Kane Or Abyss.. better Monster Role?

better monster character

  • Kane

  • Abyss

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there has been much talk since the debut of Abyss that he was nothing more then a TNA rip off of Kane. while they do have some similarities, i always found Abyss more Mankind like, and not just because of the mask either. but whether it was reading posts around the different threads, or articles by Mark Madden, the Kane/Abyss comparison was made. so my question to everyone is who plays the better monster role? the Big Red Machine Kane? or Abyss?
I went with Abyss. At first, Abyss went every one and did just about anything to win from one mean head vice (or whatever it is called that Khali does) to torturing his own body for the sake of putting a hurting on someone else. It just sucks that Vince Russo got a hold of him.. Yeah.

Kane on the other hand, I always felt was a one-dimensional monster. It was like "Umm. I hate my brother and yeah. I am gonna go kick his ass now." So, naturally when he wasn't with Taker it just didn't seem right to me. Kinda like how everyone says that Mickie was only good when she was a crazy ho. Well, she wasn't a crazy ho, she was disgruntled ex-Trish Stratus fan.
Hmmm, this an interesting question. As right now, I would have to with Abyss. When Abyss is a heel, he does an exceptional job at playing the monster role. His attacks on Jeff Hardy and Mr.Anderson a while back were done so well. The amount of intensity he brings to his promos can also be something to marvel at.

As far as kane goes, his best stuff as heel occurs when he's going against The Undertaker, and sadly, he's always buried in feuds with The Deadman. kane can always deliver some intense and creepy promos, but I would have to give the very slight edge to Abyss here. kane's role as the evil monster(something we might be seeing very soon) can be dull at times, but when it comes to Abyss, he can do and say some pretty scary shit.
If it is right now, or even in the last ten years, then it is Abyss. In his prime I would probably give it to Kane although I do agree that he was never all that versatile in the role. Kane was booked with a slightly more dominating presence and character than Abyss then. His in-ring work used to be quite monsterish while abyss wasn't especially sadistic outside of hardcore settings. Then again practically all abyss did then was hardcore so it is hard to separate the two. When Abyss was actually a monster he always had someone pulling the strings whereas Kane was his own monster at points.
Kane is the obvious choice for me,
Kane isn't a monster,
Kane is THE Monster,
Plays his role to a T,
MIC skills,
Kind of un-beleivable,
& Not to shabby in the Ring for a big Man,
Whether he's hooking up w/ Lita,
Or once again calling out the Undertaker,
The Big Red Machine is always an option,
& He'll always work
im shocked people actually chose abyss, you chose abyss because you basing it as their characters right now. kane in the 90s was the freakest thing to hit the wrestling world besides the deadman. kane dominated and kept on doing so till the pg era came along. kane is and will always be the monster of the wrestling company.abyss's promos suck. what this thing with a 2 by 4 with nails in it? kane never used a weapon did everything himself. what a true monster would do. no weapons needed. and i agree i see abyss as a rip off of mankind not the big red machine. come one a better monster then kane? i hope this thread is a joke.
it's no joke Porter, and i actually agree and picked Kane myself, as Kane has shown he can also be hardcore. remember the matches with Shane Mcmahon? or the Hardcore matches he had back in the day? the guy was a freak. his first legit Loss was to Taker, and that was months after he came in.
I see Abyss as a mix of Mankind and Kane. He makes a great monster but I go with Kane for the better Monster. Kane has always had an imposing presance in the ring. Back when he wore the mask he was the Big Red Machine - an instoppable , heartless asskicking machine . Then he took off the mask and he's charictor took on a whole new level of creepyness as he took on a new psycotic element. Even when Kane is being cheered as a face he still retains the psyco persona , something that Abyss doesnt do as well which is what puts Kane over the top for the better monster in my opinion.
Kane without a doubt. Has Abyss been set on fire? Has abyss kidnapped countless people? Has Abyss been buried Alive? Has Abyss been accused of murder or manslaughter? Has Abyss been speculated as the man who put the Undertaker in a vegatative state? Does Abyss have the same in-ring skill set that can go toe-to-toe with the Undertaker?
The answer to this is highly dependent upon a better definition of which version of Kane you are referring to. If it's the masked one, it's Kane, by far, but if it's the Kane we've seen over the last decade, it's far and away Abyss as far as I'm concerned.

There's something to be said of the "mystery" behind the monster character, and the moment Kane lost that mystery, he became human again in a sense, and in the process lost a ton of the intrigue and "mysticism" he was surrounded by prior. Masks like Kanes, for example, prohibited anyone from seeing him "suffer" by his facial expressions, and as a result he seemed much more inhuman than he did human – there's something inherently "scary" about that.

While Abyss shows a good portion of his "human" qualities in the holes in his mask, it still covers a significant portion of his face, which still helps to aid the "mystery" of just how "human" he actually is.

For the purposes of this thread, I'm presuming we're factoring in the Kane of the last decade, so in that case, my vote goes to Abyss.
Has Abyss been set on fire?

Numerous times, and much more "realistically" looking than Kane, who obviously wore a fire guard when his arm went up.

Has abyss kidnapped countless people?


Has Abyss been buried Alive?

Technically, yes – he's been put in coffins before, though never actually buried by dirt.

Has Abyss been accused of murder or manslaughter?

Yes. He had been in prison (kayfabe) for shooting his father in the back three times, sending him into a coma which he survived

Has Abyss been speculated as the man who put the Undertaker in a vegatative state?

No, and it's ridiculous for you to even note this as the two don't work for the same company. Stick to relevant questions, please?

Does Abyss have the same in-ring skill set that can go toe-to-toe with the Undertaker?

See above answer.
This was a difficult question because both guys have had their monster characters seriously diluted in recent times.

The masked Kane from a decade ago was a true monster. He was big. He was bad. He had the mystique of the mask, combined with the mystique of being Taker's "brother." He was creepy, he was dominant in the ring. With the loss of the mask, he lost a lot of his "monster-ness." But when you consider the longevity of his career, his role as a monster cannot be discounted.

Abyss was a pretty good monster as well but for me, his character was irreparably destroyed with his involvement with Hogan earlier this year. As I have stated on numerous occasions, he went from the monster Abyss to a Forrest Gump or Eugene type of character. Now when I see him I am no longer able to view him seriously as a monster. When he is acting like the monster Abyss now, I cannot stop picturing him cowering in front of Hogan's desk, acting like he was mentally delayed.

So I give the edge to Kane, although closer than I would have expected.
I know certain people will look at my view dubiously because I'm an obvious 'biased Kane fan' (see the avatar if there's any doubt), but of course I'm picking Kane here. The original Kane especially proves that Kane is the better 'monster' in my view because of the mask and the build up and intrigue WWE managed to create.

As some wise people have said, Kane's mask quite literally masked his emotions, so that fans could never really tell if he was in pain or not and indeed that is scary. Whenever a wrestler gets hit with a chair for example, you expect him to grimace in pain but with the original Kane, he just kept coming and of course, he never displayed emotion, for the first few years anyway.

I often compare the original masked Kane to Michael Myers, a large masked individual who never speaks but no matter how much you do to him, he can never be killed and that's kind of like what Kane was in the early years. To me, the old Kane was the best monster I have ever seen in wrestling and in that context, Abyss stands no chance.

With that being said if you compare Abyss to the Kane we saw the last few years, I would say Abyss was the better monster but again it's kind of an unfair comparison considering TNA often emphasized Abyss's monsterous qualities while WWE virtually ignored Kane, so of course it was going to be difficult for Kane to compete in the best monster competition.

However, when Kane is on his game, I think he is able to pull of the monster persona quite perfectly (see his work the last few months for example) and that's why I give the edge to Kane. Also, Kane's promos are often very articulate which makes him seem quite intelligent, a bit like a smart serial killer, whereas Abyss just goes off on a bit of a meaningless ramble, but I suppose it's really down to personal taste.

Of course, that doesn't mean Abyss isn't a good monster character because he does an excellent job of portraying the psycho he's supposed to be and he's one of the better TNA performers in my opinion but yeah, Kane for me.
Abyss, ....I love all "monsters" err most anyways but kane and abyss both got watered down... kane stayed that way... so abyss just for the fact he quit coming out to hogans music and not kane for the fact the mask is still off (even if he deserves to have it off)
I'd pick Kane as the better monster. I found it so close to call that it came down to one thing for me. See No Evil. Yep, I'm using a horror movie as a basis for my choice as both characters have been messed about so much in wrestling it's hard to really pick who's better (was so close anyway) but, after that movie I find it easier to see Kane being used on the big screen to scare someone than I do Abyss
joabroni_beatin_pie-eatin, yes kane can do it all, without there being hardcore abyss would be nothing. and i do remember the fued with shane, i think that was his best fuel for a monster after he got unmasked. and the carnage he caused to jr, linda, bichoff, and austin just everyone that came across him, then burying the deadman, after awhile the wwe calmed his character down because of pg, im going on a limb here to say the unmasked kane in the beginning was his best character easily could have the personality to be champ, tombstoning wwes ceo on the stage, lighting jr on fire, but it looks like to be were about to see that masked monster re-born.
I think Abyss is overrated and I don't think of him as a monster at all.
I think of him as a sweaty pig and it just looks like you can smell him from over the tv...
So apparently if you wanna be a monster I guess you have to have bad hygiene and have the mentality of a ten yr old cause that's what the dude acts like
If you need a HOF power ring to get your mojo, you aren't a monster. Abyss is a midcarder. Kane is at times that, but he is also at times a main eventer. Hell, he is involved in an angle currently where he took out his brother, and has been deviously blaming it on other people. Kane has been showing a creative intelligence behind his evil...what do you get with Abyss? HULK GIVE RING. ME STRONG. HULK GET RING BACK. ME NOT STRONG NO MORE. And that is the depth of Abyss's character. Abyss isn't a monster. He isn't even as depraved as Mankind was. He is a mediocre wrestler doing a half-assed imitation of other characters. Reminds me of the crazy ripoffs we used to see in the USWA. Was the Macho Warrior Ric Hogan not available?
I'm going to judge this on the Masked Kane the debut at Bad Blood.Kane wins here, and for me it is not even close.The guy came in and domianted The Undertaker, while he may not have beaten him at WrestleMania he sure came close.He was always seen as the Big Red Monster and would destroy anybody who got in his path.Former WWE Champion, and he also defended the tag titles by himself in a ladder match against multiple teams.How many people can say that they have done that.Even after he was forced to take off his mask he went nuts, destroying people and going back to the old Kane that debut in the 90's.He has always been that Monster of the WWE and has hardly ever been put down to rest.As for Abyss, what Monster needs a ring to become powerful, no monster should need that.
Kane is the better Monster his promos are a shit load better. While Kane has these Intense and Psychotic promos Abyss eats raw cow hide. While Kane is playing around with a casket Abyss is playing with a stick full of nails. Plus look at the size Kane is billed at 7 ft while Abyss at 6 ft 8 I believe I think I'm more afraid of the 7 footer. Plus this is just counting the recent Kane when you go back to the masked Kane he had streches of being what I would call by god almost invincible.

Plus while Abyss has won one World Title for a month. Kane's the only person in history to win the WWE Championship, World Heavyweight Championship, and WWECW Championship. Plus would I ever buy a match with Abyss in it unless it's a hardcore match yeah I wouldn't while I am going to buy Summerslam to see Kane defend his title among the other matches tells me one Monster gets thier company my money the other doesn't.
If you need a HOF power ring to get your mojo, you aren't a monster. Abyss is a midcarder. Kane is at times that, but he is also at times a main eventer. Hell, he is involved in an angle currently where he took out his brother, and has been deviously blaming it on other people. Kane has been showing a creative intelligence behind his evil...what do you get with Abyss? HULK GIVE RING. ME STRONG. HULK GET RING BACK. ME NOT STRONG NO MORE. And that is the depth of Abyss's character. Abyss isn't a monster. He isn't even as depraved as Mankind was. He is a mediocre wrestler doing a half-assed imitation of other characters. Reminds me of the crazy ripoffs we used to see in the USWA. Was the Macho Warrior Ric Hogan not available?

I find it hilarious how you obviously don't watch TNA but somehow assume you know what's going on, aside from the fact that the last we saw of the HOF ring was Abyss sticking it down Hogan's throat and choking him, your analysis of Abyss is far off. Abyss has currently been playing a much better monster, he's been attacking people. He's currently set to face RVD in a world title match tonight. Either watch TNA or shut the fuck up.
Abyss has a world title match? OOOOOooooo. Big fucking deal. Kane is currently the World Champ. What's better, merely being in a title match, or actually being the champion?

If Abyss is such a huge monster, why does Kane currently have 83% of the vote? As I write this, it is 30-6 in favor of Kane. Shouldn't it be closer? Even if you want to claim that its just WWE fans voting for their own, that is a huge margin. Surely there are more than 6 people who watch TNA that have voted in the poll...
It all depends on what time zone we are talking here. Are we talking about masked or unmasked kane. If it's masked Kane then Kane if it's unmasked then unfortunatly (I dislike TNA as you might be aware but I watch it) Abyss is a bigger monster than Kane.

As masked Kane, he was an absolute beast no-one would want to get in the ring with him he is too much of a monster.

Abyss on the other hand brings a lot of intensity into promos and brings out that monster inside him at all times as a heel.

Overall I am assuming of all time and I'll vote Kane.
The human goofy Abyss and the Abyss with the HOF ring is no monster heel. The same can be said about Kane when he was in relationships and he removed his mask only to become a jobber. As far as the original hardcore monster Abyss and the original monster Kane, I would give the slight edge to Abyss. It could go either way though. I just haven't see Kane in as many hardcore battles as Abyss. Abyss could go through heel and back and still win a match. He even beat Sting. Has Kane ever beaten the Undertaker? No. If the storyline is true that Kane left Undertaker in a "vegetative state" then it is even more ridiculous. Kane lost the WWF championship in 24 hours to Steve Austin.

I will agree that Abyss is a ripoff of Kane/Mankind, but Abyss is a much more feared character then Kane in my opinion. I would have to give the slight edge to Abyss as being better in a monster role.
Abyss has a world title match? OOOOOooooo. Big fucking deal. Kane is currently the World Champ. What's better, merely being in a title match, or actually being the champion?
And if you were actually capable of reading, you'd see my point was that you have no idea what Abyss' current character involves. Try again, dumbass.

If Abyss is such a huge monster, why does Kane currently have 83% of the vote? As I write this, it is 30-6 in favor of Kane. Shouldn't it be closer? Even if you want to claim that its just WWE fans voting for their own, that is a huge margin. Surely there are more than 6 people who watch TNA that have voted in the poll...

36 people total, yeah that's a decent sample size.:rolleyes: And again, I don't care who people prefer, my point was that you were judging something you don't watch, your vote is irrelevant because you clearly don't know anything about Abyss, as seen by your previous post in which you described events that never happened. Good job.

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