Kelly Kelly


Getting Noticed By Management
I'm going to make a guarantee right now that she will be wwe womens champion within the next year. In fact she'll probably be the next diva to pose for playboy and then at wrestlemania 25 she'll either be the defending womens champ or challenging for the title. She's improved a lot since she came in hasn't she? I mean when she had that match with the bigger Beth Phoenix, it looked like she could hang in there with her because of a combination of her improving and Beth making her look good. Kelly is one of the hottest women on the wwe roster and I'm glad to see she's improved in the ring. Discuss.
Kelly is going to be the next for Playboy. I'm not sure if that is confirmed, but I think so. Therefore, she will have a title match at WM against, hopefully, Beth Pheonix.. A match she will hopefully lose. I don't want to see that belt covering up her pretty little waist. She isn't ready for the title yet. Give it two years. Unfortunately, I think Vince will push her through the roof pretty soon.
Sadly given the level of respect WWE has for the women's division, Kelly will probably get the belt soon. I don't see her taking it in a straight win match, but rather a distraction and roll up style which will further cheapen the belt.

Kelly is eye-candy, but she's proven time and again that she is awful in the ring. Before the 'oh but she's getting better' cries what? Since when did getting better mean you merit a title over more talented individuals. I've improved at swimming but I'm still not going to take Olympic gold.

The fact is, scripted as it is, if the girl is awful, it's not realistically feasible that she deserves to take the title over the likes of Mickie James and Beth Phoenix. Yet if she makes it to Playboy, given the history and publicity, she'll at least have a WM shot at something
Kelly Kelly probably pose for playboy and get the customary Women's title shot at WM 25 and I hope she doesn't win it. She may have gotten better but she is nowhere near the likes of Mickie James, Beth Phoenix, Melina or Katie Lea. Those 4 women either have been Women's champion or will become women's champion soon. Unless Kelly Kelly get A LOT better she should never be allowed near the title.
Great. Fucking great. You know, the WWE surprise you and make you think maybe they do care about the womena division, and maybe they are going to invest in some real talent, instead of a pare of boobs. Then what do they do? Make the divas championship. Which I automatically think is a bunch of crap. The division isn't strong enough for 1 championship, never mind 2. And Divas championship? It looks and sounds tacky. Like the only people getting that are the ones who have had the most boob jobs.

Then, what do you get? Kelly Kelly most likely doing playboy, therefore defintely gettign the belt. Seriously, I'll eat my hand if she doesn't get the belt when agreeing to do playboy. Because this is the farce the womens division has turned into. You get a belt if show your flesh. Whoever shows the most, wins. It's awful. This is the one thing I hate about the WWE. I want to see female wrestling, not a pair of boobs slapping another pair of boobs. That's all Kelly Kelly wrestling is. Because she is AWFUL in the ring, as are most divas.
It's funny how talented diva's barely get air time, while Kelly Kelly is getting all this attention, and this push. What has she done to allow her to receive this push? Nothing. Just 'cause she's got T&A. The WWE women's division has become less of a wrestling division, and more of a "the hotter they are, the more successful they are". Now she'll probably get into Playboy, as most of them do, and then receive her title shot at WrestleMania 25. Really. Instead of giving the 'Mania match to talented females it goes to the ones who shows herselves nude.

Kelly Kelly shouldn't be getting this push. But it'll continue. Then she'll become the next Candice. As she'll be "improving". Just 'cause you went from total shit, to still pretty bad doesn't mean you deserve a title shot. Too bad the WWE can't realise that.
Kelly Kelly is most likely then next covergirl for playboy which is why she made the sudden jump for RAW. If it were just to give her a singles push, she would be much better suited on Smackdown competing for the Diva's "championship". I'm sure she'll just get the typical "Playboy Push": a storyline leading to a match at Wrestlemania and then she'll sink back down into her old role, much like Maria, Ashley, and Christie did.

Candice Michelle is the only covergirl that has received a push for the Women's title, and she did improve a lot. The main reason for Candice's push, in my opinion, is because she is the most likely to be the next Trish Stratus. I don't think any other current Diva can match her success outside of the ring.

It's sad that Playboy gets so much publicity in WWE especially since they're trying to target a younger audience. Hopefully Kelly doesn't get a title shot at Wrestlemania as I'd much rather see Beth vs Mickie, Melina, Katie Lea, or even Candice. I liked the way they promoted Candice's playboy. She had a match at Wrestlemania in a Pillow Fight, while the fans were treated Mickie James/Trish Stratus for the women's title. That's the way they SHOULD push playboy covergirls.
Wow, a lot of Kelly hate!!! I'll admit that I was one of those fanatic Kelly haters when she first came to the WWE, but she has gone above and beyond ANY expectations I had for her. I rank her only below women like Melina, Beth, Natalya, and Mickie, and there are reasons for that. One of the things I like most about Kelly is she didn't do what Candice did when she first started wrestling, and that's try to incorporate too many new moves without getting the basics first. She definitely had her mishaps in her beginning matches with Layla, but seeing as Layla at the time was also learning to wrestle, I wasn't expecting gold out of those matches. However, fast forward to Kelly's matches with Victoria and now Beth and you have a someone who's managed to work out the kinks and can shine with experienced workers (much like Trish did with Ivory, Jacqueline, etc). She also manages to get something that very few divas in the WWE get, and that's a reaction and a good one at that. In fact behind Mickie, Kelly is the best diva face at the moment (as much as I do love Melina and Candice they just don’t cut it yet as face divas).

HBK-aholic said:
Then, what do you get? Kelly Kelly most likely doing playboy, therefore defintely gettign the belt. Seriously, I'll eat my hand if she doesn't get the belt when agreeing to do playboy.

Kelly will most likely do Playboy, and if that happens there'll probably be a WM match, but I doubt that she'll get the title. None of the PB matches at WM end with the PB diva winning.

HBK-aholic said:
]Because this is the farce the womens division has turned into. You get a belt if show your flesh. Whoever shows the most, wins. It's awful.

That is such a misconception. Let's run through our Women's Champions in the past couple of years. Mickie, Beth, Candice, Melina, Mickie, Melina, Lita, Trish, Lita, Mickie, and Trish. You say that "you get a belt if you show your flesh," but NONE of these divas got a belt for just posing in Playboy, not even Candice (her PB pictorial was a full year before she got the title). Even Michelle, who I am definitely NOT a fan of, worked for the Diva's Championship for more than three years.

HBK-aholic said:
This is the one thing I hate about the WWE. I want to see female wrestling, not a pair of boobs slapping another pair of boobs. That's all Kelly Kelly wrestling is. Because she is AWFUL in the ring, as are most divas.

That's the one thing I hate about a lot of fans, their one-sided views of the women's division. I hate how people will so quickly put down someone like Kelly Kelly just because of the way she came into the WWE. So what if she didn't spend years in the indys? Neither did Victoria or Trish for that matter and look how far they've come. What is "Kelly Kelly wrestling" and why is it a bad thing? She sells well, she can wrestle now without botching (usually), she gets a good reaction- what more can we ask of her? WWE still HAS female wrestling, the Melina vs Beth feud was an example of how great it could be if the divas weren't held back by limiting and repetitive storylines, though I do love how the direction the division is in now what with the Katie vs Mickie feud and the Kelly vs Beth interaction.

Flames Out
Yeah I can't believe the hate Kelly is getting. It's not like she's getting a push with the skills she had in 2006! She has improved a lot since then. I'm not saying that she should be the next womens champion(or even divas champ), but knowing wwe and how they like to push pretty faces who are popular with the fans, she will be the champion within 1 year.
While she has improved quite a bit recently, but I can't see her winning the belt this year. He offence is just too slow and most of the time it just doesn't look believeable. It feels as if she almost practices her moves a little too much. She takes too much time in trying to make the moves look perfect but it actually doesn't look perfect as usually is ridiculously slow. I think she will indeed pose for Playboy next year and just after that, hopefully she will be ready for a Womens Title run. I don't think she is that bad in the ring.

Apart from Mickie James, Kelly Kelly is the next babyface in line for a push. Melina and Candice are both injured at the moment. With improvement, I can see Kelly as the Womens Champion one day. When she first started in the WWE, she was nothing more than eye candy. She was absolutely horrible in the ring and nobody thought she would ever improve. Now look at her, she has proven that she can put on a decent match with some of the more advanced Divas. Plus she is over with the fans which means soon she will get her push but I hope she doesn't win the Womens Title until next year. Theres still room for improvment.
Well, if Candice Michelle managed to do it by ****ing her body away, I'm sure Kelly can become 13-time Women's Champion by the same logic!

No, seriously. She's eye candy and Beth fodder. That's all she is. She botches 90% of the moves she pulls, and her selling isn't that much better either. No need to bother with Kelly as women's champion when we have Beth, Natalya, Melina, Katie Lea, Cherry, get me point. As far as contenders for the women's or Divas championships go, she's pretty much at the bottom of the ladder.
Eternal Dragon said:
Kelly will most likely do Playboy, and if that happens there'll probably be a WM match, but I doubt that she'll get the title. None of the PB matches at WM end with the PB diva winning.

Name me one playboy diva who didn't get the title. Or at the very least, every one of them gets a big story made about them to get them in the light they really don't deserve.

That is such a misconception. Let's run through our Women's Champions in the past couple of years. Mickie, Beth, Candice, Melina, Mickie, Melina, Lita, Trish, Lita, Mickie, and Trish. You say that "you get a belt if you show your flesh," but NONE of these divas got a belt for just posing in Playboy, not even Candice (her PB pictorial was a full year before she got the title). Even Michelle, who I am definitely NOT a fan of, worked for the Diva's Championship for more than three years.

About 3 of them deserved the belt, based on their in ring work. The rest? Are awful. Completely. They get the belt for their looks, nothing more.

That's the one thing I hate about a lot of fans, their one-sided views of the women's division. I hate how people will so quickly put down someone like Kelly Kelly just because of the way she came into the WWE. So what if she didn't spend years in the indys? Neither did Victoria or Trish for that matter and look how far they've come. What is "Kelly Kelly wrestling" and why is it a bad thing? She sells well, she can wrestle now without botching (usually), she gets a good reaction- what more can we ask of her? WWE still HAS female wrestling, the Melina vs Beth feud was an example of how great it could be if the divas weren't held back by limiting and repetitive storylines, though I do love how the direction the division is in now what with the Katie vs Mickie feud and the Kelly vs Beth interaction.

Are you being serious? Are you praising her in the ring? She is awful. If you ask most people they don't even watch the divas matches, they just look at them in hardly any clothes. Kelly Kelly is by far one of the worst divas.
I still stand by the fact that if any diva should pose in playboy it should be Layla, she's hotter, she's a better dancer and she was a better wrestler, I dont know if she is now seeing how Kelly still wrestles and Layla is doing the whole Noble thing.

I'll be surprised if Kelly gets the title soon, I'll also be surprised if she gets a title shot at WrestleMania because the WWE seems to be caring about the womens division now.
Dont get me wrong, if Kelly improves in the ring (a lot) and keeps the fan reaction I would be happy to see her as champ, it'd be a bit of a double standard if I hated her after years of cheering Trish wouldnt it?

Nope, I dont think they'll make a big deal out of it this year, it has never worked in the past all that happens is that fans eventually turn on the cover girls, support the heels and the cover girls turn into nobodies again. I doubt I'll even look at the playboy anyway, Kellys all skin and bone, you could play the xylophone on her ribs.
HBK-aholic said:
Name me one playboy diva who didn't get the title. Or at the very least, every one of them gets a big story made about them to get them in the light they really don't deserve.

Torrie, Christy, and Maria have never gotten the title, and Sable and Chyna were well established by the time they posed in PB so I won't credit that for their Women's Title wins. Like I said Candice won her title a long time after her PB issue. Every diva that poses in PB of course gets the spotlight on them, but besides these past two years, that hasn’t affected the Women’s Division all that negatively. WM22 is a great example of how the PB divas managed to get their match in, but that didn't take away from the main focus which was Mickie vs Trish. Of course if you pose for PB you'll get publicity, just like if any superstar was in a movie they'd get publicity.

HBK-aholic said:
About 3 of them deserved the belt, based on their in ring work. The rest? Are awful. Completely. They get the belt for their looks, nothing more.

Which three? I don't think a belt has been given to a diva based on their looks since Debra.

HBK-aholic said:
Are you being serious? Are you praising her in the ring? She is awful. If you ask most people they don't even watch the divas matches, they just look at them in hardly any clothes. Kelly Kelly is by far one of the worst divas.

Yes, I'm serious. Believe me, I never thought I’d praise Kelly, but she reminds me SO much of a past Trish in 2000 and 2001. She has the reaction down, she can sell, she can work, and giving her the chance to work with someone like Beth is only helping her. It's easy to criticize her because she did come in as nothing but a model. Obviously she’s more than that now.

Flames Out
I like how people always say that the diva's always get the belt becuase of looks. Number one pretty much all the Diva's are pretty their are no really ugly ones. Second why does Khali, or Batista get the belt either their over with the fans(Kelly, Candice, ect) or becuase they have the right "look" according to Vince. Anyways Kelly may get the title(its the WWE so who knows) but imo she isnt ready but who knows.
Hmm, a lot of hate going round for Kelly Kelly. She isn't the worst wrestler out there, but she isn't the best either. To be honest, the fact that she's got better than Maria who has been in the WWE a longer time just shows how dedicated she is to becoming good. (While Maria is beyond shit in the ring, Kelly improving beyond her shows her commitment.)

She'll most likely get a storyline out of posing for Playboy, heck, she might get a title shot. That's just because the WWE has done it for every single Diva to pose for Playboy. But she'll be better than Ashley is, better than Maria and better than Candice because wrestling wise, she's better. Behind Mickie James she's the most over Diva in the WWE meaning fans might care just a little more.

Either way, if she keeps on improving then why shouldn't she get the title? Michelle McCool has that shit Divas Championship and she's just plain awful. Seems like she dosen't know what to do next after one move in the ring. But if she can get a belt, then Kelly sure as hell can.
Ok, With A Body Like That She's Not Staying Away From Playboy Very Long, I'm Sure We've All Figured that out.

But In My Eyes.. She's A Decent Fighter, Yes Her Recent Fights Haven't Been Too Good To Her But I'm Sure She'll Get A Title Shot On Raw, If She doesn't Get The Women's Championship.. She Definiately Will Get The Divas One, Should She Be Moved To Raw.
Ok The Fact Beth Phoenix isn't there helps her but also does the fact She Has Half Of The World's WWE Fans liking her.

Yes, I'm A Huge Fan, And I Wish That I Could Meet her 24/7, But I Also Think Her Reign as Women's/Diva's Champ isn't too far Away.

Oh By The Way Don't Flame me too much I'm New To This.
Kelly Kelly is what... 21, 22 years old? And she debuted in on the first ECW program, which was in the summer of 2006, right? And she had ZERO wrestling experience in that time. And two years later, after never getting trained in any fashion before joining the company, she is holding her own in matches against the best female talent WWE currently has to offer. Sure, she's not the best, but fuck.... how long did it take Trish Stratus to really "get it"? I'm sure within a two year duration Trish wasn't as good as Kelly currently is.

Point is that Kelly is so young, and has so many years left ahead, that yes.... one day she will be WWE Women's Champion. If it comes too soon, oh well... it won't ruin her career like it would if Evan Bourne got the WWE Title tomorrow. It'll just give her more experience and more room to improve for the next time she gets to hold the belt.

By the time Kelly's 25, I fully expect her to be a multi-time WWE Women's Champion, and one of the best female workers in business. What I've heard in interviews from wrestlers who've worked with her, they all say the same thing: she's super sweet and is always asking questions and wanting to learn to get better. That's a sign of greatness for someone's future.

Lastly, she is without a doubt, in my mind, the most gorgeous woman to ever step foot in a WWE ring. So she has that going for her as well. :icon_smile:
Dosent it strike anyone as ironic that a person not even in the WWE draft has got the bigest push coming out of it. Melina getting injured and Ashley "resiging" was the best thing to happen to Kelly. She has had the most face time of all draftees, and according to some has improved. I personally cant tell if some one improves or not. If Kelly stayed on SD! the golden girl Michelle McCool would have stifled her. Now on RAW team her with Mickie and all is good. Do I care if she becomes Woman's champ...not really being that i dont care about the title in general. I do think it would be a bad idea I dont care how much Candice improved she should not have gotten the title. But rigtht now the stories are stale and the division is repetitive. They missed their oppertunity by not making Katie Lea champ, cause there was a good storyline. With the womans title pulled into the Glamarella storyline its an object of no worth. If Katie had the title then Micke could chase it make for an accual story. So if Kelly gets the title more power to her. It would make an already uninteresting division, uninteresting.
Well, as soon as WWE bring back Candice (heaven forbid) or Gail Kim returns on Raw, we can say goodbye to Kelly's push. She'll, unless the fabric of reality is truly starting to crack, be relegated to the same position Torrie (although she's ten times the wrestler Kelly is) was in her entire career. Maybe she'll get a title shot when/if she does Playboy, who knows.

But if WWE actually put a title on her, we can pretty much say goodbye to the little bit of credibility left in the Women's Championship. I'm not saying I care much, but I have to watch the stuff unfold either way, so I prefer they did it in a way that would not devalue their product.
Well, as soon as WWE bring back Candice (heaven forbid) or Gail Kim returns on Raw, we can say goodbye to Kelly's push. She'll, unless the fabric of reality is truly starting to crack, be relegated to the same position Torrie (although she's ten times the wrestler Kelly is) was in her entire career. Maybe she'll get a title shot when/if she does Playboy, who knows.

But if WWE actually put a title on her, we can pretty much say goodbye to the little bit of credibility left in the Women's Championship. I'm not saying I care much, but I have to watch the stuff unfold either way, so I prefer they did it in a way that would not devalue their product.

Don't forget Melina, a lot of people say this push was actually Melina's before she was injured. She is the most well-rounded Diva, In my opinion. Plus, she doesn't have to pose in Playboy to get somewhere.

Kelly Kelly is rather embrassing, but did anyone watch her match with Mickie Jams on RAW last week? Mickie Jams was botching so much.

If you want to see it.
kennedy has a point. although i think gail kim will go smackdown (so mcool actually has compition that isnt named victoria) i do see candice comin back and pickin up where she left off with beth and the womens title. on the subject of kelly kelly i have to say that she did MAJORLY improve. besides, no one can take maria's "im the worst diva" title. and lemme tell ya shhe deserves that title
In March I said that Kelly Kelly will be the next to pose. And I see her getting a title shot at WM25. She gets a good crowd reaction and is a natural underdog face. I’ll be one of the first to admit she’s improved since she debuted (and I said exactly that in my ECW reviews earlier this year). Still Kelly comes across as slow and uncoordinated at times in the ring and she's still botching a lot (for example, a headscissors takedown against Beth two weeks ago and a hurricanrana on Katie Lea one week ago).

So I was pleasantly surprised with her performance against Beth Monday night. That was Kelly’s best match to date. I think I may have underestimated her. If she continues to improve and with the way they’re pushing her, she will be Women’s Champion by this time next year. My only issue with her is that in every match she tries a roll-up several times. That's getting old already and winning off a roll-up doesn’t give her any credibility, which she'll need if she's to be seen as more than the CM Punk version as Women's Champ.

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