Ken Doane thread

Radical Canadian Goose

Getting Noticed By Management
I don't know if this has been done, if it has sorry moderators. Lately Doane "AKA Kenny Dykstra, Kenny form the spirit squad" has been ranting online about Cena ruining his relationship with Mickie. He even claimed that Victoria/Tara was involved in an affair with John. Why is he just speaking up now? He sounds a little bitter to me, to come out with this several years after the fact and while Cena is in the midst of a divorce with his exwife.

Also, in the Spirit Squad days, Kenny was the leader of this group and highly looked at as a future maineventer within WWE. After the split of the squad he defeated Ric Flair a couple of times (I believe) and looked to be on the verge of something big. Why did he get released?

All of a sudden the SS is remembered purely for Dolph Ziggler (I can't even remember which member he was (Nicky maybe?)). Do you think Kenny is bitter with Dolph over this? And does Dolph owe his career to Kenny being released?
We've seen his act before. It's just like the fat chick who couldn't get a date for the prom so she gets on facebook and tears her friends a new one. He hopes his attention ****ing "woe is me" sobstoris will get some internet buzz goin' so he can parlay all this newfound attention into a big money WWE deal.

The problem is this act only plays in one setting, The internet. The only people it attracts are dirtsheet writers and smarks coming to either laugh at how pathetic he is or laugh because he's taking punkshots at Cena.
The timing of Doane's rants is extremely suspect. The fact that he waited until now that Cena is going through a divorce will automatically lead to questions of legitimacy concerning these allegations. Doane has suggested that Cena cheated with Mickie James, other Divas including Tara and various groupies throughout the time he was in WWE.

For all I know, Doane may be telling the truth but you can't help but be very suspicious. In one of Doane's messages, he says that he has nothing to gain by this and that he's just telling the truth. I don't buy into that personally because he does have something to gain from this: hurting John Cena's reputation, helping his wife possibly take him to the cleaners in court and revenge on someone that he blames for sabotaging his career. The idea of Doane just being a good sammariton out to shine the light on the truth is completely unbelievable. Because of the internet, tons of wrestlers who are bitter over not being where they thought they should've been in their careers have taken to blogs, Twitter, Facebook and anything else to voice their displeasure.

As far as I know, Cena hasn't responded to any of these posts from Doane and that's really the smartest way to go about it. Let's say that everything Doane is saying is true and Cena responds online or during interviews that everything Doane says is completely false. Later on down the line, let's say some sort of evidence surfaces to back up what Doane has said. Such a happening would devestate Cena's case as he'd be on record of denying the claims before being forced to admit to them being true. Being caught in such a lie would pretty much cripple Cena's case.

If Doane's stories aren't true, then all Cena has to do is keep his mouth shut. The internet is filled with people shooting their mouth off on one thing or another without any degree of proof. Without some sort of proof, such as one of Cena's sexual partners coming forward and admitting it or some sort of video or picture evidence, Doane has nothing. He probably couldn't even be called to testify on Cena's wife's behalf. Even if he could, he'd be torn to shreds by Cena's attorneys as all they'd have to do is show that Doane is a bitter former WWE employee that's taking advantage of a situation to cause chaos in the life of someone he personally doesn't like and blames for the downfall of his own career.

Personally, I do think that at least some of what Doane is saying is true. Cena is on the road so much working for WWE and he no doubt has innumerable attractive women practically throwing themselves at him that I don't think he could resist temptation. That's not to say that Cena's just not made of sterner stuff than most men. Maybe he has been completely faithful for all I know. At any rate, unless some sort of clear video or photo evidence surfaces or Mickie James or Tara confirms what Doane is saying, it can all be chalked up to the rantings of a bitter ex WWE employee looking for a little payback.
Wow, JackHammer very well said. I am not trying to speculate on whether or not Cena cheated on his wife, but we kind of have to with Doane's allegations. Also I don't think that I have heard him publicly come forward with these allegations before, if he has I am sorry that I missed that. I do agree that he is just a bitter ex-employee, but, who knows maybe time will tell that he is correct in his allegations
in the Spirit Squad days, Kenny was the leader of this group and highly looked at as a future maineventer within WWE. After the split of the squad he defeated Ric Flair a couple of times (I believe) and looked to be on the verge of something big. Why did he get released?

Who even knows. He posted those rants about how Cena ruined his relationship with Mickie and then ended both of their pushes. Can we really believe any of that though? When it came down to it, he wasn't truly given a chance. The Flair angle wasn't bad and he even had a tag team with Morrison (who was still a heel Nitro) before he got released. I really had hoped to see more of that team, along with a decent push for Dykstra later down the line. He had a golden opportunity when he was trying to join Rated RKO as their underling, but WWE did not give him the chance. Then he ends up jobbing to CHUCK PALUMBO who sucked beyond belief, if you had to constantly lose to someone who sucks then it makes you look like you suck too. Poor Kenny. He deserved better and could easily have gone further in his career had they booked him properly.

All of a sudden the SS is remembered purely for Dolph Ziggler (I can't even remember which member he was (Nicky maybe?)). Do you think Kenny is bitter with Dolph over this? And does Dolph owe his career to Kenny being released?

Ziggler was Nicky. Before that he was Nick Nemeth the golfer who helped Chavo when he was Kerwin White. Ziggler has come a long way from being a golfer and a cheerleader. I can see Kenny being bitter over Dolph having gone on to be the most successful member of their stable when Kenny was the leader and originally meant to have the big push first. Dolph doesn't owe his career to Kenny's release though, they both had the talent (Dolph is better, I have to admit) and the two could have received big pushes simultaneously. Where Kenny would be today is beyond me, but he deserved to stick around longer and be booked better. He had the potential to at the very least hold a midcard title.
Actually Dolph and Kenny are still good friends, which you would know if you read any of the details on these stories since the interview this originated from has significant comments about that. Cena did it, get over it people. I do think Ken still has an issue with him and possiprobably didn't handle the situation as well as he claims but that doesn't mean these things didn't happen. I disagree with jackhammer on the if this wasn't mostly true line of thinking. If it didn't happen, Cena has plenty to gain both for his on screen character and his off screen personal life by saying this guy is just talking out of his ass. I think the Cena apologists are silly here. Ken is bitter? So? Would you be bitter if someone was sleeping with your girlfriend? Seems pretty fair. Now imagine that it is easy to see how this destroyed your career in something you were working hard at. When you get fired they specifically tell you that if you mention any of this they will never consider bringing you back. Then you go to try and get jobs elsewhere and find out they have been telling everyone they got rid of you because of a bad attitude when you have been protecting their golden boy for years. As far as I am concerned Cena is getting his just deserts. Cena clearly had no problem kicking Ken while he was down so if you want to criticize Doane for doing it to Cena then you have to do it to both IMO.
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