Kerry Von Erich - What could have been


Excellence of Execution
I remember back in the early 90s (starting in '91 I believe) this young good looking wrestler by the name of The Texas Tornado Kerry Von Erich first debuting on WWF TV. I remember thinking (and I was only 7 or so at the time) how this guy looked like he should be one of the best guys in wrestling. He was lean, he was strong, and he was quick. Looking back now, I can also see that he was good with fans, and the women absolutely SWOONED for him. Kerry Von Erich COULD have been a huge name that led the WWF after the departure of Hulk Hogan.

But, he wasn't. There was a whole host of problems going on with Kerry, and the Von Erichs in general, and those problems prohibited Kerry from ever reaching the top like I feel he should have. I won't bog down with those problems here, as you can find them many places, but it's a shame that Kerry could never rise above them.

What might have been, though, if Kerry had done better for himself? Would he have prevented the fall of the WWF in the early to mid 90s? Would WCW have ever overtaken WWF? Would the Attitude Era been even more successful? Would the Attitude Era have even happened?

What might have been if Kerry Von Erich had become the next great main-eventer?
I loved him at the time, but looking back he's very average. His WWF stuff that is. But that's often the case when you're a waster. Having one foot might be a slight hindrance as well.

I suspect he would have had a similar career to either somebody like Rick Rude or Mr. Perfect. He'd either go to WCW and get a push along the likes of Vader, Flair & Sting. Maybe a world title, maybe not. Or he would have been one of those Curt Henning types. Adored more because he never captured the WWF Championship.

But I don't think he had the personality to be in the same league as somebody like Hogan. At the end of the day he looked like The Ultimate Warrior, but without the face paint and snazzy tights.
Kerry Von Erich was past his best when he first arrived in the WWF becuase he only had one foot & his in ring perfromances showed it. I dont think he would have made it big especially since he had a drug problem aswell.
Kerry Von Erich could have been so much more than what he ended up being. I wasn't around back when he first started in the WWF, so obviously I wasn't around for the prime of his career in the late 80's in World Class. But, I have seen multiple DVD's and old videos of his prime on VHS. This guy was definately not the best of his brothers, but he sure was the biggest. He had tremendous popularity in Texas, and especially aroung the Dallas area. Vince had seen this and decided he wanted Kerry in the WWF. It would be great for Vince, the WWF, and Kerry. However, his dad, Fritz would not allow him to go to the WWF until later in his career. When Vince was starting the WWF, he knew he needed a big headliner who everybody fell in love with. His first choice was Kerry Von Erich. So, when he couldn't get him, he went to Hulk Hogan. It's not hard to figure what he could've been. Look at Hulk Hogan and you've found your answer. There's no absolute way of finding out what he would've been, but looking at Hulk Hogan can give you the best answer to that question.
good guy but demons lurked around him, he didnt take the neccessary time to recover after he injured his leg in the motorcycle accident and basically came to wwe and made some quick money.

but ye he could have been awesome, especially for kids, he looked the roll of a good character guy, too bad. i always wanted him and warrior to team up back in the day, i think the closest that came to happening was at survivor series, warrior,tornado and LOD i believe.
His first choice was Kerry Von Erich. So, when he couldn't get him, he went to Hulk Hogan. It's not hard to figure what he could've been. Look at Hulk Hogan and you've found your answer. There's no absolute way of finding out what he would've been, but looking at Hulk Hogan can give you the best answer to that question.

isn't it amazing to know about other people getting gimmicks intended for someone else?

The Ultimate Warrior said in a shoot interview that he was supposed to do the Vader gimmick but went to WWE instead.

Terry Taylor was supposed to be Mr. Perect

and Owen Hart was suppose to be "The Game"
Kerry Von Erich, outside of Sting, was my favorite wrestler when I was a kid. The guy was awesome. I remember my mom being absolutely in love with him, like pretty much any woman who saw him at the time. I think her being literally the only wrestler she gave a damn about played a small part in me liking him so much, but to this day when I watch Kerry, I get this great nostalgic feeling. He meant the World to me when I was young and I was devastated when he passed away.

I got to see him wrestle at a WWF house show, and outside of Hogan vs. Earthquake, he's the one thing I honestly remember about the show. He wrestled Dino Bravo and he was the only guy I truly marked out for. For most of the show, I was miserable because everything was so damn loud and this wasn't long after me having ear surgery, so of course I had sensitive ears as it was. But I remember the Texas Tornado being the one guy that made me forget about it all and just enjoy his presence.

Anyway, to answer the question, what could he have been? I would like to think he could've been a WWF World Champion and a huge draw for the company. A part of me actually believes that that would've be a possibility, but looking at it now and realistically, overall, I think he would've had a run similar to someone like Jake Roberts had in the late eighties. You know, a hugely over mid-card babyface who was fed to new heels to see if the heel had any potential to draw with Hogan or another World Champion. While Kerry was a tremendous athlete, had an unbelievable look, and was charismatic as hell, he wasn't a great promo cutter and at the time Kerry was around I think Vince wouldn't have put his company in the hands of someone who couldn't talk well on the mic.
Too bad Fritz didn't force Kerry to go to rehab, however many times it took, to get him off the drugs. He seems like the only one Kerry would have listened to about this, but Fritz was too interested in making money off him. I definitely blame Fritz for all the deaths; he should have done something.
what can a person do to stop someone who doesnt want to stop? see, that's the question that lays with a bunch of wrestlers who have already died. andrew martin died of an oxycodone overdose..accidental..whatever, he had gone to rehab for it twice! you cant help someone who doesnt want to be helped. plain and simple. when a kid has an overdose, do you blame the parents? the schools? no you blame the kid himself.

as for kerry, he had the look and the charisma that drove the fans crazy. i dont think he could have pulled off what hogan did. he would have been a star, but not as huge as hogan unfortunately.
Its very simple look at the decent matches he had with one foot in the WWF. Now look at the work he did in World Class. This guy did not win the NWA title for nothing. yes his brothers death influenced it but he could have been and should have been huge. His brothers were better in the ring and as I understand it David was being groomed for a major angle with Flair. This family hands down has the saddest most tragic legacy of any wrestling family.
It is very sad that the Von Erics were talented yet it wasn't enough to stop all the tragedies and suicides.It was shocking to me back in the day.i feel bad for the generations left behind.
Its very simple look at the decent matches he had with one foot in the WWF. Now look at the work he did in World Class. This guy did not win the NWA title for nothing. yes his brothers death influenced it but he could have been and should have been huge. His brothers were better in the ring and as I understand it David was being groomed for a major angle with Flair. This family hands down has the saddest most tragic legacy of any wrestling family.

Kerry won the NWA title because they had a tribute show for David in Texas just after his death. He dropped the belt 21 days later. He won to please the crowd, to inject a little happiness in a tragic situation. The same reason Mysterio won the WHC after Eddie's death.

Kerry was talented, but David was the crown jewel of the Von Erich family.
Kerry was always a 2nd choice... He subbed for David's twice... Davey Boy Smith was originally slated for the Summerslam 1990 match as Brutus's "replacement", but the car crash involving Jason, Benoit and Sid was the factor that led to Kerry winning the gold...

What could have been? From what I see, not much... and with his foot injury, even less..

Controversially, I believe Kerry is nowhere near a HOF candiadate, much less a member... he was an also ran who ran a bit further than some of the others... To his credit he took on the family mantle and did his best to live up to it... but ultimately he had the gifts, but not the tools, as did the other Von Erichs... The name itself wasn't enough... and ultimately he, more than the other brothers proved it with his death...If he was up to it, it wouldn't have needed his brother's death to get him a World Title or to hide his damaged foot, or to take the drugs that led to the prison term he was facing and most likely his death... If Kerry was "destined for greatness" it would have happened regardless...

Sadly, all Kerry Von Erich's tale proves is there is no such thing as destiny in wrestling.... ANYONE can fail... Reid Flair...History Repeating?

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