Kendrick & London - Taking the Rockers Route?


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So on this week's Raw show, London and Kendrick got squashed by Umaga. However, Kendrick, who has been used quite a lot recently in singles competition due to London's injury, simply walked away from the match, leaving London to get an elevated Samoan Spike.

Since...for some reason...the WWE seems really dead-set on destroying the tag team divisions, and Kendrick's actions seem quite heel-esque, do you guys think this is the start of a breakup between the two? Is Kendrick getting the Shawn Michaels treatment, albeit not even 1/100th as much of an impact as a superkick + thrown through the glass?

If so, what do you guys think? Do you like that Kendrick will be getting the focal point, or are you a London fan more so? Personally, I like Kendrick better, and I was hoping that he'd go further than just staying in the same comfortable spot, but we'll see what happens.
I don't get why the WWE doesn't want to build up the tag team division.

Kendrick walking of is almost a sure sign of a split and eventual feud between him and London. But with the retirement of the Cruiserweight, how far will they go?

That said, perhaps it's time they go solo.

I think it's exciting.
I'm not so sure if this is the end of Paul London and Brian Kendrick. I mean granted it looks pretty dark considering Kendrick just up and left London to get "killed" by Umaga, but in the thick of things, can you honestly blame him?

Umaga was a beast. He was bound to destroy both guys, and only pin one to get the victory. This is me playing the cocky heel of the team.. because lets be honest here. "I" wouldn't need to get my ass handed to me, if "I" knew we were already going to lose. And "I'M" not going to rush back into a losing battle, just to "die."

Life to fight another day. Remember those words. Kendrick and London, if they do split because of this.. Kendrick has the upper hand already. London's likely eating through a straw after that thumb to the throat. :lmao:

Okay, in all honesty though, this storyline is stupid. Because one will get a push (London?) and one will deminish. (Kendrick?) The only thing is, neither of them deserve a single's push on Raw. If anything, this is the end of both guys in the company, if they split up.
I've said it again and again and I'm going to say it now... London and Kendrick are probably the most talented tag team that the WWE has right now. There is no point to separating them. Neither of them strike me as good singles competadors, but as a team they are incredible. Honestly I don't think the Kendrick's actions will lead to a break up in the team. I mean if you were in a two on one with Umaga, and you know you stood no chance in Hell of beating him would you stick around? If I saw my parter about to get spiked, well at that point there is no point in sticking around to get one myself...

If they go solo... I think on Raw it would be a disaster. Both of them would most likely become jobbers (more so than they are now even) and really do nothing in the company until they're fired or quit. The only way I see these two suceeding without the Cruiserweight title being used is as a team.
I think the WWE just need to end tag team wrestling on Raw. I mean the Smackdown/ECWwe Tag Team Champions are great and the Smackdown and ECW at least showcase them on TV everyweek. While on Raw we got Sparkplugg Holly and the American Semen Cody Rhodes wit the belt in no angle what so ever.

Now they are going to break up London and Kendrick, didn't they do this already with London and Kidman who made a great team. Plus the Rocker's break up won't work here as the WWE haven't invested time in this for people to care if they break up. They have been trying to break this team up since their days on Smackdown when they were looking to use Ashley as the reason for the break up. All that is going to happen is that both men will end up in TNA as with no Cruiserweight Championship, what is there for them to do as the too don't have the mic skills to get over and they have really gotten over on in ring talent. Just keep them together and give them a manager who can speak. Hell Val Venis isn't doing much, put himin a suit and send him with the two.

The WWE breaks up Tag Teams now for no reason when the Tag Team division needs stablity instead of bringing in new teams to win the belts in their first match. some of the great teams broken uptoo soon since the downfall of WWE tag team wrestling:

La Resistance:Conway, Greiner & Dupree

The UnAmericans:Storm, Christain, Regal & Test

MN'M:Mercury, Nirto & Melina

World's Greatest Tag Team:Benjamin & Hass

Basham Brothers:Doug and Danny


Rated-RKO:Orton & Edge

And Firing Cryme Tyme: Shad & JTG!

Just stop breaking up teams and showcase the talent. Another thing would be for tag teams to fight each in storylines. Put some sub storylines in the mix like in the old days, liek have London/Kendrick feud with Cade & Mudoch while Holly & Rhodes feud with Carlito & Santino. I mean is it hard to put one tag team match on Raw each week?
It does look like London and Kendrick are being seperated and I think it is a horrible move by WWE, almost as bad as moving them to Raw in the first place. Neither of these guys are really going to be able to do anything in the singles ranks, they are too small, and they do make a great tag team. Instead of seperating them, I say move them back to Smackdown/ECW were they originally shined and were the tag team division actually matters.

I dont hate the idea of having the tag titles only on Smackdown!/ECW, because that is were most of the good tag teams are. Now I dont think this will ever happen because even though the tag titles are not featured on raw that often, they can still be used to put titles on younger guys like Cody Rhodes. The best idea I think would be to have the tag titles one unified title and defended on every show, but also that is highly unlikely.

All in all, dont seperate London and Kendrick, just move them back to were they shined.
First of all, both London and Kendrick are fantastic talents and have had put on tremendous singles matches before working for the WWE. Both men were top singles talent in ROH previously so both are more than capable of standing alone.

Unfortunately, it's rare in McMahonland to see smaller guys receive big pushes. To make matters worse, there is no cruiserwieght division to speak of (which is where both London and Kendrick would shine) so there's not really a place for them to be successful in the current shape of the WWE, especially not on RAW. On the other hand, they have been criminally misused as a tag team over the past 9 months, so it look as though Kendrick is in a no win situation.
Are they going the Rockers Route?? no. Why? because neither will escalate to the level Shawn Michaels has achieved. They will both be the "Marty Jennety's" of the break-up. London will end up in ECW and feud with Chavo for the cruiserweight mean...ECW world title. They will probably give him the ECW title, but that title is worthless now since they combined ECW & Smackdown. Kendrick will continue on his path of being fed to main event talent.
I was pretty shocked when I saw that, the crowd was actually booing at Kendrick(I think, I always forget which one is which :lmao: ) These 2 were amongst my favourite tag team and part of the reason the tag teams were fantastically decent. Honestly this will not work out for them well if this was a heel turn, I don't know why the WWE wants so badly to destroy the tag team divisions. I think that they are getting the rockers treatment(in a massively smaller scale that noone gives too much about , but never the less). This is deffinatley the wrong this for the WWE to do to them. They really should be in the tag title competition, or at least, if they hadn't removed it the cruiserweight division.
Smackdown/ECW tag teams work better because Michael Hayes who was a teag team great himself with the freebirds maybe tries to bring tag team wrestling up, but I think people like Steph don't see the potenial in tag teams being a big draw anymore. I mean the past tag teams were as big or bigger than most singles wrestlers. Like the days of Demoliton, Road Warriors,Freebirds,Hart Foundation, British Bulldoggs, Rock n Roll Express, Midnight Express, Outsiders, NOA, E&C, Dudley Boyz.

I think the WWE really needs to just give a tag team the mic and see what happens. We could either get the same crap we are getting now only they are at least talking or we get a return of great promos like the ones of the NOA, or the best with Edge & Christain. Either that or give up tag team wrestling. Plus I only truly think London/Kendrick held the belts for so long because the WWE forgot about.
Plus I only truly think London/Kendrick held the belts for so long because the WWE forgot about.

I feel the same way, especially because, well, look at who won it from them...Deuce & Domino...who in my opinion are only good as jobbers.

We have the potential to have a great tag team division, but for some reason, they don't want to do it. Jesse & Festus (albeit I think Festus would be better as a singles competitor with a manager), Jimmy Wang Yang & Shannon Moore, Mark Henry & Big Daddy V (to an extent), London & Kendrick, we could always team up the people that don't have anything better to, for instance, I think Morrison should move up to the main event, so that leaves Miz without a partner, but what is Kenny Dykstra doing these days? Nothing. Miz/Dykstra could be a solid tag team on one of the brands. Ron Killings is coming him up with Elijah Burke? You can keep these guys competing for midcard gold as well as the tag team titles - Owen Hart and Davey Boy Smith did it for years, New Age Outlaws did it, etc etc etc. Chris Harris is him up with Chuck Palumbo, who is boring as a singles competitor but is still good enough to warrant a position above jobber. So I don't know why they would want to break up London & Kendrick when they should be breaking up other teams instead, like getting Cade in the midcard scene without being held back by Murdoch.
this is gay so pointless kendrick sucks so does london they wont make it big at all put them on ecw and be jobbers there mayb they can win on ecw personally idc there push is done ever since they lost those damn titles on smackdown o well this thing about kendrick will prolly be forgotten on account that raw dosent care about those two personally who does care? they will never ever EVVVVVVVVVVVVVERRR get a push none they wont go anywhere dont even say this is like the rockers when shawn superkicked marty jannerty they will never be close to the rockers and even if they go there seperate ways they will suck too bad so sad mayb tna wants these guys
The difference between this and The Rockers is that people cared then. For one they won't be able to top the split of The Rockers. That was one of the best ever, and pretty extreme at the time.

But L & K being seperated will be met with total indifference. I like them, but I'm well aware that the majority don't. And for good reason. On Smackdown they were given 15 minutes weekly. On Raw they're given 90 seconds, and they lose.

It's not a loss for the division, because there is no division. The mid card doesn't gain anything because they won't get pushed.
The tag division is horrible. They have so many tag teams but they're not letting them perform to ther fullest and they're giving guys like cody rhodes and hardcore holly the belts. They're not even a real tag team but instead they ignore great tagteams like londrick, hardyz, edgeheads, shannon and jimmy wang yang. I mean kenny is rarely on smackdown so team him up with someone. breaking up london and kendrick isn't right but i suppose it could be a good fued if done right.
If Kendrick walking out on London was meant to signal their break-up, it was poorly done with no build-up. Since London’s return from injury, they have had like what one actual tag team match. Kendrick and London are an exciting team but certainly not anywhere near as recognizable or over with fans as The Rockers were when they split. The Rockers break-up was alluded to prior to the famous Barber Shop incident; they lost matches in the preceding weeks where Michaels was shown to be increasingly frustrated with Jannetty. Moreover if this is meant to be the beginning of a heel turn for Kendrick, it was pretty lackluster, certainly not anywhere near the level of Michaels superkicking and throwing Jannetty through a glass window.

Even if Kendrick saw no reason to stick around and both of them get destroyed (as others have suggested), it’s certainly not a face move either. We all know the WWE doesn’t care about the tag division these days, however I’m going to give the WWE the benefit of the doubt that this was not their defining break-up moment. Instead I think this was the first of a couple more moments to come because if they just throws these two into a random feud tomorrow night without any further build-up then nobody is going to care whatsoever. Another legit tag team will have been broken up for no reason. It’s not like they are going to push Kendrick as the next HBK or anything. As a singles heel competitor on RAW, he would have no credibility since he’s been jobbed out left and right the last few months. Maybe when he’s done with London, he could move to ECW and feud with the likes of Colin Delaney. That’s about the only person I see him matching up with.
By "taking the Rockers route", I didn't want to necessarily say they're going to be as big as the Rockers...I mean, c'mon, you can't compare HBK to any of the 3 others, he's leagues and leagues ahead of them lol. I just meant that they're an exciting tag team of two high-flyers that are breaking up.

But as far as how they'll go if they'll break up, I think this was too early. They should've developed mic skills before doing it. Without mic skills, neither will be able to go far. They're talented, but not "blow your mind fantastic" enough to make it to the top purely on athleticism. Look at how much Benjamin has struggled and he's more well-rounded than London and Kendrick. I wouldn't mind seeing a short feud and then a reconciliation between the two, maybe with a new attitude.
On this week's ECW, during the 12vs12 match, Kendrick was on the heel side. I guess that means that he's officially turned heel. A shame, too, because I was hoping that if they were gonna break the duo up, they'd build to it...not just make it that quick "eh, screw it, now I'm heel" kind of thing. Real cheap writing.
I don't like the way this is going really, because Londrick are really the focal point of WWE''s tag team division and have been one of the most exciting tag teams in the last couple of years. Maybe if WWE creative payed them a little more attention in there tag title run, both of them would be alot bigger stars now. Because the casual fan really doesn't care for either of them.

I don't like the idea of them breaking up at all, I think that is the worst thing that could happen. But there is a plus side the matches for Paul London vs Brian Kendrick would be absolutely amazing. If they could get half the mathches quality that they have in previous encounters in ROH then it would make for some interesting TV.

But a major flaw is if these 2 do feud is the promos both men are not good on the stick. I don't think I have ever heard Kendrick speak and I haven't heard much of London and there is probably good reasoning for it. The crowd reaction would be a let down as well because most people really will not care in the slightest. So I think creative need to give the fans a reason to care.
I think with the draft lottery coming back, I think the WWE will used that as a way to break the team up, but like people have said before, who cares. Tag Teams in the WWE don't matter, they are only used not to job in handicap matches or become the world champion army men. Until the WWE creative team write storylines for tag teams or give a team a microphone then the divison will die. Hell I still think the dumbest move ever was firing Cryme Tyme as I was for sure those two would bring the tag team division back to life.

London & Kendrick breaking up will never be in the same line as Rockers Break-Up, as that was something that stands alone like Hogan's Heel turn, Y2J debut, or Black Monday. They will break up and what feud on's HEAT! Great move WWE, way to pull a TNA!
No. I think it just makes a complete joke of the tag division.You obviously know the WWE has pretty much slapped the tag teams in the face. It's not very logical to split one of the best teams when the division is in turmoil. Both guys are equal in the ring. I really get annoyed when people try to say Marty lacked talent. It couldn't be further from the truth. He actually taught Shawn alot about tag team wrestling. L & K need to continue as a team. I'd much rather see them in an exciting tag division than a pointless singles feud nobody will care about. Period.
Well after tonights Raw, this discussion is basically over, because it took them two weeks to end this idea, and have London and Kendrick beat the Tag Champions. Taking the Rocker rout, by the looks of it they will be getting a title shot soon, so it looks like London/Kendrick are here to stay as a tag team, and I for one am glad.
Yeah tonight's Raw made no real reference towards continuing a break-up between the two, and thankfully so. Later on down the line, I'd like to see them become singles stars, but not until they've developed mic skills and personalities. Maybe the WWE is going to move Rhodes and Holly onto some actual program (as opposed to just holding the belts and not defending them) and give the titles to Londrick.
Yeah tonight's Raw made no real reference towards continuing a break-up between the two, and thankfully so. Later on down the line, I'd like to see them become singles stars, but not until they've developed mic skills and personalities. Maybe the WWE is going to move Rhodes and Holly onto some actual program (as opposed to just holding the belts and not defending them) and give the titles to Londrick.

You have to read between the lines. They're playing this almost on the same page as the Rocker's break-up.

Kendrick tore up the match and "single-handedly" won it for his team. He was on fire and electric, while London was barely helpful. In the end, London looked beaten and worn down, but Kendrick was hyped more than anything, as if he just won a major World Championship.

I think they'll get a Tag Team Championship match, in which London will lose it for them and Kendrick will at that point turn on him, believing he'll be better off alone.

Tonight's Raw didn't show any "on surface" reaction to their break-up, but I'm definately sure its there still. You just have to know what to look for. Kendrick's hyper action in doing everything, and the ways he looked at London were what I seen that proves to me it'll happen in time.

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