Kanyon's claim


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Does anyone believe that Montreal actually could have been a work? I just don't see why they would have let it linger on this long. I also think that if it had been that Bret Hart would have gotten involved somehow at Wrestlemania. I think Kanyon is just trying to get some attention with that.
Does anyone know if there is a video of it somewhere? Cause i didnt watch wrestling back then and have alwas wanted to see it.
kanyon just after some more publicity
Are you serious? If it was planned, Bret wouldn't have drilled Vince in the back later, Bret Hart would have been at WM, and you wouldn't have seen HBK sit on the apron and yell "GODDAMIT VINCE!" After he rang the bell as HBK was feeding his leg to Bret to counter the Sharpshooter. Of course, I'm trying to explain this to someone who likes the Rams and Pacers
The HBK yelling "Goddamnit" doesn't prove anything... It's been revealed since that Shawn was in on it so him yelling like that is just for the show.

That said... I do believe it happened and it was real...
Plus, their is no proof that Bret Hart decked Vince McMahon. They just said that it happened, and wrestlers can act really good.
the black eye the next day wasn't proof...let me guess, rough sex with Linda? Or maybe he walked into a door, right?
Apparently Vince hid in a room till Taker said come out or he would break down the door.

It wasn't staged BUT i think HBK might have been in on it.
There's no question about if it was real or not. It was. They made a full documentary about it, Bret has bashed the WWE for years (until they "made up" sort to speak), and Kanyon just wants some publicity. I had actually felt a little bad for Kanyon because I use to like him in the ring, and then I heard he started just making shit up (like this) and lost all respect for him.
Kanyon is a hack, plain and simple. He is starved for the attention he recieved as a WCW/WWE Wrestler, and wants it back, hence the claims of Montreal being a work, as well as the fact that he stated he was fired from WWE because he is gay. Two words for you Kanyon, PAT PATTERSON!!!!! Moron.
Kanyon said that the whole Mtl. incident was a work from the beginning, and everyone, including Bret Hart was in on it, claiming the Hitman told him this in WCW. The Documentary is called Bret Hart: Wrestling with Shadows
total bee ess.... that was real. theres no doubt it would have come out by now if it was a work. he had no sense of loyalty to vince or the wwe after he left he surely would have tried to hurt the profiting from the story by announcing it was a work while in wcw or after owen (RIP) passed away. it took them years to admit shawn even knew about it, i think by now they would have announced it was a work. especially when bret came for the HoF induction, wwe would have mentioned his loyalty to the storyline even while he was in wcw.

i can see an arguement against what i wrote tho since no one knows for sure but bret and those involved.

weird thot: what if canyon's new character is the online fan guy who starts rumors and plays a mark, which leads to fueds :p
I have gone back and forth about this many times. The part with Shawn yelling "God damnit, Vince" was unquestionably an act (either for the show or to Bret himself). That point can't be argued since he admitted he was in on it.

I do have to agree that if something was going to come out regarding it being a work, it probably would have been done by now. Being in this day and age, it is extremely difficult to keep information private due to the Internet, I'd be surprised if it was a well-kept secret for this long.

I also was told the Undertaker story from friends of ours that work for the company. Taker basically demanded Vince apologize to Bret for his dishonesty.

Unfortunately, taking the point that this was a shoot, I still do NOT stick up for Bret. Bret obviously thought he was bigger than he was. He has no right saying that he doesn't want to lose in Canada because it is his home. What if Michaels was champ? Should he say that he "doesn't want to lose in the United States since this is his home, too"? Vince knew Bischoff would throw a lot of money at Hart to go on Nitro and do the same thing Madusa did, as Nitro was gaining a ton of momentum during this time. He couldn't take the risk.

I do believe Vince was hit, but I wouldn't be surprised if makeup was used to embelish his injuries for the camera. It's the wrestling business. Not a business for honest people.
<Gasp> Intelligent life!!!! Bret Hart, although a huge star, is not biugger than the buisiness, and he should have done the honors in Mtl. which by the way, isn't even his goddam home town!!!

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