KB"s Wrestler Challenge #4

Pick Your Winner

  • Macho Man Randy Savage

  • Rowdy Roddy Piper

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Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
This week's matchup is probably going to be the biggest names you'll ever see in here. One thing I can almost promise is that you'll never see Hogan, Flair, Austin or Rock (ok maybe Rock) in here. Those debates have been done to death. But anyway, onto this week's matchup.

First off we have my home town boy. He is a former 4 time world heavyweight champion. He's main evented Wrestlemania and Starrcade. He's one of the best lightweight wrestlers to wrestle as a heavyweight. He was a high flyer before being a highflyer was cool. Introducing first, from Sarasota Florida, The Macho Man, Randy Savage.

His opponent is perhaps the greatest wrestler to never hold a world title, but he never needed to in order to be a star. He was the yin to Hulk Hogan's yang. He didn't get pinned in WWF in almost 8 years. He was in the main event of the first Wrestlemania and has also main evented a Starrcade. From Glasgow Scottland, The Hot Rod, Rowdy Roddy Piper.

You know the rules: Whatever reason you think a person should win is fine. TItles, importance, influence, who would be booked over whom, whatever you'd like.
Growing up I was able to watch both of these individuals, but I have to admit that Roddy Piper has ultimately never done anything for me. I could've cared less about Piper's Pit and I wasn't as interested in how promos were cut, or watching people talk back then.

Randy Savage is a big part of why my love for Professional Wrestling has continued. He was one of the first indivdiuals I glued myself into, specifically, to watch. You made the statement he was a high-flyer before they were 'cool' but the fact is, he's one of the people who made it cool in itself.

For me, when I first started watching it was all about the excitement, the look, the overall feel of things. Piper wrestled in plain blue trunks, black boots and had next to nothing going that I cared for. Savage had colorful outfits and was all over the place with intensity inside the ring.

Piper's matches to me weren't all that exciting, yet on the flip side I don't think there's ever been a Randy Savage match that's bored me.

Now on th debate side of this, just because Savage has held a Heavyweight title doesn't mean he's better than Piper. You have to look at what Savage accomplished as Champion, which to be honest was next to nothing. Hell, I know for a fact one of his reign's in W.C.W. was a day long. So saying he's a 4-time Champion, in trying to make that mean something doesn't really work.

Main Eventing a couple Pay per views isn't really working in anyone's favor anymore either. (Mark Henry's Main Evented 2, Bam Bam Main Evented a couple also)

So in the end, I'm voting for Randy Savage strictly because he entertained me more as a kid growing up than Piper did. Maybe in today's world, it might of been different because I'm more a promo fan today than I am long in-ring skill. But even then, I still enjoy highly watching intensity.. Savage gave me that, always.

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