KB Goes To A House Show


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
I haven't actually been to a live show since the Raw after Wrestlemania XXX so this had a pretty high mark to live up to. The ticket was under $18 though and I had to drive about ten minutes instead of twelve hours so I didn't have to invest much to get there.

I got there at about 6:30 for a 7:00 bell and the place was empty. To be fair, Rupp Arena is one of the biggest arenas in the country and it was Mother's Day evening. The place did fill up a bit and the majority of the lower bowl was full, but there were wide gaps of empty seats. They lowered the lights for most of the arena but it still looked decent enough. The calendar probably did quite a bit of damage here but it wasn't the only reason to blame for the low attendance. There were a ton of kids though and far more than adults.

The poll for the fan vote was should Lana be allowed at ringside for the main event. Not for a street fight or falls count anywhere, but should the hot blonde be allowed to stick around. I never saw the poll go lower than 70-30 to keep her around.

Rusev and Lana came on the screen to cut a quick promo about winning the title back. Lexington wasn't mentioned so I'd assume this was the same video that airs everywhere.

HHH came on just after the lights went down to welcome us to the show, again with no city mentioned. This was the good version of HHH so we got an ARE YOU READY to get us going.

Bad News Barrett vs. Neville

First up was Neville beating Barrett with the Red Arrow. This was a great choice to open the show with Barrett in the role he was born to play. Before the match he told everyone to kneel in front of the king and Tony Chimmel and the referee followed the king's orders. Neville answered an open challenge and had one of the best matches of the night. What I like most about Neville is that he wrestles like a guy eight inches taller and 50lbs heavier than he actually is. Instead of a guy who wrestles like a small wrestler, he's a wrestler who happens to be small.

The interesting thing here was that Neville wrestles like a superhero, kind of in the vein of the original Sin Cara, minus the botches. He comes off like someone willing to fight against anyone above him, which makes for a much more interesting character than just another cruiserweight.

Finally, Barrett said he has injured Daniel Bryan so severely that Bryan is retired. Why is it so complicated to have a wrestler injure another and then brag about causing the injury? It's such an evil move to do but for some reason it's taken weeks to get there. Use it to turn Barrett into an even bigger villain instead of hiding behind reality.

Damien Sandow beat Heath Slater in a short comedy match. I really don't think you need much more of an explanation here, but Sandow has lost a lot of steam since that Miz feud ended.

Nikki Bella successfully defended the Divas Title against Naomi. This was the old Naomi in the bright green, though she was still the villain. Nikki got a big reaction from the fans, which makes sense given that she's basically the new Kelly Kelly, if Kelly ever had a horrible feud with her sister. Naomi hit the Rear View but spent too much time dancing to cover. Later on she tried to bring in the title but had to deal with Brie, allowing Nikki to hit the Rack Attack for the pin. Nikki has the potential to be a pretty solid face champion, but the stuff before this really dragged her down.

In another lame match, Fandango beat Adam Rose with a small package. I really don't know what else there is to say here.

We then had a Connor the Crusher video and a special Mother's Day message from Mr. T. These received a very nice ovation and amused applause respectfully.

Next was one of the most disappointing matches of the night with Dean Ambrose defeating Luke Harper. Ambrose was fine, but Harper looked way off for some reason. He kept showing off his biceps, which isn't exactly what you imagine coming from him. Maybe he's trying something new, but this really didn't need to be anything but their usual solid formula.

Intermission, meaning nachos and a water......which costs the same as a soda so it was a Sierra Mist. Seriously, charging $3.50 for a cup of water is ridiculous.

Back from the break and we had one of the most interesting matches of the night. Erick Rowan defeated Bo Dallas in something resembling a comedy match (Bo put the mask on and then Erick ran a lap around the ring like Dallas), but the interesting thing was Rowan playing the good guy after he turned heel on Smackdown. Translation: WWE doesn't watch Smackdown either. The match was nothing special, as you would likely expect.

At this point, the show was starting to drag. After nearly two hours of some so-so matches and little worth remembering, I was feeling a bit drained. But then, something happened. I began to feel something. Oh yes, I began to feel the POWAH! The POWAH of the New Day was so strong that it knocked the fans out of rhythm on the NEW DAY SUCKS chants. Before the match, New Day talked about being similar to the Kentucky Wildcats basketball team: big, strong and athletic, but they can actually win a title and will be around for more than one year. They also sang us an original composition called We Are The Champions.

The title defense was a four way elimination match with New Day (Woods/Kofi) defending against Ascension, the Prime Time Players and Tyson Kidd/Cesaro. Kidd/Cesaro got a solid reaction but Titus was very over as well. The match was the best of the night by far with everyone getting a chance to show off. There was even an innovative spot with Woods trying a sunset flip on Viktor but not being able to get him over. With the two of them distracted, Kidd picked up Woods' legs and catapulted him into a low blow on Viktor.

Eventually everything broke down with Cesaro and Kidd cleaning house, until Woods made a blind tag as Kidd dropped the elbow off Cesaro's shoulders. Woods snuck in and stole the pin on Viktor to retain because the New Day is great at being sneaky. Post match Kidd and Cesaro cleaned house with the Cesaro Swing into the dropkick. Big E. eventually put Woods/Kingston on his shoulders and carried them out in a great visual. This was the match of the night by far.

The main event was Cena successfully defending the US Title over Rusev. If you've seen one of these matches, you've seen them all.

As I was walking to the car, I stopped by the parking lot and saw Neville/Bo Dallas, the Prime Time Players, Slater/Ascension and maybe Big E. leaving. Neville was the only one to wave and acknowledge the fans waiting, but to be fair he's the only heel there.

Overall it wasn't the best show, but for $18 I easily got my money's worth. It didn't help that the roster was split and the endings were mostly obvious, but still, good enough for a Mother's Day house show.
...My girlfriend actually was in Lexington this past weekend for a job interview before she graduates (before me). She said the Rupp Arena looked huge on the outside. Is that true?

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