Kelly Kelly Done With WWE?


Best for (the Music) Business
Taken from an article on the front page: is reporting WWE Diva Kelly Kelly has been granted time off from WWE.

A source in the report notes that Kelly Kelly has been going full-time on the road since 2006 and needs some time off. The source went on to say how she has been with the company since she was a kid, signed at a young age and sacrificing any life outside of WWE.

It is believed by many in the company she won't be returning anytime soon, if at all. She recently has been putting her real name Barbi Blank out there for non-wrestling related bookings. The bio on her Twitter page displays this and her willingness to take outside endorsements and projects,

Kelly Kelly last appeared on WWE television on 5/21 episode of RAW

Not a huge fan of Kelly. She wasn't the best in the ring and is overrated in terms of physical beauty in my opinion. This does come as a shock to me, however. Thoughts?
Not really that bothered as the the Diva Division just isn't that interesting. Maybe if she had been involved in one of the main fueds (Like AJ is) then i might bothered about it. However if she wants to try different things outside of Wrestling then good luck to her.
a tad overrated in the ring IMO not really that good or bad just average!! But this does come as a shock to me i hope she comes back as she did bring life into the divas division imo. Without Kelly Kelly there its going to be hard to replace her if it can be done at all. Hope she comes back and recharges her batteries she will be missed in the divas division thats for sure.
Most wrestlers never end up sticking with the company their entire careers. Most are either fired or just have had enough and ask to be released to pursue other things in their lives. Wish her all the best of course.
With no Bellas, K2, or Maryse(a step higher than the other girls because she was interesting in the ring), the E has all my favorite eye candy. Sure, Layla is physically amazing & I don't mind fantasizing about Nattie & Bet(depending on how many shots I had), but the average of sex appeal on the roster is plummeting! Am I the only one scared of seeing Kharma vs. Mae Young in a bra & panties match? Its not beneath Vince!

Good thing AJ has toned up her skinny, adorable body & Eve put on glasses to hide that Leno chin, or I would have no one to daydream about.
Is anyone truly going to miss her? She's just another face to add to the Spank Bank, IMO.
She didn't bring anything to the table as far as athletic talent goes aside from the ability to do a running springboard backflip.

Mind you, she is ridiculously attractive, but so are most of the diva's. Maybe Vinnie Mac is just tired of the blondes. Who knows?

I'm waiting (x1,000,000) for Kharma to come back. She wasn't a "diva", but she made the diva's division interesting.
From following Twitter, what I gather is that since the Bella twins have left she has become lonely. They seemed close.
I know a lot of people don't care for Kelly Kelly being gone and will criticize her to high hell but I respect her.

She gave up everything to join WWE. She may have not been the best diva or the most athletically tuned. But she gave it her all and I'm sure training with WWE must have been hard.

I wish her nothing but the best in her career.
a tad overrated in the ring IMO not really that good or bad just average!! But this does come as a shock to me i hope she comes back as she did bring life into the divas division imo. Without Kelly Kelly there its going to be hard to replace her if it can be done at all. Hope she comes back and recharges her batteries she will be missed in the divas division thats for sure.

I think you meant UNDERrated, since most people think she's one of the worst wrestlers in the history of WWE, which she isn't - like you said, she's just average. So yeah, I think it's fair to say she's a tad underrated. She had the athletic ability in spades, but starting with such a complete lack of basic training really held her back. With a full commitment and enough training, she could've been above average.

From following Twitter, what I gather is that since the Bella twins have left she has become lonely. They seemed close.

Yep, this. I'm guessing the three of them will end up in the same place, if they all stay in wrestling. Probably Maryse too.

I wouldn't hold my breath for her to show in up WWE or any other wrestling company anytime soon, though. It's kind of a shame...she could've been such a big star if she didn't have to work in the PG era. She could've been the next Sunny/Sable/Trish Stratus/Stacy Keibler, but it's just not possible for a woman to be that popular in a PG environment.
She did more than Stacy Keibler ever did in the ring yet get more hate than ever for attempting to learn to wrestle. So what if she didn't turn out like Trish who improved to the point of being considered one of the best? At least she tried and did a pretty decent job when forced out of her comfort zone. The dearth of good looking talent like Trish shouldn't be her fault. Till now I don't get why Kelly Kelly gets so much hate for what she does in the ring while Maryse get all the love from fans when they are basically doing the same things.
I know a lot of people don't care for Kelly Kelly being gone and will criticize her to high hell but I respect her.

She gave up everything to join WWE. She may have not been the best diva or the most athletically tuned. But she gave it her all and I'm sure training with WWE must have been hard.

I wish her nothing but the best in her career.
You say she "gave up everything to join WWE"...What exactly did she give up by stepping out of modeling ads and an occasional magazine feature and into a prominent featured role on a nationally televised entertainment show?
She was only 18 when she was signed to the WWE, she could have gone to college, or continued modeling but no, she dropped everything for the WWE. She traveled back and forth over and over between the ECW and FCW tapings to get her training, can you imagine how much stress that would be? Most people her age would have quit, she stuck it out and kept with it. People may wanna boo her all day but I give her an A for effort.
She was only 18 when she was signed to the WWE, she could have gone to college, or continued modeling but no, she dropped everything for the WWE. She traveled back and forth over and over between the ECW and FCW tapings to get her training, can you imagine how much stress that would be? Most people her age would have quit, she stuck it out and kept with it. People may wanna boo her all day but I give her an A for effort.

Agreed. She might not have been the BEST or the most entertaining but she sure gave it everything. She has continued working on her in ring skills to get them from a 1/10 towards a 5-6/10. Im not a fan of the current divas division neither a fan of Kelly herself, but she has put on a few good matches. Remember Summerslam against beth phoenix? She pulled off some pretty good moves and the same for NOC and HITC. I do wish her the best in the future...ahh...No more eye Candy....she was totally fuckable!
Barbi Blank :lmao:
well that's one name that did the right thing in changing. (blonde airhead)

Seriously though, it's time for all the women to go elsewhere, WWE is not going to give them any shot at legitimacy or respect and same could be said for TNA now, join Women of Wrestling where they will atleast get to do what they love doing if that is what they love doing.

as for Kelly Kelly or Barbi Blank, well never thought much of her or here slanty closed eyes but atleast she did try when in ring. not even remotely believable that she could survive in that environment though.
I have a lot of respect for the girl. Anyone who can climb into the ring and compete (especially when there looks provide numerous other opportunities) has my respect. Sure, she was never going to steal the show for her skills, but she was a big hit amongst fans of all ages and when her music hit she always got a bigger pop than any other diva working in the company today.

This is a big miss for WWE, you have to wonder who else will look for opportunities elsewhere. Sadly, it has to be difficult working under a leader who may decide you need to be backed for 2 weeks of the year, only to forget you exist for the other 50.

I hope she goes on to do well, and by 'do well' I obviously hope Playboy call her again and again and again.
hopefully now with all the barbi s leaving(pun intended) the divas division can be relaunched and some real talent brought in and taken seriously. i heard scott armstrongs daughter got a try out. hopefully the y can sign daphney and bring some legitimacy to the divas division
Couldnt care less. I want to have a wank I watch porn, not the Divas...

Beth, Nattie, Kharma, Eve, Layla are the only ones I would keep anyway. Probably AJ as well. Bring in Alundra Blayze and get Mickie James back too.
Whether or not you find her attractive or not is irrelevant. The fact is she is one of the most, if not the most, over Diva's in the WWE. That's what matters, and that's why it hurts a division that is currently in one of the lowest states ever.

I wish her luck. Part of me wonders if now that's she's been receiving even the smallest notariety outside of the WWE she's bolting for it already and is likely to discover it was too soon.
From following Twitter, what I gather is that since the Bella twins have left she has become lonely. They seemed close.

There's a punchline in there concerning the male roster but its a tad bit predictable.

If she is gone, its really no loss. She has been doing nothing and even when she did it was terrible at best. Granted she learnt how to be in the ring but WWE can find a lot better talent out there. As to someone saying Stacy did less, she took heavy bumps through tables, took chair shots to the head, did actually wrestle and was a good valet to wrestlers... harsh to say she did less.

The new era of divas is likely now with AJ, Beth, Nattie, Kharma, Layla, Eve all of who are completely different than the other and actually have things going for them (AJ = The weird one, Beth = The strong one, Nattie = The 3rd generation, Kharma = Domination, Layla = The strong willed champion, Eve = In control, power mad). However this is WWE and none of them will be used correctly for this division to actually be good.
Most wrestlers never end up sticking with the company their entire careers. Most are either fired or just have had enough and ask to be released to pursue other things in their lives. Wish her all the best of course.

Logical. After all, how long can these people keep up the lifestyle demanded by a company that has them on the road all the time and doesn't let them do anything else (professionally) on their own? These folks are an acting troupe; performers on other episodic TV programs work 22 shows a year (with rehearsals during the week) and then they're free to do whatever they want while the program is in reruns the rest of the year. With WWE, all you do is work.

If Kelly has had enough, it's understandable; especially after having been featured more than most of the other divas. That she would need to "re-charge batteries" is a perfectly legitimate reason to take a break, even realizing she might never be invited back.

It's a tough business.
I won't miss her if she does not return, her only memorable moment was the Divas Championship reign and she really only got that because of her appearance and perhaps as a reward for 6+ years of working with WWE. It should take more than that, and I was not impressed. She already held the Divas Championship, so what reason would she have to come back? As much as she may have improved in the past 6 years, she still sucks and can easily be replaced. A couple of years back I would have thought she'd have gotten farther by now, but that is obviously not the case. I used to be a fan and a supporter, but I eventually realized that she sucks. Granted nearly the entire division does, but the thing is.... She can be replaced.

I did not enjoy her title reign. When she feuded with The Bellas that was probably the lowest point that the division has ever seen. With women like Beth, Kharma, Natalya, AJ, and Layla who are more interesting and can actually work a match, there is no need for divas like Kelly to remain on the roster. She's just another pretty face who happened to hold the title at one point. The only reason she lasted as long as she did is due to her appearance. This "time off" that she was granted, will end up being permanent in the form of her being future endeavoured. That announcement should be appearing any day now. So long, Kelly!
Nothing but a pretty face who fake smiles wayyy too much. Can't wrestle, all she does is scream her whole match. Good riddance.
If Kelly does leave the WWE officially, I wish her the best of luck outside of the WWE. I've noticed as of recent years, the former WWE divas tend to flourish when they leave the WWE. I also noticed what Maryse said in an interview recently that "it's impossible for a WWE Diva to get over". I do agree with what she said, because out of all the women in the WWE, only Eve is over with the crowd. AJ is somewhat over, but not as much as Eve.
I cant believe i am saying this, but KK deserves better. I am sure she can get a good gig somewhere, she is young and attractive and will do fine.

Even if she poses nude in a few years or does whatever, its still a upgrade from WWE

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