Kane's Royal Rumble Elimination Record


Simmer down and pucker up...
Sorry for the title, didn't know what to have as the title.

Anyway, as most of you know Kane has the record for the most eliminations in a Royal Rumble match which is of course 11 eliminations and he has held that record since 2001. With that being said I have some questions for you to answer:

1) Could you see anybody beating that record? If so who?

2) Do you think beating Kane's record could get a wrestler over as a dominant wrestler?

3) Do you think a wrestler should have a storyline where he wants to beat Kane's record? If so who?

4) Do you think that Kane's record is important?

You don't have to answer all of these questions if you don't want. Make you own questions up about Kane's record if you like.
1) Maybe; but i fear that it could be Cena or Orton but hopefully if it was to be beaten it would be beat by someone young would could use it as bragging rights. ( Swagger)

2) Maybe for a few months but no longer.

3) I would think they would have to already have a rumble win as it would make more sense if they were trying to improve on winning the rumble.

4) Very important. Kane is the king of rumbles and has dominated every rumble he has entered.
1) Nobody in the wwe right now deserves that record. It would have to be a big man to establish dominance and no big man right now deserves it.

2)Maybe until wrestlemania then forgotten about until the following royal rumble.

3)That wouldn't make any sense. Why would a wrestler just wanna eliminate people just to beat a record? When they could instead try to hmm idk WIN!

4)Yes to it's own right. Kane has done a lot for the company. Very loyal, and great all around performer considering his size. He deserves to hold that record. Although I would find it interesting if somebody up and coming eliminated 11 people and tied the record, then eliminated Kane to beat it. It would be like a passing of the torch sorta thing.
There are a few Superstars I could see beating Kane’s record of 11 eliminations, especially since there are now 40, assuming that they are sticking with 40 or maybe even increasing the number, participants in the Royal Rumble. I would say Mark Henry, Ezekiel Jackson, Mason Ryan, Big Show, even Kane himself could break his on record.

Of course beating Kane's record could get a wrestler over as a dominant wrestler. It’s the record to break at the Royal Rumble.

I don’t think a storyline is needed. I think it should just happen. If there is a storyline, I think it would either ruin the surprise of someone beating the record, or disappoint the fans if said Superstar doesn’t do it.

I think breaking eliminating 12 WWE Superstars in one Royal Rumble match is just as important as winning 4 Royal Rumble matches.
1. I could one day see someone beating Kane's record and I either want to see Sheamus or Skip Sheffield do it.

2. I do think it can get a superstar over for beating the record and it could lead to a possible story line involing the Winner vs Kane. Kane is and probally one of the best at putting someone over so it could possibly work.

3. No a superstar shouldn't have a story line leading into it. Just incase so and so superstar get's hurt it would be a huge let down. Only thing I would do though is have it be a Face trying for the record. An as stated above have the win lead into the story line. As I like Heel Kane better than Face Kane.

4. Yes Kane's record is important. It is important because such guys as Khali, Big Show, Batista, Cena and many other big guys can't even come close to touching it. The World Strongest Man can't come close to it an he's the WORLDS STRONGEST MAN!. So that says alot on just how important the Kane charcter was back in the day.

An I just watched the top 50 OMG moments and I was shocked as to why this wasn't in it. But a good 7 Austin clips. I thought it was def a OMG moment.
I don't think that the record will be broken anytime soon unless someone is being built up to be extremely dominant. It could help said wrestler get over as dominant, but then they run the risk of that record being set in the history books even if the push fails. That would not be fair to Kane who has held the record for so long, to have his record ended by a failure. Also, that record is one of Kane's moments that should not necessarily be taken away from him.

Kane is always a threat in Royal Rumble matches (a legit threat mind you, not the random sudden THREAT TO WIN like Mark Henry) and if the record was broken then Kane would be less intimidating in that type of match. I think that is a big part of why it has not been broken yet. Doing a storyline where they try to end Kane's record is an interesting idea. They could have that be the catalyst for a feud between Kane and the challenger, who fails at the Rumble, only for them to have a match at Elimination Chamber or something. I'd like to see that happen. Kane's record IS important though and the longer it stays in place, the more important it will become due to how long it has remained unbroken.
Great thread, Good questions...

1. I could definately see someone, someday breaking the record, but they'd need to have a way to quickly put guys out. Perhaps someone like Sheamus, with repeated Brogue Kicks to guys near the ropes, or Mark Henry just picking people up over his head. It would have to be someone VERY physically imposing. Cena or Orton or even HHH would seem forced, it would have to come naturally.

2. In the short term, it could help them gain some momentum, possibly set up a match with Kane, which could put him over as a dominant wrestler.

3. It probably wouldn't be the main focus of the storyline, but breaking the record could be a big goal for a wrestler trying to prove himself. Say he's trying to move into the main event picture and trying to show the champ or GM or whoever, that he has what it takes.

4. Absolutely, the record is important. If it wasn't, would they include it in every pre-Rumble video package?
Nice thread Electro. Anyways...

1) Could you see anybody beating that record? If so who?
I think it will happen, it'll just take a while. It doesn't necessarily have to be a "big man" or an "imposing" man neither. Think about it, it could just be someone INCREDIBLY cocky and somewhat lucky, picking off eliminations as and when. Could you imagine for instance, Ziggler, starting up a streak of say 5 or 6, realising "hang on, I've got a chance here", so every elimination he gets, he shouts out the number, eg, after #7, he shouts "SEVEN!". The crowd would be so behind it when they realised what he was doing.

Someone cocky and flash would pull it off brilliantly.

2) Do you think beating Kane's record could get a wrestler over as a dominant wrestler?

Not as dominant but it COULD start a feud with Kane. The record could be broken and Kane could go after them for it as his "legacy is being destroyed" etc. It'd work.

3) Do you think a wrestler should have a storyline where he wants to beat Kane's record? If so who?

While everyone is stood here saying "Everyone wants to win", yes, they do, but this story COULD well be something good. I mean...being honest here, if someone took heed of the packages aired for instance, came out and said that they wanted to beat the record for the amount of eliminations. They wanted to prove they're without a doubt THE best wrestler out there...it would work. Punk could do this, or DBD. Just about anyone who's gimmick is more based on wrestling.

4) Do you think that Kane's record is important?

Absolutely. They hype it every single year in every single package.
Kane's Royal Rumble elimination record is easily a feat that makes Kane seem dominant and scary even though his intimidating aura has shrunken through the years(Jobbing,being a face-monster that gets hurt,makes jokes etc.) so to Kane's character, it is important. For the WWE? It is because it adds to their video packages that serve as build-up for the Rumble and informs the newer members of the audience/reminds the older members of the audience that Kane is indeed a threat(Though not someone you would expect to win if you're a fan who's been following the business for sometime now) to eliminate your picks,favorites in the Rumble without your picks/faves suffering/losing credibility in the process because Kane is seen as an ancient weapon of mass destruction in Rumble matches.
Also, it gives them the opportunity in the distant future(Hopefully when Kane is already gone for a significant amount of time) to put a character over(Preferably heels, monster-heels to be exact) as a dominant force for that generation of the WWE and its audience.

Is there anyone currently deserving of breaking Kane's record? I would say, no. Tying it or coming close to it(Like 8-10) is enough. It will already send the message to the fans, be it the over-analytical ones, the regulars who don't think too much but just watch and the little jimmies that this guy(Whoever they book that will tie or come close to the record) is a credible threat and you will believe it!
Sheamus, Mason Ryan(IF,and this if is as big as a whale, he improves in every aspect of his work from promo-work to in-the-ring work) are people who I like to see come close but not break the record.

If ever the WWE decides to pull the trigger and give the recognition of most dominant performance in a Rumble match to someone, they should do that when Kane is no longer in active competition and the newer generation of fans has no idea or knows little about him.
Id actually like to see Kane beat the record. Hes been in more rumbles than anyone(I believe) definitely the most consecutive, and has always been viewed as a major threat in the match. I would like to see him enter early and beat his own record. Its more likely now that they do 40 man rumbles, idk if theyll do it again but well see. Kane has been one of the most loyal guys in the wwe and i think he deserves one last run at something strong like this. He had his, imo, very successful world title run and since then has lost some steam but wth his return coming soon i could see him getting back in it.
It’s a matter of time before someone beats it if they keeps up with the 40 man set-up. That wouldn’t surprise me. What is surprising is that WWE never capitalise on Kane’s effect in the Rumble and have him win it.

That said, I don’t think the record means that much outside of that one event, where it is particularly impressive. It probably couldn’t be used to get someone over but if they ever had a Brock Lesnar-style freak, I suppose it could be a good idea for character development.

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