Kazarian Is Finally Finding His Feet; New #1 Contender for X Division Title

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
Kazarian has gone from X-Division fodder (albeit a former champion) to being the mouth piece of Fortune (when Flair isn't around), and frankly (no pun intended) it's done wonders for basically resurrecting what was otherwise a floundering mid-card career.

Most folks—especially here—wrote him off as the obvious black sheep in Fortune early on (which granted, he was), especially because of the amount of talent the stable contained in comparison to him in AJ Styles and Beer Money, Inc., but if you ask me, Kaz has done a lot to really begin establishing himself as a valuable member despite still being the least talented in the group. His ring work is adequate, but most of all he's really starting to develop a great personality as a cocky member of Fortune.

Fortune can certainly exist without Kazarian, but for once Kazarian IMO could probably exist without Fortune, though I doubt that happens any time soon.

Thoughts on Kaz?
He's some moments in his career and he showed a lot of potential, but he just sort of faded off the map for a while. It is good to see that he has found his little "niche" and that he finally seems to be coming along nicely. Now, like you said even though he CAN exist without Fortune, he probably will not, so for the time being they need to put him in some nice matches or maybe even get him some more mic time. Regardless of what they do, he needs his minor spotlight. He is a nice complement to the rest of the group and I actually think his role is pretty important. Maybe he could step up into a bigger role, not quite leadership, but a bit higher. Any way you look at it, this is an exciting time for Kazarian.
I always thought Kaz was the best pick for Fourtune from the X-Division. But at the same time I thought he would be the first to get the boot.

His promos are good. Nothing too spectacular, but he gets the job done. I see him and AJ as the two spokespersons(though I would prefer AJ and Roode). But as IDR says Kaz needs this. He will lose a lotta relevance if they decide to kick him out. He is carrying the faction's flag pretty well and is improving from show to show.
I think that he has improved alot due to being in Fortune and from working with Ric Flair, In the past couple of weeks he has been really shining and showing some personality he has improved in the promo department and he is not horrible at it anymore Kaz as always had the ring skills but he needed to improve in the personality and I think that this contributed mostly to working with Ric Flair who I think is helping him alot on the screen and more importantly off of it. I hope Kaz can continue to improve.
Kaz has always been a plus wrestler in my book but as a face his personality had become so bad there wasn't even a dialtone anymore. Just when I was about to write him off as a shoo-in to be the next breakout WWE star, they turned him heel and I'll be damned if he didn't surprise me by being somewhat interesting at it. Not only does he cut some decent promos with some great lines but he is even selling the character well in the way he carries himself. I've been impressed and this has definitely worked out well for him.
Kaz's character has improved a lot over the past few months in Fortune. I still think he is the black sheep until he wins some more matches and actually brings gold to the stable. He might just do that sooner rather than later. We will probably see him challenge Jay Lethal for the X division title. Robbie E and Lethal's feud is pretty much over with, and I don't think the GenMe guys are ready for a singles title shot just yet. Kaz has become better. He still needs a little extra personality to be over, but he is getting there.
You can tell Kaz has been hanging out with Flair. He has actually developed a personality and is cranking up the heat in his promos. He cut a promo on Lethal that hasn't been seen on TV yet that is his best ever. That promo took Kaz out of my minus column and put him in my plus column. He is still the weakest of the core four but is playing his character well and getting more involved in angles than he used to. He appears much stronger in his role now than he did when he first joined Fortune. Imagine that, Kaz is actually interesting now.

I still find him bland like hell and the only thing going for him right now being his looks. But unlike many others in the wrestling biz caught in his position, he's actually trying. With everything he's got. People always talk about who has mic skill and who doesn't and most of the time, that's something you're born with, but in Frankie's case, he''s (trying) developing them mid-career. He has a great platform to do it too. Not to mention Reaction has done wonders to give smaller guys mic time.
He was bland as a face but I like what he's doing as a heel. He's improving his mic skills gradually and slipping into his role.

I've always been a fan of his in-ring work. A potential Lethal/Kazarian feud as well as a future babyface-Styles/Kazarian feud would make me want to watch as long as he's not always on the losing end. I worry though that he'll be the one in Immortal who gets jobbed out when they need a face to look strong. I thought that his tagging with Jeff meant that he'd be the one taking the fall for the team so I was pleasantly surprised that he was on the winning team of a main event Impact match.
Kaz reminds me of Chris Benoit during his early years in WCW...

Benoit was born to be a Horseman. He had the look, the style and fit in with the group so well. As good as he was, he never found his niche until he was part of a group like the Horseman, and I think Benoit was always like that until his WWF run. Kaz fits in well with Fourtune and getting to be a part of something, which allows him to not have to work alone to get over. I still think, like everyone, that he has untapped potential, but it'll take awhile to ascend to the level of being a leader and World Champion. Remember also that Arn Anderson was the same way in his career, someone who never became World Champion but was always synonymous with being one of the Horsemen. Kaz could be a top star and legend without having to win the top title.
Kaz has been steadily improving. I still think he's pretty dull as far as personality goes, but he seems to be slowly coming into his own. Being a member of Fortune could give him a much needed boost, and as time goes on, he might be ready to break away from Fortune. I don't think Kaz will be headed for a main event push in the future, but he could become a force in TNA's X-Division.
Kazarian. Captain Botox. I call him that because he has like three facial expressions.

However, I don't think he has improved. I think he's always been this good, but he has never been given the stage to show us what he's made of. Kaz has never been in a Main Event storyline in his life, except for now.

He's pretty awesome in the ring. One thing I love about him is that he sells his motherfucking ass off. He's no Amazing Red, though. He didn't almost hit the ceiling while getting Bubba Bombed, but still, he's there to make the match look as good as possible, and that shows professional maturity. A lot of wrestlers these days don't sell, and that tells me that they don't realize that if you don't sell and you walk around like you're made out of pure steel, the match is gonna look bad and you'll suffer from it too, instead of looking like Superman. It's counteproductive. The Rock always sold, Stone Cold always sold, Michaels always sold and sometimes oversold when Hogan wouldn't sell.

And finding his feet is the correct term to use. The only thing left for him to do is learn how to walk and then run. That is up to him and I hope he's ready for it because he's got a ton of potential to be something more than a fourth wheel in Fourtune.
Kaz has nothing for me. He will be great for the X Division and is the only one suited for the title he has been asked to pursue for Fortune. I like this obsessed-with-titles development and hope they persist with it. Kaz vs Lethal has to be lead to some great matches but I also hope that they bring in another heel when it gets stale, which it could do quickly but I hope it doesn't. Certainly I want Kaz to be successful with this pursuit as it will be best for the group.
I am a long time fan of Kaz, Hence the user name which I have used on forum boards since 2008.
Do I think he has improved since being in Fortune? Hell yes, his mic skills have improved as well as his in ring skills, my only problem is since he's been in Fortune I haven't seem him wrestling as much as I would have liked, I just hope he captures the X Title soon, when Beer Money capture the tag titles and AJ regains the TV title to give Fortune all the gold!
I think Kazarian has found a role which suits him perfectly. His looks and mic ability are exactly what is required for his position in Fortune, and he has the in-ring talent to back it up.

I think its great for Kaz that he is finally back on the map in TNA. In their early days as Frankie "The Future" Kazarian he showed alot of potential and won a couple of X Division Titles, without ever being as spectacular as guys like AJ Styles, and I thought that he would do well in WWE....however, that never really took off. After that he kinda vanished a bit, had a shitty role in Serotonin with Raven and Matt Bentley, before reverting to his old ring name and sort of drifting aimlessly, performing as Suicide on occasion.

The role in Fortune is giving him a higher profile than ever before, he never before has been in the main events (except maybe in his min-feud with Angle) and with it being said that Immortal want all the TNA titles, I expect to see Kazarian with the X Division title soon. He is perfect for it. He can talk, wrestle, sell and looks like a champion in his suit, like a Horseman should.

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