Kayfabe Gimmick Grudge Match #3: "Blonde" Sting vs. "Crow" Sting

This is a one-on-one match with no time limit...

  • "Blonde" Sting

  • "Crow" Sting

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Gone but never forgotten.
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"This contest is scheduled for one fall with no time limit.
It is a ONE-ON-ONE match for the title of




The charismatic firecracker of the 1980's and early 1990's who feuded with the likes of Ric Flair, Lex Luger, and many other greats must face the man who went against the grain, reinvented himself, took down "Hollywood" Hogan and the nWo, and still continues to excite us in TNA to this very day.

This is a classic battle of old school versus new school.

Both men are legendary, glorified superstars. Two of the greatest entities that stretched through three decades of professional wrestling. They have the same movesets, same finishing maneuvers, same charisma, same energy... this should be a tough decision for everyone.

May the best gimmick prevail!!!


1. This is a KAYFABE matchup, so treat it as such. That means, it can't be about who you "like more" or who "DUZ MORS THENZ FIV MUVS". If these guys were seperate entities and actually had to face off against each other, where popularity didn't matter and it was all about the match itself, who would win?

2. This WILL NOT be a complaint thread. Do not use this as an excuse to complain about a wrestler. Remember, this is a match, not a popularity contest. Besides, we already have threads dedicated to bitching and moaning. Go cry somewhere else.

3. All Wrestlezone thread rules apply here. This is a NON-SPAM FORUM. All stances must be explained and good reasoning must be given, otherwise you will be infracted.

4. Do not vote unless you give an EXPLANATION! Voting without posting is a waste. We want to discuss this stuff, people!
What the FUCK D-MAN?? Do you want to kill me? If that's your goal, you've officially succeeded. Now I'm going to have to change my name to The Ghost Of Monkey's Ghost. Fucker...

Where do I even start?

Surfer Sting beat guys like Flair, Vader, Muta, Cactus Jack, Jake Roberts, Rick Rude, Sid Vicious, the list goes on, and on, and on.

Crow Sting beat guys like, Nash, Hogan, Savage, Flair, Hall, The Giant, Vampiro (WTF!?!?!?!) Abyss, A.J. Styles, Jeff Jarrett, Kurt Angle. Again, the list goes on and on and on...

I don't know. I love them both, but that doesn't matter here. What matters here is who will win. My heart is telling me to go with Surfer Sting, while my head is telling me to go with Surfer Sting...wait a minute.

Yeah, it's the obvious choice. The Stinger Splash had more height, the Scorpion Death Lock had more Bite, He was faster, Stronger, more agile, and didn't lose as much. Surfer Sting was the quintessential package. So, he gets the nod here. Just barely though. It would be a definite close one. I'd like to think that the match would end with both Stings shaking hands, and both raising each others hands in one emotional moment. then it would be toppedo ff by them inviting me in the ring, and hoisting me above their shoulders. Excuse me, I got off track.

My vote has to go for Surfer Sting. Although either wouldn't be a wrong choice :). Hopefully jmt225 gets in here and disagrees, What a rousing debate that would be eh?
The Crow Sting. Nothing attracted me more to the WCW than watching the NWO and the hopes that a hero would emerge out of the crowd of vanquised WCW wrestlers to be able to overtake them. But there was one man in the rafters each and every week, like a cliffhanger ending, making me want to watch each and every Nitro. I think his character change was one of the best, pitting a decent talent into a supestar of his time. And it matches up so well with the WCW at the time, one that went from shades of black and white, with him gathering it up, wearing the white facepaint, an the black leather trenchcoat taking on 10 men at a time.
The Crow Sting. Nothing attracted me more to the WCW than watching the NWO and the hopes that a hero would emerge out of the crowd of vanquised WCW wrestlers to be able to overtake them. But there was one man in the rafters each and every week, like a cliffhanger ending, making me want to watch each and every Nitro. I think his character change was one of the best, pitting a decent talent into a supestar of his time. And it matches up so well with the WCW at the time, one that went from shades of black and white, with him gathering it up, wearing the white facepaint, an the black leather trenchcoat taking on 10 men at a time.

TM, you're missing the point of these matches. This is a kayfabe MATCH... it's not about which guy entertained you more. That what makes this so difficult...

If these versions of Sting were actually two completely different men and they had to face each other in a kayfabe matchup, who would be the victor? That's what we need to ask ourselves.

Your explanation is based on the entertainment you received from each version of Sting, over the years. You have to stricken that from your memory and judge this as a real match.
What makes this such an incredible match-up is that the Blonde Sting was stronger, faster, more athletic, etc., while the Crow Sting was more experienced, smarter, and WAAAAYYYY more ruthless. That factor, plus the fact that Sting is by far and large my all-time favorite wrestler not only makes this such a difficult choice for me since I loved both characters equally, but it also makes it fun to sit here and reflect on the man's fantastic career.

Sting all together always pretty inconsistent with his wins and losses in the business (bit off topic, but that really pisses me off because this man should have had a championship, dominating run like Hogan's in the eighties). The Blonde Sting, for example, would sometimes beat Vader, and would sometimes get his ass handed to him by that monster. The Blonde Sting would sometimes find a way to get a win over a cheatin' scumbag Ric Flair, and would sometimes fall for Flair's tactics.

The Crow Sting, while a lot more consistent, still had some questionable losses. Take that bullshit at Starrcade 1997, for example. Now, since we're keeping this kayfabe, I'm going to re-frame myself from going into full bitchfest mode here about this match, but... you have to believe that the Blonde Sting, that night, would have put on a much better performance than the Crow Sting did, and that he would have won fair and square. But, the Crow Sting still had some impressive wins over some pretty big names that I don't think the Blonde Sting would have fared so well against. The Giant, for example, is someone I don't think the Blonde Sting could have ever defeated (I was at Slamboree 1995 where these two main evented, and my heart's still broken that Sting didn't win that night, lol), but the Crow Sting always did fairly well and managed to pick up a few victories over the big guy. Also, I think the Crow Sting did better against Goldberg than the Blonde Sting ever would have.

So, it's literally a toss-up when you look at it all. It's hard to say that any choice is wrong here, but at the end of the day, after a lot of thought, I have to pick the Blonde Sting.

The Crow Sting just seems too vulnerable for someone like the Blonde Sting. It's frankly just a bad match-up for him. I don't think he would be able to keep up, or counter anything the Blonde Sting threw at him. Sometimes being "too wild" hurts a wrestler, but not in this case. The Blonde Sting's craziness, plus his strength and athleticism, would throw the Crow Sting completely off his game (a character who was rarely fazed, mind you), and I think once that happens... there would be no coming back for him.

The match would end with the Crow Sting passing out from pain in the Blonde Sting's Scorpion Death Lock, refusing to tap out or give up.
This is a very close one, but I would have to give the edge to the Crow Sting. Whereas both guys had huge wins over legends such as Flair, Hogan, and Savage, Surfer Sting was a regular good guy, someone his enemies didn't take very seriously. On the other hand, Crow Sting had an intimidation factor, what with the lights going out, him coming down from the rafters, and attacking people with a baseball bat. It put his opponents on edge and would definitely make Surfer Sting question just what Crow was going to do to him.

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