Kane: the ideal tweener?


Pre-Show Stalwart
On SD! tonite he was in a match against Kofi Kingston. Hes in a fued with Rey Mysterio. But hes still got the whole find my brothers asailant gimmick going so hes still getting a face reaction. This is practically the definition of Tweener

So do you feel Kane is a Tweener or do you still see him as a face? Explain why you feel this way.
At the moment he appears to be a tweener since he has been going after anyone he could possibly accuse of putting his "brother" in a "vegetative state." There has been a good couple of months of tweener Kane here and I couldn't be happier, he has managed to make himself relevant once again and kick ass and destroy whoever he wanted to in the name of figuring out whoever did it to Taker. It looks like he's headed for a heel turn though if the reports are true that Kane will be found responsible for vegging Taker out though I severely hope that they keep Kane as a tweener and introduce a new heel to the mix since Kane and Taker have feuded multiple times in the past. It took 11 years of me being a fan of Kane to finally see him at the top of the business as I missed his initial day run and I have to say they missed out on having kane main event, he can still bring it long after people have been saying he's passed his prime and out of shape.
Kane was a Tweener.Rey ruined it by saying he attacked Undertaker.Kids didnt even wonder who to believe. Big scary monster or Mexican Superhero.
I think Kane is going through a slow steady turn right now much like CM Punk did last summer when he cashed in on Jeff Hardy.

But anyways when this whole push started Kane was helping out Rey Mysterio and was out to avenge his brother and only targeting heels. Basically he was a monster babyface, which IMO is stupid.

But Now you can sense a heel turn and a beaten to death feud with 'Taker coming. He first of cashed in on Rey Mysterio. Than he was accused of taking out the Undertaker.

I think in the near future this will develop into a full fledge heel turn.
i bet he is he gonna go bad but im a hugh fan of kane but i really dont like undertakers character because if they fued its gonna be undertaker who gets the win. its always undertaker he may lose a little match in the middle but in the end kane gonna lose to "his brother". its just like undertakers wrestlemania push where he never loses. i just hope that after this that kane dosent go jobbing i hope he stays in the main event and not losing. because kane is a monster you just need him to growl in the mic and he be intimadating and he is a worker i want his title run to go for a long while not just a few months like reys 1 month reign.
I think Kane is going through a slow steady turn right now much like CM Punk did last summer when he cashed in on Jeff Hardy.

But anyways when this whole push started Kane was helping out Rey Mysterio and was out to avenge his brother and only targeting heels. Basically he was a monster babyface, which IMO is stupid.

But Now you can sense a heel turn and a beaten to death feud with 'Taker coming. He first of cashed in on Rey Mysterio. Than he was accused of taking out the Undertaker.

I think in the near future this will develop into a full fledge heel turn.

Agreed. Him revealing that he was the one who took Taker out of action into this "vegetative" state is going to make him a full-fleged heel and probably have him feud w/ Taker over the WHC strap for a few months now.
Right now, I would say he is the perfect tweener.

The angle he is involved in helps him be a tweener. He is aggressively chasing after the man who put his brother in a vegetative state. He isnt afraid to question anyone, even the faces. Since he isnt afraid to go after anyone, most of the fans will either love that he is so passionately looking for who did this to his brother, or hate that he is willing to go after their favorite face. Right now, he is very polarizing (I think thats the word I'm looking for).

But I also agree with Sasori in that this is just part of the steady turn we have seen over the last few months. He has been a clear face for a while now. Also, we all expect him to be revealed as the man that put Taker in the vegetative state. Tweener is just the middle ground and part of his slow and steady heel turn.

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