Kenny Doene In Court


Pre-Show Stalwart
Been Rumoured When A Fan Asked Kenny Doene ( Kenny From Spirite Squad) And Mickie James For A Autograph Kenny Refused And Damaged The Fans Shoulder. For The Incedent Kenny Will Be In Court On Augest 31st.

So I Dont Have To Open A New Thread Do Any1 No The New Russan Guy That Sighned With Raw He Was At The Live Show In Jacktown And Demolished Eugene In 30 Secons Flat. He Is Said To Be Muscelly And A Better Phisiqe Than Bobby Any1 No Who He Is?
My first post and my opinion on this situation is, Kenny deserves to get suspended or even fired over something like this. Who the hell does this guy think he is? He's only won the tag team gold, and has only been in the spotlight for a few months and already has a big head thinking he is a "Big Star". I say they just need to get rid of him.. He's does'nt deserve to be on my TV...
I agree!! Now i believe in Superstars privacy outside of wrestling events but for fucks sake mate did you really need to do that to the poor guy, All you had to do was keep your window wound up and not say anything and wait for the light to go green, Better yet sign the autograph he is A FAN OF YOURS ********, Not only have you made your company look bad you have also made youself look like a complete and utter ********, You deserve what you get you arrogant little fuckstain
WWE sends wrestlers to OVW, but they probably need to also have classes in dealing with the public and sensitivity training. I don't know if the wrestlers are independent agents or not, but they reflect on the company. I know people can be stupid and insensitive and wrestlers are celebrities. I know that some of the guys and women are true asses to the fans. But they leave the company libel when the do immature and stupid things. They give the stock holders and Vince a black eye. That is why all the hazing backstage of new talent is not acceptable anymore or the shabby treatment of fans cannot be tolerated. It is the fans who's money keeps them in business and gives wrestler their adrenaline rush.
He is a Male Cheerlader fod god sake! And he thinks he's all that. He's got problems if he thinks he's the best 'cause he's a MALE Cheeleader... What is the world coming to!
this reminds me of a story i read about the heart throbs (remember them) they wanted extra money for a show coach nd i think jerry lawler were doing because they were "big stars" now and we all know what happend to them they ended up getting fired
i find that hard to beleive that he would do such a thing. i mean beat a guy for asking an autagraph. wow. but i guess he did. lol. wat an idiot. now hes gone for sure
Kenny didn't beat a guy, he held onto the guy's sign and drove away. The guy just fell down I guess, hurting his shoulder
There is nothing wrong with asking for an autograph if i car is stopped at the lights, Musta been a real big fan, Ken Doane is a ******** and should be very heavily reprimanded for what he did, He is an inferior class of human for thinking he is the shit
yo... nevermind... i dont wanna get banned.... all you that say he should get fired.... your morons... i dont like the guy but he doesnt deserve to get fired or suspened or anything... the guy might of just bull shitted saying kenny hurt his shoulder just to get money... did you ever think of that?
Yes i did think of that but what if the story is true and the arrogant little fucker did drive off, He thinks way to much of himself because i personally hate him, He doesnt have that much talent all i ever seem him do is some sht ass leg drop im not impressed by him and never will be now, WOW your a wrestler and going out with mickie james get off your fucking high horses kid cause you really are shit
grungy72 said:
Yes i did think of that but what if the story is true and the arrogant little fucker did drive off, He thinks way to much of himself because i personally hate him, He doesnt have that much talent all i ever seem him do is some sht ass leg drop im not impressed by him and never will be now, WOW your a wrestler and going out with mickie james get off your fucking high horses kid cause you really are shit

What actually happened was that him and Mickie James were at a stoplight and someone asked for Mickie James autograph, and she agreed but, Kenny started to drive the car when the light turned green, while the sign was still in the car, causing the guy to fall and strain his shoulder.

It sounds like a big accident to me, besides if you're at a stoplight once the light turns green you have to move the car or else you'll hold up traffic. Or Kenny could have thought that the guy's sign was already out of the car.

Flames Out
Yes, I did not read that much into it, But i maintain to say if HE did drive off knowing that the guy was still reaching inside the car he should be Reprimanded
If Kenny knew that the guy's sign was still in the car than he shouldn't have hit the gas. It's funny when you really picture it in your head, though.

Flames Out
The fan shouldn't have been so stupid as to ask for a autograph at a red light. My sympthy with the wrestlers for having their private time invaded by someone who probably booed them earlier in the night.
Been Rumoured When A Fan Asked Kenny Doene ( Kenny From Spirite Squad) And Mickie James For A Autograph Kenny Refused And Damaged The Fans Shoulder. For The Incedent Kenny Will Be In Court On Augest 31st.

thats just stupid.the wrestlers aren't supposed to hurt the fans.he's only been in wwe for 8 months and already he thinks he's a huge superstar and he can do whatever he wants.:wwf:

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