KB's Smackdown Tales (Mild spoilers ahoy)


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
Ok, first of all we'll get to the stuff not related to the wrestling that I've been wanting to complain about for hours now.

1. Rupp Arena "customer service" is a FUCKING JOKE! It took not 1, not 2, not 3, but NINE different employees to tell me where my fucking seat was. My goodness people it can't be that hard. There are three sections of floor seats. I was in the north section like my ticket said. That takes 9 people? Also, the youngest of the employees there was old enough to be my mother. I mean DAMN. The one in our area was this old woman that literally waddled everywhere she went. More on her in a minute. Come on people. You're the biggest arena in the state and the whole upper deck was tarped off. It can't be that complicated. It simply can't.

2. Killzone Wrestling in Somerset, Kentucky's booker (he was wearing a shirt that proudly said this) is without a doubt the rudest, most thoughtless, self centered asshole of a person I've ever seen. Ok, so I was sitting on the end of a row on the floor about 20 feet from the stage. Sounds pretty fucking sweet right? The guy next to me made me miserable all night. After I started counting, this guy slipped (granted he weighed about 300lbs so slipping is a stretch) by me 22 times. Literally, every time a wrestler came out, he would get up and walk in front of me to get a picture. Then he would come back after they got to the ring and do it again when the next music started. Oh but that's not all. He just HAD to do it again but this time with them facing the OTHER direction. He also kept leaning towards me so I was more or less sitting on the edge of my seat. He kicked my sprite in his second time getting a picture of Morrison because that's SO important. He also stood up for about 85% of the show so i had to stand as well or half of the ring was covered by his bright orange shirt. That leads us to problem 3. Oh as the end of this, I got lucky because the people in front of us moved up a bit so I stole one of their chairs. I moved up to get away from him. The match going went to the floor on the far side so I turned to see it. Naturally, orange shirt in the way of the big screen. He also leaned over the other row to get better shots so even then I wasn't away from him. Finally, this guy past him and his buddy went to get a beer and came back. The camera guy was sitting there adjusting his camera (shocking isn't it?) and the guy with the beer was trying to get by. In something that just amazed me, the camera guy got PISSED off that he had to tuck his legs in. It took everything I had in me to keep my mouth shut. That's the most absurd thing I've ever seen and he almost ruined my night. That's how stupid it was.

3. The event staff is fucking hypocritical. This is an extension of the previous one. At the beginning of Smackdown, Teddy Long comes out to make an announcement. I move to the side a few feet to get a better view, and the waddling senior citizen tells me I need to stay out of the aisle. We'll ignore that I was beyond the staircase and there was a fence in front of me so I was blocking that but whatever. The guy from #2 went to the same place at least 25 tiems and was never at least that I saw told a damn thing. Also, one of the kids was told he wasn't allowed to stand on a chair. Ok, I get that. It's a safety/liability thing. No problem. The orange guy does it about 12 times (kicking me about 8 of those times and never even looking at me) and isn't told anything. How did i know he did it? He went from 2 inches shorter than me to a foot and a half taller. Also, there were kids literally dancing in the aisles about every time a song that had any speed at all to it came on. Let's smile and nod at the kids that are blocking the stairs. They're fine, but a college age guy with a beard standing beyond the stairs for 20 seconds of a three and a half hour show? SECURITY THREAT! SECURITY THREAT! CODE TWO!

4. The concession stands are a FUCKING RIP OFF! Ok, so a tradition I have at any sporting event, mainly wrestling, is eating/drinking a large sprite and nachos. In a match where the winner was completely for sure from the minute the music played, I went to get them. The nachos with cheese were 3.75. Pricey, but hey, it's a special occasion and I have the money on me so no problem. The price for the large size Sprite: 3.75. Again, pricey but a tradition. I tell teh (again senior citizen age) counter lady what I want, and considering there's no tax on these, I use my mental math skills to determine the price should be seven dollars and fifty cents. The price: 9.50. I look at the menu and say i think there's been an error and considering I had to correct her on my order, I assumed that a simple mistake had been made. Nope. The large Sprite comes in a "WWE Collector's" cup, which makes the cost an extra $2. Was I asked if I wanted said cup? Nope. Was I told about the price beforehand? Note. Was I allowed to get a different one? Nope. "If you want the regular cup you have to buy it also." I think this one speaks for itself. That's ridiculous, and I don't know if it's a WWE thing or a Rupp thing, but either way it's just flat out ridiculous.

Ok, so that's all the bad stuff about the non wrestling stuff. Let's get to the main show.

1. Miz and Morrison are the best things in WWE today. They did a Dirt Sheet segment that had me both cracking up and wanting to see them fight badly. This is going to be a sweet match if they're allowed to have a lengthy one. Otherwise, it's going to underwhelm. These two were awesome though and some of the stuff they were saying had me laughing hysterically and also having me wanting the match right then and there. That's never something I do, but they got me wanting it. Miz vs. Morrison is going to steal the fucking show and you'll never hear a damn thing about how great it was from WWE because of the stupid as hell 14 man match. Combined with the SD main event, they're using 11 people in 2 matches. That's most of their roster, which is just flat out stupid.

2. If you're a wrestling fan, you owe it to yourself to see Taker live at least once. That was amazing. Taker isn't a wrestler. He's an experience. It really is an amazing sight to see him come down the ramp with the smoke, the lightning, the thunder, and most importantly: the music. he is just flat out haunting and it works every time. he was in the dark match main event and cut a promo on screen during Smackdown. It sent chills up my spine from the look in his eyes. That was flat out amazing and one of the most awesome moments I've ever seen.

4. Smackdown is so much better than Raw right now I can't fathom it. During Morrison's promo, he says that Smackdown is about wrestling, while Raw is a watered down Saturday Night Live. That's frighteningly accurate. Smackdown was very fun and refreshing with great promos, good to very good matches and all kinds of energy and comedy. Raw is a way to have B list celebrities come on and talk about something they're doing at the moment while having some very repetitive matches in the main event. The midcard stuff is good, but everytime I watch it, the main thing I think is how sad it is that they're being wasted on Raw. Does Swagger vs. Morrison make anyone else's mouth water?

5. Raw is going to dominate Bragging Rights and dominate it hard and it's a fucking shame.

Raw: DX, Cody Rhodes, Mark Henry, Kofi, Swagger, Big Show. Smackdown: Jericho, Kane, Cryme Tyme, Eric Escobar, Drew McIntyre, Ziggler. So let's see. We have a world champion caliber wrestler in Jericho, a guy that hasn't been relevant in about 6 years, tag team jobbers that never win anything, a guy that's wrestled I believe one or two TV matches, a guy that's wrestled 3 TV matches against THE SAME GUY, and a guy that's lost in a bunch of tries to win the IC belt. That's supposed to counter 20 world titles, one of the most exciting guys on the roster that's held both midcard titles, the world's strongest man, and two guys that could be the future of the business? See what I mean?

7. Ezekiel Jackson is a scary, scary man.

8. ECW's theme: kick ass song.

9. Rey Mysterio's pyro is FUCKING LOUD! It blew Batista's away as far as loudness.

10. Smackdown's new theme song has a line in the chorus that says "Are you sure you want to cross the line?" If that's not a shot at TNA, I don't know what is.

11. I wound up spending 40 minutes writing this.

12. I shook Tony Chimel's hand as he was leaving. He's taller than he looks and he called me Superman.
This is why I didn't go. Rupp Arena is a joke of a venue for anything. I plan on going to a few UK games this year, and I plan on saving a LOT of money.
Just needed to know it's not some weird thing he calls everyone he shakes hands with.
Do you really think 3.75 is bad for some Nachos? Here it's lie six bucks and a regular pepsi is like 5 and a bottle of water is like 2 bucks.

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