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Who thinks at the Great American Bash Kane will interefre in the Punjabi Prison match and help Undertaker...to set up Brothers of Destruction(KANE&UNDERTAKER) vs The Great Khali&Big Show:lol2:
No it won't happen. If Kane had continued the storyline he was in and acquired his old mask - then I would say yes. But as it stands - not likely IMO. The WWE is just ruining Kane until he retires.
The Aggressor™ said:
No it won't happen. If Kane had continued the storyline he was in and acquired his old mask - then I would say yes. But as it stands - not likely IMO. The WWE is just ruining Kane until he retires.
Remember Kane took the mask from the Fake Kane...and we havent seen him since..and remember Kane made his debut in the HIAC well a Punjabi Match is like a cage..so I am thinking Kane will make his comeback in the match but go along with Taker and take out Khali and that will set up Kane and Taker vs Khali and Big Show...Big Show because of SNME...remember:lol2:
Yeah that's true. It sounds like a great idea and I am with you - I want it to happen. But if the past means anything, the WWE won't be helping Kane. If the storyline was scrapped, I reckon that means the mask too. I would really mark out if I saw this, but all I am saying is that I know Kane and Taker will reunite sometime, however I think it will be at a bigger, cross-brand PPV such as Summerslam or even Wrestlemania 23.
the reason is because the great american bash's card sucks. i spent 175.00 and all i am getting is a tna wreslting ppv.........
I think that would be great to see them reunite at the bash. and we haven't seen kane lately. so hopefully old school Brothers of Destruction
Duke809 said:
the reason is because the great american bash's card sucks. i spent 175.00 and all i am getting is a tna wreslting ppv.........

^ Stop bitching. Go actually suffer through an episode of tna, then come back and watch the WWE. It'll seem so much better.
i have 3rd row seats right in front of the t.v. i made lots of signs one that says if benoit shows up we riot!!!!!!!!!!
i thought that this could be possible because we did hear in that kane retiring rumor possibly kane and taker joining together again. and when kane took the mask off the kane imposter, he looked at it tansfixed, so, he could be off, comeback with the mask. but i don't know if that would happen now, even if it was going to, cos if it is true that khali is being replaced by show, then it would just be kane and taker vs show, so i dunno. just have ta wait and see i guess. obviously really kane is promoting see no evil, but they are gonna have to play some angle for kane to comeback, its not like he mised one week. well you would think they would, but you never know with wwe.
Read my topic I posted here or think I did, explaining why Kane will team with Taker, but with Khali out, Vince probab;y nixed those plans, who else should tag with Show is the question if Kane put the mask on with Taker?.. or should Show even feud with them at all?
well maybe show could take both of them on? he is the ecw champ and over 500 punds after all :p but that is unlikley, i dunno, but maybe kane wasn't meant to be apart of it yet, and if he was, it could be a bit later on. how long is he in italy for, from the 17 of july until the 28 is it or sommeit?
I wouldn't know but Kane could return at anytime. I think the WWE was planning on having Khali and Show pound on Taker week after week then after desperate times, Taker was without hope and Kane runs in to save him. They might just do a Kane/Taker feud only, who knows... Are there any other giants that could team with Show?...
well there is viscera but that will never happen, he's the only other big guy i can think of at the mo. unless they bring in someone else. but yes this does look like a gd open for kane doesn't it, with how things are being planned, taker getting beaten up, kane with the mask and disappearing, and undertaker re appearing. but i dunno how wwe would play it off now. they could bring someone from ecw maybe?
Viscera was part of the Ministry, but still I can't see that fitting in. No one from ECW can match Khali's size. Anyways, I don't know how they'd do that with Show in ECW as champion. Maybe they'll just have them turn on each other now, as I said above.
Yes, the ORIGINAL plan was to have Henry/Khali v Taker/Kane then Henry got hurt and Show replaced him. NOW Khali is injured and will miss the GAB with Show taking his spot. I don't know how that will affect Kane's return plans.
It won't happen in a million years as much as I would like it to happen! Kane is on a dissapearing act at the moment...
I think the Great Khali, Big Show and Undertaker storyline is to set up a refomation of the Brohters Of Destruction. Since Undertaker got his ass kicked recently, by Great Khali and ECW's Big Show. Khali and Big Show will contiune kicking Undertakers ass until eventually Kane runs in and helps Undertaker fight the two giants off. This will lead to a match at SS.
Caper1992 said:
Who thinks at the Great American Bash Kane will interefre in the Punjabi Prison match and help Undertaker...to set up Brothers of Destruction(KANE&UNDERTAKER) vs The Great Khali&Big Show:lol2:

actually, yeah. i was just thinking that during snme. i bet that will probably happen.
everybody says Khali is out but in wwe.com, its still Taker vs. khali. When lashley and henry was reported out, wwe.com changed it.
I think that at Summer Slam it 's going to be Taker vs. Khali and Show and then Kane interfers to set a match at Survivor Series....sounds like a Mania match but I don't see Taker and Kane staying together long enough to set the match at Mania...unless they set the Taker vs. Khali and Show match at Survivor Series and then have the Taker and Kane vs. Khali and Show match at Mania
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