KENTA's backstage politics/approach


Getting Noticed By Management
It is being reported that ever since KENTA signed with the WWE, he is "playing the game". We don't know what exactly this might mean, but if I had to take a guess, he is probably the humble guy, who deep inside knows he is a big star, but doesn't wanna take the Sin Cara road who thought of himself and the biggest thing ever and tried to push his weight around.

KENTA, I'm guessing, is taking the YES man approach. It may sound bad. It isn't. And I'm not calling him that for any demeaning reason. It is smart. He plays the good guy, the guy that will try to make a good impression. He obviously knows how people's careers turn out if they try to take a stand (Ziggler, Riley). He is playing the game at the moment, because he wants to have his rear end covered. He knows that whatever program is put in front of him, he will make it fun and entertaining.

Now, a lot of people will say that "oh god, he is sucking up", "he started kissing ass before even having his first match" and so on. As I stated above, to what extent the "playing the game" might be going at is unknown, but I wouldn't go that far. Even so, it isn't a bad tactic. Look at where Cena is. KENTA wants to be successful and if he can back it up in the ring, he (and we) shouldn't care what he did backstage.

It is a smart approach for me at least. "You either die a hero, or you live long enough to become a villain" was once said... Smart words. You would rather be alive than dead. You would rather have a good career even if you take a shortcut, then standing up against the ass kissing and going nowhere with your life. Punk might have something to say about that, but KENTA isn't in Punk's place. Punk was taking shit and walked out as the last option. KENTA shouldn't take any stands. He is smart. He does the smart thing.
From what I understand KENTA IS SUPPOSE TO BE THE BEST INTERNATIONAL WRESTLER OUT RIGHT NOW that's why the WWE signed the way they did. They flew Hulk Hogan out to Japan and the whole nine. KENTA sure has alot to live up to hailing from Japan with their wrestling curcuit. But alot of over hyped guys that came out of Japan to the WWE didn't go the way that things were suppose to. Remember Ultimo Dragon? They were dubbing him as "Rey Mysterio 2.0" after the E signed him, but after Wrestlemania 20 you never saw Ultimo in the WWE ever again.

I know that Triple H is on a mission to redeam himself after the failed project that was Sin Cara. But hopefully Triple H has learned from his past dealing with international talent. KENTA seems like a winner! A real homerun hit. So for what it's worth. Triple H and the WWE better not screw this up (again)!
I very much doubt it's KENTA "playing the game" over him simply respecting the business and being his true self.

He may have been a "big star" in Japan (which he really wasn't compared to the real big pro wrestling stars that country has produced), but that doesn't automatically mean he comes with some sort of inflated ego. There were never any kind of rumblings in Japan about his attitude, so why would that change now?

Also, most Japanese people are naturally humble and polite. It's a shame you can't be that way in America without being judged as a "kiss ass" or someone trying to climb some kind of corporate latter.
What did Riley and Ziggler do? I think I missed this one

Alex Riley (if I remember correctly) disclosed an altercation that took place between him and John Cena, where the latter shoved him and told him that if he does a particular move again, he'll be fired. Another (or the same one?) incident saw Cena ribbing him infront of his friends, and when he shot back angrily, he was seen as breaking the locker room code.
Dolph Ziggler has been vocal about a number of issues in the past, mainly his lack of push. He is also accused of trying to get over on his own accord ala Zack Ryder. A couple of months ago, he commented about John Cena doing the same stuff for the last nine years and expressed his dislike towards it.

As for Kenta, I think he is simply being humble in this new environment and making friends, rather than acting like cock and thinking he won't need anyone's help. Nothing wrong with that, and it certainly doesn't equate with asskissing. Also, I don't think he is pretending to be nice just to climb up the ladder faster; he could genuinely be a good guy. Also, the fact that his kicks are really hard (as narrated by Daniel Bryan), along with good grace from Triple-H, should keep locker room bullies like J.B.L. and Sheamus at bay too :D
It is being reported that ever since KENTA signed with the WWE, he is "playing the game". We don't know what exactly this might mean, but if I had to take a guess, he is probably the humble guy, who deep inside knows he is a big star, but doesn't wanna take the Sin Cara road who thought of himself and the biggest thing ever and tried to push his weight around.

KENTA, I'm guessing, is taking the YES man approach. It may sound bad. It isn't. And I'm not calling him that for any demeaning reason. It is smart. He plays the good guy, the guy that will try to make a good impression. He obviously knows how people's careers turn out if they try to take a stand (Ziggler, Riley). He is playing the game at the moment, because he wants to have his rear end covered. He knows that whatever program is put in front of him, he will make it fun and entertaining.

Now, a lot of people will say that "oh god, he is sucking up", "he started kissing ass before even having his first match" and so on. As I stated above, to what extent the "playing the game" might be going at is unknown, but I wouldn't go that far. Even so, it isn't a bad tactic. Look at where Cena is. KENTA wants to be successful and if he can back it up in the ring, he (and we) shouldn't care what he did backstage.

It is a smart approach for me at least. "You either die a hero, or you live long enough to become a villain" was once said... Smart words. You would rather be alive than dead. You would rather have a good career even if you take a shortcut, then standing up against the ass kissing and going nowhere with your life. Punk might have something to say about that, but KENTA isn't in Punk's place. Punk was taking shit and walked out as the last option. KENTA shouldn't take any stands. He is smart. He does the smart thing.

Sorry but where are you getting this information from, and at most it's speculation at best.

I haven't seen anything that has said he came in and intended to cause waves, and what you are suggesting is that most wrestlers automatically do that, and he is the exception to the rule.

Most probably walk through the door and act properly, CM Punk and others being the exceptions, and there has been nothing to suggest that Kenta is any different from the rest.

This is how rumour's start, as some who will read your post might assume that he was difficult to work with and has now changed his ways. There is nothing to suggest that in his past that I've seen.
Sorry but where are you getting this information from, and at most it's speculation at best.

I haven't seen anything that has said he came in and intended to cause waves, and what you are suggesting is that most wrestlers automatically do that, and he is the exception to the rule.

Most probably walk through the door and act properly, CM Punk and others being the exceptions, and there has been nothing to suggest that Kenta is any different from the rest.

This is how rumour's start, as some who will read your post might assume that he was difficult to work with and has now changed his ways. There is nothing to suggest that in his past that I've seen.

It was reported here on WZ that he is "playing the game" and as I stated, I don't know exactly what this means. I never accused him of having a bad attitude in Japan, I just compared what he COULD do compared to what he DOES. Sin Cara came in and thought he was the greatest thing ever and always thought he was above the WWE. He didn't learn english and didn't learn the WWE wrestling style.

After all, the point of my thread was mostly comparing the "walk in and act properly" vs "kiss ass" vs "cause waves because you are that damn good" and what KENTA should do. History has proven that people with all 3 behaviors have made it to the top. Undertaker is the first guy, Cena is the second, Punk is the third. It is just that at today's WWE, if you talk too much, you ain't gonna have a bright future.
Well since he clearly is learning english and such and already doing a bit of interviews I would say the dude is trying his best.

Now, how is that him playing the game and being the YES man. How do you know that he is a disrespectful dude deep down inside who thinks the world of himself and views everyone as inferior? Is it that strange for someone to be respectful and know his limits? I just dont get it how acting proper = kissing ass.

If someone kisses ass, he gets bashed. If he doesn't kiss ass, he gets bashed for being too cocky. You can never win.

Just cause WZ says "playing the game" doesn't mean he is playing shit. He's just being a human being with a brain instead of being like Sin Cara.
"It is being reported that ever since KENTA signed with the WWE, he is "playing the game". We don't know what exactly this might mean,"

hahaha OK! So we don't know who reported it, of what it means, but we should talk about it... SO lame.
Jesus suffering f***... let the guy debut before you start making him out to be a game player.

Bottom line is he is a newcomer to America, the WWE and their ways, English as a language... what some may call "playing the game" is likely nothing more than taking people up on their offers to "show him around/the ropes" and help him acclimatise.

It's not sucking up if he spends time with Triple H for example, this is the guy who pushed to get him and has built the biggest rapport with him AND is the guy who is best placed to teach him. If he hangs around someone like Regal it's not going to be cos he wants to point score, it's gonna be because the guy is a mine of information and experience and the "go to guy" about being "different" to your peers AND he worked with Tajiri for a real long time, so he likely knows a little Japanese or how to get his points across.

If he's hanging with someone like Neville, it might be more to do with the fact they likely wrestled on the same show before somewhere, or likewise with Devitt...

Flip it around... if you are Trips and have this interest in him you're gonna want to do EVERYTHING you can to make him comfortable and help succeed, you might ask guys to mentor him or "take him under their wing" a bit...they clearly used Funaki to do this in the first few days, until he could perhaps meet his own "friends" who could help translating etc.

If you're in NXT it is perhaps more likely you would try to take advantage of the guy than him play on his status/language barrier to manipulate.. ribs etc won't necessarily translate and it'd be very easy for guys to cause KENTA a lot of problems if he doesn't quite get a custom or the language of a situation... you protect your investment, so if anything everyone will be on their best behaviour and instructed to help him succeed, even at their own cost... of course the irony is by doing that THEY are playing the game...
You know there are "professionals" in professional wrestling. Even if HHH wasn't there and KENTA could speak fluid English, he would still act the way he does now because he's professional and knows that being in the WWE takes a different type of mentality.

Sin Cara didn't know this because he thought he could waltz in, act like a luchador, and become famous again like he was in Mexico.

I read a report that Daniel Bryan could have went right to the main roster, but wanted to retrain himself so he could wrestle the way the WWE wanted him to.
I think he's begin smart and knowing that even though he did very well in Japan, most US fans don't know him, and he needs to rebuild himself for the WWE audience.

That's incredibly smart, and something other international stars (ie. Mistico) could have learned from.
I'm pretty sure in this scenario "playing the game" would mean he's being respectful and he's doing his best to do what is asked of him.

I don't know what his English was like before but if you watched him on NXT last night you could see that he was doing his best to connect with the crowd through whatever English he may know right now.

Playing the game is a shitty phrase because it has a negative connotation to it.

Give the dude some time to learn and adapt before we judge him.

If he came in and had a piss poor attitude and expected to be treated like a huge star then yeah I could see people saying negative stuff. From what any of us actually know though that doesn't seem to be the case.
He is going to be pushed very strong. WWE has done right by so many talents they have signed recently. Neville and Zayn are perfect examples. Hideo Itami should be no different. He single handedly took out WWE's future tag champs in his debut. Will he ever be WWE Champion? Probably not. Is that bad? No it isn't.

Zayn, Neville, and Itami are going to be guys who will solidify the midcard for years to come. Itami brings a different style from Japan, which he will adapt and mix with American style. Just needs to keep his nose clean and he will be fine. He has been around the block enough to know that he can make a lot of money in WWE so he won't be such a mark like Sin Cara was.

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