, but he is turning into Billy Gunn, what is this his 3rd look so far since being with the WWE/OVW
I think the Vampire gimmick got old too fast ecspecially after Ariel left. I like his new gimmick, as it's better than the Vampire one, but I don't think it will last long and eventually he'll be released.
Speaking of Kevin Thorne he was one who entertained me when he was on ECW getting to see another side of him will be great keep up his higher impact moves and continue to show he is growing as a wrestler I hope that it works out for him and they don't can him for no one getting behind him at all. yes I liked the Vampyre but let's see what he can do as Kevin Thorne the Wrestler.
I believe that this new look for Thorn is so that he can be more realistic. People hate the Monster/fantasy characters nowadays, so why not give him a real gimmick that can be flexible. Kind of like Jeff Hardy/Kennedy/HHH/HBK. This way, instead of having to waste time explaining why he can be seen in a mirror, he can just wrestle.

Think about it: Elijah Burke recruted an ex-football player, a teacher, and a vampire...WTF??

Now: Monty is at home with his family
Striker is the mouthpiece for One Man Gang Daddy V (the believable monster!!)
And Thorn can actually do promo's and react to stuff. Instead of being "some kinda vampire"

they are just prepping Thorn to be used for real not just in the 1 dimensional vampire sense either
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