KB"s Wrestler Challenge #3

Pick Your Winner

  • Ron Simmons

  • Diamond Dallas Page

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Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
Sorry I'm a bit late this week, school has messed me up.

Continuing with the series of challenges, allow me to present to you this week's matchup of two guys that both had good runs very interesting times in both wrestling companies.

Starting off, we have the perfect example of the guy that kept pushing and pushing until he made it to the top. Some people say he didn't deserve what he got, but I beg to differ. With the move finisher he had and the hot wife he came to the ring with, its hard to not at least react to this guy. Ladies, gentlemen and others, I give you the master of the Diamond Cutter, DDP, Diamond Dallas Paaaaaaage (Sorry for the Buffer impression, couldn't help it)

Squaring off this week with DDP is another former WCW champion who doesn't have quite as much gold as his opponent. While he sort of flew under the radar, he certainly was underrated in his career and was mainly known as a tag team worker for the later half of his career. He had some moments that were a bit out there, but his earlier days show he had the stuff to be great. WZers, I give you Ron Simmons.

As usual, judge this however you'd like. Accomplishments, entertainment value, importance to the business, longevity, whatever you'd like.
Sorry to Simmons who is a legend in his own right, but this has gotta go to DDP.DDP was a MEGA star in WCW.And I mean MEGA.And unlike alot of massive stars these days the boy could hold it up in the ring.Simmons was pretty much OK in the ring while DDP was exciting with the whole Diamond Cutter thing.It was just awesome to see a new way for the move to happened each week.Its a real pity they didn't do anything outside of WCW.WWE pretty muched ruined Page and he had a pretty quiet Run in TNA.Simmons has been just.......nothing really since he won the WCW World title.Tough the APA does give him some brownie points.
As much as I love DDP, and I really do, Ron Simmons deserves to take this one for me.

While DDP is probably one of the big success stories to come out of WCW, especially for a man who only took up wrestling in his 30s and held all the WCW titles in the space of time he was there, as well as a couple in WWF, he never really attained legendary status by any means.

By contrast, Ron Simmons goes down in history as the first African American WCW champion, as well as a successful tagging career with Bradshaw, winning titles in 3 seperate companies.

Longevity wise - Both are similar in duration, with Simmons having a slight edge
Entertainment - DDP was entertaining, and Ron Simmons is pretty amusing at the same time. Similar
However, Simmons takes it on importance and accomplishments for me
I voted Simmons. His breaking of the WCW color barrier with his heavyweight championship run are enough to win for me, but his work in Doom is really the deal breaker. He, and Butch Reed were the most dominant team of WCW's early days, routinely frustrating the Steiners' quest for gold.

Also, the story about DDP trying to hand a script for a match to Taker makes me think he is a total joke. And he annoyed the hell out of me. And I hate Karl Malone.

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