Kayfabe Gimmick Grudge Match #6: "The Giant" Paul Wight vs. "The Big Show" Paul Wight

Who will win this TABLES MATCH?

  • "The Giant" Paul Wight

  • "The Big Show" Paul Wight

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"This contest is scheduled for one fall with no time limit.
It is a TABLES MATCH for the title of




**A big thanks to CH David for coming up with this one!**

In one corner, you have the Big Show... arguably the most accomplished superheavyweight in WWE history. This man has endless accolades: ECW champion, 5-time WWE Tag Team champion, WWE US champion, 3-time WWE Hardcore champion, and a 2-time WWE champion. However, in a tables match, in-ring skill doesn't mater all that much.

Standing at the other end of the ring is The Giant. This man made a major impact in WCW in the four years that he was with WCW. He was a 2-time WCW champion, a 3-time WCW Tag Team champion, and bested 60 men at once to become the sole survivor in the 1996 World War III. He may not be polished in the ring, but he sure knows how to brawl, and is much more agile than The Big Show.

As I explained earlier, although near equal in size, these two men have not had the same accomplishments throughout their careers. However, you can throw all of that out the window. Remember, in-ring skill doesn't matter here. You can be brutal and sloppy in a tables match and still win. After all, both men utilize the chokeslam as their finishing maneuver, which will be their obvious move-preference for putting their opponent through the table.

May the best gimmick prevail!!!

1. This is a KAYFABE matchup, so treat it as such. That means, it can't be about who you "like more" or who "DUZ MORS THENZ FIV MUVS". If these guys were seperate entities and actually had to face off against each other, where popularity didn't matter and it was all about the match itself, who would win?

2. This WILL NOT be a complaint thread. Do not use this as an excuse to complain about a wrestler. Remember, this is a match, not a popularity contest. Besides, we already have threads dedicated to bitching and moaning. Go cry somewhere else.

3. All Wrestlezone thread rules apply here. This is a NON-SPAM FORUM. All stances must be explained and good reasoning must be given, otherwise you will be infracted.

4. Do not vote unless you give an EXPLANATION! Voting without posting is a waste. We want to discuss this stuff, people!
I'd go with The Giant. He's ways more manuverable than Big Show and when both are equal in size and strenght, speed is your last line of defense. The Giant did some very athletic moves in his day that would put a few Heavyweights to shame. Big Show on the other hand has loads of experience. Competing in a large variaty of matches. Steel Cage, Last Man Standing, Street Fights and the ones that play major factors, TLC and Table matches. He been through a lot in his career, but he's also taken a lot during his career as well, being sidelined on 3 seperate occations (if I remember correctly) and even taking a year and a half abscense from wrestling.

Even though Big Show has the experience, he also has limitations. The Giant is much more maneuverable here and can use his speed to deliver the finishing move. As is the case in most Table Matches, speed is a huge factor.

My pick: The Giant
Haha, this is funny. I'll vote for the Big Show, because he recently made the shocking realization that he can hospitalize people with a single punch. He could throw that out of nowhere any time in the match and follow through with a chokeslam through a table ftw.
Haha, this is funny. I'll vote for the Big Show, because he recently made the shocking realization that he can hospitalize people with a single punch. He could throw that out of nowhere any time in the match and follow through with a chokeslam through a table ftw.

Do you really think him throwing his knockout punch will be effective in this type of match? The Giant was at least 350-400 lbs. (if that is too much, please correct me and I will admit my mistake) Unless the punch knocked him onto the table, and Big Show just does some sort of splash or something onto the table, it really doesn't prove worth while. Lifting 350-400 lbs of what presumably would be dead weight, no easy task. Could Big Show chokeslam The Giant from a standing position? Definitely. But as a knocked out dead weight body, extremely difficult to do.

Now, this is a cool matchup. The tables even it out quite a bit. The powerful yet agile Giant could probably run circles around Big Show. Literally. But the Big Show has the weight advantage, and giving a chokeslam is no easy task to a 450+ pounder. So which would you take, speed and agility, or fat ass with possibly more strength and power?

As I said above, the KO punch from Show is basically useless if he doesn't knock the Giant out onto a table, if it is set up in the middle of the ring, or he could drag the Giant to the corner if it set up there. But if the table is in the middle of the ring, good luck getting a big guy like him up after knocking him out. So I see this as Giant starts out trying to go power vs. power, but it wouldn't work. He would have to utilize his speed and quickness to win this matchup. Honestly, I think he would. He could tire out the Big Show, and if he can lift him up, chokeslam him through the table. But as I doubt that would happen, he could just tire him out, beat on him with a chair or something, and put him on a table, go to the top rope, and perform a dive like I have seen in WCW. Or a moonsault (which I can't find him ever performing). I see the Giant winning this.

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