Kane's best years in the WWE


CM Perfection
In my opinion Kane's best where from 1998 to 2002. I loved kane when he first appeard in late 1997 at bad blood, he was someone fresh and different in the WWF/E at the time and the storyline between him and the the undertaker at that time was epic. When Kane won his first WWF title at king of the ring in 1998 in a Hell in a Cell first blood match, and then to be stripped from it just 24 hours later I thought it was a bit hearting to be honesty at the time when kane was just getting started in the WWF/E. Vince should of aloud him to hold the title for at least a month, and yes I know the creative team had just started a undertaker and stone cold rivalry between them two. But it still would have been nice for Kane to hold onto the WWF title for a month or a bit longer.

So what do you think is kane's best years in the WWE ???
Hm. It's kinda hard to pinpoint it. 1997-2002, we really had the Big Red Machine minus Katie Vick. In 2003 when he first took the mask of, he was like he was in 1998; busting everyone up. From 04-06, he was still pretty good. 2010 was probably one of Kane's best years. He showcased his impeccable promo skills and won a well deserved World Championship. Not to mention he beat Taker 3 straight times. It's hard to say.
I have a wish, I wish Kane's best year was 2011. I'm being serious. I know he was the best around the turn of the century but I wanna see an immediate shift.

Here is what I want out of Kane.

Huge turn on Big Show, just put him down multiple times...tombstone him if possible.

New Mask/New Clothes, something evolved from the old Kane mask and something the covers the gut up a bit more and eccentuates the arms and shoulders, make him look good and make him look angry and unstopable...he's on Smackdown, what's the worst that could happen; just give it a try.

Give him a few new moves, more signature and more innovative; if anyone can do it besides Taker, it's Kane.

Make him a sick monster, have him run through everyone, good and bad...make it a real concern for everyone that at any point Kane might ruin your life.

Build this up for a year, it would hold interest; I can guaruntee that if it was booked properly, this would be the kind of thing that would draw good attention.

Now that we are coming up on Wrestlemania, you probably already know where I'm going with this, bring back the only guy who can stop the REAL Big Red Monster...give Taker's last match to someone who has history with him; but no weak Taker this time, I want a monster to match a monster, hell in the cell, at Wrestlemania.

This would make 2011 his best year
I have a wish, I wish Kane's best year was 2011. I'm being serious. I know he was the best around the turn of the century but I wanna see an immediate shift.

Here is what I want out of Kane.

Huge turn on Big Show, just put him down multiple times...tombstone him if possible.

New Mask/New Clothes, something evolved from the old Kane mask and something the covers the gut up a bit more and eccentuates the arms and shoulders, make him look good and make him look angry and unstopable...he's on Smackdown, what's the worst that could happen; just give it a try.

Give him a few new moves, more signature and more innovative; if anyone can do it besides Taker, it's Kane.

Make him a sick monster, have him run through everyone, good and bad...make it a real concern for everyone that at any point Kane might ruin your life.

Build this up for a year, it would hold interest; I can guaruntee that if it was booked properly, this would be the kind of thing that would draw good attention.

Now that we are coming up on Wrestlemania, you probably already know where I'm going with this, bring back the only guy who can stop the REAL Big Red Monster...give Taker's last match to someone who has history with him; but no weak Taker this time, I want a monster to match a monster, hell in the cell, at Wrestlemania.

This would make 2011 his best year
(1) Kane is too old now he's in his mid 40's and on the verge of retirement
and he can't wrestle any more and there's no reason for him to have the mask to be put back on and the other finally thing is nooooo way do I wana see kane vs taker again there last storyline was crap and the matches where shit and boring to say the least.

(2) It's kind of clear to me that you only started to watch the WWE either a few months ago or 2 or 3 years, u basically just said everything that kane has done like 10 years old back in this prime. He won't be able to do any of those things again he's too old and can't wrestle anymore.
I have a wish, I wish Kane's best year was 2011. I'm being serious. I know he was the best around the turn of the century but I wanna see an immediate shift.

Here is what I want out of Kane.

Huge turn on Big Show, just put him down multiple times...tombstone him if possible.

New Mask/New Clothes, something evolved from the old Kane mask and something the covers the gut up a bit more and eccentuates the arms and shoulders, make him look good and make him look angry and unstopable...he's on Smackdown, what's the worst that could happen; just give it a try.

Give him a few new moves, more signature and more innovative; if anyone can do it besides Taker, it's Kane.

Make him a sick monster, have him run through everyone, good and bad...make it a real concern for everyone that at any point Kane might ruin your life.

Build this up for a year, it would hold interest; I can guaruntee that if it was booked properly, this would be the kind of thing that would draw good attention.

Now that we are coming up on Wrestlemania, you probably already know where I'm going with this, bring back the only guy who can stop the REAL Big Red Monster...give Taker's last match to someone who has history with him; but no weak Taker this time, I want a monster to match a monster, hell in the cell, at Wrestlemania.

This would make 2011 his best year

i wish this would happen aswell as hes one of my favourites kane used to have a very unique look and gimmick and was one of the scariest looking guys in wwe ive never really understood why wwe changed him into another generic big man also his character and backstory had so much more potential i think the creative team really screwed up over the course of his career it should be easy to come up with storylines with a gimmick like kanes and they give us stuff like katy vick and the half assed fake kane storyline that went nowhere i think the kane character is way overdue for some tweaks to make him feel like a threat again and as you said a new attire and a push as a monster again is a good place to start
2001 - 2003 was his prime, he was in his best shape & put on his best matches

2010 is arguably his best year though, great promos, world championship reign (of the longest world championship reigns in the WWE)

2004 - 2006 was alright

2008 - 2009 Was probably his worst though

I thought in 1997 he looked really sloppy in the ring, his punches on the ground didn't look at all convincing for example.

1998 - 1999 Was really entertaining also.. Undertaker/Kane/Austin feud, WWF Title (for one day mind) & his relationships which developed the charecter (Chyna, Torri, X-Pac)
id say kanes best persona in wwe/wwf was when he first got there and on up into the attitude era he was a good wrestler then the mask is what made kane cause every1 wanted to see what was under it my personal opinion eric bishoff ruined kane he was all about tryin to do something to show he was the man like he was in wcw and after that kane turned into basically a weenie he never won anymore matches really he was basically a joke and they tried to win him over as a bad guy with the undertaker promo but instead of stayin that way he went with santino and them and now hes dancing around making his carrer even worse than what it was
Kane's best times in the WWF/E have been whenever he has feuded with The Undertaker. He has main evented and tasted championship success at those times while at all other times he has mostly been a midcarder, with the exception of one program against Triple H.

So those years would be from 1997-1999, a brief run in 2004, the run with Triple H in 2002 for a few months and obviously his last title run in the WWE in 2010.
I think it depends.. on a success level then it has to be 2010. A title run plus big wins over The Undertaker 3 PPVs in a row. As far as impact goes and being a true force in the WWE then I would say 1997-2002.
I would either go with his original run when he debuted or his run as World Champion in 2010. His first run was so well done with his debut. It was a huge moment when we finally saw Kane and for the next year he was a big deal. His feud with Taker was so well done from a build point, it put him on the map. However for his best years I would go with the 2010 run of champion. From winning Money in the Bank to World Champion in a matter of an hour. You don't get much better than that. Then he would beat The Undertaker at Night of Champions, Hell in a Cell and Bragging Rights. Three times Kane beat his brother, twice in matches Taker made famous. We also have the fact he was never pinned to lose the World Champion.

Kane around this period of 2010 was going great. His promos were better than ever and he stayed at the top of several months. This has to be his best year.
1997-2003, 2010. When he first debuted he was unstoppable. Who else back then could match Undertakers powers? He was taking people out left, right and center. Even when he got unmasked he was deadly for a while. It all went downhill in about 2004. Again in 2010 he rose to the top detroying Undertaker on many occasions and winning the WHC.

Kanes best years: 1997-2003 and then again in 2010. IMO.

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