Kevin Nash (Diesel) and the Big Show


Championship Contender
When Big Show was making his way to the ring during the Rumble, Nash stopped and had a stare down with him. Could WWE be attempting to use them in a feud to mention WCW in this year's Wrestlemania considering it is being held at Atlanta? Would you be interested in a match between the two giants? Discuss.
I would be extremley interested in seeing this match at Wrestlemania. Im agine Diesel and Booker T on the Smackdown roster, it would completley bring back the much needed star power.
But to answer your question yes, i would be interested in this or any other rivalry that WWE comes up with to keep Kevin Nask aka Diesel in the WWE.
I noticed this, too. I really hope this turns into something. A possible Mania match even? Two giants, One winner. I hope that Diesel stays around for a little while and wasn't just making a one time appearance. He looked pretty good and I see a potential fued coming. I can only pray.
I really don't care how Nash is used in the WWE just as long he doesn't bury the younger talent. I am a Nash mark. For some reason i prefer Nash on RAW rather than Smackdown. As for the Big Show altercation, it might slightly be hinting at a match at Wrestlemania or just playing to the crowd with their well known history. Them having a match will have a nice nostalgic feel which is currently missing a little in WWE with the current youth movement in full motion.
Big Show has been openly critical about Nash. In the Rise and Fall of WCW DVD he had quite a bit to say about Nash. Maybe this is the reason for the staredown? Or maybe big guys just stare eachother down becuase big guys don't often come across other guys just as big?
A Big Show and Diesel feud would work very well heading into Wrestlemania 27, especially when 'Mania's set to have a WCW theme this year in Atlanta, Georgia. Kevin Nash and Big Show were major attractions during their time in WCW and would make for an interesting feud. Kavin Nash stands in at 7 feet with Big Show at 7'2. These days, in the WWE, we usually don't get to see big guy vs. big guy. Who knows exactly what they could feud over? Maybe it doesn't even have to be a feud but more of an encounter with each other. Maybe induct Diesel in the Hall of Fame and kind of give him a last match with someone who doesn't move to fast and Nash can wrestle at his own pace, and Big Show fits the bill. Who knows, it may've been a one time thing. We're most likely making something out of nothing but one can hope.
Am I the only one who thinks that this would be a horrible, horrible match to watch? All Big shows matches these days are essentially squash matches lasting about 5 minutes. Even when he's put in the ring with good, fast workers, the match inveitable involves him standing in the middle of the ring tossing the other guy around: chop, slap headbutt, knockout punch, over.

Imagine how crappy it would be with Diesel?! Another guy who can barely get round the ring? It would be slow paced, one dimensional and boring.

I like both of these guys and have respect for what they've done in the past but putting them both in the ring together at this stage in their career would be a total horrorshow.
Would be a let down for me. I want Nash in the ring with someone he can actually jacknife. Hell, have him feud with Morrison. He could probably carry Nash through a match.
What we know before Nash's arrival he did give alot of static towards Wade Barrett, on shoot vids with Sean Waltman. At the Rumble he went directly after Wade and Wade went after him, you saw the smirk on Wade's face when he came down. This is a much stronger possibility for a feud than Nash and the Big Show is. But however thinking about it, there is plenty of time leading up to Mania, let me throw this conjecture out there. Big Show has been having problems with the Core including Wade Barrett, Nash comes in and fires his first shot on WWE soil at Wade Barrett, Nash and Show have a common enemy in the Core, what if the two teamed up for a "Cup of Coffee" too use the intial WCW incident between the two, Have the two team vs the Core then Nash betrays Show, or Show Betrays Nash, depending on whomever they think the crowd would accept as a of them becomes Core and face off together at Wrestlemania...

Beyond that idea, I would still say there is a stronger possibility of Barrett vs Nash at Wrestlemania than Nash vs Show.
I am sure you saw it, but as big show was entering the rumble, nash was heading to the back and the two exchanged stares. So you think this will be a match for 'Mania? Do you think it will work? Or will it be a clusterfuck?

Your opinions please :)
Am I the only one who thinks that this would be a horrible, horrible match to watch? All Big shows matches these days are essentially squash matches lasting about 5 minutes. Even when he's put in the ring with good, fast workers, the match inveitable involves him standing in the middle of the ring tossing the other guy around: chop, slap headbutt, knockout punch, over.

Imagine how crappy it would be with Diesel?! Another guy who can barely get round the ring? It would be slow paced, one dimensional and boring.

I like both of these guys and have respect for what they've done in the past but putting them both in the ring together at this stage in their career would be a total horrorshow.
I agree. I think I'd enjoy a few staredowns, maybe a brawl or two in the back, but not an actual match. Like you said both guys aren't exactly mobile.
personally i think a match b/w show and nash would be shit. two huge men who are fairly old? dont see that being a good match. then again i never though the big show was very good. but i am intersted to see what happens with nash. is he back just for that night or going to be around till after mania? and if he does stay what the hell are they going to do with him?
Honestly I think it would be the slowest match history. You thought Big Vis versus Mark Henry was bad, this would trump it for sure. I don't think they will have a match. This has been discussed in a few other threads and I think it's leading to a team of some sort. Maybe to take on the Corre. Or, possibly......bringing back some semblance of the NWO. Big Show, Booker T, Nash maybe Xpac. Who knows really? I'd hate to see Nash and Show at Mania. I think it would be horrible IMO.
God I hope not. Both of these men are only capable of looking good when someone is carrying them. This would probably be one of the worst Wrestlemania matches in recent memory. It has to be better than Bret vs. Vince though. If you watch Diesel's performance and ignore the crowd reaction, you will see that he needs to hang up the boots. I really hope last night was a one-time-only nostalgia deal, and that we don't see him wrestle again in WWE. If he wants to wrestle, he should go back to TNA.
Personally I can't see how the match could be a classic but it has the potential to be a decent filler match at mania. While Nash seem to be unable to perform a great match anymore, Show has been able to pull off passable matches with just about anyone WWE throws at him. However I like the suggestion of a tag team between the two against the Corre better. Nash will be able to hide his deteriorating condition better and the two giant can look like gold against the numbers game. Jackson can go over by manhandling either or both of them during the match. Reminds me of Evolution against the Rock/Foley some years back.
Am I the only one who thinks that this would be a horrible, horrible match to watch? All Big shows matches these days are essentially squash matches lasting about 5 minutes. Even when he's put in the ring with good, fast workers, the match inveitable involves him standing in the middle of the ring tossing the other guy around: chop, slap headbutt, knockout punch, over.

Imagine how crappy it would be with Diesel?! Another guy who can barely get round the ring? It would be slow paced, one dimensional and boring.

I like both of these guys and have respect for what they've done in the past but putting them both in the ring together at this stage in their career would be a total horrorshow.

Pretty much this.

When I saw that staredown at the Rumble between Diesel and Show, my immediate thought was "Wrestlemania match?" At first, I wanted to see it. Then I thought about it more and it was a dissatisfying thought.

In WWE at least, big man VS. big man does not work out too well or have a great end result. It gets real sloppy and the match is not satisfying.

The best direction they could go is Diesel and Show against The Corre in a feud for a couple of months (maybe longer, depending on crowd reaction). Considering that Barrett eliminated Diesel and The Corre first went after show, it really makes the most sense. They could even have Diesel turn on Show later on and be a mentor to Barrett. Could even have Barrett start using the Jacknife.

Or...maybe not, considering him and Sean Waltman gave him flack on their shoot videos.

But hey, a man can dream. :shrug:
I'm sorry but what are you gonna get out of Kevin Nash at this stage of his career? all he's gonna do is piss and moan like he always has!! sorry to burst the bubble so to speak but i hope this is a one time appearence from Nash,i know many people say this but he needs to retire,he can barley work FFS!:mad: and now people are on about a fued between him and big fucking serious????? talk about a change the channel moment! *shakes head*
Man I feel old heh! To me Diesel vs Big Show is the kind of clash of the giants spectacle that is perfect for a Wrestlemania. Granted it wont be a mat classic but not evey match has to be.

There's no doubt Nash is very sluggish now, but with a big target like Show and both guys experience they will work the crowd and put on a solid 10 minute match IMO.

Another option I wouldn't mind is a Diesel/Show vs Barrett/Zeke tag match.

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