Kayfabe Gimmick Grudge Match #2: "Real American" Hulk Hogan vs. "nWo Hollywood" Hogan

Who will earn the title of Gimmick Supremacy Champion?

  • "Real American" Hulk Hogan

  • "nWo Hollywood" Hogan

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Gone but never forgotten.
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"This contest is scheduled for one fall with no time limit.
It is a NO DISQUALIFICATION MATCH for the title of




The "Immortal One" versus the savior of WCW and the leader of the nWo in a match with NO RULES. This should be a tasty treat.

Both men had multiple championship reigns. Both shuffled in a new era in pro-wrestling. Both had buyrates through the roof. And both men have defeated legends in this business. But if they had to face each other in a match... hmmmm...

Keep in mind: Even though Hulk Hogan was invincible in the 1980's, "Hollywood" Hogan had the nWo at his side.

May the best gimmick prevail!!!

1. This is a KAYFABE matchup, so treat it as such. That means, it can't be about who you "like more" or who "DUZ MORS THENZ FIV MUVS". If these guys were seperate entities and actually had to face off against each other, where popularity didn't matter and it was all about the match itself, who would win?

2. This WILL NOT be a complaint thread. Do not use this as an excuse to complain about a wrestler. Remember, this is a match, not a popularity contest. Besides, we already have threads dedicated to bitching and moaning. Go cry somewhere else.

3. All Wrestlezone thread rules apply here. This is a NON-SPAM FORUM. All stances must be explained and good reasoning must be given, otherwise you will be infracted.

4. Do not vote unless you give an EXPLANATION! Voting without posting is a waste. We want to discuss this stuff, people!
Hulk Hogan held the WWE title for FOUR YEARS. Ok, my point being, he was unstoppable, and he did it all on his own. Hollywood Hogan would always be made a fool by Sting, and other WCW members. Then he would exact revenge by having his cronies do the work.

Hulk Hogan would always look down and out, and just when you thought he was done for, he would "Hulk Up" leading to a resurgence in the match, and one where he would eventually take over. He also picked up and slammed Andre The Giant. I damn sure bet he could also take on the entire NWO, By himself. He was immortal, and he was always the favorite. Plus during that four year period where he was champion he hardly ever lost. If he ever did lose. Hulk Hogan would wrestle 5 night a week, whereas Hollywood Hogan would wrestle five times a year.

Good question, but simple answer for me. The Immortal One takes the victory, and raises the flag at the end.
Damn this one will be hard, but I need to make a choice. That choice is Hollywood Hogan, now here's why.

If I were assume that because we are talking about Hollywood Hogans gimmick, his gimmick included the protection of the NWO. Hollywood needed to be champion, his ego wouldn't allow him to function with out it. In order to keep that belt he often relied on the help from his NWO regime. This match with the Immortal One couldn't be won with out them. because the Immortal One would be they only gimmick to match Hollywoods mega stardom, he would have to use his NWO style defacement to bury the Immortal Hogan. Making Immortal hogan look pathetic, spray painting, tearing down the character so many in the 80's learned to love. This true to life character evolution happened when the Immortal One turned Heel and became Hollywood Hogan in one single moment.

The immortal one would put up a valiant fight. If it would have stayed 1 on 1 then it would be a different story. In this match we would see both wrestler deliver a leg drop or two. True to form, both could not be beaten. The immortal one would eventually take control of the match, having Hollywood on his knees begging for mercy. Only to allow enough time for Hall, Nash and Syxx to enter the fold and chop Immortal down. It would take a power bomb, a outsiders edge and a few bronco busters until Immortal finally was destroyed.

Like many in the audience I would be devastated at the site of our childhood heros demise.
Damn this one will be hard, but I need to make a choice. That choice is Hollywood Hogan, now here's why.

If I were assume that because we are talking about Hollywood Hogans gimmick, his gimmick included the protection of the NWO. Hollywood needed to be champion, his ego wouldn't allow him to function with out it. In order to keep that belt he often relied on the help from his NWO regime. This match with the Immortal One couldn't be won with out them. because the Immortal One would be they only gimmick to match Hollywoods mega stardom, he would have to use his NWO style defacement to bury the Immortal Hogan. Making Immortal hogan look pathetic, spray painting, tearing down the character so many in the 80's learned to love. This true to life character evolution happened when the Immortal One turned Heel and became Hollywood Hogan in one single moment.

The immortal one would put up a valiant fight. If it would have stayed 1 on 1 then it would be a different story. In this match we would see both wrestler deliver a leg drop or two. True to form, both could not be beaten. The immortal one would eventually take control of the match, having Hollywood on his knees begging for mercy. Only to allow enough time for Hall, Nash and Syxx to enter the fold and chop Immortal down. It would take a power bomb, a outsiders edge and a few bronco busters until Immortal finally was destroyed.

Like many in the audience I would be devastated at the site of our childhood heros demise.

See, but you are forgetting, that no matter what obstacle Hogan had to deal with, he overcame it. Andre The Giant? Check. Macho Man? Check. Roddy Piper? Check. You name the person, he overcame every surmountable odd. With the NWO just being a bunch of Hacks outside of Hall and Nash, The Real American Hulk Hogan has no problems taking them out. Have you ever seen Hulk Hogan "Hulk Up"? He was untouchable, and the same would go for the NWO they wouldn't be able to touch him, he would deliver a big ol' boot right to Hollywood, and then drop a leg. Covering him. 1,2,3. No questions asked.
Hollywood Hogan was a fucking coward. I remember watching this guy and just being in absolute shock at how big of a bitch he became. The only time he could ever get an advantage in a match was with a rake of the eyes. That's literally it. No Hulking up, no great comebacks... he'd get his ass kick, rake someone in the eyes, and even then he would only be able to take advantage of the situation for a short while before his opponent got the upper-hand again. If it wasn't for the interference of the nWo... Hollywood Hogan wouldn't have won a single match. That's simply a fact.

The Immortal Hulk Hogan, on the other hand, was, well.... Immortal. There's not single 'bad guy' who could ever defeat that man in his prime. Not a single won. It took another superhero-like wrestler to come along to finally dethrone him. But before him? Mr. Perfect, Andre the Giant, Randy Savage, King Kong Bundy, Roddy Piper, Rick Rude, Terry Funk, The Iron Sheik, etc. all failed to beat Hogan, and all these guys were ten times tougher than Hollywood Hogan.

Now, you can make the argument that the nWo's interference would be too much to handle for the Immortal one, and I would have to call bullshit on that. There's nothing those nWo guys could do that could keep the Hulkster down. Either they'll come in, and get their heads punched off, or they'll end up getting Hollywood Hogan disqualified with interference and ******ation. Either way, at the end of the match, the Immortal Hulk Hogan, The Real American, is the one getting his hand raised. No doubt about it.
See, but you are forgetting, that no matter what obstacle Hogan had to deal with, he overcame it. Andre The Giant? Check. Macho Man? Check. Roddy Piper? Check. You name the person, he overcame every surmountable odd. With the NWO just being a bunch of Hacks outside of Hall and Nash, The Real American Hulk Hogan has no problems taking them out. Have you ever seen Hulk Hogan "Hulk Up"? He was untouchable, and the same would go for the NWO they wouldn't be able to touch him, he would deliver a big ol' boot right to Hollywood, and then drop a leg. Covering him. 1,2,3. No questions asked.

You know what, that's exactly what I would like to see. What your saying makes total sense. Once Hogan "Hulked Up" he was unstoppable.

The point I wanted to bring up is that the NWO laid out many a superstar, obviously none as big as the immortal one. Given the opportunity at this kayfabe match up, I can see Hollywood and the NWO doing the same thing to Immortal Hogan given this opportunity.

In actuality I wanted to write what you wrote. But I took a different angle, because Hollywood and the NWO early on destroyed Face's on T.V. With Immortal Hogan, I would feel he would keep hulking up, but eventually all the NWO guys would prevail. It would take alot.

Obviously if it were a story line, Immortal Hogan would come back and get his revenge. But I just wanted to look at it from this perspective. That Hollywood w/ his NWO (because they were part of that gimmick) During that match have more power than all the hulkamaniac's combined.
Hollywood Hogan was a classic chickenshit heel, so it's clear that Real American Hogan would destroy him. Hollywood had to constantly rely on interference from the rest of the nWo and multi-man beatdowns, whereas Real American could win most matches on his own. It'd play out like Hogan/Piper, where they would both beat the crap out of each other to start, Hollywood would pull some dirty tricks, but in the end, one Hulk Up later and Real American wins again.
Everyone should keep in mind that when the Hulk was up against multiple adversaries, his record wasn't always the best. If he got ganged up on by multiple opponents, his invincibility was neutralized.

- (DQ) Crushed by King Kong Bundy with help from Bobby Heenan and Paul Orndorf
- Loss to Undertaker with help from Mr. Perfect + Ric Flair
- Loss to Andre the Giant after help from Dave Hebner and Ted Dibiase

These factors are in Hollywood's favor, since his strength is in numbers.
<General Manager Teddy Long comes out from the back>
"This match has just be changed to a NO DISQUALIFICATION MATCH!!"

(that should even things up a bit)​
Now, you can make the argument that the nWo's interference would be too much to handle for the Immortal one, and I would have to call bullshit on that. There's nothing those nWo guys could do that could keep the Hulkster down. Either they'll come in, and get their heads punched off, or they'll end up getting Hollywood Hogan disqualified with interference and ******ation. Either way, at the end of the match, the Immortal Hulk Hogan, The Real American, is the one getting his hand raised. No doubt about it.

Really thats probably what would happen...

To defend my argument, Hollywood Hogan was cheap, he was nothing like Immortal One. But the one thing Hollywood had was a HUGE ego!!! He didn't want to put anyone over, all he cared about was the Championship belt. Thats what I want to portray with this match with the Immortal Hogan. He was a bigger star to Hollywood, he threatened everything Hollywood cared about. So I feel he would stop at nothing to try and rid himself of Immortal hogan all together. ANd I think he would succeed during that one match. Yeah it would have to be a No DQ match in order for the nWo to do what I said, with out calling the match.

Believe me everything you and monkey are saying wants me to change my mind. And really I probably already have, but I think this situation is plausible as well.
- (DQ) Crushed by King Kong Bundy with help from Bobby Heenan and Paul Orndorf

Yeah, and he still ended up kicking Bundy's ass in a steel cage match later on.

- Loss to Undertaker with help from Mr. Perfect + Ric Flair

.... and he beat the Undertaker the next time they had a match. Besides, that Undertaker would fucking eat Hollywood Hogan for breakfast.

- Loss to Andre the Giant after help from Dave Hebner and Ted Dibiase

Yeah, help from a REFEREE. I'm sure in this match, the ref would end up being Randy Anderson or Earl Hebner, who were both as fair as they came (Anderson, especially).

These factors are in Hollywood's favor, since his strength is in numbers.

But see, the problem is, I don't buy that Hollywood would have the strength in numbers. If this match took place in the WWF, don't you think the good guys would have the Immortal's back to make sure he gets a fair shake? And of course in WCW the nWo was HATED by the WCW lockerroom and there's no doubt that guys like Sting, Luger, DDP, and even Karl Malone (lol) would have Hogan's back. This all makes it fair, and in a fair contest, the Immortal Hulkster kills Hollywood every single time.
<General Manager Teddy Long comes out from the back>
"This match has just be changed to a NO DISQUALIFICATION MATCH!!"

(that should even things up a bit)​

Ok Mr. D-Man. I see you what you're trying to do. Won't affect me any.

See with the no DQ in place, this frees up the NWO to definitely come down and help Hollywood. This also frees up a man by the name of Sting as well. Sting had no problem with the Yellow and Red. He also was the guardian angel of all that was good. Therefore he sees The Immortal One getting pounded on in this no DQ by other members of the NWO, Sting comes down and makes it even, as wel all know, there was only one man who could simultaneously at one time take out the entire NWO. Now he does that, frees up Hollywood for the Hulkster to finish off, and "The Immortal" Hulk Hogan is STILL the victor.

Nice wrench though.
This reminds me of the wrestlezone tourney when people would talk about interference, I've always said that if one character is allowed his past allies then the other should be allowed his.

That gives Hollywood Hogan the NWO, that gives Hulk Hogan people like Sting, Randy Savage (well, he'd have to pick a side ideally), Ultimate Warrior, and many more. Now, nearly every encounter Sting or Warrior had with the NWO involved them kicking the shit out of about 10 members each. So in my opinion this match goes down one on one as the interference of both sides cancel each other out.

In a one on one match Hulk straight up beats Hollywood, think Hogan vs Sting at Starcade without the bullshit ending. Hollywood hits the legdrop no doubt, Hogan kicks out at 2 and Hulks up, this ones over.
I could go either way, as I never really cared about Hogan that much. But in a match, I think its more of a toss up because of the fact I could see the NWO really using all the power they hyad to turn this for Hollywood. I loved Hollywood Hogan, he used all the means at his hands to keep the title. As long as he promised a title shot to every single member of NWO before this match, he wont be losing here with their help.
What we have here is another classic case of Good VS Evil.... Face VS Heel.... WWF VS WCW.... Hulk VS Hollywood.... Alright, enough of that. You get the picture.

This would be a dream match for virtually every wrestling fan who ever lived. If not all of us, then at least the vast majority. Now.... if for some reason there was some kind of dimensional distortion to where "Real American" Hogan could find and face "Hollywood" Hogan (or vice versa) then I think that things would start off with a promo battle where "Real American" Hulk would be trying to show Hollywood how he was wrong in turning on the fans. Hollywood would have some explicit words to say in response to that.... and then the match begins!

At first Hollywood would dominate, since "Real American" Hogan often got booked to look weak in the beginning of his matches, only to "Hulk up" and be able to get the strength to hit an Atomic Legdrop and win the match.

<General Manager Teddy Long comes out from the back>
"This match has just be changed to a NO DISQUALIFICATION MATCH!!"

(that should even things up a bit)​

Now that this has suddenly changed it to a no DQ match.... it would put things more in Hollywood's favor because the nWo could come out to attack "Real American" Hulk to make things look worse for him. However, I still think that Hulk would be able to withstand the odds being against him, "Hulk up", get the nWo guys out of the ring, and hit Hollywood Hogan with an Atomic Legdrop to officially defeat his other self. We saw things like this happen to Hogan A LOT and I must say that the match would end up something like this because it was how things (kayfabe) often ended up going, plus in a match as epic as this one it makes more sense from the kayfabe perspective to have the ultimate face win the match against his evil self. It would be awesome!

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