Kane on his last legs?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Ok so I have to wonder...

on his return Kane beat down the biggest guy in WWE seemingly with ease.

then this week on Smackdown he defeated the Intercontinental champion without MUCH difficulty. In the feud that Kane and Rey Mysterio had before, Rey was the one who was mostly put over. Now Kane comes back and runs straight through him.
I look at it this way, Rey Mysterio went over Chris Jericho at the Bash, and then Kane beat Rey so really he is better than Jericho too, I know the kayfabe is that Rey was in a match at the Bash and Kane was fresh but even so..

Then next week on Smackdown Kane defeats another key player on Smackdown!

Which to me says that Kane is getting a HUGE push as one of Smackdown's if not the top heel for a few months. Perhaps even ending up with the World Title round his waist.

It makes me wonder is this Kane's final run in WWE?

What are your thoughts?
Not quite sure what you're gettin at homie. I highly doubt he's gettin a push. Kane in a feud with Khali doesn't exactly scream "top heel" to me. He might get an Intercontinental title reign, he might. But in all likelyhood, he will be reduced to the jobber to the stars. I like Kane, but I really doubt he'll be gettin any kind of push. Let alone a WHC title reign.
I watched Smackdown last night and saw the match that Kane had with the Intercontinental Championship. You'd think that a win over the Intercontinental Champion would put you right in the title hunt, but with Kane... it means nothing. The match that Kane had with Rey Mysterio was actually pretty good, and Kane showed little to no signs of ring rust. He looked very great in the ring on Smackdown, and I hope... just hope, that he will win his Khali fued, this time around.

As for next week's Smackdown... Yes! He did defeat a main player on Smackdown and I was a bit surprised. Kane probably doesn't have much time left in him either, so I hope a push is in line for him. The World Heavyweight Championship scene isn't packed, so Kane would make a great addition to it, I think.
Unfortunately, Kane is probably on his last run in the WWE. How long will it last? I don't know, I am guessing probably another year or 2. Is he receiving a push right now? Probably not. He might just be looking dominant so he can go into this feud with Khali as a man that can match him. Kane, and Glen Jacobs for that matter, does deserve a push, but Glen doesn't want it, and he wants to put over the younger stars. Personally I just want him to be the badass Kane he used to be, where he dominated anyone and everyone. I must say though, if Kane wins the World Title, I would MTFO and go crazy, just because I am a pretty big fan of Kane.

So in reality, Kane is probably looking at a current feud with Khali, maybe, just maybe an Intercontinental Title run, but probably staying with putting over talent, hopefully where both look strong and he wins.
I think it's too soon to tell, and I don't think Kane went through Mysterio just like that. It took him some time and Mysterio did put up a fight. And also Kane did run away from Khali who isn't doing much. If he was getting a huge push one last time he'd probably use his speed advantage over KHALI and beat him up. But you never know man.
I just think Kane is beginning to dominate so that somebody that needs the push can beat him. That's basically what Kane does now and I don't have a problem with that just like he doesn't seem to have a problem with it. He may get an Intercontinental Title once but he will probably retire within the next three years.
I have to admit that I completely skipped through the Rey Mysterio vs <insert big man here> match. What makes it worse is that they had one of the most if not worst fueds ever in the WWE over Reys mask, so whenever I see Kane now I can't help but be haunted by the way the WWE have used him over the last few years. Is he a face or is a heel? Should I cheer or boo? Why can't he put his mask on and be so much cooler? These are the questions most fans have probably wondered while watching a Kane match. As much as I liked him during the attitude era he's become a dull bore, I can't stand watching his matches and he's never been interesting since he took off his mask. He's 42 now so even if he was incredibly over he'd be thinking about retirement, which is something he should do because he's not been used properly and he's become a joke. If he's going to stick around then he should purely be used to put over new talent, not have awful fueds with already popular wrestlers. His upcoming fued with Khali has me thrilled! He should be wrestling the Dolph Zigglers, the John Morrisons, the R-truths and making them look great. Although with the WWE as long as they can get some good merchandising sales out of someone they'll use them untill they're bled dry.
Kane getting a huge push ?

Where have I heard that before ? Oh yes the last time he had a feud and the time before and so on.

The way it looks like He´s going to feud against Khali which isn´t a good sign for Kane.
The two had a feud before and it sucked as well as the matches, the pairing might be one of the worst I´ve seen in recent years.

These two can´t work a good match together.

And Kane getting a World title ? The ECW title maybe but the WWE title or the Heavyweight title ? No way.

They´d never let him go over Punk or Orton.

The IC title may be possible.
I don't think Kane is on his last legs to be honest, I think he is more durable than people recognize. I read an article on the main site while Kane was off recently which noted that for someone who has been wrestling as long as Kane, he is still in a good physical condition with only a few minor injuries and it is generally thought that Glen Jacobs is one of the few WWE stars to have full control over when he retires or in other words he can go on for as long as he wants because he has looked after himself over the years. Simly put, Kane will decide when he is ready to go, whether that be next week or the next few years.

I'm not sure if Kane is being built up for a World Title run or anything but I do think they are going to establish him as Smackdown's dominant monster especially seeing Umaga left...and one of the best ways to have Kane do that is by steamrolling through some of SD's biggest stars as they seem to currently be doing. Though I wouldn't be suprised to see him in more main events now, especially seeing Edge looks to be out for a while (early 2010 according to the main page) so that opens up a void in the main event which Kane may occupy. But certainly at the moment they seem to be building back his credibility as a monster/dominant force.

Overall, I don't know what to expect because one thing I've learnt over time with Kane is that management can appear to be building him up before they suddenly and often inexplicably decide otherwise, but who knows? It would be good to see Kane utilized a bit more though in my opinion...
Considering he takes out Khali and defeats Rey in his first week back, you'd think Kane is in line for a push, but they have been so inconsistent with his pushes in the past that you never know. Remember Kelly Kelly? It seemed Kane was in for a push then, and WWE decided to drop the angle out of nowhere by just saying Orton was the boyfriend and Orton used her anyway.

Anyhow, next week looks like another impressive week for Kane with another victory, this time arguably an even bigger victory. That being said, a few things might happen. Maybe Kane is defeating top stars to build him up to Khali, just so he seems equal to Khali and Khali winds up defeating Kane and Kane goes back to doing what he's always done, putting people over.

Another option is Kane defeating these top stars, beating Khali, and becoming the dominant force on Smackdown! and after a few dominant months, being upset by someone who could use a push, maybe Morrison perhaps.

Option C is my favorite, where Kane is actually beating these top stars, and then toppling the Great Khali to get involved in the World Heavyweight Title picture. If Jeff Hardy ever wins this thing and holds on to the gold for a change, Kane could be built up to be an opponent for Jeff. OR, Kane can be built up to get involved and turn the feud into a triple threat match for Summerslam. With Punk being champion and playing a 'tweener, the likelihood of him facing Jericho isn't very high. Also, if Punk retains again at Night of Champions, there's no need to do Punk and Hardy one on one for a third time, so maybe Kane would be added just to give it a new look, and etc.

Personally, I think Jeff Hardy wins the title at Night of Champions and then faces Jericho at Summerslam. For a second I thought Kane could definitely be in line for a push into the main event, but with Edge's injury now I'm not sure. With Edge and Jericho teaming together, Smackdown! would have a great upper mid-card situation going on with two main eventers not going after the World Title. With that being said, WWE might've pushed Kane into a temporary main event picture, and I kind of believed this was the plan reading spoilers ahead of time. But, I honestly think with the injury to Edge, the WWE might feel they need more star power in the main event since they don't have Edge in the mid-card and just have Jericho hop back up to the main event.
Kane has slowly died down since he dropped the mask. Not that a guy with a mask that is burnt is that exciting after 12 years either, but my point is that after Kane dropped the mask back in 2003 he comes out the next week without any facial burns. The mask and the gimmick built Kane. It is Kane. Sure, what a way to get ratings for the next three weeks but by saying that a guy who has been masked for 5 years is going to most likely loose it in a WHC match against Triple-H. The whole ora surrounding that match was amazing... but the aftermath of that, with no burns and going psycho and the "Everyone will laugh at me!" when there wasn't really anything that freakish about unmasked Kane anyway... it flopped. I reckon, the easiest way to have built up the Kane character was when he had the mask on. People dont exactly find Kane scary or badass anymore.

WWE had a chance to bring back Kane's mask with the whole MAY 19 thing... but they didn't. So yeah, Kane has lost passed his run I believe. Would I love to see Kane win another title? Hell yeah. Kane might not be retiring anytime soon, but that's only because I dont see Kane ever leaving WWE now until he leaves wrestling permanently.
I love Kane,his career has been amazing,hall of fame career worthy but after kane took off his mask,everything went straight to hell.Kane has been stale,boring,and sad to watch for the past 4-5 years,no interesting fueds,jobbing like crazy,he's gained weight,no even scary anymore,same ugly ring attire every week,Kane career has been flushed down the toilet and it's really hard to hear that.I would do anything for kane to wear his mask again and be a force to be recken with but I know it will never happen,God forbid WWE ever listens to the fans.WWE has teased us countless of times with this mask thing but they've never pulled the triger.

Kane is not even scary,he looks normal,monsters are supposed to be scary and strike fear into little kids hearts,i asked my 6-year old sister if she thought Kane was scary and she said "no,whats there to be scared of".

Kanes career has been turned into a joke and I don't think WWE will ever bring him back to the scary way he was before even though we all want it so bad

i see the future,Kane wins some matches and then goes back to jobbing and embarassing himself
He could play the role of key heel on Smackdown for a while, but it would lead to another Undertaker vs Kane feud at some point in the next year. He has feuded with Rey, and CM Punk in the past, but having him beat Kahli and Rey over the past few weeks is just to build him up to be a credible heel. We all know its just a matter of weeks before Kane starts losing to guys like Ziggler and Morrison. He's their to enhance the talent he works with and I really doubt he'll go for the World Title, last I heard he really doesnt care about title wins, he just loves to wrestle. I also doubt hes on his way out, Vince, the locker room, and almost every fan on the face of the earth love Kane.
To tell you the truth I was kinda disappointed in what happened on the last smackdown. In all my years of watching the wwe/f, I can honestly say that this was the first time I had ever seen kane running into the crowd from a fight. I mean come on, a man that withstood 3 tombstones before losing to the 3rd and final one at WM XIV is scared of a chair. The chances are of kane maintaing his current dominance are really slim. Once taker returns, kane will go back to doing what he has chosen to do over the last 3-4 years.
man kane is old, u guys shood realise that he's way past his prime. he aint gonna b no world champ. i'd say he has a good couple years left. his unmasking killed his character alot. but wwe had plenty of time to build him up again. i remember that summer, i was scared of him, when he came out with the towel, and the evil stuff he did, he cooda been world champ easily, but of course the nose didnt wanna lose it

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